QUOTATION REVISED - SCHEDULE C RFQ No.: RFQ Title: 1220-40-12-09 FLEET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REPLACEMENT CONTRACTOR CITY OF SURREY Legal Name: ________________________________ ___________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________ Phone: _________________ Fax: _______________ Email: ______________________________________ 1. City’s Representative: V. McGregor, Manager, Purchasing & Payments Address: 6645 – 148 St., Surrey, BC V3S 3C7 Phone: 604-590-7274 Fax: 604-599-0956 The Contractor offers to supply to the City of Surrey the Goods and Services for the prices plus applicable taxes as follows: Cost Breakdown * * Note Proponent should attach details for each Service provided to explain the extent, limitations and purpose of each Service cost listed below. Software Packages Required Description/Notes Seat Breakdown Cost Description/Notes Seat Breakdown Cost Description/Notes Seat Breakdown Cost TOTAL SOFTWARE COST (BASED ON 10 USERS) Annual Support/Maintenance Fees TOTAL FEES (BASED ON 10 USERS) Installation/Set-up/Testing TOTAL INSTALLATION COST (BASED ON 10 USERS) RFQ 1220-40-12-09 Page 1 of 6 Conversion Description/Notes Seat Breakdown Cost Description/Notes Seat Breakdown Cost Description/Notes Seat Breakdown Cost Description/Notes Seat Breakdown Cost Description/Notes Seat Breakdown Cost Description/Notes Seat Breakdown Cost TOTAL CONVERSION COST Customization/Interface(s) TOTAL CUSTOMIZATION COST Training TOTAL TRAINING COST (BASED ON 10 USERS) Travel & Living Allowance(s) TOTAL TRAVEL COST Project Management TOTAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT COST Optional Hardware TOTAL HARDWARE COST RFQ 1220-40-12-09 Page 2 of 6 Other Description/Notes Seat Breakdown Cost TOTAL OTHER COST 2. 3. If this offer is accepted by the City, such offer and acceptance will create a contract as described in: (a) the RFQ; (b) the specifications set out above and in Schedule A of the RFQ; (c) the General Terms and Conditions; (d) this Quotation; and (e) other terms, if any, that are agreed to by the parties in writing. Capitalized terms used and not defined in this Quotation will have the meanings given to them in the RFQ. Except as specifically modified by this Quotation, all terms, conditions, representations, warranties and covenants as set out in the RFQ will remain in full force and effect. 4. In addition to the warranties provided in the General Terms and Conditions this offer includes the following warranties: 5. I/We have reviewed the General Terms and Conditions. If requested by the City, I/we would be prepared to enter into an agreement that incorporates the General Terms and Conditions, amended by the following departures (list, if any): Section 6. Departure / Alternative The City requires that the successful Contractor have the following in place before providing the Goods and Services: (a) WorkSafe BC coverage in good standing and further, if an “Owner Operator” is involved, personal operator protection (P.O.P.) will be provided, Worker’s Compensation Registration Number _________________________________________; RFQ 1220-40-12-09 Page 3 of 6 (b) Insurance coverage for the amounts required in the General Terms and Conditions as a minimum, naming the City as additional insured and generally in compliance with the City’s sample insurance certificate form (available on the City's web site at www.surrey.ca (search "revenue and risk") titled City of Surrey Certificate of Insurance Standard Form); (c) City of Surrey business license; and (d) If the Contractor is a company, the company name indicated above is registered with the Registrar of Companies in the Province of British Columbia, Canada, Incorporation Number ___________________. As of the date of this Quotation, we advise that we have the ability to meet all of the above requirements except as follows (list, if any): Section 7. Departure / Alternative Contractor's relevant experience and qualifications in delivering Goods and Services similar to those required by the RFQ (use the spaces provided and/or attach additional pages, if necessary): 8. Contractor's references (name and telephone number) (use the spaces provided and/or attach additional pages, if necessary). The City's preference is to have a minimum of three references: 9. Contractor should provide information on the background and experience of all key personnel proposed to provide the Goods and Services (use the spaces provided and/or attach additional pages, if necessary): Key Personnel Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Experience: Dates: Project Name: Responsibility: _______________________________________________________________________ RFQ 1220-40-12-09 Page 4 of 6 10. Contractor should provide the following information on the background and experience of all sub-contractors proposed to undertake a portion of the Goods and Services (use the spaces provided and/or attach additional pages, if necessary): 11. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS AND SUB-CONTRACTORS YEARS OF TELEPHONE SERVICES NAME WORKING WITH NUMBER AND CONTRACTOR EMAIL Contractor should complete Appendix 1 to this Schedule C and include with your Quotation. 40-12 Appendix 1.doc 12. Contractor to provide an (average) estimated timeline/project plan for a “typical” installation of the Services provided in their Quotation. 13. Contractor to provide the following hardware details and specifications (minimum and recommended requirements) for their proposed software solution: Server: Minimum Requirements: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Recommended Requirements: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Client: Minimum Requirements: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ RFQ 1220-40-12-09 Page 5 of 6 Recommended Requirements: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Specify support methodology (e.g. phone, email, etc.), operating hours of live support and guaranteed response time. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 15. I/We the undersigned duly authorized representatives of the Contractor, having received and carefully reviewed the RFQ including without limitation the General Terms and Conditions, submit this Quotation in response to the RFQ. This Quotation is offered by the Contractor this ___________ day of ___________________, 2009. CONTRACTOR I/We have the authority to bind the Contractor. ____________________________________________ (Legal Name of Contractor) ____________________________________________ (Signature of Authorized Signatory) __________________________________________ (Signature of Authorized Signatory) ____________________________________________ (Print Name and Position of Authorized Signatory) __________________________________________ (Print Name and Position of Authorized Signatory) RFQ 1220-40-12-09 Page 6 of 6