Publications for Catherine Driscoll 2015


Publications for Catherine Driscoll


Watkins, M., Noble, G., Driscoll, C. (2015).

Cultural Pedagogies and Human Conduct .

Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. <a href=""

>[More Information]</a>

Driscoll, C. (2015). Gamer Girls. In Fanny

Lignon (Eds.), Genre et jeux video , (pp.

179-216). Toulouse: Presses universitaires de


Fuller, S., Driscoll, C. (2015). HBO's Girls: gender, generation, and quality television.

Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural

Studies , 29(2), 253-262. <a href="

1022941">[More Information]</a>

Watkins, M., Noble, G., Driscoll, C. (2015).

Pedagogy: The unsaid of socio-cultural theory.

In Megan Watkins, Greg Noble, Catherine

Driscoll (Eds.), Cultural Pedagogies and Human

Conduct , (pp. 1-16). Abingdon, Oxon:


Driscoll, C. (2015). The Doll Machine: Dolls,

Modernism, Experience. In Miriam

Forman-Brunell and Jennifer Dawn Whitney

(Eds.), Doll Studies: The Many Meanings of

Girls' Toys and Play , (pp. 185-204). New York:

Peter Lang Publishing.

Grealy, L., Driscoll, C. (2015). The plastic adolescent: Classification and minority. In

Megan Watkins, Greg Noble, Catherine Driscoll

(Eds.), Cultural Pedagogies and Human

Conduct , (pp. 63-77). Abingdon, Oxon:



Driscoll, C. (2014). Afterword: Imagine

Becoming Someone. In Timothy Shary (Eds.),

Generation Multiplex: The Image of Youth in

American Cinema Since 1980 , (pp. 303-308).

Austin: University of Texas Press.

Black, P., Driscoll, C. (2014). Editorial.

Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural

Studies , 28(6), 749-750. <a href="

972086">[More Information]</a>

Driscoll, C., Morris, M. (2014). Gender, Media and Modernity in the Asia-Pacific . London:


Grealy, L., Driscoll, C. (2014). International

Media Classification and Minority. In Andrea

Limberto et al (Eds.), Communication and

Control . Intercom.

Driscoll, C., Morris, M. (2014). Introduction:

Gender, modernity and media in the

Publications for Catherine Driscoll

Asia-Pacific. In Catherine Driscoll, Meaghan

Morris (Eds.), Gender, Media and Modernity in the Asia-Pacific . London: Routledge.

Driscoll, C. (2014). Nowhere to go, nothing to do: place, desire, and country girlhood. Girlhood

Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal , 7(1),

121-137. <a href="

">[More Information]</a>

Black, P., Driscoll, C. (2014). Special Issue on

Materialities. <i>Continuum: Journal of Media

& Cultural

Studies</i>, 28(6).

Driscoll, C. (2014). Subjects of Distance: The modernity of the Australian country girl. In

Catherine Driscoll, Meaghan Morris (Eds.),

Gender, Media and Modernity in the

Asia-Pacific . London: Routledge.

Driscoll, C. (2014). The Australian Country Girl:

History, Image, Experience . Farnham &

Burlington: Ashgate.


Driscoll, C. (2013). Bourdieu. In C.E. Winquist

& V.E. Taylor (Eds.), Routledge Encyclopedia of

Postmodernism . New York: Routledge.

Driscoll, C. (2013). Cultural Studies. In C.E.

Winquist & V.E. Taylor (Eds.), Routledge

Encyclopedia of Postmodernism . New York:


Black, P., Allon, F., Driscoll, C., Probyn, E.,

Race, K., Redden, G. (2013). Editorial

Introduction. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies , 14(3),

427-431. <a href="

804978">[More Information]</a>

Driscoll, C. (2013). Foreword. In Kate Harper,

Yasmina Katsulis, Vera Lopez, Georganne

Scheiner Gillis (Eds.), Girls Sexualities and the

Media , (pp. xi-xv). New York: Peter Lang


Driscoll, C., Morris, M. (2013). Introduction:

Gender, modernity and media in the

Asia-Pacific. Cultural Studies , 27(2), 165-185.

<a href="

738635">[More Information]</a>

Driscoll, C. (2013). Kristeva. In C.E. Winquist

& V.E. Taylor (Eds.), Routledge Encyclopedia of

Postmodernism . New York: Routledge.

Driscoll, C., Grealy, L. (2013). Media

Classification and Parental Guidance

(Classificacao etaria e orientacao parental). In

Mayra Rodrigues Gomes (Eds.), Comunicacao e controle: Observacoes sobre liberdade, controle e interdicao de expressao (Communication and

Publications for Catherine Driscoll control: Notes on freedom, control and interdicted expression) , (pp. 61-82). Sao Paulo:


Driscoll, C. (2013). She's All That: Girl

Sexuality and Teen Film. In Kate Harper,

Yasmina Katsulis, Vera Lopez, Georganne

Scheiner Gillis (Eds.), Girls Sexualities and the

Media , (pp. 93-108). New York: Peter Lang


Driscoll, C., Morris, M. (2013). Special Issue on

Gender, Modernity and Media in the

Asia-Pacific. Cultural Studies , 27(2).

Driscoll, C. (2013). Subjects of Distance: The modernity of the Australian country girl.

Cultural Studies , 27(2), 186-206. <a href="

738636">[More Information]</a>

Driscoll, C. (2013). The Mystique of the Young

Girl. Feminist Theory: an international interdisciplinary journal , 14(3), 285-294. <a href="

847">[More Information]</a>


Black, P., Driscoll, C. (2012). Don, Betty and

Jackie Kennedy: On Mad Men and Periodisation.

Cultural Studies Review , 18(2), 188-206.

Lea, T., Driscoll, C. (2012). Evaluation of The

Smith Family's Girls at the Centre Program

Centralian Middle School, Alice Springs , April

2012, (pp. 5 - 60). Sydney, Australia: The

University of Sydney.

Driscoll, C. (2012). Girl Culture and the

"Twilight" Franchise. In Anne Morey (Eds.),

Genre Reception And Adaptation In The Twilight

Series , (pp. 95-112). Surrey, UK: Ashgate.

Black, P., Driscoll, C. (2012). Strapped to the drainpipe: Emma Peel and the vinyl catsuit. The

Australasian Journal of Popular Culture , 1(1),

67-76. <a href="">[

More Information]</a>


Driscoll, C., Garland, C., Hickey-Moody, A.

(2011). (Hetero)sexing the Child: Hans, Alice and the Repressive Hypothesis. In Frida

Beckman (Eds.), Deleuze and Sex , (pp. 117-134).

Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press.

Driscoll, C. (2011). Becoming a Country Girl:

Gough, Kate, the CWA, and Me. In Mary

Celeste Kearney (Eds.), Mediated Girlhoods: new explorations of girls media culture , (pp.

133-149). New York, US: Peter Lang Publishing.

Driscoll, C., Gregg, M. (2011). Convergence

Culture and the Legacy of Feminist Cultural

Studies. Cultural Studies , 25(4-5), 566-584. <a href="

600549">[More Information]</a>

Driscoll, C. (2011). Modernism, Cinema,

Adolescence: Another History for Teen Film.

Screening The Past , (32), 1-17.

Driscoll, C. (2011). Teen Film: A Critical

Introduction . Oxford, UK: Berg Publishers.


Driscoll, C. (2010). Bronze Things; Things of

Bronze: Popular Music Cultures in Buffy the

Vampire Slayer. In Paul Attinello, Janet K.

Halfyard, Vanessa Knights (Eds.), Music, Sound and Silence in Buffy the Vampire Slayer , (pp.

111-130). Surrey: Ashgate.

Driscoll, C. (2010). Chanel: The Order of

Things. Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress

Body and Culture , 14(2), 135-158. <a href="

65093381504">[More Information]</a>

Driscoll, C. (2010). Modernist Cultural Studies .

Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

Driscoll, C., Gregg, M. (2010). My profile: The ethics of virtual ethnography. Emotion, Space and Society , 3(1), 15-20. <a href="

1.012">[More Information]</a>

Driscoll, C. (2010). On Popular Music: Teaching

Modernist Cultural Studies. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies , 24(4), 517-532.

<a href="

658">[More Information]</a>


Driscoll, C., Gregg, M. (2008). Broadcast

Yourself: Moral Panic, Youth Culture and

Internet Studies. In U Rodriguez and B Smaill

(Eds.), Youth, Media and Culture in the

Asia-Pacific Region , (pp. 71-86). Newcastle,

United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars


Driscoll, C. (2008). Girl Culture Capital in

"Girls’ Studies Forum'. Proceedings from the

International Communication Association conference, 2007. Journal of Children and

Media , , 78-79.

Driscoll, C. (2008). Girls Today: Girls, Girl

Culture and Girlhood Studies. Girlhood Studies:

An Interdisciplinary Journal , 1(1), 13-32. <a href="

">[More Information]</a>

Gregg, M., Driscoll, C. (2008). Message Me: temporality, location and everyday technologies.

Media International Australia , 128(August:

Digital Literacies), 128-136.

Driscoll, C. (2008). This is not a blog: gender, intimacy and community (Commentary and

Criticism). Feminist Media Studies , 8(2),



Driscoll, C. (2007). Barbie Culture. In C.

Mitchell & J. Reid-Walsh (Eds.), Girl Culture:

An Encyclopedia, Volume 2 . (pp. 39-47).

United States: Greenwood Press.

Driscoll, C., Hills, M. (2007), Blog Debate -

Gender and Fan Culture: Round Twelve .

Driscoll, C. (2007). Fanfiction. In C. Mitchell

& J. Reid-Walsh (Eds.), Girl Culture: An

Encyclopedia Volume 1 . (pp. Not known-Not known). United States: Greenwood Press.

Driscoll, C. (2007). Super-heroine: Le melodrame de l'actrice materiale. Tausend

Augen , 31, 57-68.

Driscoll, C. (2007). Super-Heroine: Women as

Martial Artists in Early Twenty-First Century

Cinema. In S. Andris & U. Frederick (Eds.),

Women Willing To Fight: The Fighting Woman in Film , (pp. 161-177). United Kingdom:

Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


Driscoll, C. (2006). One True Pairing: The

Romance of Pornography and the Pornography of Romance. In K. Busse and K. Hellekson

(Eds.), Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the

Age of the Internet: New Essays , (pp. 79-96).

Jefferson, North Carolina & London: McFarland.


Driscoll, C. (2005). Felix Culpa - Sex, Sin and

Discourse in Joyce's Fiction. In Fogarty, A and

Martin, T (Eds.), Joyce on the Threshold , (pp.

171-186). Gainseville, FL: University Press of


Driscoll, C. (2005). Girl-Doll: Barbie as Puberty

Manual. In Mitchell, C and Reid-Walsh, J

(Eds.), Seven Going on Seventeen: Tween Studies in the Culture of Girlhood , (pp. 224-241). New

York: Peter Lang Publishing.


Driscoll, C. (2004). On the History and Usage of

'Girl Power' .

Driscoll, C. (2004). The Tween Girl Magazine

Genre .


Driscoll, C. (2002). Girls: feminine adolescence in popular culture and cultural theory . United

States: Columbia University Press.

Driscoll, C. (2002). Joyce's Feminist Audiences.

In John Nash (Eds.), Joyce's audiences , (pp.

Publications for Catherine Driscoll

70-89). United States: Rodopi.


Driscoll, C. (2001). The moving ground : locating everyday life. S A Q: The South Atlantic

Quarterly , 100(2), 381-396.


Driscoll, C. (2000). The Woman in Process:

Deleuze, Kristeva and Feminism. In Ian

Buchanan & C. Colebrook (Eds.), Deleuze and

Feminist Theory , (pp. 80-94). Edinburgh:

Edinburgh University Press.


Driscoll, C. (1999). Cyber-gurls, riot grrls, Spice

Girls: Girl culture, revenge and global capitalism. Australian Feminist Studies , 14(1),


Driscoll, C. (1999). Girl Culture; Or, why study the Spice Girls. In D. Schwerdt & S. Hoskings

(Eds.), eXtensions: English Studies from

Shakespeare to the Spice Girls , (pp. 181-196).

Adelaide: Wakefield Press.


Driscoll, C. (1998). Becoming Bride. The UTS

Review , 4(2), 139-155.


Driscoll, C. (1997). The Little Girl. Antithesis ,

8(2), 79-100.


Driscoll, C. (1995). Returns and Escapes: Luce

Irigaray and Lesbian Utopics. Critical

InQueeries , 1(1), 85-102.

Driscoll, C. (1995). Who Needs a Boyfriend?:

The homoerotic virgin in adolescent women’s magazines. In D English & P. van Toorn (Eds.),

Speaking Positions: Gender and Ethnicity in

Australian Cultural Studies , (pp. 188-198).

Melbourne: Victoria University of Technology.
