Publications for Jake Lynch Publications for Jake Lynch 2015 Lynch, J. (2015). Media in peace and conflict studies. In Julia Hoffmann, Virgil Hawkins (Eds.), Communication and Peace: Mapping an emerging field, (pp. 16-33). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Lynch, J. (2015). Peace journalism: Theoretical and methodological developments. Global Media and Communication, 11(3), 193-199. <a href=" 297">[More Information]</a> Lynch, J., McGoldrick, A., Heathers, J. (2015). Psychophysiological audience responses to war journalism and peace journalism. Global Media and Communication, 11(3), 201-217. <a href=" 295">[More Information]</a> 2014 Lynch, J. (2014). A Global Standard for Reporting Conflict. New York: Routledge. Lynch, J. (2014). Critical realism, peace journalism and democracy. Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics, 11(1/2), 29-36. 2013 Lynch, J. (2013). Is Peace Journalism feasible? Pointers for research and media development. Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics, 10(2/3), 15-24. Lynch, J. (2013). Re-envisioning democratic media and ethics: Transformations in journalism, news and the digital. Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics, 10(2/3), 2-5. Lynch, J., McGoldrick, A. (2013). Responses to peace journalism. Journalism, 14(8), 1041-1058. <a href=" 175">[More Information]</a> Lynch, J. (2013). Towards a global standard for reporting conflict. In Raymond King, Victor MacGill, Roger Wescombe (Eds.), Peace in action: Practices, perspectives and policies that make a difference, (pp. 22-29). Wagga Wagga, Australia: King MacGill Wescombe Publications. 2012 Lynch, J., McGoldrick, A., Russell, A. (2012). Asylum-seeker Issues as Political Spectacle. In Daya K. Thussu, Dr. Des Freedman (Eds.), Media and Terrorism: Global Perspectives, (pp. 271-288). London: Sage Publications. Lynch, J. (2012). Conflict Interventions: The Case for a Multidisciplinary Approach. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 66(2), 265-276. <a href=" 658616">[More Information]</a> Lynch, J., McGoldrick, A. (2012). Reframing South African TV news as Peace Journalism: Interim findings from a field experiment. Communicare: Journal of Communication Sciences, 31(2), 78-98. Lynch, J. (2012). Responsibility to Protect after Libya. International Journal of Peace Studies, 16(2), 59-76. 2011 Lynch, J. (2011). Can the centre hold? Prospects for mobilising media activism around public service broadcasting using peace journalism. In Ibrahim Seaga Shaw, Jake Lynch and Robert Hackett (Eds.), Expanding Peace Journalism: comparative and critical approaches, (pp. 287-316). Sydney: Sydney University Press. Lynch, J., Hackett, R., Shaw, I. (2011). Introduction - Expanding peace journalism: comparative and critical approaches. In Ibrahim Seaga Shaw, Jake Lynch and Robert Hackett (Eds.), Expanding Peace Journalism: comparative and critical approaches, (pp. 7-31). Sydney: Sydney University Press. 2010 Lynch, J., McGoldrick, A. (2010). A Global Standard for Reporting Conflict and Peace. In Keeble, Richard Lance; Tulloch, John; Zollmann, Florian (Eds.), Peace Journalism, War and Conflict Resolution, (pp. 87-103). New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing. Lynch, J. (2010). Defending John Pilger's journalism on Israel and Palestine. Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics, 7(4), 48-55. Lynch, J., McGoldrick, A., Adnan, I. (2010). How to improve reporting of the war in Afghanistan: feminize it!. In Richard Lance Keeble, John Mair (Eds.), Afghanistan, War and the Media: Deadlines and Frontlines, (pp. 133-145). United Kingdom: Abramis (imprint arima publishing). Lynch, J. (2010). Peace Journalism. In Stuart Allan (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism, (pp. 542-554). Oxon & New York: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis. Lynch, J. (2010). Peace Journalism: Variations on a theme of Johan Galtung. In Jorgen Johansen; John Y Jones (Eds.), Experiments with Peace: A Book Celebrating Peace on Johan Galtungs 80th Birthday, (pp. 193-200). Capt Publications for Jake Lynch Town, South Africa: Pambazuka Press. Lynch, J. (2010). Propaganda, war, peace and the media. In Keeble, Richard Lance; Tulloch, John; Zollmann, Florian (Eds.), Peace Journalism, War and Conflict Resolution, (pp. 69-83). New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing. Lynch, J., Galtung, J. (2010). Reporting Conflict: New Directions in Peace Journalism. Australia: University of Queensland Press. 2009 Lynch, J. (2009). Coalition of the unwilling: the phenomenology and political economy of US militarism. In Lynda-ann Blanchard, Leah Chan (Eds.), Ending War, Building Peace, (pp. 91-112). Australia: Sydney University Press. Lynch, J. (2009). International Law and Israel's Assault on Gaza. In Reychler, Luc; Funk Deckard, Julianne; HR Villanueva, Kevin (Eds.), Building Sustainable Futures: Enacting Peace and Development, (pp. 121-131). Deusto, Spain: Deusto University Press. 2008 Lynch, J. (2008). Active and Passive Peace Journalism in Reporting of the "War on Terrorism" in the Philippines. Peace and Policy, 13, 99-113. Lynch, J. (2008). Debates in Peace Journalism. Sydney: Sydney University Press. Lynch, J. (2008). Introduction - What works and what doesn't: new directions in conflict intervention. Global Change, Peace and Security, 20(3), 237-242. <a href=" 0400">[More Information]</a> Lynch, J. (2008). Modernisation or participatory development: the emerging divide in journalist training for conflict-affected societies. Global Change, Peace and Security, 20(3), 291-304. <a href=" 0475">[More Information]</a> Lynch, J. (2008). Peace journalism and its discontents. In Wilhelm Kempf (Eds.), The Peace Journalism Controversy, (pp. 83-103). Berlin: verlag irena regener. 2007 Lynch, J. (2007). A course in Peace Journalism. Conflict and Communication, 6(1), 1-20. Lynch, J. (2007). A reply to the repliesCounterplea by Jake Lynch. Conflict and Communication, 6(2), 1-4. Elmslie, J., King, P., Lynch, J. (2007). Blundering In – the Australia-Indonesia security treaty and the humanitarian crisis in West Papua. Lynch, J. (2007). Issues in the media coverage of terrorism. Media development, 54(3), 22-27. Lynch, J., McGoldrick, A. (2007). Peace Journalism. In Charles Webel and Johan Galtung (Eds.), Handbook of peace and conflict studies, (pp. 248-264). London ; New York: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis. Lynch, J. (2007). Peace Journalism and its discontents. Conflict and Communication, 6(2), 1-13. Lynch, J. (2007). Reporting Iraq: what went right, what went wrong. Mediactive, 3, 110-126. Lynch, J., McGoldrick, A. (2007), Video: Peace Journalism in the Philippines. 2006 Lynch, J., Galtung, J., McGoldrick, A. (2006). Reporteando Confilctos. Mexico: Transcend: A Peace and Development Network. Lynch, J. (2006). What's so great about Peace Journalism? Global Media Journal: Mediterranean Edition, 1(1), 74-87. 2005 Lynch, J., McGoldrick, A. (2005). Peace Journalism. Stroud, England: Hawthorn Press. Lynch, J., McGoldrick, A. (2005). Peace Journalism in the Holy Land. Media development, 52(1), 47-49. Lynch, J., McGoldrick, A. (2005). Peace Journalism: A Global Dialogue for Democracy and Democratic Media. In Robert A. Hackett and Yuezhi Zhao (Eds.), Democratizing global media : one world, many struggles, (pp. Chapter 13). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc. Lynch, J., McGoldrick, A. (2005). War and peace journalism in the Holy Land [Paper in: Media, Mania and Government in an Age of Fear. Manning, Peter (ed.).]. Social Alternatives, 24(1), 11-15. 2004 McGoldrick, A., Lynch, J. (2004). News from the Holy Land. UNSPECIFIED. Lynch, J. (2004). Reporting the world: an ethical challenge to international news. In Marina Caparini (Eds.), Media in security and governance : the role of the news media in security oversight and accountability, (pp. 97-118). Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos. Lynch, J. (2004). Reporting the World: The Ethical Challenge to International News. In Chris Paterson and Annabelle Sreberny (Eds.), International news in the 21st century, (pp. 261-274). Eastleigh, Hants, UK: John Libbey Publications for Jake Lynch Publishing. 2003 Lynch, J. (2003). Peace Journalism in Indonesia. International Conference Agents of Peace, Jakarta: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. Lynch, J., McGoldrick, A. (2003). Tips for covering conflict. In Danny Schechter (Eds.), Media wars : news at a time of terror, (pp. 170-173). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc. 2002 McGoldrick, A., Lynch, J. (2002). From the front lines. Harvard International Review, 24(1), 74-75. Lynch, J. (2002). Impunity in Journalism. Media development, 49(2). Lynch, J. (2002). Journalist Ethics and Reporting Terrorism. The Conflict Security and Development Group Bulletin, March April 2002, 9-11. Lynch, J. (2002). Performing with Headlines in Mind. British journalism review, 13(2), 63. Lynch, J. (2002). Reporting the World: A Practical Checklist for the Ethical Reporting of Conflicts in the 21st Century. United Kingdom: Conflict & Peace Forums. 2001 Lynch, J. (2001). Jurnalisme damai: bagaimana melakukannya?. Lynch, J., McGoldrick, A. (2001). Peace Journalism in Poso. Inside Indonesia, 66. Lynch, J. (2001). Reporting the World concept document.