Unified Student Government Association Loyola University Chicago Legislation of the Senate

Unified Student Government Association
Loyola University Chicago
Legislation of the Senate
To be filed by the Secretary
The Election Board Revision Act:
To Clarify the Construction of The Election Board
Chiefly Sponsored By:
Senator Ryan Kelley
Co-Sponsored By:
The Constitutional Review Board
The Election Board Revision Act:
To Clarify the Construction of The Election Board
It is the responsibility of the Senate to establish the Election Board prior to
any external election of the USGA, and
According to the USGA Code, Title 2, §7 (C): “The USGA Election
Board shall have the power to interpret the laws of the USGA regarding
the conduct of elections,” and
The Election Board does not require the power to create or sponsor
legislation in order to carry out its assigned responsibilities,
Be it resolved that the responsibilities of the Election Board do not
necessitate a Special Committee of the Senate, and thus the Election Board
shall no longer be included in Title 1 The Legislature of the USGA
Constitution, and
Be it resolved that the following shall be removed from the USGA
Constitution, Title 1, §7 (B) The Special Committees shall be:
(iii) Elections Board
The Elections Board shall convene prior to any external election of
the USGA and shall concern itself strictly with the administration
of those elections.
Be it resolved, the following shall be added to the duties of the Speaker of
the Senate beneath the position’s description in the USGA Constitution:
Title 1, §4 (A) Speaker of the Senate
(i) The Speaker shall establish an Election Board prior to any
external election of the USGA.
(a) Spring Election Board shall be established by the
penultimate meeting of the Fall Semester of the term.
(b) Fall Election Board shall be established by the
penultimate meeting of the Spring Semester of the new
Be it resolved, in order to clarify the composition of the Election Board,
the USGA Code, Title 2, §7 (A) Composition shall be amended to read as
The Election Board shall consist of five members nominated and
elected by the Senate. Members shall be current USGA members.
No individual who is a candidate for election and/or is
participating in the campaign of any other individual for office in
the USGA shall be nominated for, or serve on the Election Board.
Be it resolved, in order to clarify the terms of dissolution of the Election
Board for a given term, the following shall be added to the USGA Code,
Title 1, §7 Election Board:
(E) Dissolution. The Election Board for any given term shall
dissolve within one week of Senate’s confirmation of the election.
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