Vinod Swargam
B.Tech., Acharya Nagarjuna University, India, 2005
Submitted in partial satisfaction of
the requirements for the degree of
A Project
Vinod Swargam
Approved by:
__________________________________, Committee Chair
Dr. Jinsong Ouyang
__________________________________, Second Reader
Dr. Ying Jin
Student: Vinod Swargam
I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University
format manual, and that this project is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to
be awarded for the Project.
__________________________, Graduate Coordinator
Dr. Nik Faroughi
Department of Computer Science Engineering
Vinod Swargam
The purpose of this Project is to develop and implement the enhanced features of Internet
Interpreter Scheduling System as mobile application in healthcare domain and made it
synchronize with the existing web application as well. This project includes the
development of mobile application in Asp.Net and maintaining a global database for both
web and mobile application by accessing through the I2S2 web services. I2S2 mobile
application is proposed to run efficiently on HTC windows mobile phone.
Existing Internet Interpreter Scheduling System has three types of users. They are
Agency Platform, Requester/Provider Platform and Interpreter Platform Users.
Interpreters are going to get appointments scheduled by agency and requesters into the
schedule folder of the mobile application by connecting to web services based on day,
week and month calendar format. Uncovered appointments can be placed into public
folder of Interpreters. Therefore, even interpreters can view the appointments in “View
Available Appointments” folder and accept the appointments based on their availability.
Agency will keep some of the interpreter appointments into the Interpreter folder of the
Interpreter.Intended Interpreter can accept or reject appointments in interpreter folder
based on their availability. After Time Finish Appointments authorized with signature
and get synchronize with database. Appointments rejected by the interpreter will be
scheduled by the agency to another interpreter. Modules like Schedule, My Folder,
Available Appointments, View Details, Time Finish and Sync were implemented in the
Internet Interpreter Scheduling System as per the customer requirements.
Internet Interpreter Scheduling System application can be entered using Application
Name, User Name, and Password as login credentials. System provides Password facility
to ensure validity of user. Scheduling System mobile application can be login in both
online or offline modes. If the interpreter is not having the proper internet connectivity or
not in the network coverage area, he can login into the system in offline mode. Mobile
application transfers data and appointment status to the SQL Server Enterprise database
using web service after mobile gets internet connectivity. This project was developed
using the technologies like Asp.Net, C#, Microsoft Windows Mobile API, Microsoft
SQL Server 2008 as Database, XML and Web Services.
_______________________, Committee Chair
Dr. Jinsong Ouyang
I would like to thank Dr. Jinsong Ouyang, my project advisor for providing me a
wonderful opportunity to work on this project, which provided a great exposure to the
field of Mobile Application Development. I thank him for providing all the help, support
and necessary resources to complete the project successfully. Dr. Ouyang helped me in
understanding the project in detail and provided knowledge and expertise in the field to
understand the project and completing it successfully.
In addition, I would like to thank Dr. Ying Jin for her willingness to serve on the
committee. I benefited very much from the professor’s course offerings and advice.
I would like to thank my client for providing me all the requirements and support while
working on this project and helped me to pass this critical phase of my graduation.
Lastly, I would like to thank the entire faculty and staff of the Department of Computer
Science Engineering at California State University, Sacramento.
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................ vi
List of Figures .................................................................................................................... ix
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 1
Background ............................................................................................................. 1
Project Objectives ................................................................................................... 3
2. REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS ................................................................................... 5
Product Perspective................................................................................................. 5
Product Features ..................................................................................................... 5
Operating Environment........................................................................................... 9
Assumptions and Dependencies ........................................................................... 10
Use Cases .............................................................................................................. 10
External Interfaces Requirements ......................................................................... 22
Non-functional Requirements ............................................................................... 22
Software Quality Attributes .................................................................................. 23
Developer Environment ........................................................................................ 23
3. SYSTEM DESIGN ..................................................................................................... 25
Building a Mobile Applications ............................................................................ 25
Mobile Application Architecture .......................................................................... 27
.NET Application Architecture ............................................................................. 30
High Level Design ................................................................................................ 32
4. DATABASE DESIGN................................................................................................ 34
About SQL Server 2008 ....................................................................................... 34
Database Tables and Database Diagram ............................................................... 34
Sample of Database Scripts .................................................................................. 38
5. IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS ............................................................................... 48
Development of Mobile Interface using ASP.NET .............................................. 48
Implementation of Web service using Map Quest................................................ 54
Implementation of Business Logic using C#.NET ............................................... 57
Implementation Details of Time Finish ................................................................ 67
7. CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................... 105
Appendix Hardware and Software Specifications ......................................................... 108
Bibliography ................................................................................................................... 109
Figure 1 Interpreter Authentication Screen shot ............................................................... 12
Figure 2 Schedule Use Case Diagram .............................................................................. 13
Figure 3 My Folder Use Case Diagram ............................................................................ 15
Figure 4 View Available Appointments Use Case Diagram ............................................ 16
Figure 5 Time Finish Use Case Diagram .......................................................................... 18
Figure 6 Distance and Time Calculation Use Case Diagram .......................................... 20
Figure 7 Sync Use Case Diagram ..................................................................................... 21
Figure 8 Development Environment Diagram .................................................................. 23
Figure 9 Internet Scheduling System Application Architecture ....................................... 30
Figure 10 Design of the Mobile Application ................................................................... 32
Figure 11 Design for User and Phone Related Tables ...................................................... 38
Figure 12 Cradle the POCKET PC Emulator in Device Manager Screenshot ................. 79
Figure 13 Initializing the Active Sync Screenshot ........................................................... 80
Figure 14 After Synchronization Screenshot .................................................................... 81
Figure 15 Folders of the Application Screenshot ............................................................. 82
Figure 16 Schedule with Appointments search ................................................................ 83
Figure 17 Schedule with Cannot Cover option selected ................................................... 83
Figure 18 Schedule with options Screen Shot .................................................................. 84
Figure 19 View Available Appointments with options Screenshot .................................. 85
Figure 20 View Details of the View Appointment details Screenshot ............................. 86
Figure 21 View Details of the View Appointments with Search Results Selected .......... 87
Figure 22 View Available Appointments Screen shot ...................................................... 88
Figure 23 View Available Appointments with “I will Take It” selection Screen shot ..... 89
Figure 24 View My Folder with Appointments Search Results ....................................... 90
Figure 25 View Details in the View My Folder ............................................................... 90
Figure 26 Time Finish Module with Appointment Screen shot ....................................... 91
Figure 27 Time Finish of Appointment with functions Screen shot ................................. 92
Figure 28 Time Finish Module with Requester tab Screen shot ....................................... 93
Figure 29 Time Finish Module with Time Finish tab Screen shot ................................... 94
Figure 30 Time Finish Module with Patient tab Screen shot............................................ 94
Figure 31 Time Finish Module with Time Finish Tab Screen shot .................................. 95
Figure 32 Time Finish Screen with save option Screen shot ............................................ 96
Figure 33 Time Finish Folder authorization tab Screen shot ............................................ 97
Figure 34 Time Finish Module Authorization Tab Screen shot ....................................... 97
Figure 35 Completing the Time Finish for Appointment Screenshot............................... 98
Figure 36 Sync Module Screen shot ................................................................................. 99
Figure 37 Sync Module with functions screen shot .......................................................... 99
Figure 38 Sync Appointments with remove option activated Screen shot ..................... 100
Figure 39 Synchronize the appointment with Sync option selected Screen Shot ........... 101
Figure 40 Distance Calculation Web Service using Map Quest Screen shot ................. 102
Figure 41 Calculation of Mileage by using Map Quest in Time Finish Screen shot ...... 104
Chapter 1
This chapter introduces the project outlines the background to the problem, identifies the
problem owner, and gives an outline of the project objectives.
Internet Interpreter Scheduling System provides a single point of online entry for
requesters of interpreting services, freelance professional interpreters and agencies. The
Web system is currently in use in major medical systems. Internet Interpreter Scheduling
System called as I2S2 in short form.
Internet Interpreter Scheduling System has three platform Users:
 Agency Platform
 Requester/Provider Platform
 Interpreter Platform
Agency Platform: Individual agencies of Interpreters will be the users for this platform.
Agency has the pool of interpreters associated with it. These Agencies will have contract
with different clinics or agencies to provide the Interpreters. Hospital management
requests an Interpreter for the appointment through the requester platform or by calling
the Agency. Agency staff will take the appointment through Appointment Intake Screen
and schedule an Interpreter to the appointment depending on the availability of the
Requester/Provider Platform: Requesters or Providers are the users from the Hospitals.
Requesters or Providers could be the head of the Interpreting department in the hospital
or specific department head or supervisor of the Hospital. Requester or Provider will have
the individual login credentials to login into the Internet Interpreter Scheduling System
from the Requester Platform. Requesters can request for an Appointment through
entering the details in Appointment Intake Screen from the Requester platform.
Depending on the role, privileges will differ for the users of requester platform.
Requester will have the choice to pick an interpreter of patient preference or specify
gender depends on type of the appointment.
There are two types of requesters present in the existing system.
Interpreter Admin User
Clerk User
Interpreter Admin User will have more privileges than Clerk User.
Interpreter Platform: Interpreters can login into the I2S2 interpreter platform on Web.
Interpreter will do time finish of the appointments on daily or weekly basis and upload
the signed paper vouchers into the system as part Invoicing. In addition, Interpreters will
submit the Approximate Mileage and Travel Time for each appointment in
reimbursement form to the Agency.
Windows Mobile application is aimed towards these interpreters to deliver the work more
efficiently and fast processing. Through this application time will be reduced for
processing invoice of the customer and interpreter from the Agency Side.
There is different type of interpreters.
- Staff
- Volunteer
- Independent Contractor
- Intern Interpreters
Staff Interpreters are the In-house interpreters. These people are the full time employees
of the Agency. Volunteer interpreters are the people who will work as part of learning.
Independent contractor can be a single person or group of the interpreters from another
agency. Intern Interpreters are students work as part of internship program.
Project Objectives
Mobile version of the Internet Interpreter Scheduling System with the primary goals as
Fast Processing: Interpreters can get authorization from the hospital faculty by time
finishing the appointment immediately after completing the appointment. Mileage and
Travel time could be calculated immediately with the submission of the appointment in
Time finish module.
Improve client communications and work product delivery: The firm requires the
capability to better communicate with customers, provide immediate information on
appointment and Interpreter status with quicker turn around on work product.
Hence, this project aims at providing an efficient mobile-based solution that ensures
better communication and quick access to appointment related information for
Ease of use: The system should be easy to use and flow with the information and existing
procedures of the organization.
Flexible System: The organization should be able to use the system effectively because it
works on the same kind of interface as web based system. Structure of the folders and
functionality looks similar to the Web application.
Training: Training is essential to any new implementation. The users with limited
training can understand the functionality of mobile version of Internet Interpreter
Scheduling System. Organization need not spend much time for training the resources.
Chapter 2
Product Perspective
This project is targeted towards Interpreters who will use this product for their daily
activities, so need software assistance for efficient scheduling and time finishing
appointments. This project is intended to be a stand-alone product and should not depend
on the availability of other software. It should run on Windows based Mobile OS.
Product Features
This project provides various functionalities including Scheduling, My Folder, View
Available Appointments, Time Finish and Sync modules.
Appointments scheduled for interpreter by Agency or Requesters will be displayed in this
Schedule folder. Interpreter will have the option to accept the appointment by “I will take
it” or reject the appointment by “Cannot cover” option.
If the Interpreter clicks on “Cannot Cover” option then appointment will go to the
Agency unassigned appointments (Public Pool). If any appointment rejected by any of
the interpreter, agency will reschedule it to a different interpreter depending on the
availability of Interpreter. If the Interpreter wants to cancel the appointment in the last
minute, they need to call the agency to get confirmation before requesting “Cannot
My Folder:
My Folder will have the appointments assigned to the Interpreter. Appointments in this
folder are not accepted by the interpreter. This is called as the private pool or interpreter
Folder. If the agency is not aware whether the interpreter will be available for the
appointment then they will place the appointment in this folder.
Interpreter will be able to view the details of the appointment and accept or reject it based
on the availability and willingness. The process of transferring the appointments to
interpreter folder will be mostly by the agency from the I2S2 Web application.
If the Interpreter accepts the Appointment, it will disappear from the My Folder and
shown in the Schedule folder of the Mobile Application. If the Interpreter rejects the
appointment then it will go back to the Agency pool or Public Pool.
View Available Appointments:
Appointments moved to this pool by the agency. Interpreters can see the unassigned
appointments in this folder. This folder contains only those appointments pertaining to
the language that interpreter speaks.
Interpreter can view the details of the appointment by using option “View Details”. View
Details will include Requester, Appointment and Patient Information. In addition, it will
show the Appointment start and end times.
If the interpreter is available for the appointment, he can assign himself as the assignee to
that particular appointment. Notification sent to the Agency, Requester and Interpreter.
Interpreter will have the option to reject the appointment in the schedule folder after
accepting from View Scheduled Appointments folder.
Time Finish:
Time Finish is the important module of the application. This includes the time finishing
the appointment by the interpreter immediately after completing the appointment. Time
Finish includes four tabs namely Requester, Patient, Time Finish details and
Authorization in the last tab.
Requester details include Clinic/Venue, Provider Name and Department. Patient Details
include Patient Medical Reference Number, Last Name and First Name. Time Finish will
contain Appointment Number, Start Date / Time, End Date / Time, Confirmer Name and
Confirmer Phone. Interpreter can enter appointment end time and supervisor/faculty
from the hospital need to enter their name and phone number for reference to time finish
of scheduled appointment. The authorization tab of the Time Finish will contain
Authorization Code and Signature for Authorization.
Interpreter save the appointment and Time finish then it will move to the Sync Folder.
Interpreter can change the start of the appointment in case of any change in the
appointment start time due to doctor no show, patient no show or any other reason.
This is the main operation where it will synchronize the appointments from the mobile
application to the global database through web services. Interpreter has to remove the
Cancelled appointments from the Sync folder by using the Remove function. Only
checked appointments get synchronize with database.
Removed appointments will not be get synchronize with database. When we synchronize
the Appointments time finish details get updated in the I2S2 system. Voucher is
automated with the Appointment details and uploaded as voucher into the system.
Integration to the Map Quest:
The integration of Interpreter Scheduling System with the Map Quest Services is
implemented using Map Quest SDK in web service. It calculates the mileage for the
interpreter from the Source to the destination.
Address of the Source and destination points taken into consideration from the
configuration settings of customer and Interpreter. Two types of mileage calculation
settings available for I2S2. Customers can configure the settings from their side. Mileage
calculates the distance from the source to the destination and travel time calculates time
to travel the same distance.
Mileage calculation options are:
1. Round Trip
2. Point to Point
Round Trip mileage includes the distance from the Source to the destination and again
destination to the source point. Point-to-point mileage includes only mileage from the
Source to the destination. If the interpreter having more than one appointment, it will
calculates the mileage between the venues but not the round trip. Agency will generate
invoice for the Customer and interpreter based on the Mileage and Travel Time
calculated by this web service.
View Details:
View Details is the feature available in all the folders in the application. View Details
will show all the requester, appointment and patient details. It will help the Interpreter to
choose the appointment from the available appointments and Interpreter Folder.
Interpreter will choose appointment depending on the availability and willingness.
Operating Environment
Since Application implemented in Microsoft ASP.NET technology, the software will
hosted on ASP.NET-compatible Platform. The system also requires SQL database and
web services configured on Web and Database production servers. The system must be
completely compatible with any browser that fully supports Microsoft ASP.NET
The users of the software will be expected to have a fast internet connection, 3G or good
Wi-Fi connection to work efficiently. Mobile Application works only on Windows Smart
Assumptions and Dependencies
1. It is assumed that the system will be developed using the ASP.NET technology.
2. It is assumed that the system will be able to interact with web services and Map
QUEST SDK to calculate the Mileage and Travel Time.
3. It is assumed that the system will interface with a SQL Server 2008 database.
4. Mobiles used by the users should support Windows Platform OS.
Functional Requirements
The functional requirements of this project are described using use cases.
Use Cases
Use case is a graphical overview of the functionality provided by a system in terms of
actors, their goals and any dependencies between those use cases. Use case modeling is a
technique used to describe what the new software being developed should do or what the
already available software does. It is used in the Analysis phase of software development
to express clearly the high-level requirements of the software.
Actor: An actor is user of the system. An actor is someone or something, which interacts
with the system.
Use Case: The functionality provided by the system is represented as a use case. It is
typically described in verb form.
UC: Authentication of the Interpreter
The following preconditions must be true before the initiation of the use case.
1. User has logged into the Internet.
2. System has validated user credentials entered in the Login Page.
Basic Flow:
The following steps represent the basic flow of events occurring from the Main Menu
also shown in Figure 1 below.
1. Interpreter should download the mobile application on windows mobile phone.
2. System determines User's role from login.
3. System displays the Modules after successful authentication of the Interpreter.
4. System loads the appointments related to the folders based on the login.
Figure 1 Interpreter Authentication Screen shot
Post Conditions
The following post conditions must be true after the completion of the use case.
1. User has logged into the application.
2. User is able to view/select various folders of the application.
UC: Schedule
The following preconditions must be true before the initiation of the use case.
1. User has logged into the Internet Scheduling System.
2. System has validated user credentials entered in the Login Page.
Basic Flow
The following steps represent the basic flow of events in Schedule Folder also shown in
Figure 2 below.
1. User will navigate the Main Menu
2. User selects the Schedule from the Main Menu
3. User selects the required date by clicking on the calendar drop down or can directly
view the appointments in day, week and monthly format.
4. User will select the “I will Take it” to accept the appointment
5. User will select the “Cannot Cover” to reject the appointment.
6. Similarly, user can select “View Details” to view the requester, patient and
appointment details.
Figure 2 Schedule Use Case Diagram
Post Conditions
The following post conditions must be true after the completion of the use case.
1. User can also see the appointment in the Time Finish Folder after accepting the
appointment on day of the appointment.
2. User can choose to go back to the main menu by clicking on “Main Menu” link.
UC: My Folder
The following preconditions must be true before the initiation of the use case.
1. User has logged into the Internet.
2. System has validated user credentials entered in the Login Page.
Basic Flow
The following steps represent the basic flow of events in My Folder Screen also shown in
Figure 3 below.
1. User will navigate the Main Menu
2. User selects the My Folder from the Main Menu
3. User selects the required date by clicking on date drop down or user can view the
appointments in day, week and monthly format.
4. User will select the “I will Take it” to accept the appointment
5. User will select the “Cannot Cover” to reject the appointment.
6. Similarly, user can select “View Details” to view the requester, patient and
Appointment details.
Figure 3 My Folder Use Case Diagram
Post Conditions
The following post conditions must be true after the completion of the use case.
1. User can see the appointments in Schedule Folder after accepting the
2. User can see the appointments in Public Folder after rejecting the appointments.
3. User can choose to go back to the Main Menu by clicking on “Main Menu” link
UC: View Available Appointments
The following preconditions must be true before the initiation of the use case.
1. User has logged into the Internet Interpreter Scheduling System.
2. System has validated user credentials entered in the Login Page.
Basic Flow
The following steps represent the basic flow of events in View Available Appointments
screen also shown in Figure 4 below.
1. User will navigate the Main Menu
2. User selects the View Available Appointments from the Main Menu
3. User selects the required date by clicking on the date drop down or user can view the
appointments in day, week and monthly format.
4. User will select the “I will Take it” to accept the appointment
5. User will select the “Cannot Cover” to reject the appointment.
6. Similarly, user can select “View Details” to view the requester, patient and
Appointment details.
Figure 4 View Available Appointments Use Case Diagram
Post Conditions:
The following post conditions must be true after the completion of the use case.
1. User can see the appointments in Schedule folder after accepting the appointments.
2. User can choose to go back to the home page by clicking on “Main Menu” link.
UC: Time Finish
The following preconditions must be true before the initiation of the use case.
1. User has logged into the Internet Interpreter Scheduling System.
2. System has validated user credentials entered in the Login Page.
Basic Flow
The following steps represent the basic flow of events in Time Finish module also shown
in Figure 5 below.
1. User will navigate the Main Menu
2. User selects the Time Finish from the Main Menu
3. User can see the appointments for today in Time Finish.
4. User can select the Patient, Requester and Time Finish tab to view the details of the
5. User can select the “Authorization” tab and enter authorization code and signature of
the authorized person.
6. User clicks on save option.
Figure 5 Time Finish Use Case Diagram
Post Conditions:
The following post conditions must be true after the completion of the use case.
1. User can see the appointments in Sync Folder after time finishing.
2. User can choose to go back to the home page by clicking on “Main Menu” link
UC: Distance and Time Calculation
The following preconditions must be true before the initiation of the use case.
1. User has logged into the Internet Interpreter Scheduling System.
2. System has validated user credentials entered in the Login Page.
Basic Flow
The following steps represent the basic flow of events in Calculating the distance and
Travel Time module also shown in Figure 6 below.
1. User will navigate the Main Menu
2. User selects the Time Finish from the Main Menu
3. User can see the appointments for today.
4. User will select the Time Finish tab and enter the finish Time details of the
5. Clicks on save option.
5. After Time finish the mileage and travel time were calculated automatically with the
appointment details and authorization.
Figure 6 Distance and Time Calculation Use Case Diagram
Post Conditions:
The following post conditions must be true after the completion of the use case.
1. User can see the time finished appointments with distance and travel time calculated
2. User can choose to go back to the home page by clicking on “Main Menu” link.
UC: Sync
The following preconditions must be true before the initiation of the use case.
1. User has logged into the Internet Interpreter Scheduling System.
2. System has validated user credentials entered in the Login Page.
Basic Flow
The following steps represent the basic flow of events in Sync module also shown in
Figure 7 below.
1. User will navigate the Main Menu
2. User selects the Sync from the Main Menu
3. User can see the appointments time finished in the sync folder.
4. User will remove the appointments before synchronizing to the database.
4. User will select the “Sync” to synchronize the details of the appointment.
Figure 7 Sync Use Case Diagram
Post Conditions:
The following post conditions must be true after the completion of the use case.
1. User can see the appointments as submitted with mileage and travel time.
2. User can choose to go back to the home page by clicking on “Main Menu” link.
External Interfaces Requirements
Software Interfaces
1. Operating System: The software is being designed to run on windows Mobile OS.
2. Web Server: The software is being designed to run on Internet Information Server
3. Database: The software will access the SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition
database for CRUD operations.
4. Libraries: The software is created using the .NET version 3.5 framework.
5. Map Quest: Accuracy of calculating the Distance and Travel time will be depend on
the API changes by the MAP Quest.
Non-functional Requirements
Security Requirements
1. Passwords and authorization code should be displayed as “*” in the Login and Time
finish pages as required.
2. Proper authentication is required for users to access any of the screens in the
3. Every user of the Application is assigned with a unique login and password.
4. Microsoft .NET framework ensures security of data, for example passwords that are
being transmitted over the internet.
Software Quality Attributes
Reliability: Data entered must be correctly stored in the database. In addition, database
should commit transactions so that partial entries are not stored in the database.
Usability: Individuals of varying skill level and technical competence will use the
Maintainability: The code and design is documented well enough such that a new project
member with the same amount of academic or work experience can easily work on the
Developer Environment
This project is developed using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Framework along with
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 relational database system.
Figure 8 Development Environment Diagram
The Microsoft .NET Framework, is a prefabricated infrastructure to develop Mobile and
Web applications. Mobile Applications developed on Visual Studio 2008 IDE and
Mobile Application interacts with the Web and Database server through HTTP Request
over the internet.
Chapter 3
Mobile application works same as the web applications hosted on the server. Client
interacts with the server through web services and servers provide content to the client.
Clients obtain that content from internet and view them using a browser. Design of user
interface for mobile application is different from the web application. Mobile application
works by maintaining a global database and interacting with server with the help of the
web services.
Building a Mobile Applications
Today, Cell phones (mobile phones) have become part of our life style. Mobile devices
can connect to the Internet, and execute applications. Mobile applications are applications
that can be run or accessed on mobile devices. There are two categories. One category is
mobile web application. In these applications, web pages can be viewed from mobile
devices. Typically they use WAP protocol. The web applications themselves may reside
on desktop or servers. The development environment can be simply text editor or
Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit[2].
The other category is executable applications that reside on the mobile devices. Games
run on pocket pc, or calendar on PDA. These applications need to be downloaded and
installed and executed onto the mobile device. There are several development
environments for this kind of programming. We can use .NET Compact Framework to
program on Microsoft PocketPC, or use Java 2 Platform Micro Edition (J2ME) to
program with Nokia SDK. There are many different types of mobile devices, such as
PocketPC, Palm, and Cell Phone[5]. Since cell phones have much more popularity and can
let me learn more technology, in my project, I used cell phone as the platform.
This project runs on MS IIS (Microsoft Internet Information Services) Web Server. IIS is
a web server application and set of feature extension modules created by Microsoft for
use with Microsoft Windows. It is one of the world’s most popular web servers in terms
of overall websites behind the industry leader Apache HTTP Server[6].
Connected application put the application layers on different physical computers. For
example moving the data layer to a separate server or pushing out the presentation layer
to the user computer. This first version was called client/server since the application was
broken into two parts a client and server. A classic example is the Web it is composed of
a browser which is the client and a web server.
Mobile application must be tested in uncontrolled real-world test conditions. This is also
called as Field testing. It is must for multi-tier applications. Appropriate automation test
tool should be selected to test these applications[3]. Even, if it is possible to have
performance testing, GUI testing, and compatibility should be tested on actual devices.
Mobile Application Architecture
Web version of the Interpreter Scheduling System interacts with few I2S2 web services.
Web services for mobile application also added to the same I2S2 web services.
Maintaining a global database for the application will fetch all the scheduled
appointments through interacting with web services and displayed on basis of login
interpreter privileges.
Both agency and requester users can schedule appointments. Interpreters are going to get
those appointments into the schedule tab of the mobile application by connecting based
on day, week and month calendar format.
Interpreter system interacts with web server and database server through DAO Layer and
some of the method calls will be through the I2S2 Web services. I2S2 Web Services act
as interface between the server and mobile application.
Reading the data from the server and writing data to the server will be through the xml.
Business layer consists of business logic to call the required methods. Web services will
expose the methods needed for the Mobile application and provides security in calling the
global database.
Mobile application login authorization is completed through the SSL certificate. Login
credentials are encrypted and send to the server through third party certificate agency ,
which provides the SSL certificate. If the entered login credentials are successful then the
user will get the access to use the mobile application. In this way authorization to the
system is secure.
A Web service is a method of communication between two electronic devices over a
network. The W3C defines a "Web service" as "a software system designed to support
interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network". It has an interface
described in a machine - process able format(WSDL).
Other systems interact with the Web service in a manner prescribed by its description
using SOAP messages, typically conveyed using HTTP with an XML serialization in
conjunction with other Web-related standards[4].
In this project, I2S2 web services used for the mobile application will expose limited
functionality to mobile application users. So the users of the mobile application cannot
manipulate the core I2S2 database.
Mobile Application is provided with methods to access and update the information
related to appointment, requester and patients details through a secure web services.
Mobile application can connect to the Internet Interpreter Scheduling System only
through these web services. Web services will be hosted on the same server as the web
application. IIS is used as the web server for this application.
Mobile Application after the launch of simulator checks the Program.cs , which is the
main thread for mobile application. This file invoke the FrmMain class. This acts as the
router to all the forms in the application. This will invoke appropriate handlers based on
selection of the folder on the mobile application Main Menu. This acts as the controller
for whole application. User wants to do any operation will be go through this FrmMain
class in Mobile Application.
.CAB file is created for the installer. Need to finish developing driver or application, after
completing the Development of the application. CAB Wizard used to create cabinet
(.cab) files to facilitate installation of mobile application on devices. This file acts as a
container, holding all necessary device driver or application files in one location, which
ensures that these files are present at installation. This process to be followed using a text
editor first to create an .inf file and then using the CAB Wizard command-line tool
(Cabwiz.exe) at the command prompt.
Online / Offline Mode: I2S2 Mobile able to work in offline mode because some of the
departments or hospitals might not have the Internet connectivity. Interpreter might not
be able to synchronize the appointments. In that case, Interpreter will get authorization
from doctor and save the appointment in the mobile application. Interpreter will be
Synchronize the appointments when the connectivity is good.
Figure 9 Internet Scheduling System Application Architecture
.NET Application Architecture
In the classic three-tier design of a .NET application, the architecture breaks down into
three major areas of functionality:
1. The data layer manages the physical storage and retrieval of data
2. The business layer maintains business rules and logic.
3. The presentation layer houses the user interface and related presentation code.
Data layer: This layer consists of operations to get and set the data to the database back
and forth. This layer only interacts with the database. Database queries or use stored
procedures to access the data from the database or to perform any operation to the
Business layer: This layer consists of operations which work as a mediator to transfer the
data from Application or presentation layer data layer. Business layer is the class where
we write the functions which get the data from the application layer and passes through
the data access layer.
Presentation layer: Presentation layer is the form which provides the user interface to
either programmer of end user. Programmer uses this layer for designing purpose and to
get or set the data back and forth. Presentation layer is the form where we design using
the controls like textbox, labels, command buttons etc.
The following is a block diagram of all the modules in the application and the
relationships between them. The following view includes arrows to indicate flow of data
and/or control.
Figure 10 Design of the Mobile Application
High Level Design
The High-Level Design (HLD) provides an overview of the design components of the
Mobile application. The design is represented through elaborations on class diagrams for
each of the core sub-systems. The purpose of the high-level design is to define key
classes, as well as the interactions among instances of these classes (objects). Inputs to
the HLD consist of the functional requirements defined in the above sections. The HLD
represents a decomposition of all the sub-systems down to the class level. It is envisioned
that the HLD will form the basis for the detailed design efforts.
Following are the key goals and constraints governing the design decisions in the HLD:
• High-level design should decompose complex business logic; identify dependencies
Among components, and arrive at a holistic view of the application.
• High-level design should address core functionality by identifying and defining the key
classes, responsibilities, behavior and attributes.
• High-level design should clearly define application boundaries and their interfaces.
• High-level design should form the basis for planning and scoping subsequent phases.
• High-level design should adopt object-oriented design principles such as encapsulation,
Information hiding, loose coupling, and high cohesion.
In this Project, Mobile Application User Interface involves all the script and designer
files. Designer.cs files allow users to customize the Mobile interface. This interface
allows the users to include options and customize the table and options. Script files
contain the logic to call the process.xml files or web services. Process.xml files mainly
used to sync the data, read and write data from the XML. This Project includes the Web
Services as the reference. Web services hosted on the same server as the Mobile
Chapter 4
Database Design is one of the most important parts of designing an application. Database
design encompasses the entire process from the creation of requirements, business
processes, logical analysis and physical database constructs to the deployment of the
database. A good database design will contribute to software development and improve
performance. It facilitates data retrieval, storage and modification.
About SQL Server 2008
Microsoft SQL Server is a relational model database server produced by Microsoft. SQL
Server 2008 includes native support for managing XML data, in addition to relational
data. For relational data, T-SQL has been augmented with error handling features
(including the try and catch) and support for recursive queries (Common Table
Expressions). SQL CLR was introduced with the SQL Server to let it integrate with the
.NET Framework.
Database Tables and Database Diagram
An entity-relationship (ER) diagram is a specialized graphic that illustrates the
relationships between entities in a database. ER diagrams often use symbols to represent
three different types of information. Boxes are commonly used to represent entities.
Diamonds are normally used to represent relationships and ovals are used to represent
An ER model is a diagram containing entities or "items", relationships among them, and
attributes of the entities and the relationships. An entity is a real-world item or concept
that exists on its own.
The set of all possible values for an entity is the entity type. A relationship type is a set of
associations among entity types. A relationship or relationship instance is an ordered pair
consisting of particular related entities.
Appointment table is the main table in this Internet Interpreter Scheduling System
database, which connects to rest of the tables like Employee, Person, Requester,
Customer, Department and Language. Interpreter Scheduling System will take
appointments with multiple patients.
The Internet Interpreter scheduling system maintains global database for both web and
mobile application, most of the tables are common for both applications. Additional
Columns added as per the need of web service calls for the Mobile application. Person
table will have all the service recipient information of the Appointment.
If the Appointment is linked with more than one patient then Person table will have
multiple records for the same Appointment.
Patient table will have the Last Name, First Name, ReferenceNumber , CellPhone,
WorkPhone, AppointmentID, CustomerID. Person table is always linked with the
Appointment and Requester table. Customer Table linked with Appointment and
Requester tables. Customer will have different departments. Each department will have
several requesters or providers. Customer mapped with CustoemrID, Name and Customer
category with rest of the tables. Requester table will have all the details for the requester.
It contains the Name, Email, Location Type Of Medical, Client ID, Customer Category
ID, Department ID,
Agency Name ID, Hospital ID, Appointment declined EmailFlag.
These requesters are directly linked with the Hospital or department in the Hospital.
Interpreter will get a notification to registered mobile phone based on the settings of the
interpreter. If the interpreter registers phone number then every appointment scheduled or
cancelled then server will send a notification to the mobile phone of the interpreter.
Tables PhoneCompanyEmailServer and Employee TextMessagePhone are connected.
PhoneCompanyEmailServer has all the registered servers for different carriers.
TextMessagePhone have all the registered phone numbers of the Interpreters.
Another important table username is connected with UserGroupType. Interpreters only
have the permission to access the Mobile application. User login to Mobile application, it
verifies the login credentials matching the User Group Type as Interpreter .Interpreter can
be able to login and if the login credentials are not matching the interpreter then it will
give an error message.
During the Time Finish of the appointment the doctor has to enter the Authorization
Code. Authorization Code can be saved in Appointment, Department and Customer
Level. Customer can assign different authorization codes for different users or have same
code for particular department. This authorization code work as per the level of security
hierarchy defined.
Mostly authorization code is specific to department. Through the authorization code,
legitimate signature gets validated. Doctor or supervisor will see the details of the
appointment and time finish the appointment with valid Signature after entering the
Authorization Code.
Following diagram shows the relation between the username and UserGroupType and
PhoneCompanyEmail Server and Employee Text Phone.
Figure 11 Design for User and Phone Related Tables
Sample of Database Scripts
Following is the script used to create table in the Internet Interpreter Scheduling System.
This includes all the details needed for the scheduling and time finishing for an
employee. It includes ID, Language, Interpreter name, Address, Employee ID, Gender,
Working City, Pay Rate, Available Times, Phone Number and Text Phone Number to
get the notification from the System. Employee table having constraints on different
columns based on the requirements with the system.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employee](
[EmployeeID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[InterpreterType] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[Title] [varchar](50) NULL,
[LastName] [varchar](50) NULL,
[FirstName] [varchar](50) NULL,
[MiddleName] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Prefix] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Suffix] [varchar](50) NULL,
[AddressLine1] [varchar](50) NULL,
[AddressLine2] [varchar](50) NULL,
[AddressLine3] [varchar](50) NULL,
[City] [varchar](50) NULL,
[State] [varchar](50) NULL,
[ZipCode] [varchar](50) NULL,
[MAddressLine1] [varchar](50) NULL,
[MAddressLine2] [varchar](50) NULL,
[MAddressLine3] [varchar](50) NULL,
[MCity] [varchar](50) NULL,
[MState] [varchar](50) NULL,
[MZipCode] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Email] [varchar](50) NULL,
[SSN] [char](11) NULL,
[DOB] [datetime] NULL,
[SID] [varchar](50) NULL,
[StartDate] [datetime] NULL,
[ContractStartDate] [datetime] NULL,
[ContractExpiredDate] [datetime] NULL,
[IsActive] [bit] NOT NULL,
[IsInterpreter] [bit] NOT NULL,
[Gender] [varchar](50) NULL,
[PayRate] [money] NOT NULL,
[AgencyNameID] [int] NOT NULL,
[Score] [int] NOT NULL,
[WorkingCity] [varchar](1024) NULL,
[RowDeleted] [bit] NOT NULL,
[UpdateDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[UpdateUser] [varchar](50) NULL,
[InterpreterRateEnabled] [bit] NOT NULL,
[InterpreterHourCalculationEnabled] [bit] NOT NULL,
[MinimumHour] [int] NULL,
[StepInMinute] [int] NULL,
[IncrementInMinute] [int] NULL,
[MinimumHourTel] [int] NULL,
[StepInMinuteTel] [int] NULL,
[IncrementInMinuteTel] [int] NULL,
[MinimumHourCancelledAppt] [int] NULL,
[MinimumHourCancelledApptTel] [int] NULL,
[StepInMinuteWithinMinimumHour] [int] NULL,
[StepInMinuteTelWithinMinimumHour] [int] NULL,
[WeekendRateEnabled] [bit] NOT NULL,
[DiscountRateEnabled] [bit] NOT NULL,
[DiscountRateTriggerInMinute] [int] NULL,
[DiscountRateTelTriggerInMinute] [int] NULL,
[MinimumHourCancelledApptLevel2] [int] NULL,
[MinimumHourCancelledApptTelLevel2] [int] NULL,
[NeverConsolidateMileage] [bit] NOT NULL,
[AlwaysConsolidateMileage] [bit] NOT NULL,
[NeverConsolidateAppointment] [bit] NOT NULL,
[AlwaysConsolidateAppointment] [bit] NOT NULL,
[AppointmentCancelledEmailFlag] [bit] NOT NULL,
[AppointmentSentToInterpreterInboxEmailFlag] [bit] NOT NULL,
[AppointmentSentToInterpreterScheduleEmailFlag] [bit] NOT NULL,
[Notes] [text] NULL,
[BusinessName] [varchar](255) NULL,
[AppointmentCancelledSMSFlag] [bit] NOT NULL,
[AppointmentSentToInterpreterInboxSMSFlag] [bit] NOT NULL,
[AppointmentSentToInterpreterScheduleSMSFlag] [bit] NOT NULL,
[PhoneCompanyEmailServerID] [int] NULL,
[TextMessagePhoneNumber] [varchar](50) NULL,
[AppointmentInfoEditedEmailFlag] [bit] NOT NULL,
[AppointmentInfoEditedSMSFlag] [bit] NOT NULL,
[CollisionID] [timestamp] NOT NULL,
[EmployeeID] ASC
[FK_AgencyName_Employee] FOREIGN KEY([AgencyNameID])
REFERENCES [dbo].[AgencyName] ([AgencyNameID])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Employee] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_AgencyName_Employee]
[DF_Employee_InterpreterType] DEFAULT ('I') FOR [InterpreterType]
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Employee] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Employee_IsActive]
DEFAULT (0) FOR [IsActive]
[DF_Employee_IsInterpreter] DEFAULT (0) FOR [IsInterpreter]
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Employee] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Employee_PayRate]
DEFAULT (0) FOR [PayRate]
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Employee] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Employee_RowDeleted]
DEFAULT (0) FOR [RowDeleted]
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Employee] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Employee_UpdateDate]
DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [UpdateDate]
[DF_Employee_InterpreterRateEnabled] DEFAULT (0) FOR
[DF_Employee_InterpreterHourCalculationEnabled] DEFAULT (0) FOR
[DF_Employee_WeekendRateEnabled] DEFAULT (0) FOR [WeekendRateEnabled]
[DF_Employee_DiscountRateEnabled] DEFAULT (0) FOR
[DF_Employee_NeverConsolidateMileage] DEFAULT (0) FOR
[DF_Employee_AlwaysConsolidateMileage] DEFAULT (0) FOR
[DF_Employee_NeverConsolidateAppointment] DEFAULT (0) FOR
[DF_Employee_AlwaysConsolidateAppointment] DEFAULT (0) FOR
[DF_Employee_AppointmentCancelledEmailFlag] DEFAULT (0) FOR
[DF_Employee_AppointmentSentToInboxEmailFlag] DEFAULT (0) FOR
[DF_Employee_AppointmentSentToInterpreterScheduleEmailFlag] DEFAULT
(0) FOR [AppointmentSentToInterpreterScheduleEmailFlag]
[DF_Employee_AppointmentCancelledEmailFlag1] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR
[DF_Employee_AppointmentSentToInterpreterInboxEmailFlag1] DEFAULT
((0)) FOR [AppointmentSentToInterpreterInboxSMSFlag]
[DF_Employee_AppointmentSentToInterpreterScheduleEmailFlag1] DEFAULT
((0)) FOR [AppointmentSentToInterpreterScheduleSMSFlag]
[DF_Employee_AppointmentInfoEditedEmailFlag] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR
[DF_Employee_AppointmentInfoEditedSMSFlag] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR
CodeTable_r_all is a stored procedure used throughout the application and it will be
loaded only at the start of the application. This procedure will return all the information
needed throughout the Scheduling System. This script involves all the tables like
RateType, UserGroupType, PhoneType, Language, Agency Name, Customer Category,
Employee Phone, Billing Note and so on. As it is used throughout the application if the
anything is needed across the layers then need to alter stored procedure and add the query
according to the need of the functionality.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[CodeTable_r_all]
int = null
if @AgencyNameID is null
select * from State
select * from UserGroupType
select * from TelephoneType
select * from PhoneType
select * from RateType
select * from [Language]
select * from InvoiceStyle
select * from v_CodeTable_Department
select * from CustomerCategory order by SortOrder, DisplayValue
select * from AgencyName where RowDeleted = 0
select * from AgencyPhone where RowDeleted = 0
select * from ZipCode where RowDeleted = 0
select e.*, FirstName + ' ' + LastName + ' - ' + it.Code +
dbo.GetInActiveString(IsActive) as DisplayName,
u.UserNameID, u.UserName, u.Password,it.DisplayValue as
InterpreterTypeDisplayValue, it.SortOrder from Employee e
inner join InterpreterType it on e.InterpreterType = it.Code
left outer join UserName u on e.EmployeeID = u.EID
and (u.UserGroupTypeCode = 'Interpreter' or u.UserGroupTypeCode =
'Agency')and u.RowDeleted = 0 where e.RowDeleted = 0
select el.*, l.LanguageName from EmployeeLanguage el inner join
[Language] l on el.LanguageID = l.LanguageID where el.RowDeleted = 0
select *, dbo.GetWeekDay(DayCode) as DayOfWeek from
EmployeeAvailableTime e where e.RowDeleted = 0
select *, ZipCode from EmployeeNotWorkingArea ewa inner join ZipCode zc
on ewa.ZipCodeID = zc.ZipCodeID where ewa.RowDeleted = 0
select * from EmployeePhone e where e.RowDeleted = 0
select [EmployeeTimeOffID]
,convert(datetime, convert(date,[DayOff],111), 111) as [DayOff]
from EmployeeTimeOff where RowDeleted = 0 and DateDiff(day, getDate(),
DayOff ) >= 0
select * from EmployeeNote e where e.RowDeleted = 0
select * from BillingCode where RowDeleted = 0
select * from Customer c where c.RowDeleted = 0
select * from CustomerPhone where RowDeleted = 0
select * from v_CodeTable_Hospital where RowDeleted = 0
select * from HospitalPhone where RowDeleted = 0
select * from Gender
select * from ExactLocation
select * from PhoneCompanyEmailServer where RowDeleted = 0
select * from EmployeePayDifferential epd where epd.RowDeleted = 0
select * from InterpreterType order by DisplayValue
select * from QuestionFormatType
select * from InterpreterCheckListType
select * from InterpreterCheckList
select * from SpecialityType
select interSpe.*, speType.DisplayValue from InterpreterSpeciality
interSpe inner join SpecialityType speType on interSpe.SpecialityTypeID
= speType.SpecialityTypeID where interSpe.RowDeleted = 0 order by
select * from TrainingType
select interTrain.*, trainType.DisplayValue from InterpreterTraining
interTrain inner join TrainingType trainType on
interTrain.TrainingTypeID = trainType.TrainingTypeID
where interTrain.RowDeleted = 0
order by trainType.DisplayValue
select * from AppointmentCancelledReason order by DisplayValue
select * from InterpreterLockedOutType order by DisplayValue
select * from AppointmentStatusType
select * from ProjectCode
select * from SourceCode
select * from InterpreterAddOn
select * from AppointmentTypeCode order by SortOrder
select *, FirstName + LastName as DisplayName from Dispatcher
RowDeleted = 0
select *, dbo.GetWeekDay(DayCode) as DayOfWeek
where RowDeleted = 0
from DispatcherSchedule
select * from ReportUrl
Following is the Stored procedure to retrieve all the information need for the application
related to the appointment. It retrieves the data from Appointment, v_Appointment,
AppointmentNote, AppointmentHistory, PayrollPeriod, InvoicePeriod, BillingAddress,
EmployeeReminder, PayrollPeriodInterpreter, InvoiceDetail , InvoicePeriodCustomer,
InvoiceDetailAppointment tables. This will retrieve the information of the interpreter
mapped to this appointments.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Appointment_r_all]
@AgencyNameID int,
create table #FoundAppointment(AppointmentID int not null)
declare @SQLPrefix nvarchar(4000)
select @SQLPrefix = 'insert into #FoundAppointment ' + @SQL
select distinct a.AppointmentID
into #AppointmentWithAgency
from Appointment a
inner join #FoundAppointment fa
on a.AppointmentID = fa.AppointmentID
where a.AgencyNameID = @AgencyNameID
and a.RowDeleted = 0
--select table back out to the caller
--select Appointment
select a.*
from v_Appointment a
inner join #AppointmentWithAgency awa
on a.AppointmentID = awa.AppointmentID
order by a.StartTime
--select AppointmentNote
select a.*
from AppointmentNote a
inner join #AppointmentWithAgency awa
on a.AppointmentID = awa.AppointmentID
where a.RowDeleted = 0
--select AppointmentHistory
select a.*
from AppointmentHistory a
inner join #AppointmentWithAgency awa
on a.AppointmentID = awa.AppointmentID
where a.RowDeleted = 0
order by UpdateDate
--select BillingAddress
select a.*
from BillingAddress a
inner join #AppointmentWithAgency awa
on a.AppointmentID = awa.AppointmentID
where a.RowDeleted = 0
--select PayBillItemAuto
select a.*
from v_Appointment_PayBillItemAuto a
inner join #AppointmentWithAgency awa
on a.AppointmentID = awa.AppointmentID
--select PayBillItemManual
select a.*
from PayBillItemManual a
inner join #AppointmentWithAgency awa
on a.AppointmentID = awa.AppointmentID
where a.RowDeleted = 0
--select PendingEmployee
select a.*, e.FirstName + ' ' + e.LastName +
dbo.GetInActiveString(e.IsActive) as DisplayName
from PendingEmployee a
inner join #AppointmentWithAgency awa
on a.AppointmentID = awa.AppointmentID
inner join Employee e on
a.EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID
where a.RowDeleted = 0
--select Person
select a.*
from v_Appointment_Person a
inner join #AppointmentWithAgency awa
on a.AppointmentID = awa.AppointmentID
where a.RowDeleted = 0
select * from AppointmentAttachment where 1 = 0
--select employee reminder
select a.*
from EmployeeReminder a
inner join #AppointmentWithAgency awa
on a.AppointmentID = awa.AppointmentID
select * from PayrollPeriod where 1 = 0
select * from PayrollPeriodInterpreter where 1 = 0
select * from PayrollPeriodInterpreterAppointment where 1 = 0
select * from InvoicePeriod where 1 = 0
select * from InvoicePeriodCustomer where 1 = 0
select * from InvoiceDetail where 1 = 0
select * from InvoiceDetailAppointment where 1 = 0
--drop temp tables
drop table #FoundAppointment
drop table #AppointmentWithAgency
return 0
If the appointment is moved to the interpreter folder of a particular interpreter then
Appointment will show IsInterpreterFolder flag as ‘1’ and else with ‘0’. If the Interpreter
was assigned to the appointment then the appointment will display with assigned
EmployeeID. If the appointment was kept in public folder then the appointment with
IsPublicFolder flag as ‘1’. Moving of the appointments to the interpreter folder and
public folder will be confirmed from the Agency side through web application.
Chapter 5
This chapter describes in detail the .NET technologies used in this project and shows
some sample code to explain in detail, the main features of the application.
Development of Mobile Interface using ASP.NET
ASP.NET framework developed to allow programmers to build Web, Mobile
applications and web services. Mobile Framework uses the forms on the front end and
scripts files used to write code behind the forms. Script files will use the Web services
calls to execute the logic.
The Scheduling System provides the following major features:
1. Maintaining a global database and through the web services sync the data into the
database. The agency or requester users will create appointments. Interpreters are
going to get those appointments into the schedule folder of the mobile application
in day, week and monthly format.
2. Interpreter can accept or reject the appointment based on the available schedule.
3. Signature of the authorized person is automated and uploaded as the voucher into
the System.
4. Appointments should be Synchronize to the database after the time finish.
5. MAP Quest functionality implemented in the Scheduling System by
implementing the Map Quest SDK and using MQ API. This functionality is
implemented as a separate web service to calculate the mileage and travel distance
between the source and destination.
6. Canceled appointments need to be removed from the Sync Folder before
synchronizing the database.
7. Appointments will be saved in two folders. It will consist of the appointments
scheduled for interpreter and agency is not sure about that interpreter’s
availability. Agency Folder consists of the unassigned appointments. This is the
common pool for all the interpreters and agency.
8. Important part of the mobile application is, it detects the web browser and will
produce the output according to the browser.
9. After the appointment is finished, employee submits the appointment and sync to
the database through I2S2 web services.
10. Interpreter can login to the Scheduling System in both online/offline modes.
Interpreter can save the appointment after the time finish and submit the
appointment when the internet connectivity is good.
11. A device emulator is software that simulates a mobile device. Visual Studio IDE
includes built-in emulator SDKs for Pocket PC and Smartphone.
Development of Web Service in ASP.Net
Web Service is programmable application logic accessible via standard Web protocols.
One of these Web protocols is the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). SOAP uses
XML for data description and HTTP for transport to encode and transmit application
data. A SOAP message consists of several elements, most notably an envelope. The
envelope encapsulates the data transmitted within the SOAP message.
Consumers of a Web Service do not need to know anything about the platform, object
model, or programming language used to implement the service. They only need to
understand how to send and receive SOAP messages through HTTP and XML.
Soap Message for DoScheduleAppointmentByLoginUser:
Sample Soap Message for the method DoScheduleAppointmentByLoginUser method
implemented through web service. This method is implemented to do scheduling of the
appointment and return Appointment DataSet(XmlDocument). In this example below,
explains the HTTP headers for the request, including the HTTP SOAPAction header,
which is optionally used by the server for routing the SOAP message.
In the below code snippet, following the HTTP headers we find the body of the HTTP
message. The body of the HTTP message is the SOAP
request for a
DoScheduleAppointmentByLoginUser Web Service that going to build.
SOAPAction: ""
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
<AuthHeader xmlns="">
<DoScheduleAppointmentByLoginUser xmlns="">
The code snippet in the following sections depicts the functionality of the I2S2web
services, which is an integral module in the entire application. MapQuest SDK
implementation in Scheduling system using the Map Quest API to calculate the mileage
and travel time.
Map Services web.config has to be configured with <App Settings > related to the Map
Quest. App Settings includes geocode Server Name, Port, Path, Client ID and Password
as geocode settings and route Server Name, Port, Client Id and password.
<add key="geoCodeServerName" value=""></add>
<add key="geoCodeServerPort" value="80"></add>
<add key="geoCodeServerPath" value="mq"></add>
<add key="geoCodeClientId" value="1233524"></add>
<add key="geoCodePassword" value="wkfhei"></add>
<add key="routeServerName" value=""></add>
<add key="routeServerPort" value="80"></add>
<add key="routeServerPath" value="mq"></add>
<add key="routeClientId" value="21734"></add>
<add key="routePassword" value="dwkkjkj"></add>
http://localhost/MapServices/DistanceCalculator.asmx is the URL used to access the
MapQuest web services and test the working of it. ASMX file extension is used for
ASP.NET Web services Source file.
WSDL file for Calculating the distance with Map Quest SDK
<s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
<s:element name="CalculateDrivingDistanceTime">
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="sFromAddressLine1"
type="s:string" />
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="sFromCity" type="s:string"
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="sFromState"
type="s:string" />
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="sFromZipCode"
type="s:string" />
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="sToAddressLine1"
type="s:string" />
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="sToCity" type="s:string"
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="sToState" type="s:string"
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="sToZipCode"
type="s:string" />
<s:element name="CalculateDrivingDistanceTimeResponse">
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"
name="CalculateDrivingDistanceTimeResult" type="s:string" />
<wsdl:message name="CalculateDrivingDistanceTimeSoapIn">
<wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:CalculateDrivingDistanceTime"
<wsdl:message name="CalculateDrivingDistanceTimeSoapOut">
<wsdl:part name="parameters"
element="tns:CalculateDrivingDistanceTimeResponse" />
<wsdl:portType name="DistanceCalculatorSoap">
<wsdl:operation name="CalculateDrivingDistanceTime">
<wsdl:input message="tns:CalculateDrivingDistanceTimeSoapIn" />
<wsdl:output message="tns:CalculateDrivingDistanceTimeSoapOut" />
<wsdl:binding name="DistanceCalculatorSoap"
<soap:binding transport="" />
<wsdl:operation name="CalculateDrivingDistanceTime">
style="document" />
<soap:body use="literal" />
<soap:body use="literal" />
<wsdl:binding name="DistanceCalculatorSoap12"
<soap12:binding transport="" />
<wsdl:operation name="CalculateDrivingDistanceTime">
style="document" />
<soap12:body use="literal" />
<soap12:body use="literal" />
<wsdl:service name="DistanceCalculator">
<wsdl:port name="DistanceCalculatorSoap"
location="http://localhost/MapServices/DistanceCalculator.asmx" />
<wsdl:port name="DistanceCalculatorSoap12"
location="http://localhost/MapServices/DistanceCalculator.asmx" />
Implementation of Web service using Map Quest
Below is the code snippet for calculating the driving distance time between the Source
and destination points for time finish module of the Scheduling System. This code has
been implemented using MAP Quest SDK and learning through the MAP Quest API
provided for the Asp.Net Framework[7]. In this DistanceCalculator.asmx file is used to
write the business logic and calling of the Map Quest provided method calls.
Existing Scheduling system is using the directions from freeware version
software, which was unreliable and inaccurate. System used to get the
output of Mileage and time. This is not used to calculate the mileage and travel time
Implementation in CalculateDrivingDistanceTime() method is used to provide
enhancement to the existing system that would allow I2S2 to integrate MapQuest map
services via a paid subscription.
In this implementation sub method DoRoute will calculate the distance between the
source and the destination points. DoRoute will take
geoLocs, routeOptions,
routeResult, sessionId has to be passed as parameters. Finally the return values
routeResult.Distance and routeResult.Time will return the distance and travel time
between the source and destination. CalculateDrivingDistanceTime will take the source
and destination address as the parameters. Both address should be separated as address
line, city, state and zip code.
public string CalculateDrivingDistanceTime(string sFromAddressLine1,
string sFromCity, string sFromState, string sFromZipCode,
string sToAddressLine1, string sToCity, string sToState, string
Exec exRoute = new Exec(routeServerName, routeServerPath,
exRoute.ClientId = routeClientId;
exRoute.Password = routePassword;
string sessionId = exRoute.CreateSessionEx(mqSession);
exRoute.DoRoute(geoLocs, routeOptions, routeResult, sessionId);
if (routeResult.ResultCode.ToString().Equals("0"))
return routeResult.Distance.ToString() + "," +
(Math.Round((double)(routeResult.Time / 60) * 10) / 10).ToString();
return "0,0";
CalculateDrivingDistanceTime is a web method present in the MapQuest web service.
DistanceCalculator.asmx.cs file consists of the logic behind the
web method. This
method will invoke the MapQuestServerAPI_CalculateDrivingDistanceTime method by
passing the from and to Address in AddressLine1,City,State and Zip code format.
public string CalculateDrivingDistanceTime(
string sFromAddressLine1, string sFromCity, string sFromState, string
sFromZipCode, string sToAddressLine1, string sToCity, string sToState,
string sToZipCode)
string rv = string.Empty;
rv = MapQuestServerAPI_CalculateDrivingDistanceTime(
sFromAddressLine1, sFromCity, sFromState, sFromZipCode,
sToAddressLine1, sToCity, sToState, sToZipCode);
return rv;
Following code snippet shows how CalculateDrivingDistanceTime will be called by the
script file and passing the source address and destination address as the Parameters. Both
address need to pass as separate parameters in address line, city, state and zip format.
private string MapQuestServerAPI_CalculateDrivingDistanceTime( string
sFromAddressLine1, string sFromCity, string sFromState, string
string sToAddressLine1, string sToCity, string sToState, string
double dblMileage = 0;
double dblTravelTime = 0;
string rv = string.Format("{0},{1}", dblMileage, dblTravelTime);
if (sFromAddressLine1 == string.Empty || sFromCity == string.Empty ||
sFromState == string.Empty || sFromZipCode == string.Empty ||
sToAddressLine1 == string.Empty || sToCity == string.Empty ||
sToState == string.Empty || sToZipCode == string.Empty)
return rv;
MapQuestDistanceCalculator oMapQuestDistanceCalculator = new
rv = oMapQuestDistanceCalculator.CalculateDrivingDistanceTime(
sFromAddressLine1, sFromCity, sFromState, sFromZipCode,
sToAddressLine1, sToCity, sToState, sToZipCode);
return rv;
Implementation of Business Logic using C#.NET
C# is a multi-paradigm programming language encompassing imperative, functional,
generic, object oriented and component oriented programming disciplines. C# is intended
to be a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language[1].
Following Code snippet will check the internet connectivity to the mobile application and
shows the error if the internet is not connected.
public bool ValidateUserName(A_UserInfo.clsUserinfo user)
if (!Config.A_ConnectInternet.CheckInternetConnection())
MessageBox.Show("Network Error: There is no internet connection.
Please connect to the internet and try again.", "Require",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation,
return false;
Following Code snippet will validate the username used to login into Mobile application
is legitimate or not. If the Login credentials having previleges to login, sytem will allow
to login.
I2S2Services.I2S2Services theService = new I2S2Services.I2S2Services();
I2S2Services.AuthHeader theAuthentication = new
theAuthentication.ProductKey = m_strProductKey;
theAuthentication.ApplicationName = user.Appointment;
theAuthentication.UserGroupTypeCode = user.Usergroup;
theAuthentication.Username = user.Username;
theAuthentication.Password = user.Password;
theService.AuthHeaderValue = theAuthentication;
if (theService.ValidateUserName())
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return false;
Following Code snippet is loading the DataTable for the Mobile application from the
AppointmentDS dataset.
Loading the values for the fields from the appointment and person tables. This method
loads the Appointment details needed for the application by retrieving the Appointment
Row and from there getting the Appointment Number, StartDate, AppointmentDuration,
DAuthorizationCode from the dataset.
CAuthorization code is specific to the customer and DAuthorizationCode is assigned to a
particualr department. Supervisor will do a signature on the time finish with entering the
authorizationcode for the appoinment. Appointments without authorization code will not
get submitted.
public DataTable LoadAppointmentDataTable(string strXML)
DataTable dtAppointments = CreateTable();
XmlDocument theXmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList xmlNodes =
XmlDocument xmlDocList = xmlNodes[0].OwnerDocument;
XmlNodeList xmlListAppoint =
XmlNodeList xmlListPerson = xmlDocList.GetElementsByTagName("Person");
int nNodeCount = xmlListAppoint.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < nNodeCount; i++)
XmlNode ndAppointment = xmlListAppoint[i];
DataRow drAppointment = dtAppointments.NewRow();
#region Appointment Row
drAppointment["AppointmentTypeYearNumber"] =
drAppointment["StartDateString"] =
drAppointment["StartTimeString"] =
drAppointment["AppointmentDuration"] =
drAppointment["CustomerName"] =
if (ndAppointment["HospitalName"] != null)
drAppointment["HospitalName"] =
if (ndAppointment["DepartmentName"] != null)
drAppointment["DepartmentName"] =
if (ndAppointment["IsAppointmentVoucherRequired"] != null)
drAppointment["IsAppointmentVoucherRequired"] =
if (ndAppointment["CAuthorizationCode"] != null)
drAppointment["CAuthorizationCode"] =
if (ndAppointment["DAuthorizationCode"] != null)
drAppointment["DAuthorizationCode"] =
Following code snippet will explain how the Time Finish details of the appointment will
be loaded into the Time Finish Folder using the WriteFileTimeFinishedXML Method ,
which will take the From and To dates as parameters to retrieve the appointments
private void WriteFileTimeFinishedXML(string sDateFrom, string sDateTo,
DataTable dtContent)
string strPathFile = Config.A_Config.I2S2PathTimeFinish +
user.Appointment + "_" + user.Username + ".xml";
DataTable dtTemp = bWebservice.CreateTable();
dtTemp = processXML.ReadTimeFinishXML(strPathFile, dtTemp);
DataTable dtSync = processXML.CreateTableSync();
dtSync = processXML.ReadSyncXML(Config.A_Config.I2S2PathSync +
user.Appointment + "_" + user.Username + ".xml");
dtTemp = MergeDatatable(dtTemp, dtContent,dtSync);
processXML.WriteTimeFinishXML(dtTemp, strPathFile);
ReadSyncXML is a method which reads the details of the appointment need to be
retrieved through sync in the xml format.
Following code snippet will show the reading of the data Appointment number,start and
end time, Hosiptal, Department, Provider, Customer, Confirmer Phone, Confirmer Name
and Authorization code.
#region File XML Sync
public DataTable ReadSyncXML(string PathFileXML)
#region Load File XML
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
DataTable dtAppointments = CreateTableSync();
if (File.Exists(PathFileXML))
//XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(PathFileXML);
doc = Config.A_Encryption_Decryption_XML.DescryptionFile(PathFileXML);
#region Load Datatable
XmlNodeList xmlNodes = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Appointments");
XmlDocument xmlDocList = xmlNodes[0].OwnerDocument;
XmlNodeList xmlListAppoint =
int nNodeCount = xmlListAppoint.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < nNodeCount; i++)
DataRow drAppointment = dtAppointments.NewRow();
#region Appointment Row
XmlNode ndAppointment = xmlListAppoint[i];
drAppointment["AppointmentTypeYearNumber"] =
if (ndAppointment["HospitalName"] != null)
if (ndAppointment["HospitalName"].ChildNodes[0] != null)
drAppointment["HospitalName"] =
if (ndAppointment["DepartmentName"] != null)
if (ndAppointment["DepartmentName"].ChildNodes[0] != null)
drAppointment["DepartmentName"] =
if (ndAppointment["ProviderFullName"] != null)
if (ndAppointment["ProviderFullName"].ChildNodes[0] != null)
drAppointment["ProviderFullName"] =
if (ndAppointment["StartDateString"] != null)
drAppointment["StartDateString"] =
if (ndAppointment["StartTimeString"] != null)
drAppointment["StartTimeString"] =
if (ndAppointment["EndDateString"] != null)
drAppointment["EndDateString"] =
if (ndAppointment["EndTimeString"] != null)
drAppointment["EndTimeString"] =
if (ndAppointment["ConfirmerName"] != null)
if (ndAppointment["ConfirmerName"].ChildNodes[0] != null)
drAppointment["ConfirmerName"] =
if (ndAppointment["ConfirmerPhone"] != null)
if (ndAppointment["ConfirmerPhone"].ChildNodes[0] != null)
drAppointment["ConfirmerPhone"] =
if (ndAppointment["AuthirozedCode"] != null)
if (ndAppointment["AuthirozedCode"].ChildNodes[0] != null)
drAppointment["AuthirozedCode"] =
if (ndAppointment["Signature"] != null)
if (ndAppointment["Signature"].ChildNodes[0] != null)
drAppointment["Signature"] =
#endregion Appointment Row
#region Person Rows
ArrayList arrPersons = new ArrayList();
XmlNodeList xmlListPerson = ndAppointment["Person"].ChildNodes;
for (int j = 0; j < xmlListPerson.Count; j++)
XmlNode ndPerson = xmlListPerson[j];
ArrayList thePerson = new ArrayList();
drAppointment["Person"] = arrPersons;
return dtAppointments;
WriteSyncXML is a method which writes the details of the appointment to the session
through sync in the xml format.
Following code snippet will show the saving of the data Appointment number,start and
end time, Hosiptal,Department, Provider, Customer, Confirmer Phone, Confirmer Name
and Authorization code related the appointment.
public void WriteSyncXML(string pathFile, DataTable dt)
#region Write File XML
XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();
ArrayList arr = new ArrayList();
string strXML = "<Appointments>";
int countRows = dt.Rows.Count;
if (countRows > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < countRows; i++)
strXML += "<AppointmentTypeYearNumber name='" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[0].ToString()) + "'>"
strXML += "<HospitalName>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[1].ToString()) +
strXML += "<DepartmentName>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[2].ToString()) +
strXML += "<ProviderFullName>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[3].ToString()) +
strXML += "<StartDateString>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[5].ToString()) +
strXML += "<StartTimeString>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[6].ToString()) +
strXML += "<EndDateString>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[7].ToString()) +
strXML += "<EndTimeString>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[8].ToString()) +
strXML += "<ConfirmerName>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[9].ToString()) +
strXML += "<ConfirmerPhone>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[10].ToString()) +
strXML += "<AuthirozedCode>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[11].ToString()) +
strXML += "<Signature>" + dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[12].ToString() +
strXML += "<Person>";
arr = (ArrayList)dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[4];
for (int j = 0; j < arr.Count; j++)
strXML += "<Information>";
strXML += "<LastName>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(Convert.ToString(((ArrayList)arr[j])[0])) +
strXML += "<FirstName>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(Convert.ToString(((ArrayList)arr[j])[1])) +
strXML += "<ReferenceNumber>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(Convert.ToString(((ArrayList)arr[j])[2])) +
strXML += "</Information>";
strXML += "</Person>";
strXML += "</AppointmentTypeYearNumber>";
strXML += "</Appointments>";
if (File.Exists(pathFile))
//xmldoc.Save(Config.A_Config.I2S2PathSync + "temp.xml");
#endregion Write File XML
#endregion File XML Sync
Some of the appointments from different customers will have multiple patients.
Following Code snippet will retrieve all the patients for the appointment. It will get the
LastName, First Name and Reference Numebr of the Patient. Patient Information is saved
in the Person table of the I2S2. AppointmentDS will get the data from Appointment,
PayBillItemManual , Person tables.
#region Person Rows
ArrayList arrPersons = new ArrayList();
for (int j = 0; j < xmlListPerson.Count; j++)
if (ndAppointment.Attributes[0].Value.Trim() ==
XmlNode ndPerson = xmlListPerson[j];
ArrayList thePerson = new ArrayList();
drAppointment["Person"] = arrPersons;
return dtAppointments;
Following is the Code snippet depicts calling onViewMyFolder method when Interpreter
clicks on My Folder in the mobile application. OnViewMyFolder method intern calls the
webservice GetInterpreterFolderAppointment method by passing the from and to date.
public DataTable onViewMyFolder(A_UserInfo.clsUserinfo user,string
strFromDate, string strToDate)
if (!Config.A_ConnectInternet.CheckInternetConnection())
MessageBox.Show("Network Error: There is no internet connection.
Please connect to the internet and try again.", "Require",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation,
return new DataTable();
I2S2Services.I2S2Services theService = new I2S2Services.I2S2Services();
I2S2Services.AuthHeader theAuthentication = new
theAuthentication.ProductKey = m_strProductKey;
theAuthentication.ApplicationName = user.Appointment;
theAuthentication.UserGroupTypeCode = user.Usergroup;
theAuthentication.Username = user.Username;
theAuthentication.Password = user.Password;
theService.AuthHeaderValue = theAuthentication;
string strXML = theService.GetInterpreterFolderAppointment(strFromDate,
DataTable dtAppointments = LoadAppointmentDataTable(strXML);
return dtAppointments;
Below code snippet will get the appointments for View Available Appointmetnts folder
in the Internet Interpreter Scheduling System. It will intern call GetInterpreterAvailable
Appointment method of the I2S2 Webservice.
public DataTable onViewAvailableAppointments(A_UserInfo.clsUserinfo
user, string strFromDate, string strToDate)
if (!Config.A_ConnectInternet.CheckInternetConnection())
MessageBox.Show("Network Error: There is no internet connection.
Please connect to the internet and try again.", "Require",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation,
return new DataTable();
I2S2Services.I2S2Services theService = new I2S2Services.I2S2Services();
I2S2Services.AuthHeader theAuthentication = new
theAuthentication.ProductKey = m_strProductKey;
theAuthentication.ApplicationName = user.Appointment;
theAuthentication.UserGroupTypeCode = user.Usergroup;
theAuthentication.Username = user.Username;
theAuthentication.Password = user.Password;
theService.AuthHeaderValue = theAuthentication;
string strXML =
DataTable dtAppointments = LoadAppointmentDataTable(strXML);
return dtAppointments;
Following Method demonstrates the loading of the appointment array list . It will check
for the Collision Id. Collision id is to determine if the same appointment is getting
modified by more than one user at a time.
If the agency and Interpreter are trying to save or modify any details of the appointment it
will check for the collision id. Collision id calculate the time stamp of the appointment
and ask the later update to refresh before doing the update to the same appointment.
private ArrayList LoadAppointmentArrayList(string strXML)
ArrayList arrResult = new ArrayList();
XmlDocument theXmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList xmlNodes =
XmlDocument xmlDocList = xmlNodes[0].OwnerDocument;
XmlNodeList xmlListAppoint =
int nCount = xmlListAppoint.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
XmlNode ndAppointment = xmlListAppoint.Item(i);
ArrayList theAppointment = new ArrayList();
return arrResult;
Implementation Details of Time Finish
Code snippets in this section depict the functionality of the Time Finish Module, which is
another major module in the entire application.
#region LoadData
private void LoadDataListView(DataTable tbList)
for (int i = 0; i < tbList.Rows.Count; i++)
#region Appointment Details
DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(tbList.Rows[i].ItemArray[1]);
if (DateTime.Compare(dt,
Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString())) > 0)
ListViewItem lvitem = new ListViewItem();
ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem lvsItem;
lvitem.Text = Convert.ToString(tbList.Rows[i].ItemArray[0]);
lvitem.Tag = Convert.ToString(tbList.Rows[i].ItemArray[11]);
lvsItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
lvsItem.Text = Convert.ToString(tbList.Rows[i].ItemArray[1]);
lvsItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
lvsItem.Text = Convert.ToString(tbList.Rows[i].ItemArray[2]);
lvsItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
lvsItem.Text = Convert.ToString(tbList.Rows[i].ItemArray[3]);
lvsItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
lvsItem.Text = Convert.ToString(tbList.Rows[i].ItemArray[7]);
System.Collections.ArrayList arrTemp = new
arrTemp = (System.Collections.ArrayList)tbList.Rows[i].ItemArray[10];
System.Collections.ArrayList arr = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
string strFullName = string.Empty;
string strRef = string.Empty;
int k = 0;
foreach (object o in arrTemp)
arr = (System.Collections.ArrayList)o;
if (k == 0)
strFullName = strFullName + arr[0].ToString() + ", " +
strRef = strRef + arr[2].ToString();
k = 1;
strFullName = strFullName + " / " + arr[0].ToString() + ", " +
strRef = strRef + " / " + arr[2].ToString();
lvsItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
lvsItem.Text = strRef;
lvsItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
lvsItem.Text = strFullName;
lvsItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
lvsItem.Text = Convert.ToString(tbList.Rows[i].ItemArray[5]);
lvsItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
lvsItem.Text = Convert.ToString(tbList.Rows[i].ItemArray[6]);
lvsItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
lvsItem.Text = Convert.ToString(tbList.Rows[i].ItemArray[8]);
lvsItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
lvsItem.Text = Convert.ToString(tbList.Rows[i].ItemArray[9]);
lvsItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
lvsItem.Text = Convert.ToString(tbList.Rows[i].ItemArray[4]);
Following Code snippet is to create the Userinterface for the Time finish folder in
scheduling System. CreateListView will create the display of the columns present in the
time finish folder. Order of the columns to be displayed also mentioned here. Appt. Nbr,
Date Of Service, Time Start, Duration, Language, Patient Name, Requester name,
provider and customer name. Width of the column has to be specified before adding the
elements ot the Interface.
#region CreateControl
private void CreateListView()
this.listView1 = new A_UserControl.ListViewEx();
this.col2 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();
this.ccol3 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();
this.col4 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();
this.col5 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();
this.col6 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();
this.col7 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();
this.col8 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();
this.col9 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();
this.col10 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();
this.col11 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();
this.col12 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();
this.col13 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();
this.listView1.FullRowSelect = true;
this.listView1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 10F,
this.listView1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 2);
this.listView1.Name = "listView1";
this.listView1.TabIndex = 1;
this.listView1.View = System.Windows.Forms.View.Details;
this.listView1.ItemActivate += new
this.listView1.SelectedIndexChanged += new
this.listView1.ContextMenu = conMenuMain;
this.listView1.GridLines = true;
this.col2.Text = "Appt. Nbr.";
this.col2.Width = 80;
this.ccol3.Text = "Date Of Service";
this.ccol3.Width = 110;
// col4
this.col4.Text = "Time Start";
this.col4.Width = 80;
// col5
this.col5.Text = "Duration";
this.col5.Width = 70;
this.col9.Text = "Language";
this.col9.Width = 120;
this.col11.Text = "MR #";
this.col11.Width = 110;
this.col10.Text = "Patient Name";
this.col10.Width = 150;
this.col7.Text = "Clinic/Venue";
this.col7.Width = 180;
this.col8.Text = "Department";
this.col8.Width = 180;
this.col12.Text = "Requester Name";
this.col12.Width = 120;
this.col13.Text = "Provider Name";
this.col13.Width = 150;
this.col6.Text = "Customer Name";
this.col6.Width = 180;
// frmView
this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(96F, 96F);
this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Dpi;
this.AutoScroll = true;
this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(240, 268);
this.Menu = mainMenuList;
Following three methods are used to call the web services for the folders corresponding
to the Mobile Application. getMySchedule calls the onViewMySchedule web method by
passing the from,to dates and username of the interpreter. getMyFolder method will call
onViewMyFolder webmethod in the webservice.
#region Get DataTable
private DataTable getMySchedule()
return bWebservice.onViewMySchedule(this.user,m_sDateFrom,m_sDateTo);
private DataTable getMyFolder()
return bWebservice.onViewMyFolder(this.user, m_sDateFrom, m_sDateTo);
private DataTable getAvairableAppointment()
return bWebservice.onViewAvailableAppointments(this.user, m_sDateFrom,
Following code snippet of method OnSave will execute the Saving functionality of the
Time Finish Folder. This method has the validations for the Confirmer Phone number,
Confirmer Name and Authorization Code. Signature field will be validated with
authorization code. User need to enter the authorization code before saving it.
Authorization code for the appointment will be verified with server side validation.
MessageBox is a class used to display the error message in the framework.
#region Save File XML
private void OnSave()
#region Check input data
if (ucTimeFinish1.getStartDate() == string.Empty)
if (ucTimeFinish1.getStartHour() == string.Empty)
if (ucTimeFinish1.getStartMinute() == string.Empty)
if (ucTimeFinish1.getEndDate() == string.Empty)
if (ucTimeFinish1.getEndHour() == string.Empty)
if (ucTimeFinish1.getEndMinute() == string.Empty)
if (ucTimeFinish1.getConfirmerName() == string.Empty)
MessageBox.Show("Confirmer's Name is required", "Invalid",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation,
if (ucTimeFinish1.getConfirmerPhone() == string.Empty)
#endregion Check input data
Following Code snipppet depicts the saving details in the time finish module. In this
implementation need to create a data table from reading the xml from path and load the
details of the appointment into the data row.
//Save File
string strPath = Config.A_Config.I2S2PathSync + user.Appointment + "_"
+ user.Username + ".xml";
//Read file xml
DataTable tbList = processXML.ReadSyncXML(strPath);
//Merge table
DataRow drList = tbList.NewRow();
drList["AppointmentTypeYearNumber"] = m_sAppointmentNumber;
drList["HospitalName"] = ucTimeFinish1.getClinicVenue();
drList["DepartmentName"] = ucTimeFinish1.getDepartment();
drList["ProviderFullName"] = ucTimeFinish1.getProvider();
drList["Person"] = ucTimeFinish1.getReceptionServicee();
drList["StartDateString"] = ucTimeFinish1.getStartDate();
drList["StartTimeString"] = ucTimeFinish1.getStartHour() + ":" +
ucTimeFinish1.getStartMinute() + " " +
drList["EndDateString"] = ucTimeFinish1.getEndDate();
drList["EndTimeString"] = ucTimeFinish1.getEndHour() + ":" +
ucTimeFinish1.getEndMinute() + " " + ucTimeFinish1.getEndPartDate();
drList["ConfirmerName"] = ucTimeFinish1.getConfirmerName();
drList["ConfirmerPhone"] = ucTimeFinish1.getConfirmerPhone();
Following snippet is implemented to create the flag to validate the Authorization text box
whether the authorization code exist or not.
#region Check Picture
int flag = 0;
if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int l = 0; l < table.Rows.Count; l++)
if (table.Rows[l].ItemArray[0].ToString() ==
if ((table.Rows[l].ItemArray[16].ToString() == "") &&
table.Rows[l].ItemArray[17].ToString() == "") { }
if (table.Rows[l].ItemArray[16].ToString() != "")
if (ucTimeFinish1.getAuthirozedCode().ToLower() !=
flag = 1;
flag = 2;
if (flag == 1)
if (table.Rows[l].ItemArray[17].ToString() != "")
if (ucTimeFinish1.getAuthirozedCode().ToLower() !=
flag = 1;
flag = 2;
Based on the value of the flag, if it is ‘1’ then displays an error message stating Invalid
AuthorizationCode. If the authorization code is correct then saves the Authorization code
into the data table.
This Code validates the signature entered in the picture box . If the signature is not
entered by the doctor , it will throw an error. After validating the mandatory fields the
data will be saved into the xml.
if (flag == 1)
MessageBox.Show("Authorization Code is required", "Invalid",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation,
if (flag == 2)
drList["AuthirozedCode"] = ucTimeFinish1.getAuthirozedCode();
if (table.Rows[l].ItemArray[15].ToString().ToLower() ==
if (!ucTimeFinish1.PictureBoxHaveImage())
MessageBox.Show("Signature is required", "Invalid",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation,
drList["Signature"] =
if (ucTimeFinish1.PictureBoxHaveImage())
drList["Signature"] =
flag = l;
#endregion Check Picture
//Write file
processXML.WriteSyncXML(strPath, tbList);
processXML.WriteTimeFinishXML(table, pathFileTimeFinish);
#endregion Save File XML
This is the code written in the A_Process.xml, which is used to sync the data after
submission of the appointment and sync to the database. WriteSyncXML will sync the
data related to the appointment into the Appointment and Person tabels coorespondingly
and encrypt the data before sending to the server.
public void WriteSyncXML(string pathFile, DataTable dt)
#region Write File XML
XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();
ArrayList arr = new ArrayList();
string strXML = "<Appointments>";
int countRows = dt.Rows.Count;
if (countRows > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < countRows; i++)
strXML += "<AppointmentTypeYearNumber name='" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[0].ToString()) + "'>";
strXML += "<HospitalName>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[1].ToString()) +
strXML += "<DepartmentName>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[2].ToString()) +
strXML += "<ProviderFullName>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[3].ToString()) +
strXML += "<StartDateString>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[5].ToString()) +
strXML += "<StartTimeString>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[6].ToString()) +
strXML += "<EndDateString>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[7].ToString()) +
strXML += "<EndTimeString>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[8].ToString()) +
strXML += "<ConfirmerName>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[9].ToString()) +
strXML += "<ConfirmerPhone>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[10].ToString()) +
strXML += "<AuthirozedCode>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[11].ToString()) +
strXML += "<Signature>" + dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[12].ToString() +
strXML += "<Person>";
arr = (ArrayList)dt.Rows[i].ItemArray[4];
for (int j = 0; j < arr.Count; j++)
strXML += "<Information>";
strXML += "<LastName>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(Convert.ToString(((ArrayList)arr[j])[0])) +
strXML += "<FirstName>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(Convert.ToString(((ArrayList)arr[j])[1])) +
strXML += "<ReferenceNumber>" +
ReplaceSpecialChars(Convert.ToString(((ArrayList)arr[j])[2])) +
strXML += "</Information>";
strXML += "</Person>";
strXML += "</AppointmentTypeYearNumber>";
strXML += "</Appointments>";
if (File.Exists(pathFile))
Following code snippet depict the Event Listeners for the Time finish folder. This is to
execute the functionality of the various options like Main Menu, Save, Search Results
present in the time finish folder
#region Main Menu List
private void mnuItemListMainMenu_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void mnuItemListTimeFinishDetails_Click(object sender,
EventArgs e)
if (this.listView1.SelectedIndices.Count > 0)
#region Main Menu Details
private void mnuItemDetailsSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
GetAppointmentAuthorizationCode method will retrieve the appointment row and then
get the authorization code for the appointment and if any case appointment is not having
any authorization code then it will validate the authorization code of the customer. So
Authorization Code should be given while doing the authorization for the Time Finishing
appointment. This provides the security to the Scheduling System.
public static string
string rv = string.Empty;
if (oAppointment != null)
if (!oAppointment.IsAuthorizationCodeNull())
rv = oAppointment.AuthorizationCode;
else if (!oAppointment.IsDAuthorizationCodeNull())
rv = oAppointment.DAuthorizationCode;
else if (!oAppointment.IsCAuthorizationCodeNull())
rv = oAppointment.CAuthorizationCode;
return rv;
Chapter 6
The following screenshots capture the main functionalities of the Windows Mobile
Application Internet Interpreter Scheduling System (I2S2)
User Authentication: I2S2 Logic Screen
User will enter the Application Name, User Name, and Password to enter into I2S2
Mobile application. If the User login is successful, then user will get access to functions
of application. Here User will have option for selecting online or offline mode.
Appointments can be time finish in offline mode. These appointments can be sync to the
database after getting the internet connectivity.
Following is the screenshot cradle the mobile device with I2S2 application and
authenticating it.
Figure 12 Cradle the POCKET PC Emulator in Device Manager Screenshot
After successful deployment of the application, device emulator uses to connect the
mobile device simulator to the application and cradles the device. This process will take
place after building and deploying the application.
Following is the screen shot of the Microsoft Active Sync initialization process before
user connect to the device. It will first look for the changes and then the process of
synchronization starts.
Figure 13 Initializing the Active Sync Screenshot
This is the state the Microsoft Active sync after being connected. Then the device is
ready to login and use.
Figure 14 After Synchronization Screenshot
Following is the screen shot of the home screen of Mobile application. This includes all
the modules Schedule, Time finish, My Folder, Sync and View Available Appointments.
After selecting the folder name the application loads the appointments by calling the
global web services, which intern make calls to the database and retrieves data.
Figure 15 Folders of the Application Screenshot
Screen Flow for Schedule:
User clicks on Schedule Folder of the scheduling system. It will show all the
appointments scheduled for the interpreter. Interpreter can view the appointments in day,
weekly and monthly view depends on user convenience.
In the following screen, date selection dropdown will show the calendar picker when the
interpreter click on the drop down.
Figure 16 Schedule with Appointments search
Figure 17 Schedule with Cannot Cover option selected
Schedule folder has the options like I will Take it, Cannot cover and View details.
Interpreter can choose one of the options to perform the actions depends on their
availability for the appointment.
Interpreter can view the details of the appointment by selecting the View details option
provided in the Schedule folder. It will show the Requester, Patient and Appointment
details with the time details of the appointment. It will help the interpreter to decide to
accept or reject the appointment.
Following Screen shot is used to show the options provided by the application for
interpreter in the Schedule folder.
Figure 18 Schedule with options Screen Shot
If the interpreter selects cannot cover option, appointment will go to the agency pool
without any assignee. Agency will reschedule the appointment to another interpreter.
Interpreter can go back to the main home screen by clicking on Main Menu option
provided in the Action.
Screen Flow for View Available Appointments:
View available appointments folder will show all appointments for the interpreter that are
not assigned to any other interpreter and related to the interpreter speaking language.
Interpreter can view the details of the appointment by clicking the View Details option
provided in the View Available Appointments folder.
Figure 19 View Available Appointments with options Screenshot
Following is the screen shot after selecting View Details option in the View Available
Appointments Folder. It shows all the requester, clinic and patient details related to the
Figure 20 View Details of the View Appointment details Screenshot
Interpreter can select the option “I will Take it”, then the appointment will display in the
Schedule Folder of the Interpreter. View Details will show the Requester, Patient and
Appointment details.
Following is the Screen shot of the Available appointments folder with the Search results
option activated. “Cannot Cover” option is available for the appointments in this folder.
Interpreter will be able to select the appointments by selecting the choice “I will Take it”
Figure 21 View Details of the View Appointments with Search Results Selected
Figure 22 View Available Appointments Screen shot
Interpreter can view the appointments day, week and monthly format depending on
choice. Interpreter can pick any date by clicking on the dropdown; it will pop up a
calendar picker. Interpreter can select any date and view the appointments
Below screenshot shows the View available appointments folder with “I will Take it”
option active. Interpreter selects that option, appointment will transfer to the schedule
folder of the mobile application.
Figure 23 View Available Appointments with “I will Take It” selection Screen shot
Screen flow for My Folder
My Folder will show the appointments scheduled for the interpreter by the agency or
Requester. Interpreter can view the appointments in day, weekly or monthly format.
Interpreter can reject the appointments by clicking on the “Cannot Cover”, then
appointments will go to the public folder.
Interpreter can pick the appointment again by going to the View Available appointments
or Agency will reschedule it to someone else.
Figure 24 View My Folder with Appointments Search Results
Figure 25 View Details in the View My Folder
View Details will show the Requester, appointment details when the view details option
selected by the interpreter in the View My Folder. Depending on the details, the
Interpreter can select the appointment or reject the appointment.
Screen flow for Time Finish:
Time Finish Folder will show the appointments for that day. Below screenshot shows the
view results of the time finish folder.
Figure 26 Time Finish Module with Appointment Screen shot
User will have only two options Time Finish Details and Main Menu. Following is the
screen shot of the Time finished folder with options selected.
Figure 27 Time Finish of Appointment with functions Screen shot
Following is the screenshot of the time-finished folder with requester tab selected. User
can use the keyboard with stylus to modify the details of the appointment.
Time Finish tab of the Time Finish Folder will have the appointment start and end time.
Supervisor or doctor at venue will authorize the appointment by entering the Confirmer
name and Phone number before saving the appointment.
Figure 28 Time Finish Module with Requester tab Screen shot
Below is the screen shot of the time finish tab of the time finish folder.
Figure 29 Time Finish Module with Time Finish tab Screen shot
Figure 30 Time Finish Module with Patient tab Screen shot
Figure 31 Time Finish Module with Time Finish Tab Screen shot
In Time Finish module the interpreter or supervisor provided with option to change the
starting time of the appointment in case of any delays due to late coming of patient or
doctor. Interpreter will enter the end time and get authorization from the supervisor.
Action provided with three option. Save option is use to save the details and sync the
Search Results will show the today’s Appointments for the interpreter in the Time finish
Module. Main Menu option will display the all the folders for the interpreter.
Figure 32 Time Finish Screen with save option Screen shot
Below Screen shots depicts the Authorization tab of the time finish folder. Interpreter can
enter the authorization code and signature of the interpreter. Doctor or Corresponding
person will do the signature on Authorization tab with Stylus.
User will have the option of clearing the signature if any case of any mistake. Doctor or
supervisor can do signature on the Authorization Tab of the Time finish folder by stylus.
Figure 33 Time Finish Folder authorization tab Screen shot
Figure 34 Time Finish Module Authorization Tab Screen shot
After saving the appointment completed, It will disappear from the Time Finish folder
and move to Sync Folder.
Following screenshot is used to Time finish screen after successful submission of the
appointment and went to the sync folder.
Figure 35 Completing the Time Finish for Appointment Screenshot
Screen flow for Sync
Appointments time finished by the interpreter will display in the Sync Folder of the
Application. When the User clicks on “Sync” it will synchronize the appointments to the
database. All the appointments will update in the global database by web service calls.
Figure 36 Sync Module Screen shot
Figure 37 Sync Module with functions screen shot
Above Screen shot is used to Sync Folder with Sync option selected. Appointment need
to be checked before sync to the database. Unchecked appointments will not be get sync
with the database.
Following screen shot depicts the Remove option selected in the Sync Folder.
Figure 38 Sync Appointments with remove option activated Screen shot
Appointments will be removed before performing the Sync option. Sync operation
synchronizes the application with database.
Sync operation provides the functionality with multiple appointments. Interpreter can
synchronize any number of appointments at once to the database. Interpreter will select
the appointments supposed to get sync and click on Sync option, which enables the sync
with the database through web services.
Figure 39 Synchronize the appointment with Sync option selected Screen Shot
Testing of the MapQuest functionality through web service
Calculation of driving distance and time will be calculated by the Map Services Web
service, which is implemented using the Map Quest API. From and To address for
source and destinations should be entered into the fields. User click on invoke, it will get
the distance and travel time in xml format. Method will parse the values and display for
the time finish module. Below screen shot is used to show the calculation of driving
distance interface to calculate the distance and time for the interpreter to travel from
source to destination.
Figure 40 Distance Calculation Web Service using Map Quest Screen shot
Following Screen shot is used to show the mileage for the appointment after calculating
the distance between the source and destination points. Here source address taken by the
scheduling system from the configuration settings entered by the customer and interpreter
address settings will take from the interpreter configuration settings from the interpreter
Customer can opt for two types of mileages. One for round trip and another option for
point to point mileage. Round Trip mileage calculates the round trip distance from the
source to destination and again from destination to source. Point to point mileage will be
configured when the interpreter had sequence appointments. Travel distance will be
calculated from the source to destination and destination to another destination and so on.
Finally back to the Source.
Figure 41 Calculation of Mileage by using Map Quest in Time Finish Screen shot
Chapter 7
In Recent Years Mobile Applications deliver complex functionalities on platforms that
have limited resource for computing. Mobile Application testing is one of the most
important part of development life cycle. Testing involves both the software and
hardware equipment. It is important to have good equipment to support the software
The application is first tested within the development environment using emulators. Later
it is subjected to field testing. Emulators provide inexpensive way to test the applications
on mobile phones to which we may not have physical access.
Testing developer has to understand the network landscape and device landscape for
mobile application. After that need to find out bottlenecks. Conditions like wireless
traffic and user load, which arise on actual device, should be taken into consideration
while measuring performance.
Some of the advantages of using the Mobile application are
 Highly Automated.
 High Interoperability
 Flexibility
 Fast Processing
This project is developed as a real-time project for client. It aims at providing an efficient
Mobile-based solution that ensures quick and fast processing of the scheduling System.
It contributes to improve productivity of the interpreter and more efficient scheduling
system that handles a greater load of appointments without increasing staff.
It provides the capability to better communicate with customers, provide immediate
information on appointment status to Agency and Requesters.
This project is efficient in realizing the goals of the Staff of the Agency by efficiently
calculating the Mileage and Travel Time using the Map Quest. This reduces the work of
staff for manual calculation and adjusting the mileages for the interpreters while
generating the invoice for both customer and interpreters.
In addition, It provides the flexibility of automation of the voucher and reduced the time
for processing the payroll of the employees. The scope of the project defined in such a
way that, it can submitted as a Master’s project.
Functionality Extensions
The following functionalities can be possible additions onto the existing system:
1. Integrate the time tracking system with the existing scheduling application. Time
tracking system track the time spent by the interpreters at venue and traveling more
efficiently. Agency will know the availability of the interpreter and delay in the
appointment rapidly. Billing to the customer and payments to the interpreter will be
more efficient based on the work completed.
2. Make this software compatible to different mobile operating systems like Android
and IOS, so that huge percentage of users will be able to get benefited from this
Hardware and Software Specifications
Hardware Requirements
WINDOWS Mobile Phone with Touch Screen
Development Environment:
Pentium-IV Processor or above
250MB of Free Hard disk space
1GB of RAM
Network interface card or Modem (For Remote Access)
Software Requirements
Windows Mobile OS
WI-FI / 3G / Internet Connection
Development Environment:
Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2008 Enterprise Edition
Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5
Internet Information Services (IIS)
Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Programming Languages – C#
A.Russell Jones ( 2002 ) : Mastering Asp.Net with C#; SYBEX
Building Microsoft ASP.NET Applications for Mobile Devices, Second
Edition (Pro-Developer) by Andy Wigley
Creating ASP.NET Mobile Web Pages: Retrieved from the Microsoft
Corporation MSDN Library. Website:
Creating Web Services : Retrieved from Microsoft Corporation MSDN
MapQuest Platform Web Services from MapQuest developer Network