6645 – 148 Street, Surrey, BC V3S 3C7
Tel: 604-590-7274 Fax: 604-599-0956
Title: Intranet Implementation
Addendum ISSUE DATE: June 18, 2007
RFP CLOSING DATE & TIME: On or before Wednesday, June 20, 2007 – 3 p.m.
Revised information for Registered Proponents
The following information is provided prior to the deadline for questions. This addendum #2
contains five pages in total. Refer to Addendum #1 for Questions/Answers #1 - #5.
Question 6:
Could you please provide clarification regarding Schedule C-3, item (vi) – standards to be met. Are you referring to
Accessibility standards the solution meets?
Answer #6:
Schedule C-3, item (vi) should read: “a description of documentation standards (e.g. for any development of custom
code or configuration) to be used by Proponent in providing the Services;”
Question 7:
We understand that time is of the essence for the delivery of this project and we will take this into account while
preparing a detailed timeline. But could you please clarify if you have a target date for the start and completion of
this project.
Answer #7:
Target start date is week of July 9, 2007 – dependent on evaluation process and schedule. At the latest, the City of
Surrey would like completion by the end of the year or sooner (if it does not impact overall cost of delivery).
Question #8:
Will you be using MOSS 2007 as your CMS to manage your Intranet? If so, to what extent of the functionalities
will be used?
Answer #8:
We will be using MOSS 2007. Vendor is to provide details on what functionality to use – this should be based on
industry and municipal best practice.
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Question #9:
Could you please provide more details of how you would like the integration of Exchange 2003 done?
Answer #9:
No, integration to Exchange 2003 Public Folders. Based on industry and municipal best practice, may need to
consider workflow capabilities.
Question #10:
How much info is to be transferred from Exchange 2003 Public Folder?
Answer #10:
The following are high level estimates:
estimated to migrate 1,169 items
estimated to migrate 1,736 items
estimated to migrate 17 items
estimated to migrate 12 items
Question #11:
Are we to only create the plan or will it also be required of us to create and implement the migration?
Answer #11:
Please clarify what this is referring to. Exchange Public folder migration?
Question #12:
Could you please provide details of your budget allocation for this project?
Answer #12:
See Answer #5
Question #13:
Training – would there be a requirement for the Proponent to deliver training in addition to creating a plan and
material, and if so to what audience(s) and how many participants (i.e. train the trainer, system administrators, site
administrators, content creators and/or general users)? If training is to be delivered to user groups, will the City
provide room and equipment to facilitate the delivery?
Answer #13:
Please refer to the scope elements section of the RFP. Delivery of training should be included. The City of Surrey
would like to use the train the trainer approach. Please propose costing structure (e.g. per person or per group).
Question #14:
Branding – With site branding, would the City supply branding look and feel guidelines, logo images, etc. that the
Proponent would apply, or would the Proponent be expected to develop these?
Answer #14:
Proponents are expected to develop the site branding look and feel guidelines based on industry best practices and
municipal space. The Proponents branding proposals will be reviewed by the City of Surrey before being
implemented. The City of Surrey will provide feedback and guidance and also provide logo images.
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Question #15:
Will the answers to questions concerning this RFP be shared with all bidding vendors?
Answer #15:
All questions and answers are distributed using RFP Addenda which are published on the City web. Proponents are
responsible for checking the web for updates.
Question #16:
Appendices 1-5 are referred to in the RFP. However, they are missing from the RFP.
Answer #16:
The page just before Schedule C indicates that Appendices will be updated with proposal results. Appendices 1
through 5 are prepared using the RFP and the successful Proposal to become the attachments to the eventual contract
Question #17:
There is a professional services agreement attached to the RFP. What is the purpose of this? There are no
instructions in the RFP regarding this.
Answer #17:
The RFP reads:
Schedule B – Contract (draft)
Schedule C-1 – Statement of Departures:
1. I/We have reviewed the proposed Contract attached to the RFP as Schedule “B”.
If requested by the City, I/We would be prepared to enter into that Contact,
amended by the following departures.
Question #18:
The RFP has been released on 12th and you expect a response by 20th. Proposals of such size are given at least 1
month (or more time) to respond.
Answer #18:
The RFP was posted on the Web June 6, 2007 and the closing date is June 20, 2007. No extension is available.
Question #19:
The RFP reads “Inquiries should be made no later than 7 days before Closing Time. The City reserves the right not
to respond to inquiries made within 7 days of the Closing Time. Inquiries and responses will be recorded and may
be distributed to all Proponents at the discretion of the City”.
Answer #19:
We have been accommodating questions and answers up until June 18.
Question #20:
Proponents should submit the original plus 6 hard copies (7 in total) of their Proposals. This is a lot of paperwork.
Any reasons why you want so many copies? Would be great if you can accept e-mailed responses.
Answer #20:
We are not capable of accepting e-mailed responses at this time. You are welcome to attach a CD if necessary but 7
hardcopies are required so that each evaluator can review each proposal individually.
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Question #21:
At the time of issuance of this RFP a meeting has not been scheduled.
Answer #21:
No information meeting has been scheduled.
Question #22:
If the Proponent is a corporation, then the full name of the corporation should be included, together with the names
of authorized signatories. The Proposal should be executed by all of the authorized signatories or by one or more of
them provided that a copy of the corporate resolution authorizing those persons to execute the Proposal on behalf of
the corporation is submitted. We are a corporation. Do you need a copy of corporate resolutions?
Answer #22:
Your corporate resolution would be required after we have finalized negotiations.
Question #23:
How many vendors have been sent e-mails by City Purchasing regarding this RFP? This would be helpful to see
how we stand in competitive terms?
Answer #23:
The RFP is posted on the website for anyone to participate.
Question #24:
We want to know if you will only consider MS Sharepoint or are open to other solutions.
Answer #24:
The City has made a strategic decision to stay with Microsoft. Our Internet application is CMS and as you know
Sharepoint is the next version.
Question #25:
I have technical questions - on how much of the content is in exchange folders? How is the Access Control set up?
What are the current limitations and what is the long term goal? Do you want the Intranet and Internet site to coexist
and run from the same solutions? What is the current Systems Architecture? Are you tracking the Intranet usage
statistics? Do you plan to have this information available? There are many components in the Proposal outlined and
we want to know which of them are .pdf files, which are web pages and which have to be a database driven
application component?
Answer #25:
All the details provided in the RFP should answer your high level questions. We appreciate that you are asking
these questions to ensure we have considered these issues and we look forward to being educated by your proposal.
Question #26:
Unless there is a detailed requirement, System and Environment Matrices provided for City’s existing infrastructure.
It doesn’t make sense that any company would be able to put a proposal as required in Schedule C-3. Please provide
supporting documents of current Matrices.
Answer #26:
The City is looking for a time and material proposal instead of a fixed price. The information included in the RFP
should be sufficient to provide an overview of your services and your understanding of our requirements.
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Please sign this page and fax to 604-599-0956 to acknowledge receipt of RFP#1220-30-33-07 Addendum #2.
Company Name:
Co. Representative Name:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proponents are required to signify that all Addenda issued have been taken into account in the preparation of the
proposal and that all Addenda will become a part of the Contract Documents.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------l:\purchase\q&t\2007\quotes\30-33 addendum #1.doc
V 7/17/16 10:12 PM
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