Spring 2010 Dante II ITL 390K (37080), crosslisted with MDV 392M (41425): TTH 11-12:30 in MEZ 2.122 Guy P. Raffa, Dept. of French and Italian, HRH 3.104A; 471-6390 E-mail: guyr@uts.cc.utexas.edu; Home page: http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~guyr Course Conducted in English; Reading Knowledge of Italian Required This course is the second half of a two-semester sequence focused on Dante’s Commedia and his other works. This semester we will read the second half of the Purgatorio (cantos 18-33), the Paradiso, books 2 and 4 of the Convivio, the De vulgari eloquentia, and the Eclogues. Placing our close reading of these texts within a series of literary, intellectual, and historical contexts, we will attend to Dante's engagement with works by classical authors (Virgil, Ovid, Lucan, Statius, Cicero) and other medieval poets, philosophers, and theologians. The Danteworlds commentary and the complementary Web site (http://danteworlds.laits.utexas.edu) will provide much of this background material and help guide your reading of the Commedia. Since a goal of the course is to become familiar with major voices in Dante Studies, our discussion of Dante's works will be informed by selected works of criticism (available on Blackboard). Twice during the semester you are required to write a brief response—both descriptive and analytical—to one of these critical works. For your final research paper (25-30 pages, with full documentation) you are encouraged to revise and expand your paper from Dante I. You are expected to attend class regularly, to be well prepared, and to participate actively in class discussion. Grading Policy Two 500-1000 word critical responses (10% each): 20% Research project (paper and presentation): 50% Class preparation and participation: 30% Required Texts: Purgatorio (Garzanti, 2008); Paradiso (Garzanti, 2006); Convivio (Garzanti, 2005); De vulgari eloquentia (Cambridge, 1996). Optional: The Complete Danteworlds: A Reader's Guide to the Divine Comedy (Chicago, 2009) Critical Works on Blackboard and PCL Reserve (with indication of assigned pages) Wetherbee, The Ancient Flame: Dante and the Poets (161-88, 196-202), Musa, Advent at the Gates (111-28), Hawkins, Dante's Testaments: Essays in Scriptural Imagination (54-71, 15979), Singleton, Dante Studies 2: Journey to Beatrice (15-38), Mazzotta, Dante's Vision and the Circle of Knowledge (34-55, 154-96), Barolini, Dante's Poets (57-84), Havely, Dante and the Franciscans (123-53), Schnapp, Transfiguration of History at the Center of Dante's "Paradise" (14-35), Raffa, Divine Dialectic (147-64, 178-86), Ascoli, Dante and the Making of a Modern Author (67-129), Cestaro, Dante and the Grammar of the Nursing Body (49-76), Moevs, Metaphysics of Dante's "Comedy" (147-67), Botterill, Dante and the Mystical Tradition (64107), Freccero, Poetics of Conversion (245-57) ITL 390K (37080): Additional Information Grading and Plagiarism All assignments will be graded on a 100 point scale and converted to letter grades consistent with university policy: A (94-100) = 4.0, A- (90-93) = 3.67, B+ (88-89) = 3.3, B (84-87) = 3.0, B- (80-83) = 2.67, C+ (78-79) = 2.3, C (74-77) = 2.0, C- (70-73) = 1.67, D+ (68-69) = 1.3, D (64-67) = 1.0, D- (60-63) = 0.67, F (below 60) = 0.0 Plagiarism, intentional or not, will result in an automatic F on the assignment as well as possible disciplinary action. For the definition of plagiarism and the University's policy on it, see: http://deanofstudents.utexas.edu/sjs/scholdis.php Required University Notices and Policies University of Texas Honor Code The core values of The University of Texas at Austin are learning, discovery, freedom, leadership, individual opportunity, and responsibility. Each member of the university is expected to uphold these values through integrity, honesty, trust, fairness, and respect toward peers and community. Documented Disability Statement The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact Services for Students with Disabilities at 471-6259 (voice) or 232-2937 (video phone) or http://www.utexas.edu/diversity/ddce/ssd Use of E-Mail for Official Correspondence to Students E-mail is recognized as an official mode of university correspondence; therefore, you are responsible for reading your e-mail for university and course-related information and announcements. You are responsible to keep the university informed about changes to your e-mail address. You should check your e-mail regularly and frequently—I recommend daily, but at minimum twice a week—to stay current with university-related communications, some of which may be time-critical. You can find UT Austin’s policies and instructions for updating your e-mail address at http://www.utexas.edu/its/policies/emailnotify.php Religious Holy Days By UT Austin policy, you must notify me of your pending absence at least fourteen days prior to the date of observance of a religious holy day. If you must miss a class, an examination, a work assignment, or a project in order to observe a religious holy day, I will give you an opportunity to complete the missed work within a reasonable time after the absence. Behavior Concerns Advice Line (BCAL) If you are worried about someone who is acting differently, you may use the Behavior Concerns Advice Line to discuss by phone your concerns about another individual’s behavior. This service is provided through a partnership among the Office of the Dean of Students, the Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC), the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), and The University of Texas Police Department (UTPD). Call 512-232-5050 or visit http://www.utexas.edu/safety/bcal Dante II: Spring 2010 1/19: Course Overview; Purgatorio 17-19 (Abbot of Saint Zeno, Pope Adrian V) 1/21: Purgatorio 20-22 (Hugh Capet, Statius) 1/26: Purgatorio 23-24 (Forese Donati, Bonagiunta da Lucca); Wetherbee, The Ancient Flame: Dante and the Poets (161-88, 196-202) 1/28: Purgatorio 25-27 (Guinizzelli, Arnaut Daniel); Musa, Advent at the Gates (111-28) 2/2: Purgatorio 28-30 (Matelda); Hawkins, Dante's Testaments: Essays in Scriptural Imagination (54-71, 159-79) 2/4: Purgatorio 31-33 (Beatrice); Singleton, Dante Studies 2: Journey to Beatrice (15-38) 2/9: Paradiso 1-2 (Moon) 2/11: Paradiso 3-5 (Moon); Mazzotta, Dante's Vision and the Circle of Knowledge (34-55) 2/16: Paradiso 6-7 (Mercury) 2/18: Paradiso 8-9 (Venus); Barolini, Dante's Poets (57-84) 2/23: Convivio, Book 2 2/25: Paradiso 10-11 (Sun) 3/2: Paradiso 12-13 (Sun); Havely, Dante and the Franciscans (123-53) 3/4: Paradiso 14-15 (Mars); Schnapp, Transfiguration of History at the Center of Dante's "Paradise" (14-35) 3/9: Paradiso 16-17 (Mars); Raffa, Divine Dialectic (147-64, 178-86) 3/11: Paradiso 18-20 (Jupiter) SPRING BREAK 3/23: Convivio, Book 4, chapters 1-17 3/25: Convivio, Book 4, chapters 18-30; Ascoli, Dante and the Making of a Modern Author (67129) 3/30: Paradiso 21-22 (Saturn); Mazzotta, Dante's Vision (154-73) 4/1: Paradiso 23-24 (Fixed Stars) 4/6: Paradiso 25-26 (Fixed Stars); Mazzotta, Dante's Vision (174-96, 270-75) 4/8: De vulgari eloquentia 4/13: Cestaro, Dante and the Grammar of the Nursing Body (49-76); Paradiso 27-28 (Fixed Stars, Primum Mobile) 4/15: Paradiso 29-30 (Primum Mobile, Empyrean); Moevs, Metaphysics of Dante's "Comedy" (147-67) 4/20: Paradiso 31-32 (Empyrean); Botterill, Dante and the Mystical Tradition (64-107) 4/22: No Class (individual conferences on 4/19-21) 4/27: Paradiso 33 (Empyrean); Freccero, Poetics of Conversion (245-57) 4/29: Eclogues; Paper Editing (complete draft of research paper due) 5/4: Research Presentations 5/6: Research Presentations; Research Paper Due