Personification Riddle Poems A Mighty Call

Personification Riddle Poems
A Mighty Call
I have no lungs but give a mighty call.
I am biggest in the spring but do not grow more tall.
I am dangerous and powerful, but just a sparkling wall.
I come down hard but barely move at all.
What am I?
A Fiery Redhead
1. I am a fiery redhead.
2. I have a "hot" temper.
3. My family and I are packed in our house like sardines.
4. But at least when I am home I am safe.
5. "Oh, no! My sister is being taken away! She dies in a flash…only to provide energy
for some human."
6. I am sure the song "Come on, Baby, Light my Fire" was written with my family in
7. I light your fireplace, candles, and barbecue grills.
What am I?
I am a MATCH!
Phil Tuloo Riddles
I begin in the morning…
…at sunrise
…and last until sunset
“yester” is always the one before
“to” is the one right now
“Tomorrow is always another…
There are 365 of me in each year
Night is my opposite
I hope you have a nice…
Standing Tall
I am filled with thoughts, speeches, and endless information.
Without bones or joints, I stand tall with pride.
I have millions of brothers and sisters.
One person can experience thousands of my family in his lifetime.
Yet no two of me are completely the same.
My spine holds me together.
What am I?
Answer: A book
Racing Around the World
I run around the world,
Racing through many continents all at the same time.
My trail is marked in some areas, but mostly my trail is covered in water.
You can see me from space and many people look at me every day.
What am I?
Hint: I am measured by latitude and longitude.
Answer: The Equator
I bring joy to many…
And have done so since the beginning of time.
I am written in a language spoken by almost every
person in the world
My language is taught in almost every school.
You can buy books of me, and many do.
But my energy must be composed.
What am I?
One more hint: Many like my beat and dance to me.
I am Musical Notes