How Does Gender Mainstreaming Coexist with Gender Statistics in South Korea? Keynote Address

International Seminar on Gender Statistics2013
Keynote Address
How Does Gender Mainstreaming
Coexist with Gender Statistics
in South Korea?
Keum-Sook, Choe
 President of Korean Women’s
Development Institute
 Professor, Law School, Ewha
Woman’s University
 President of Korean Society of
Family Law
 Member of Korean National
Commission for UNESCO
 Member of Ministry of Health and
Welfare’s Committee on Low
Birthrate and Ageing Society
 Director of Korea Academic Research
 Chair of Justice Advisory Committee
in Ministry of Justice
In 1986, publishing the first gender statistics publication in Korea by KWDI
In 2003, Gender Mainstreaming was selected as the strategy for official
national policy on gender
 Market Work & Domestic Work by Single/Dual Earner: 2009
 Korean Women’s Economic Activity
Tools of Gender Mainstreaming
Gender Equality
Gender Mainstreaming
 "Mainstreaming a gender perspective is the process of
assessing the implications for women and men of any
planned action, including legislation, policies or
programmes, in any area and at all levels. It is a strategy
for making the concerns and experiences of women as
well as of men an integral part of the design,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies
and programmes in all political, economic and societal
spheres, so that women and men benefit equally, and
inequality is not perpetuated. The ultimate goal of
mainstreaming is to achieve gender equality."
Gender Statistics
 In a narrow sense, statistics that are disaggregated into men and women at
individual level
 In a broad sense, statistics produced and presented in order to reflect the
conditions, social contribution and needs of men and women and the
particular problems
 Ultimately, statistics made in order to show and eliminate unequal situation
by gender in various aspects of society.
(in) 2013. Guidebook on Production and Use of Gender Statistics
Gender Statistics
Framework Act on Women’s Development
Article 13 (Investigation, etc. of Women Related Affairs)
(1) If necessary for developing efficient women s policies, the Minister
of Gender Equality and Family shall conduct basic surveys and opinion
polls on problems involving women.
(2) The Minister of Gender Equality and Family shall strive to provide
information relating to women by establishing information system.
(3) When the State and local governments compile population statistics,
they shall include distinction of gender as one of major analysis units.
2. Development Process
of Gender
Statistics in Korea
Statistics Act Article 18 (Approval for Collection of
(1) In cases where the head of a statistics collecting agency intends to
collect new statistics, he/she shall obtain prior approval of the Commissioner
of the Statistics Korea on the matters prescribed by Presidential Decree,
such as name, kind, purposes, subject matters of survey, methodology of
survey, gender distinction in the matters of survey, etc. The same shall
apply in cases where he/she intends to change the approved matters or
to suspend the collection of statistics that have been approved.
2. Development Process
of Gender
Statistics in Korea
Statistics Act Article 6 (Designation and
Management of Staff in Charge of Statistics)
(1) The heads of statistics collecting agencies shall designate and manage
a staff member in charge of statistics from among the staff under their
control, and have him/her administer overall business in the following
subparagraphs concerning the collection, dissemination and use of statistics
under jurisdiction. In such case, the scope of a person subject to designation
shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree: <Amended by Act No. 10196, Mar.
31, 2010>
1. Business of integration, coordination and quality control of statistics
duty of the statistics collecting agency and an agency under its jurisdiction;
2. Business concerning cooperation with other statistics collecting agencies;
3. Business concerning the collection and distribution of gender statistics
classified by gender, if natural persons are included in statistics;
4. Other businesses concerning the collection, dissemination and use
of statistics under jurisdiction.
2. Development Process
of Gender
Statistics in Korea
Publishing Gender Statistics by Local Governments(1997~)
2. Development Process
of Gender
Statistics in Korea
Publishing Statistical Handbook “Women in Korea” by KWDI
Gender Impact Assessment
 Gender impact assessment is a system which contributes to the
government policies to achieve the realization of gender equality by
analyzing and evaluating factors in gender inequalities during the process
of government’s establishment of main policies and implementation.
Gender Impact Assessment
Framework Act on Women’s Development
Article 10(Analysis, Assessment, etc. of Policies)
(1) The State and local governments shall, in the process of developing and
implementing policies under their jurisdiction, in advance analyze and assess
effects of such policies on women’s rights and interests, women’s participation
in society, etc.
(2) The Minister of Gender Equality and Family may render support necessary
for the analysis and assessment of policies under paragraph(1) and provide
advice suggestions thereon to the State and local governments.<Amended by
Act No.9932, Jan 18, 2010>
(3) Necessary matters concerning standard, etc. for analyzing and assessing
policies under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. [This
Article Wholly Amended by Act No.9126, Jun 13, 2008]
Gender Impact Assessment
Gender Impact Analysis and Assessment Act
Government bodies
2. Development Process
of Gender
Statistics in Korea
National Finance Act Article 16 (Budgeting Principles)
5. The government should evaluate the impact of public expenditures on women
and men and try to reflect the results on the national budgetary allocation
National Finance Act Article 26 (Preparation of Gender Budget Statement)
National Finance Act Article 57 (Preparation of Gender Budget Balance Sheet)
National Finance Act Article 68_2 (Preparation of Gender-Sensitive Fund Management Plans)
Local Finance Act Article 36_2 (Preparation and Submit of
Gender Budget Statement)
Local Finance Act Article 53_2 (Preparation and Submit of Gender Budget
Balance Sheet)
2. Development Process
of Gender
Statistics in Korea
Central government bodies
2013FIY Projects, Local government
GIA and GB promote GS
Case: Invitation Programme of Trainees to Korea
Source: Korean Women’s Development Institute
Case: Invitation Programme of Trainees to Korea
 Difficulties incorporating a gender
perspective into the training
 Incorporating of a gender
perspective into the training
 Existence of gender gaps in
 Encouraging participation of
female trainees
Increase in female trainees
Source: KWDI(2012),100 Examples of Gender-Impact Analysis and Assessment Changing Women and Men's Lives
Case: Support Programme for the Vocational Capability of the Disabled
Source: Korea Employment Agency for the Disabled
Case: Support Programme for the Vocational Capability of the Disabled
 Low participation rate of disabled
females in vocational training in
proportion to the total number of
disabled females
 Proportion of disabled females in
Leading to gender
inequalities in policy benefits
 Increased opportunities for
disabled females to take part in
vocational training
Increased participation rate of
disabled females in private
training institutions
Source: KWDI(2012),100 Examples of Gender-Impact Analysis and Assessment Changing Women and Men's Lives
Case: Oral Health Service for Senior Citizens
Case: Oral Health Service for Senior Citizens
 Gender differences in the needs of
oral health service users were not
- The severe problem of oral health
amongst female senior citizens (aged
above 65)
 Based upon systematic genderdisaggregated statistics, the
programme has been redesigned
 Establishment of a budget and
programme planning according to
gender needs.
 Encouraging women to make use
of the service
 Enlargement of letter size in
printed brochures, simplification
of contents, and proactive
Source: KWDI(2012),100 Examples of Gender-Impact Analysis and Assessment Changing Women and Men's Lives
Case: Programme to Support Re-employment
Source: Weekly Gonggam(
Case: Programme to Support Re-employment
 Difficulty in identification of
relevant factors affecting the low
rate of women selected for the
- Little gender-disaggregation in the
statistics of satisfaction level of
 Identification of the gender
differences in the rate of
participation and the level of
satisfaction through the
production of gender statistics
 Enhancing the access of
unemployment-vulnerable groups
Increase in women’s participation
Source: KWDI(2012),100 Examples of Gender-Impact Analysis and Assessment Changing Women and Men's Lives
GIA and GB promote GS in new areas
Area of GIA in 2012 Basic Local Government
GIA and GB promote Local Level of GS
South Korea’s local governments are very actively
participated in the running of GIA and GB
The need of gender statistics in the level of both regional
and basic local governments are increasing.
The Meaning of S. Korea’s Experience
1. South Korea provides the example of
triplet of gender mainstreaming.
2. There is an important need for the
production of gender statistics in new
3. We need to consider the production of
locally specified gender statistics with
local governments.
Thank You!