MRS. ANDREA H. DAVIS THEME: Community Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter
February 13, 2016
Key Measure:
THEME: Community
UNIT: Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is a special day for showing love and celebrating
*PHONEMIC AWARENESS AND PHONICS: We focused on phoneme /v/. The
children made the book Vam Vampire which has several vocabulary words
beginning with letter /v/ throughout the story. Auditory learners are good at
listening for the /v/ sound in those words when they are read aloud. Visual
learners are good at seeking out letter /v/ in the beginning (vest), middle
(eleven) and end (love) of the words in the text.
*SPEAKING: We are making an effort to speak in a voice that is audible - some
kids have NO trouble with this :), but others do, so we’re all focusing on adjusting
our speaking volume to the correct setting ie classroom, hallway, playground.
*WRITING: The students are acquiring experience writing their last names, which
is now an expectation. Also, we are trying to move from just labeling our
drawings to writing full sentences about our drawings. This gets easier with
The students are practicing making a book with the same
subject/idea on each page. After reading any story with your child, it’s a good
practice to point out the beginning, middle and ending of the story.
*LISTENING: At the Listening center, we heard “The Lollipop Dragon’s Valentine.”
We illustrated what we were hearing.
*READING: We read these books: Arthur’s Valentine, How About a Hug,
Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch, My Love for You, One Zillion Valentines and
Franklin's Valentines.
We made some special Valentine cards for loved ones and friends, sang some
fun love songs and played a cooperative skipping game for numeral
recognition. Cooperation and good sportsmanship are really stressed in our
We played Circle Countdown by spelling out the words F-I-V-E and E-L-E-V-E-N
and again by having these numbers sit down 5, 7, 11, 12 and 17. Ask why!
*MUSICAL: We sing so many fun songs in Kindergarten. Singing songs helps
increase vocabulary, word meaning, rhyming, verbal expression, creative
dramatics and following directions, not to mention that it’s fun to sing! Ask your
child to teach you the song “Skinna-Marink.”
*MOVEMENT: We played a fun game of musical chairs, only we used big
Valentine’s with numerals instead of chairs. A gross-motor activity with numeral
recognition also - perfect for 5 & 6 year olds!
The students recorded the amount of time it took them to complete the puzzle
of Valentine hearts on the classroom computer.
**Monday, Feb 15 – No school – Teacher Workday
**LATE START Thursday, Feb 25 – School starts at 10:40 a.m.
**Friday, March 4th – Parent/Teacher conf day – no school
**Spring Break is Mar 14 through Mar 18 - No school 
**LATE START Thursday, Mar 31 – School starts at 10:40 a.m.
**Friday, April 1 - Dynamic Dads
**Friday, May 6 - Dynamic Dads
**May 18th – 10:15-11:15 am – KDG Celebration of Learning (our spring open house,
during the school day)
Thanks for all the special Valentine treats! Enjoy your 3-day
Andrea Davis