World Café October 8 2015

World Café
October 8th 2015
Question #1: Imagine your dream comes true. What is your vision for a just and sustainable world in 50
Adapting to our changed and changing environment
Slower and deeper change
Building relationships
Pre-K, Fewer Jails
Valuing Dirt
Urbanization= depopulation of rural areas
Optimism is essential (e.g. Bristol conserved area)
Need space for interactive process of sustainability & justice
Walking & living around people you know- not just a consumer, but friend. Eat Local!
Distribution of goods equally.
Technology takes care of menial jobs
How can I change-not how can I change the world
Question #2: How will we be learning and what will we be teaching in this context?
A lot of experiences outside- Interaction with new people and places
Revering/ respecting our teachers (all kinds)
Why purpose matter (Echo & Green)
Students come with Questions to college, then draw on classes to solve the problem. (No
Who is the “we”- whose education valued
More skill based- Critical, system thinking, collaboration, synthesis
High Impact Practices
Study Abroad
Service learning
Capstone experiences
What youth can/should teach elders- brain storm workshops
Customized teaching/learning
Increasing role of technology
Hands-on learning
Teachers as space makers-freedom of exploration/ discovery
Teachers as guides
Less separation between acadamia and vocational education
Expanding our notion of ‘education’ (Culturaly, Glabally)
Make schools about how to be a person- physical, emotional education
Get rid of ‘love’ vs. ‘peripheral’ structure/mindset
Reflect on what we don’t know & field what don’t have solutions
Make dialogue within class
Real world relationships
Connect learning with what you care about
Bring love into the class room
Bill Cronon ‘Only Connect’
Question #3: Middlebury is us, what do we (us in this room) need to know to bring us closer to these
Need preparation to pivot to change
Ethics need in the era of “bits”
Connect club events- across communities
Time off- time for reflection- free time
Diversity increase that destabilizes neoliberal orthodox
Coalition building
Group work
Deviate from schedule- loosen structure
More spaces for people to come together
Independent study of integration
Finance, celebrity, gout, tech= all places to bring about change.