ACD calibrations What information do we need to operate the ACD?

ACD calibrations
What information do we need to operate the ACD?
Channel by Channel information
Singles rates
Used to configure hardware
Pedestals (mean and rms)
MIP peaks (mean and width)
Used in offline reconstruction
System information
Veto efficiency
CNO efficiency
Where can we get that information?
Charge injection calibrations
Muon calibrations
On Orbit? Protons?
Talking about these
Calibration & Monitoring Paths
ACD SW scalars
ACD Ntuples
ROOT Files
(digi, recon, merit)
Cuts and filters
Channel by Channel
Fitting and extraction routines
Calibrations Constants
Monitoring plots,
What exists so far
From ACD
C++ script to read ACD ntuple (in ROOT)
Extracts pedestals (MPV)
Uses correlations for angular selection
Extracts MIP peaks
Fits to 7th order polynomial
Generates tables of pedestals & MIP peak values
From Xin
C++ script to read digi/recon ROOT files
Extracts pedestals (mean, RMS)
Uses muon direction for angular correction
Extracts MIP peaks
Fits to Landau distribution
Generates tables for pedestals & MIP peak values
What knobs do we have?
In hardware
Channel by channel HV settings?
Channel by channel accepts thresholds?
Veto thresholds in HW?
In reconstruction software
Can (should) SW veto threshold differ from HW?
Correction for track angle
Correction for tile non-uniformity