Publications for Joellen Riley Publications for Joellen Riley 2016 and Conceptual Perspectives in the EU and Beyond, (pp. 321-336). Holland, Netherlands: Kluwer Law International. Riley, J. (2016). Developments in Contract of Employment Jurisprudence in Other Common-Law Jurisdictions: A Study of Australia. In Mark Freedland, Alan Bogg, David Cabrelli, et al (Eds.), The Contract of Employment, (pp. 273-294). United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. Carter, J., Courtney, W., Peden, E., Riley, J., Tolhurst, G. (2015). Terms Implied in Law: 'Trust and Confidence' in the High Court of Australia. Journal of Contract Law, 32(3), 203-230. Sappideen, C., O'Grady, P., Riley, J., Smith, B. (2016). Macken's Law of Employment - 8th Edition. Australia: Thomson Reuters. Riley, J. (2014). Mutual Trust and Confidence on Trial: At Last. Sydney Law Review, 36(1), 151-167. <a href=" /SLRv36n1RileyBTHC.pdf">[More Information]</a> Sutherland, C., Riley, J. (2016). Major court and tribunal decisions in Australia in 2015 (Forthcoming). Journal of Industrial Relations. <a href=" 650">[More Information]</a> Riley, J., Weiler, D. (2016). Modern-Day Gladiators: The Professional Athlete Employment Relationship Under the World Anti-Doping Code (Forthcoming). In Ulrich Haas, Deborah Healey (Eds.), Doping in Sport and the Law. United Kingdom: Hart Publishing. 2014 2013 Riley, J. (2013). Beyond Contract: Reconceptualising the Fundamentals of the Law of Work. Labour Law Research Network Inaugural Conference (LLRN 2013), Barcelona, Spain: Presentation. Riley, J. (2013). Labour Law: Australia vs New Zealand. Supreme and Federal Court Judges Conference 2013, Adelaide, SA: Presentation. Riley, J. (2016). Regulating the engagement of non-employed labour: A view from the Antipodes. In Douglas Brodie, Nicole Busby, Rebecca Zahn (Eds.), The Future Regulation of Work: New Concepts, New Paradigms, (pp. 61-81). United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. Riley, J. (2013). Regulatory responses to the blurring boundary between employment and self-employment: A view from the Antipodes. In Gyorgy Kiss (Eds.), Recent Developments in Labour Law, (pp. 131-149). Budapest, Hungary: Akademiai Kiado Rt. Riley, J. (2016). The Challenge of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to Traditional Legal Education: The Australian Experience. In Christopher Gane, Robin Hui Huang (Eds.), Legal Education in the Global Context: Opportunities and Challenges, (pp. 223-231). Surrey: Ashgate Publishing. McCallum, R., Riley, J., Stewart, A. (2013). Resolving Disputes over Employment Rights in Australia. Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, 34(4), 843-876. Riley, J. (2016). The Definition of the Contract of Employment and its Differentiation from Other Contracts and Other Work Relations. In Mark Freedland, Alan Bogg, David Cabrelli, et al (Eds.), The Contract of Employment, (pp. 321-340). United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. Riley, J. (2016). The Future of the Common Law in Employment Regulation. The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 32(1), 33-44. 2015 MacDermott, T., Riley, J. (2015). Age Discrimination and Labour Law in Australia: An Ambivalent Commitment to Equality in the Face of a Demographic Imperative. In Ann Numhauser-Henning, Mia Ronnmar (Eds.), Age Discrimination and Labour Law: Comparative Riley, J. (2013). Rethinking the Fair Work Protection Against Discriminatory Dismissal. Federal Law Review, 41(1), 181-195. Riley, J. (2013). Uneasy or accommodating bedfellows?: Common law and statute in employment regulation. Phillipa Weeks Lecture in Labour Law, Canberra, ACT: Presentation. 2012 Riley, J. (2012). A Blurred Boundary between Entrepreneurship and Servitude: Regulating Business Format Franchising in Australia. In J Fudge, S McCrystal and K Sankaran (Eds.), Challenging the Legal Boundaries of Work Regulation, (pp. 101-119). Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing. Riley, J. (2012). A Safe Touch-down for Qantas? Australian Journal of Labour Law, 25(1), 76-83. MacDermott, T., Riley, J. (2012). ADR and Industrial Tribunals: Innovations and Challenges in Resolving Individual Workplace Grievances. Publications for Joellen Riley Monash University Law Review, 38(2), 82-102. Riley, J. (2012). Bargaining Fair Work Style: Fault-lines in the Australian Model. New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 37(1), 22-29. Johnstone, R., McCrystal, S., Nossar, I., Quinlan, M., Rawling, M., Riley, J. (2012). Beyond Employment: The Legal Regulation of Work Relationships. Sydney: The Federation Press. Riley, J. (2012). Regulatory responses to the blurring boundary between employment and self-employment: a view from the Antipodes. MTA-PTE Labour Law Research Group 2012, Pecs, Hungary: Presentation. Riley, J. (2012). Siblings But Not Twins: Making Sense of 'Mutual Trust' and 'Good Faith' in Employment Contracts. Melbourne University Law Review, 36(2), 521-552. Riley, J. (2012). Sterilising Talent: a Critical Assessment of Injunctions Enforcing Negative Covenants. Sydney Law Review, 34(4), 617-634. Riley, J. (2012). Teaching Labour Law in a Common Law Jurisdiction. The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 28(1), 71-79. Riley, J. (2012). Uses and abuses of the corporate form in managing employers' regulatory obligations. 16th International Labour and Employment Relations Association World Congress (ILERA 2012), Philadephia: International Labour and Employment Relations Association. 2011 Riley, J. (2011). Adverse action claims under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth): some lessons from the early cases. Commercial Law Quarterly, 25(3), 12-16. MacDermott, T., Riley, J. (2011). Alternative Dispute Resolution and Individual Workplace Rights: The Evolving Role of Fair Work Australia. Journal of Industrial Relations, 53(5), 718-732. <a href=" 625">[More Information]</a> Riley, J. (2011). Australie: Le recours au faux travail independant. Revue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale, , 95-96. Owens, R., Riley, J., Murray, J. (2011). Dispute Resolution and Enforcement. In R Owens, J Riley and J Murray (Eds.), The Law of Work, Second Edition, (pp. 621-644). Melbourne: Oxford University Press. Riley, J., Sappideen, C., O'Grady, P., Warburton, G. (2011). Macken's Law of Employment (7th Edition). Australia: Thomson Reuters. Riley, J. (2011). The Employment Relationship and Statutory Constraints. In C Sappideen, P OGrady, J Riley, G Warburton (Eds.), Mackens Law of Employment: Seventh Edition, (pp. 247-273). Sydney, Australia: Thomson Reuters. Owens, R., Riley, J., Murray, J. (2011). The Law of Work, Second Edition. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. 2010 Riley, J. (2010). Australie: L'egalite des sexes, enfin? Revue de Droit Compar&eacute; du Travail et de la Securit&eacute; Sociale, 2010, 234-237. Riley, J. (2010). Book Review: The Tolpuddle Martyrs: Injustice within the Law by Jerbert Vere Evatt (with a new Introduction by Geoffrey Robertson). Australian Journal of Human Rights, 16, 223-225. Sutherland, C., Riley, J. (2010). Industrial Legislation in 2009. Journal of Industrial Relations, 52(3), 275-287. <a href=" 626">[More Information]</a> Riley, J. (2010). Le risposte del diritto del lavoro australiano alla crisi finanziaria globale (Australian labour Law Responses to the Global Financial Crisis). Lavoro e Diritto, 24(1), 151-164. 2009 Riley, J. (2009). Australian Standard Of Employment Rights. United Kingdom: Hardie Grant Books. Riley, J. (2009). Australie. Revue de Droit Compar&eacute; du Travail et de la Securit&eacute; Sociale, , 237-240. Riley, J. (2009). Bargaining in Good Faith. Precedent, 94, 16-19. Riley, J. (2009). Commodifying Sheer Talent: Perverse Developments in the Law's Enforcement of Restrictive Covenants. In Arup, Christopher; Van Canaegem, William (Eds.), Intellectual Property Policy Reform, (pp. 267-284). United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. Riley, J. (2009). From Industrial Arbitration to Workplace Mediation: Changing Approaches to Dispute Resolution. In Forsyth, Anthony; Stewart, Andrew (Eds.), Fair Work: The New Workplace Laws and the Work Choices Legacy, (pp. 186-206). Sydney: The Federation Press. Riley, J. (2009). Good Faith in Employment Relationships. The Debate: Good Faith and the Employment Relationships, April 2009, No 2. Riley, J. (2009). Public Holidays in NSW: Publications for Joellen Riley Review of the Banks and Bank Holidays Act 1912, (pp. 3 - 60). Sydney, Australia: New South Wales Office of Industrial Relations. Riley, J. (2009). Review of the Banks and Bank Holidays Act 1912 (NSW) - Discussion Paper, (pp. 1 - 23). Sydney, Australia: New South Wales Office of Industrial Relations. Riley, J. (2009). Review of the Banks and Bank Holidays Act 1912 - Options Paper, Sydney, Australia: New South Wales Office of Industrial Relations. Riley, J. (2009). The Boundaries of Mutual Trust and Good Faith. Australian Journal of Labour Law, 22(1), 73-86. Riley, J. (2009). The Employment Contract: Rights and Responsibilities. Australian Master Workplace Relations Guide 4th edition with Fair Work Act changes, (pp. 403-419). Sydney: CCH Australia Ltd. Riley, J. (2009). Transfer of Business Under the Fair Work Act. Commercial Law Quarterly, 23(2), 15-22. Riley, J. (2009). Workplace Dispute Resolution under the Fair Work Act: Is There a Role for Private Alternative Dispute Resolution Providers? Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 20(4), 236-243. 2008 Enforcement Gap. In Joellen Riley, Peter Sheldon (Eds.), Remaking Australian Industrial Relations, (pp. 167-174). Sydney: CCH Australia Ltd. Riley, J., Sheldon, P. (2008). Remaking Australian Industrial Relations. Sydney: CCH Australia Ltd. Riley, J., Sheldon, P. (2008). Remaking Industrial Relations in Australia. Economic and Labour Relations Review, 18(2), 1-6. Riley, J., Sheldon, P. (2008). The Economic and Labour Relations Review - Beyond Workchoices: Remaking Industrial Relations in Australia. The Economic Labour Relations Review, 18(2). Riley, J. (2008). The Employment Contract: Rights and Responsibilities. In Punch, P. (Eds.), Australian Master Workplace Relations Guide Third Edition, (pp. 381-396). Australia: CCH Australia Ltd. Sarina, T., Riley, J. (2008). The New Conflict Managers: A Critical Assessment of Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods under WorkChoices. In Michelson G, Jamieson S, Burgess J (Eds.), New Employment Actors: Developments from Australia, (pp. 223-244). Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang Publishing. 2007 Riley, J. (2008). Australie. Revue de Droit Compar&eacute; du Travail et de la Securit&eacute; Sociale, , 256-260. Riley, J. (2007). Election 2007: Industrial relations policy. Australian Review of Public Affairs, September 2007, 1-5. Riley, J. (2008). Book Review: The Employment Contract and the Changed World of Work by Stella Vettori Ashgate, Corporate Social Responsibility Series, 2007; ISBN (Hardback) 978-0-7546-4754-6; UK£55. Journal of Contract Law, 24(3), 284-286. Riley, J. (2007). Employing Minors in New South Wales: the Industrial Relations (Child Employment) Act 2006 (NSW). Australian Journal of Labour Law, 20(3), 295-301. Riley, J. (2008). Industrial Legislation in 2007. Journal of Industrial Relations, 50(3), 417-428. Riley, J. (2008). Innovation Put on Ice? How overly jealous intellectual property protection discourages creativity and productivity. Lawyers Weekly, 18 July 2008. Riley, J. (2008). Innovation Put on Ice? How overly jealous intellectual property protection discourages creativity and productivity. Australian Intellectual Property Law Bulletin, 20(7), 102-104. Riley, J. (2008). Legal Developments in the Transitional Period. In Joellen Riley, Peter Sheldon (Eds.), Remaking Australian Industrial Relations, (pp. 53-64). Sydney: CCH Australia Ltd. Riley, J. (2008). No Rights Without Remedies: Labor's Industrial Relations Architecture and the Riley, J. (2007). Good Faith Performance. In Mordy Bromberg and Mark Irving (Eds.), Australian Charter of Employment Rights, (pp. 9-18). Victoria: Hardie Grant Publishing. Riley, J. (2007). Independent Work Contracts. Sydney: Thomson Lawbook Co. (Thompson Reuters). Sarina, T., Riley, J. (2007). Industrial Legislation in 2006. Journal of Industrial Relations, 49(3), 345-361. <a href=" 520">[More Information]</a> Riley, J. (2007). Regulating for Fair Dealing in Work Contracts: A New South Wales Approach. Industrial Law Journal, 36(1), 19-34. Riley, J. (2007). The Employment Contract: Rights and Responsibilities. Australian Master Workplace Relations Guide: The Work Choices Edition. Australia: CCH Australia Ltd. Owens, R., Riley, J. (2007). The Law of Work. Publications for Joellen Riley Melbourne: Oxford University Press. Stewart, A., Riley, J. (2007). Working around Work Choices: Collective Bargaining and the Common Law. Melbourne University Law Review, 31, 903-937. Riley, J. (2007). Workplace Policies and the Duty to Provide a Safe Work Environment. CCH Industrial Law News, 2007 (8), 1-3. 2006 Riley, J. (2006). A Fair Deal for the Entrepreneurial Worker? Self-employment and Independent Contracting Post Work Choices. Australian Journal of Labour Law, 19(3), 246-261. Riley, J. (2006). Alternative Actions in the Light of Work Choices - Implied Terms. Australian Construction Law Newsletter, 106, 12-19. Riley, J. (2006). Alternative actions in the light of Work Choices: Implied terms. NSW Young Lawyers Employment and Industrial Law One Day Seminar, Sydney, Australia: NSW Young Lawyers Association. Riley, J. (2006). Erschutterung des australischen Arbeitsrechts? Die Work Choices Reform 2006. Zeitschrift fur auslandisches und Internationales Arbeits und Sozialrecht ZIAS, 3, 225-243. Riley, J., Sarina, T. (2006). Industrial Legislation in 2005. Journal of Industrial Relations, 48(3), 341-355. <a href=" 789">[More Information]</a> Riley, J. (2006). Industrial Relations in 2005. In Hall, R (Eds.), Industrial Relations: A Current Review. London, UK: Sage Publications. Riley, J. (2006). Regulating Unequal Work Relationships for Fairness and Efficiency: A Study of Business Format Franchising. In C. Arup, P. Gahan, J. Howe, R. Johnstone, R. Mithchell & A. O'Donnell (Eds.), Labour Law and Labour Market Regulation - Essays on the Construction, Constitution and Regulation of Labour Markets and Work Relationships, (pp. 561-578). Sydney: Federation Press. and New Zealand Industrial Relations Conference, Sydney: University of Sydney. Riley, J. (2006). The potency of workplace policies. Industrial Law News, 9, 1-3. Riley, J. (2006). Who Owns Human Capital? A Critical Appraisal of Legal Techniques for Capturing the Value of Work. ICFAI Journal of Employment Law, April '06, 15-36. Riley, J., Peterson, K. (2006). Work Choices: A Guide to the 2005 Changes. Sydney: Thomson Lawbook Co. (Thompson Reuters). 2005 Riley, J. (2005). Contracting for Work/Family Balance. Law in Context, 23(1), 182-201. Riley, J. (2005). Employee Protection at Common Law. Sydney: Federation Press. Riley, J. (2005). Fair dismissal under common law? CCH Industrial Law News, 6 September 2005. Riley, J., Smith, B., Sarina, T. (2005). Industrial Legislation in 2004. Journal of Industrial Relations, 47(2), 171-185. Peden, E., Riley, J. (2005). Law Graduates' Skills - A pilot study into employers' perspectives. Legal Education Review, 15(1&2), 87-124. Riley, J. (2005). No 'poaching'? Why not? A reflection on the legitimacy of post employment restrictive covenants. Commercial Law Quarterly, 19(1), 3-8. Riley, J. (2005). Pensioning off Lord Asquith's cook: Blackadder v Ramsay Butchering. Australian Journal of Labour Law, 18(2), 177. Riley, J. (2005). The Impact of Industrial Relations Reform on Employers. 2005 National Local Government Human Resources Conference 'Building a Sustainable Workforce', Sydney, Australia: Local Government Association. Riley, J. (2005). Use and Abuse of Copyright: The 'sweat of the brow' theory gone mad. Alternative Law Journal, 30(3), 109-111. Riley, J. (2006). Remedies for arbitrary dismissals after Work Choices. Precedent, 74, 20-23. Riley, J. (2005). Who Owns Human Capital? A critical appraisal of legal techniques for capturing the value of work. Australian Journal of Labour Law, 18(1), 1-25. Riley, J. (2006). Termination of employment legislation digest: Country profile – Australia. 2004 Riley, J. (2006). The Evolution of the Contract of Employment Post WorkChoices. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 29(1), 166-180. Riley, J. (2004). A Cautionary Tale For Employee Advocates: Bredel V Moore Business Systems Ltd. Commercial Law Quarterly, 18(1), 3-11. Riley, J., Sarina, T. (2006). The new conflict managers: A critical assessment of alternative dispute resolution methods under work choices. The New Actors and Institutions in Australian Riley, J. (2004). Beyond Deregulation: Imagining an Equitable "Private Law of Work". International Network on Transformative Publications for Joellen Riley Employment and Labor Law Conference 2004 (INTELL 7), Kyoto, Japan: The Ritsumeikan University Law Association. Riley, J. (2004). Book Review: Harry Glasbeek. Wealth by Stealth. Sydney Law Review, 26, 456-458. Journal of Industrial Relations, 44(2), 198-210. Riley, J. (2002). Lessons from Ansett: Locating the employee's voice in corporate enterprise. Alternative Law Journal, 27(3), 115-141. Riley, J. (2004). Contracting for work/life balance. CCH Industrial Law News, Volume 4, pages 1-5. Riley, J. (2002). Protection for Employment Entitlements: A Legal Perspective. Employee entitlements in Australia Conference (2002), Newcastle, Australia: University of Newcastle, Employment Studies Centre. Riley, J., Smith, B. (2004). Family-Friendly Work Practices And The Law. Sydney Law Review, 26(3), 395-426. Riley, J. (2002). Review: Mee, J, "The Property Rights of Cohabitees". Australian Journal of Family Law, 16(3), 259-266. Riley, J. (2004). Industrial Legislation In 2003. Journal of Industrial Relations, 46(2), 184-194. Riley, J. (2002). Security for Employee Entitlements. Industrial Law News, 7, 1-3. Riley, J. (2004). Psychiatric harm and mutual trust and confidence. CCH Industrial News, Volume 9(30), pages 4-6. 2003 Riley, J. (2002). Unfair Contracts Review: Unfair favouritism for high flyers? A review of the proposal to amend s106 of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW). Commercial Law Quarterly, 16(2), 15-22. Riley, J. (2003). Arguing Trade Practices in Employment. Industrial Law News, 6, 5-7. 2001 Riley, J. (2003). Australia. In Blanpain (Eds.), Corporate Restructuring and the Role of Labour Law, (pp. 15-35). UK: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business (Kluwer Law International). Hill, J., Riley, J. (2001). Corporate Theory and the Role of the Employee: A Case Study of National Textiles. 11th Annual Corporate Law Teachers Association Conference 2001, Melbourne, Vic: Presentation. Riley, J. (2003). Industrial legislation in 2002. Journal of Industrial Relations, 45(2), 151-165. Riley, J. (2003). Mutual trust and good faith: Can private contract law guarantee fair dealing in the workplace. Australian Journal of Labour Law, 16(1), 28-49. Riley, J. (2003). Protection for employment entitlements: a legal perspective. Australian Bulletin of Labour, 29(1), 31-41. Riley, J. (2001). Industrial Legislation in 2000. Journal of Industrial Relations, 43, 148-160. Riley, J. (2001). Trust Law and Commercial Contracts. Commercial Law Quarterly, Sept-Nov, 23-27. Riley, J. (2001). Trusts created by reservation of title in trace supply contracts. Australian Law Journal, 75, 348-351. Riley, J. (2003). Who owns the customers? A reflection on recent cases on post employment restraint clauses. Commercial Law Quarterly, 17(2), 3-11. 2000 2002 Riley, J. (2000). Individual Contracting and Collective Bargaining in the Balance. Australian Journal of Labour Law, 13, 92-98. Riley, J. (2002). Australische Gewerkschaften Kollektiver Akteur aus eigenem Recht oder Interessenvertreter des Einzelnen? Neue Zeitschrift fuer Arbeitsrecht: Zweiwochenschrift fuer die betriebliche Praxis, , 890-893. Riley, J. (2002). Bargaining for Security: Lessons for Employees from the World of Corporate Finance. Journal of Industrial Relations, 44(4), 491-507. Riley, J. (2002). Corporate Restructuring and the Role of Labour Law: Australia. Corporate Restructuring and the Role of Labour Law Conference (2002), Tokyo, Japan: The Japan Institute of Labour. Riley, J. (2002). Industrial Legislation in 2001. Riley, J. (2000). A Challenge for Commercial Certainty: Retention of Title Trusts. Commercial Law Quarterly, 14, 13-18.