World War I

World War I
It was supposed to be
"The War to End All Wars."
• For over four years World
War I raged on, leaving in
its wake a toll of death and
destruction such as the
world had never seen.
The Roots of War
European Powder Keg
• Four Sources of Conflict
• Building a strong military
–Protect Colonies
–Display strength
–Domination of the seas
• Great Britain / Germany
–Domination of the ground
• Russia / Germany
• Tied countries together in a series of
binding military treaties making way for
countries to go to war against each
other knowing someone would back
them up.
• Triple Alliance – Austro-Hungarian
Empire, Germany, and Italy
• Triple Entente – France, Great Britain,
If You…
• Growth in a countries size – outside
• Asia, Africa, South America
• Colonial Countries = Power to
European Powers
• RACE to be the most powerful
• European populations devoted to the
interests of their own nations.
– Germany / Italy
– Colonial Competition – inspired patriotic
• European ethnic minorities under
foreign rule often fiercely nationalistic
and desired independence.
WWI - Begins
• The Powder Keg Explodes –
–June 28, 1914 –
Assassination of
Archduke Ferdinand
and wife Sofia by a
Serbian Nationalist.
Austro – Hungarian
• Attempted to control the Balkan
•Annexed the region
of BosiniaHerzegoveina in
•Created Ethnicity
•Serbia opposes this
control – Secret
society plots to
assassinate the
Austria – Hungary Outraged
• Gives Serbia a list of demands –
–Harsh demands or face war.
• Serbia = Full Russian support
–Refuses to accept the demands.
Alliances – Send Europe
Into War
• Austria-Hungary declares war on July 28.
• Within a week – most of Europe goes to
war with each other.
U.S. Relationship With Europe
• “The U.S. should stay out of the affairs
of Europe” George Washington
• Woodrow Wilson has announced during
the summer of 1914 that the U.S. will
stay neutral in the affairs of Europe.
• This becomes virtually impossible when
Europe explodes in war.
Wilson Declares Neutrality
• Most Americans could trace
their heritage to one of
these European countries –
creating feelings of
animosity among those
living in the U.S.
• Due to closer ties with
Britain and France – the U.S.
unconsciously supporting
the Allied Powers.
Bloody Stalemate
• There would not be a
quick victory for either
– “It’s going to be a long
war, in spite of the fact
that on both sides every
single man in it wants it
stopped at once.”
Winston Churchill
Modern Weaponry
• Proves to be far more deadly than anything
used in previous wars.
– Machine Guns
– Mechanized Cannons
– Poisonous Gas
Trench Warfare
• 475 miles – Switzerland to the North
–Treacherous mud
–Icy water –
ruining weapons
–Disease – trench
Belgian troops entrenched along a railway line
Lewis light machine gun team
Dismounted German Hussars holding
first-line trenches at Verdun
U.S. Remains Neutral
•American’s were horrified
by the brutality of the war.
•Volunteers help out
•American Red Cross
•American Ambulance Corps
•French Foreign Legion (individuals
• U.S. will trade with both sides.
• British Naval Blockade keeps
U.S. from trading with Central
Powers forcing them to take a
• $$$$ becomes very important
for the U.S. during this war… the
first time the U.S. is not a
debtor nation. Puts them in a
very powerful position at the
end of the war!
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
• German U-Boats violate international law.
• Britain’s naval superiority was challenged by
German technology in underwater sea power.
Britain’s Naval Blockade
• February 1915 – Germany announces
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare.
• Waters around England declared a war zone.
• Breaking International Law – forbidding naval
ships to sink another ship without advanced
Response to German’s
Unrestricted Warfare
• Allies and U.S. appalled
• President Wilson warns Germany that it will be
held accountable for any American losses at
– Central Powers – Know they cannot win if the U.S.
enters against them.
– Promise not to fire on any neutral ships unless they
enter the war zone around Britain.
– U-Boats sink over 90 ships.
The Lusitania
• British Passenger Liner
• Newspaper Ad – Germany
Embassy Warning to sail at your
own risk.
– 2,000 on board
– 1,200 die
– 125 Americans
– 128 Children
Wilson Campaigns for Neutrality
• Americans are outraged
– Call for a repeal of the neutrality
– Wilson strongly condemns Germany but
remains committed to the U.S. stance of
– Germany – still not wanting the U.S.
involved in the war - APOLOGIZES
Tensions Continue to Rise
• Three Americans killed in 1916 after
a U-Boat fires on an unarmed
French Ship in the English Channel.
• Wilson threatens to break
diplomatic relations if Germany
does not stop violating international
The Zimmerman Telegram
• Telegram sent by German foreign secretary –
Arthur von Zimmerman to German
ambassador in Mexico – Jan. 1917.
U.S. Declares War on Germany
• April 2, 1917 – Wilson
concedes “neutrality is
no longer feasible
where the peace of the
world is involved.”
• World should be made
safe for democracy.
U.S. Mobilization
• April 1917 – U.S.
completely unprepared
– Draft
– War Production Board –
Industry and Agriculture
– increase production to
meet war time needs.
– Propaganda Campaigns
• CPI – Committee on
Public Information
• “Four-Minute Men”
Effects of Propaganda
• “World Safe for Democracy” – U.S.
practicing undemocratic ideas.
– Espionage Act of 1917
– Sedition Act of 1918
– Widespread rejection of anything German
American Troops
• Excitement for the unknown (many
never left their hometown)
• Scared to death – Horrors of war
• Unprepared –
• General Pershing –
• New troops help the
war weary Allies
push back the
German troops.
• U.S. Naval fleets
assist the British
navy in dealing with
Russia’s Leaves the War
• Revolutions in 1917 lead to Russia exiting the
war early.
• This would allow Germany and Austria to
focus all their attention on the Western Front.
Lenin’s calls for
Peace, Land, and
Allied Powers Struggle
• With Russia out on the Eastern front the
Allies will continue to struggle on the
Western Front to defeat the Central Powers
• U.S. Declares war in April 1917 – but very few
troops see any action until the summer of
• Influenza – Strikes all forces and the world –
leaves Germany and Austria-Hungary
Victory for the Allies
• Central Powers are so wore down by the Fall
of 1918 individual powers are seeking an
armistice as quickly as possible from the
Allied Powers –
• Wilson becomes the chief peace negotiator.
• Germany keeps holding out for a more
favorable armistice but in the end come out
with the harshest of all treaties (Treaty of
Wilson’s Fourteen Points
• Wilson came up with a plan for Peace – The
Fourteen Points –
• He didn’t believe in Revenge and called for a
“Peace without victory”
• Wilson toted his Fourteen Points all over
Europe in an effort to bring the war to a close
and Germany’s surrender was based on many
of the ideas in Wilson’s Fourteen Points.
Highlights of the 14 Points
• Countries all over the world would have “SelfDetermination”
• Free Trade – No more Tariffs
• An End to secret Alliances (Pacts) between
• Freedom of the Seas
• Arms Reduction
• The forming of a world organization – a
League of Nations
Treaty of Versailles
• Most of Wilson’s points were left out of
the Treaty.
• Germany comes out of the Treaty with a
huge War Debt and takes all the blame
for the war.
• The US refused to join the League of
• Summer of 1918 – Flu spread around
the world killing more than 20
million people.
–Bird Flu / Swine Flu
–Spread most rapidly in Cities
–Killed very quickly.
Red Scare
• Afraid of Russia and the Communist Revolution
• Most Americans were not interested in
Communism but as the US struggled for a
return to NORMALACY after WWI, anything
different was often referred to as Communist.
• Palmer Raids – Wilson’s Attorney General –
Went on a Witch Hunt!
• Sacco and Vanzetti – Italians immigrants
accused of murdering a paymaster and his
guard at a shoe factory. Even today their guilt
is doubted.