Brink National Junior Honor Society Service Projects 2014

Brink National Junior Honor Society Service Projects 2014
Twice a year we get outside and do campus beautification to keep
our school grounds looking nice, weeding, trimming and planting
flowers. Each year we do at least one canned food drive, but this year
we’ve done two and worked at the Regional Food bank once.
Monthly we go to the Sommerset Assisted Living Center to play
bingo with the Seniors. They enjoy the playing, but just as much they
enjoy the company and being able to visit. We are going to go caroling
for our December visit.
We are filling Red Cross Christmas Stockings again this year. We
fill the stockings with toys, candy, toiletries and school supplies for
underprivileged children here in the Oklahoma City area.
Our state project is collecting pull tabs for Ronald McDonald
house which is an ongoing project for us. We take a trunk load to them
each Spring.