Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety Global Partnerships for Chemical Safety

Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety
Global Partnerships for Chemical Safety
President: Dr Zoltán Szabó, Hungary
Executive Secretary: Dr Judy Stober
September 2007
Dear Sir/Madam,
15–19 SEPTEMBER 2008
We are writing to enquire whether your organization or other government ministries or
departments in your country could contribute to the IFCS Trust Fund in 2007 and/or 2008 to
support the work of the Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety (IFCS) to prepare and
organize Forum VI which will be held from Monday 15 to Friday 19 September 2008 in
Africa, the only region yet to host a session of the Forum. Financial support for convening
Forum VI in Africa will provide important and substantive encouragement for efforts
to strengthen chemicals management structures in the region
At the fifth session of the IFCS (Forum V), held in Budapest, Hungary, from 25-29
September 2006, participants acknowledged the unique and value added role IFCS has as a
forum serving as a bridge between science and policy and for discussing issues and building
consensus. Forum V recognized the desirability to continue to have such a forum and adopted
a resolution on the future of IFCS. The Resolution expresses appreciation for "the unique
multi-faceted role that IFCS has played as a flexible, open and transparent brainstorming and
bridge-building forum for governments, intergovernmental organizations and nongovernmental organizations including from the private sector which has facilitated consensus
building". At the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM) governments
and other stakeholders invited IFCS to continue its important role in providing an open,
transparent and inclusive forum for discussing issues of common interest and also new and
emerging issues, and to continue to contribute through this to the implementation of the
Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) and the work of other
chemicals-related international organizations and institutions.
The theme of Forum VI is “IFCS Global Partnerships for Chemical Safety – Contributing to
the 2020 Goal”. Following the guidance provided by IFCS participants at Forum V, the
agenda for Forum VI will provide an important contribution to the global efforts to advance
the sound management of chemicals including the implementation of SAICM and the second
session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management in 2009. Forum VI will
once again provide countries the opportunity to consider priority topics on the international
agenda and emphasize their special needs and concerns with respect to improving chemicals
management. Enclosed is the Proposed Provisional Agenda for Forum VI. Plenary topics
include and nanotechnologies and nanomaterials: opportunities and challenges; substitution
and alternatives; lead and cadmium: need for international action?; and ecologically sound
and integrated pest and vector management. IFCS participants have committed their time and
expertise to ensuring the preparation of an agenda that will contribute substantively to
meeting the 2020 Goal agreed by governments and other stakeholder at the World Summit on
Secretariat: c/o World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
Tel: +41 (22) 791 3873/3650; Fax: +41 (22) 791 4875; Email:; Website:
Sustainable Development (WSSD) in 2002. In addition the future of IFCS will be a
substantive Forum VI agenda topic. The preparatory work for this is being undertaken by the
working group established by Forum V.
Forum V approved a budget of approximately 1 million USD to cover administrative costs
through 2008. For 2007 there is a shortfall in contributions to the Trust Fund of
approximately 66 000 USD and for 2008 pledged contributions totalling about 50% of the
approved budget have been received. Twinning costs to support the participation of
developing and CIET countries and NGOs in Forum VI is estimated at over 400 000 USD. In
total over 800 000 USD is needed to support the work of IFCS through Forum VI in 2008
including designated contributions to the Twinning Funds.
It would be appreciated if your government would seriously consider making a financial
contribution to the IFCS Trust Fund or the IFCS Twinning Funds at this time. We hope that
governments and organizations will commit resources to support IFCS as appropriate and
within capabilities. In light of the resolution adopted by ICCM on IFCS and the Resolution on
the Future of IFCS adopted by Forum V, contributions to IFCS may be viewed as
contributions to the implementation of SAICM. Designated contributions will be administered
in accordance with any conditions specified by the contributor (e.g. to prepare specific topics
for the agenda of Forum VI or to support developing country or NGO participation in Forum
VI). A pledge or response by 1 December 2007 would be very helpful in this regard. To
date IFCS has received contributions and pledges from a range of developing countries and
non-governmental organizations expressing a clear statement of the important value added
role IFCS continues to have in the international framework for advancing the sound
management of chemicals. The list of contributors is available on the IFCS website.
Payments should be directed to
UBS, CH-1211 Geneva 11
for credit to the World Health Organization Account No:
USD: 240-C0169920.3 IBAN code: CH31 0024 0240 C 016 9920 3
EURO: 240-C0169920.1 IBAN code: CH85 0024 0240 C 016 9920 1
CHF: 240-C0158200.0 IBAN code: CH81 0024 0240 C 015 8200 0
for the Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety Trust Fund.
Since 1994 as a broad-based alliance of all stakeholders, IFCS has provided the mechanism to
facilitate these partners to initiate work and advanced efforts in response to Agenda 21 and
subsequent international and regional programmes and efforts. In anticipation, we wish to
thank you for your consideration of this request. We are most grateful for the valuable
contribution your government has made to the work of IFCS.
Best regards,
Yours sincerely,
Dr Zoltán Szabó
Dr Judy A. Stober
Executive Secretary
Encls. Forum VI Proposed Provisional Agenda (IFCS/FORUMVI/01w)
IFCS Trust Fund and Twinning Funds Contribution Form