Value of Information for Complex Economic Models Jeremy Oakley

Value of Information for
Complex Economic Models
Jeremy Oakley
Department of Probability and Statistics,
University of Sheffield.
Paper available from
1. Motivation
2. Expected value of perfect information (EVPI)
3. Emulators and Gaussian processes
4. Illustration: GERD model
1) Introduction
• An economic model is to be used to predict the
cost-effectiveness of a particular treatment(s).
• The economic model will require the
specification of various input parameters. Values
of some or all of these are uncertain.
• This implies the output of the model, the costeffectiveness of the treatment is also uncertain.
• We wish to identify which input parameters are
the most influential in driving this output
• Should we learn more about these parameters
before making a decision?
• A measure of importance for an input variable
have been proposed, based on the expected
value of perfect information (EVPI) (Felli and
Hazen, 1998, Claxton 1999).
• Computing the values of these measures is
conventionally done using Monte Carlo
techniques. These invariably require a very large
numbers of runs of the economic model.
• For computationally expensive models, this can
be completely impractical.
• We present an efficient alternative to Monte
Carlo, in terms of the number of model runs
• We work with net benefit: the monetary value
or utility of a treatment is
K x efficacy – cost
with K the monetary value of a unit increase in
• The net benefit of any treatment option will be
a function of the parameters in the economic
Denote the net benefit of treatment option t
given model parameters X to be
NB (t , X )
Given X, the economic model returns
NB (t , X ) for each t .
The ‘true’ values of the model parameters X
are uncertain.
• The baseline decision is to choose t with the
largest expected net benefit:
NB* = maxt EX {NB (t , X )}
• The decision maker will have utility NB* if they
choose the best treatment now with no
additional information.
• Now suppose the decision-maker chooses to
learn the value of all the uncertain input
variables X before choosing a treatment.
• They would then choose the treatment with the
highest net benefit conditional on X, i.e., they
would consider
maxt {NB (t , X )}
• Before actually observing X, they will expect to
achieve a net benefit of
EX [maxt {NB (t , X )}]
• The expected value of this course of action is
the expected gain in net benefit over the
baseline decision:
EX [maxt {NB (t , X )}] – NB*.
• This is the (global) EVPI.
Partial EVPI
• Now suppose the decision-maker chooses to
learn the value of a single uncertain input
variable Y , an element of X before making a
• They would then choose the treatment with the
highest net benefit conditional on Y , i.e., they
would consider
maxt EX | Y {NB (t , X )}
Partial EVPI
• The expected value of learning Y before Y is
actually observed is then:
EY [maxt EX |Y {NB (t , X )}] – NB *
• This is the partial expected value of perfect
information (partial EVPI) for Y .
• The partial EVPI is zero if the decision-maker
would choose the same treatment for any
(plausible) value of Y .
Computing partial EVPIs
• We need to evaluate
EY [maxt EX |Y {NB (t , X )}]
for each element Y in X.
• The outer expectation EY is a one-dimensional
integral, and can be evaluated using numerical
• The term maxt EX |Y is the maximum of (several)
higher-dimensional integrals. This requires a
large Monte Carlo sample to be evaluated.
Patient Simulation Models
• Computing partial EVPIs for computationally
cheap models, while not trivial, is relatively
• However, for one class of models, patient
simulation models, a sensitivity analysis using
Monte Carlo methods will be out of reach for the
model user.
Patient Simulation Models
• An example is given in Kanis et al (2002) for
modelling osteoporosis:
• For an osteoporosis patient, a bone fracture
significantly increases the risk of a subsequent
• Residential status of a patient needs to be
tracked, in order that costs are not doublecounted.
Patient Simulation Models
• Progress is to be modelled over a 10 year
period. Including the approptiate features in the
model necessitates a patient simulation
• The net benefit for a given set of input
parameters is obtained by sampling events for a
large number of patients.
• The model takes over an hour for a single run at
one set of input parameters.
Patient Simulation Models
• For a model with 20 uncertain input variables,
computing the partial EVPI reliably using Monte
Carlo for each input variable would require a
possible minimum of 500,000 model runs.
• At one hour for each run, this would take 57
• Something more efficient is needed…
3) Emulators
• For each treatment option t, and given values
for the input parameters X = x, the economic
model returns NB (t , x )
• We think of the model as a collection of
NB (t , x ) = ft (x)
• Partial EVPIs can be computed more efficiently
by exploiting the `smoothness’ of each ft (x)
• We can compute partial EVPIs more efficiently
through the use of an emulator.
• An emulator is a statistical model of the original
economic model which can then be used as a
fast approximation to the model itself.
• An approach used by Sacks et al (1989) for
dealing with computationally expensive
computer models.
Gaussian processes
• Any regression technique can be used. We
employ a nonparametric regression technique
based on Gaussian processes (O’Hagan, 1978).
• The gaussian process model for the function
ft (x) is non-parametric; the only assumption
made about ft (x) is that it is a continuous
Gaussian processes
• In the Gaussian process model, ft (x) is thought
of as an unknown function, and uncertainty
about ft (x) is described by a normal
• Correlation between ft (x1) and ft (x2) is
modelled parametrically as a function of
Gaussian processes
The partial EVPI for input variable Y is given by
EY [maxt EX |Y {NB (t , X )}] – NB *
We need to evaluate EX |Y {NB (t , X )} for each
t at various values of Y.
Denote G (X |Y) to be the distribution of X
given Y. Then
EX |Y {NB (t , X )} =  ft (x) dG (x |y )
Gaussian processes
• We can use Bayesian quadrature (O’Hagan,
1993) to rapidly speed up the computation:
• Under the Gaussian process model for ft (x),
 ft (x) dG (x |y )
has a normal distribution, and can be evaluated
(almost) instantaneously.
• This reduces the number of model runs required
from 100,000s to 100s.
4) Example: GERD model
• The GERD model, presented in O’Brien et al
(1999) predicts the cost-effectiveness of a range
of treatment strategies for gastroesophageal
reflux disease.
• Various uncertain inputs in the model related to
treatment efficacies, resource uses by patients.
• Model outputs mean number of weeks free of
GERD symptoms, and mean cost of treatment
for a particular strategy.
Example: GERD model
We consider a choice between three treatment
Acute treatment with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)
for 8 weeks, then continuous maintenance
treatment with PPIs at the same dose.
Acute treatment with PPIs for 8 weeks, then
continuous maintenance treatment with hydrogen
receptor antagonists (H2RAs).
Acute treatment with PPIs for 8 weeks, then
continuous maintenance treatment with PPIs at the
a lower dose.
Example: GERD model
• There are 23 uncertain input variables.
• Distributions for uncertain inputs detailed in
Briggs et al (2002).
• We estimate the partial EVPI for each input
variable, based on 600 runs of the GERD model.
• We assume a value of $250 for each week free
of GERD symptoms. (It is straightforward to
repeat our analysis for alternative values).
Example: GERD model
• The use of the Gaussian process emulator
allows partial EVPIs to be computed
considerably more efficiently.
• Sensitivity analysis feasible for computationally
expensive models.
• Can also be extended to value of sample
information calculations.