Publications for Melinda Cooper 2016 2014

Publications for Melinda Cooper
Publications for Melinda Cooper
Cooper, M. (2016). Experimental postsocialism:
the Chinese hospital as export zone and
knowledge park. In David Bray and Elaine
Jeffreys (Eds.), New Mentalities of Government
in China, (pp. 159-181). London: Routledge
(Taylor and Francis).
Cooper, M., Konings, M. (2016). Pragmatics of
Money and Finance: Beyond Performativity and
Fundamental Value. Journal of Cultural
Economy, 9(1), 1-4. <a
1117516">[More Information]</a>
Cooper, M., Konings, M. (2015). Contingency
and Foundation: Rethinking Money, Debt and
Finance After the Crisis. S A Q: The South
Atlantic Quarterly, 114(2), 239-250. <a
83">[More Information]</a>
Cooper, M. (2015). In Vivo Economies:
Temporalities of Life and Value. Journal of
Cultural Economy, 8(3), 257-259. <a
1039461">[More Information]</a>
Cooper, M. (2015). Reproduktion neu denken.
Leihmutterschaft zwischen Vertrag und Familie
(Rethinking Reproduction – Between Contract
and Family Law). In Melinda Cooper,
Catherine Waldby, Felicita Reuschling, Susanne
Schultz (Eds.), Sie nennen es Leben, wir nennen
es Arbeit: Biotechnologie, Reproduktion und
Familie im 21. Jahrhundert, (pp. 49-78).
Munster: Edition Assemblage.
Cooper, M. (2015). Resilience and Uninsured
Risk. Resilience: International Policies,
Practices and Discourses, 3(2), 133-136. <a
1022989">[More Information]</a>
Cooper, M. (2015). Shadow Money and the
Shadow Workforce: Rethinking Labor and
Liquidity. S A Q: The South Atlantic Quarterly,
114(2), 395-423. <a
73">[More Information]</a>
Cooper, M., Waldby, C., Reuschling, F., Schultz,
S. (2015). Sie nennen es Leben, wir nennen es
Arbeit: Biotechnologie, Reproduktion und
Familie im 21. Jahrhundert. Munster: Edition
Cooper, M. (2015). The Theology of Emergency:
Welfare Reform, US Foreign Aid and the
Faith-Based Initiative. Theory, Culture and
Society, 32(2), 53-77. <a
448">[More Information]</a>
Cooper, M., Waldby, C. (2014). Clinical Labor:
Tissue Donors and Research Subjects in the
Global Bioeconomy. Durham: Duke University
Cooper, M. (2014). The Law of the Household:
Foucault, Neoliberalism and the Iranian
Revolution. In Vanessa Lemm, Miguel Vatter
(Eds.), The Government of Life: Foucault,
Biopolitics and Neoliberalism, (pp. 29-58). New
York: Fordham University Press.
Cooper, M. (2013). Double Exposure - Sex
Workers, Biomedical Prevention Trials, and the
Dual Logic of Global Public Health. S & F
Online, 11(3), 1-11.
Cooper, M. (2013). The Strategy of Default Liquid Foundations in the House of Finance.
Polygraph: an international journal of culture
and politics, 23/24, 79-96. <a
df">[More Information]</a>
Cooper, M. (2013). Why I am not a
Postsecularist. Boundary 2-an International
Journal of Literature and Culture, 40(1), 21-39.
55">[More Information]</a>
Cooper, M. (2012). The Pharmacology of
Distributed Experiment - User-generated Drug
Innovation. Body and Society, 18(3-4), 18-43. <a
380">[More Information]</a>
Cooper, M. (2012). Workfare, Familyfare,
Godfare: Transforming Contingency into
Necessity. S A Q: The South Atlantic Quarterly,
111(4), 643-661. <a
20">[More Information]</a>
Cooper, M. (2011). Complexity theory after the
financial crisis: The death of neoliberalism or the
triumph of Hayek? Journal of Cultural Economy,
4(4), 371-385. <a
609692">[More Information]</a>
Cooper, M. (2011). Experimental Republic:
Medical Accidents (Productive and
Unproductive) in Postsocialist China. East Asian
Science, Technology and Society: An
International Journal, 5(3), 313-327. <a
Publications for Melinda Cooper
24">[More Information]</a>
Walker, J., Cooper, M. (2011). Genealogies of
resilience: From systems ecology to the political
economy of crisis adaptation. Security Dialogue,
42(2), 143-160. <a
616">[More Information]</a>
Cooper, M. (2011). La crisis financiera de
Heidegger. Acontecimiento, decision y
emergencia en el Heidegger tardio. In Miguel
Vatter and Miguel Ruiz Stull (Eds.), Politica y
Acontecimiento (Policy and Event), (pp.
193-221). Chile: Fondo de Cultura Economica.
Cooper, M. (2011). Marx Beyond Marx, Marx
Before Marx: Negri's Lucretian Critique of the
Hegelian Marx. In Pierre Lamarche, Max
Rosenkrantz, David Sherman (Eds.), Reading
Negri: Marxism in the Age of Empire, (pp.
127-147). Chicago: Open Court Publishing
Cooper, M. (2011). Trial by accident: Tort law,
industrial risks and the history of medical
experiment. Journal of Cultural Economy, 4(1),
81-96. <a
535374">[More Information]</a>
Waldby, C., Cooper, M. (2010). From
reproductive work to regenerative labour: The
female body and the stem cell industries.
Feminist Theory: an international
interdisciplinary journal, 11(1), 3-22. <a
210">[More Information]</a>
Cooper, M. (2010). Turbulence: Between
Financial and Environmental Crisis. Theory,
Culture and Society: explorations in critical
social science, 27(2-3), 1-24. <a
727">[More Information]</a>
Cooper, M. (2009). Regenerative Pathologies:
Stem Cells, Teratomas and Theories of Cancer.
Medicine Studies, 1(1), 55-66.
Cooper, M., Mitropoulos, A. (2009). The
Household Frontier. Ephemera: theory and
politics in organization, 9(4), 363-368.
Cooper, M. (2009). The Silent Scream:
Agamben, Deleuze and the Politics of the
Unborn. In Rosi Braidotti, Claire Colebrook,
Patrick Hanafin (Eds.), Deleuze and Law:
Forensic Futures, (pp. 1-142). Baskingstoke,
UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Cooper, M. (2008). Experimental Labour Offshoring Clinical Trials to China. East Asian
Science, Technology and Society: An
International Journal, 2(1), 73-92. <a
0-y">[More Information]</a>
Cooper, M. (2008). Life As Surplus:
Biotechnology and Capitalism in the Neoliberal
Era. Seattle, USA: University of Washington
Cooper, M. (2008). Monstrous Progeny: The
Teratological Tradition in Science and Literature.
In Christa Knellwolf and Jane Goodall (Eds.),
Frankensteins Science: Experimentation and
Discovery in Romantic Culture, 1780-1830, (pp.
87-98). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Cooper, M. (2008). Orientalism in the Mirror:
The Sexual Politics of Anti-Westernism. Theory,
Culture and Society: explorations in critical
social science, 25(6), 25-49. <a
543">[More Information]</a>
Waldby, C., Cooper, M. (2008). The Biopolitics
of Reproduction: Post-Fordist Biotechnology and
Women's Clinical Labour. Australian Feminist
Studies, 23(55), 57-73. <a
6223">[More Information]</a>
Cooper, M. (2008). Tissue Culture Art - Relics,
Living Dolls and Meat. Art in the Biotech Era,
(pp. 154 - 162). Adelaide, Australia:
Experimental Art Foundation.
Cooper, M. (2007). Homeland Insecurities - A
Review of Randy Martin's "An Empire of
Indifference: American War and the Financial
Logic of Risk Management". Postmodern
Culture: an electronic journal of
interdisciplinary criticism, 18(1).
Cooper, M. (2007). Life, Autopoiesis, Debt:
Inventing the Bioeconomy. Distinktion: tidsskrift
for samfundsteori (Scandinavian Journal of
Social Theory), 14, 25-43.
Salter, B., Cooper, M., Dickins, A., Cardo, V.
(2007). Stem cell science in India: emerging
economies and the politics of globalization.
Regenerative Medicine, 2(1), 75-89.
Salter, B., Cooper, M., Dickins, A. (2006). China
and the global stem cell bioeconomy: an
emerging political strategy? Regenerative
Medicine, 1(5), 671-683.
Cooper, M. (2006). Pre-empting Emergence: The
Biological Turn of the War on Terror. Theory,
Culture and Society: explorations in critical
Publications for Melinda Cooper
social science, 23(4), 113-135.
Cooper, M. (2006). Resuscitations: Stem Cells
and the Crisis of Old Age. Body and Society,
12(1), 1-23.
Cooper, M. (2006). The Unborn Born Again:
Neo-Imperialism, the Evangelical Right and the
Culture of Life. Postmodern Culture: an
electronic journal of interdisciplinary criticism,
17(1), 1-26.
Cooper, M. (2004). Insecure Times, Tough
Decisions: The Nomos of Neoliberalism.
Alternatives: global, local, political, 29(5),
Cooper, M. (2004). On the Brink - From Mutual
Deterrence to Uncontrollable War. Contretemps:
an online journal of philosophy, 4, 2-18.
Cooper, M. (2004). Regenerative Medicine:
Stem Cells and the Science of Monstrosity.
Medical Humanities, 30, 12-22.
Cooper, M. (2003). Rediscovering the Immortal
Hydra: Stem Cells and the Question of
Epigenesis. Configurations: a journal of
literature, science and technology, 11, 1-26.
Cooper, M. (2002). Regenerative Life. In
Sickness and in Health: Ethics-Power-Practice
Cooper, M. (2002). Review - "Political Physics:
Deleuze, Derrida and the Body Politic" by John
Protevi. French Studies: a quarterly review,
56(4), 554-555.
Cooper, M. (2002). The Living and the Dead:
Variations on De Anima. Angelaki-Journal of the
Theoretical Humanities, 7(3), 81-104.
Cooper, M. (2002). Vitesses de L'image,
Puissances de la Pensee: la Philosophie
Epicurienne Revue par Deleuze et Guattari.
French Studies: a quarterly review, 56(1), 45-60.