Upcoming Concerns:

SAB meeting minutes for Monday May 23, 2011 Meeting Start time:4:11 PM
Upcoming Concerns:
Advisor accountability: What do we do about maltreatment from non-RSO orgs on campus?
Incident at Suzzallo Cafe: The barista felt like “cleaning the counter right now”. The baristas are
UW employees. Kim Schriver is the one to send a letter to about the lack of customer service.
June 1, 2011 (time goes here) Odegaard meeting about issues connected to Odegaard
services. Racist attitudes of the staff in Odegaard have become a serious concern.BSU has a
spot at the meeting. ASA and METCHA have spots of well. Be detailed about the incident.
College of Built Environments is recruiting for CEP (Community, Environment and Planning.
Find out more at http://cep.be.washington.edu. Applicants need to be sophomores.
SAB applications for 2011-2012 are on the website and due by Monday. RSO’s must reapply for
the new school year.
If you are taking SAB for credit the final reflection is due June 6th by 5 PM to Dr. Sheila’s email
Chair/Vice Chair Elections: We are electing for Fall to Spring
Today we will be electing the 2011-2012 SAB Chair and Vice Chair Positions
Dalia has been nominated for Chair
Tai has been nominated for Vice-Chair
Sha has been nominated for Vice-Chair
Vice Presidents Corner:
Student Fees committee opening. Looking to diversify the committee. SA fee recommendations
are up for decision this week. $15-$16 Million Dollar budget.
Committee on Disability Issues has been working on creating a space for students with
disabilities. They are proposing to use a space in MGH to redesign the space that First Year
Student Programs is using now.
DSR Policy changes for disabled students will be looked at over the summer by a graduate
student researcher. Research of the policy would include lessening cost impact to students,
taking certification from students’ previous schools, and implementation of the changes in fall.
ECC updates: There is a bid going out for contractors to remove the murals from the ECC. In
July there will be a first call for contractor bids. ECC to open fall 2013. ECC Naming is going
well. Many petitions have been signed. Bring in petitions if you still have them. SAB still needs a
copy of the ASUW resolution.
ECC team will be working to promote events for the new ECC opening. Still looking for
committee members for the planning, design etc…for the ECC.
Longhouse has gotten a $1 million dollar donation. To be located at the parking lot at McMahon
Wednesday night is the ECC Gala! Come and register!
This week is Disability Awareness Week! Please see
(http://faculty.washington.edu/kochj/freezenow.html) for more information!
Election Results:
Vice Chair goes to: Tai Weinman
Chair: Dalia Amin
Meeting End: 5:29 PM