Date: [Project title]: Information sheet for participants The aim of this research is… [explain what the project is about and what you are hoping to achieve] We would ask you to read the following information before deciding whether to take part in this research project. Please feel free to talk about your participation with others and don’t hesitate to speak to the researchers using the contacts at the end of this sheet if you have any further questions. Why am I being asked to take part? [Explain why you are contacting this specific group of people, e.g. ‘We want to talk to firstyear students because…’ or ‘We are contacting University of Sheffield alumni because…’] What is involved? We would like to invite you to take part in an [interview/focus group]. This will last no longer than [time] and will take place on University premises during working hours. The [interview/focus group] questions will focus on [topic(s)]. If you take part in an interview you will receive a [insert details of incentive] to thank you for your time and your contribution to the research. Do I have to participate? Participation in the research is, of course, entirely voluntary. You must feel free to end your participation at any time and without needing to give any reason; this applies even if the [interview/focus group] has already started. If for any reason you feel uncomfortable, you can of course leave. If you do decide to participate you will be given this information sheet to keep and a copy of the signed consent form. Will the [interview/focus group] be recorded and how will these recordings be used? If you are happy for the [interview/focus group] to be recorded, we will make an electronic [audio/video] recording. The recording will be available only to members of the project team and will only be used to allow the preparation of a typed interview transcript or notes. These electronic recordings will be destroyed at the end of the research project [you will need to change this if you are doing anything different, e.g. if you want to keep the recordings at the end of the project or if you want to make the recordings publicly available. You will need to adjust the consent form to match the information here and make sure that participants understand and consent to how you plan to use the recordings]. How will information about me be used? We plan to use this research to produce [a report/website/conference presentation/etc you need to specify all of the potential research outputs.]. Your personal details will be kept strictly confidential and your name will be removed in any work published as a result of this research. However we do want to be able to refer to the positions and some aspects of the identities of those who are involved [provide examples if possible] – you can decide whether or not to give us permission to do this. Before you take part in the research, we will ask you to fill in a consent form. On this form you can tell us how you want us to use your data. We will not use your name in any report that results from this project. With your permission, however, we may use anonymised quotes. [You will need to amend this if you will not be keeping their data confidential, e.g. if they are providing a case study and are happy to be named as an individual. You will need to amend the consent form to make this clear and ensure that they understand and consent to how their data will be used]. What are the benefits and disadvantages of taking part? We hope that you will find the process beneficial as [an opportunity to reflect on your experiences of university/a chance to help other students/etc.]. The main disadvantage is the time taken to participate. [If you are conducting research with students you might want to reassure them here that their decision to participate or not will not disadvantage them in any way, e.g. it won’t affect their marks or access to University services]. Ethical Review This research has been ethically reviewed via the Student Services ethical review procedure at the University of Sheffield. If there is any aspect of the project, or your participation that you would like to discuss further, or feel you may need support with, please do not hesitate to get in touch with one of the key contacts listed below. Timescale The research is planned to take place between [dates], with the outcomes of the project to be publicised [in a report/website/etc]. We would be very happy to keep you informed about how the project progresses and the conclusions that are reached. If you wish to receive information, please get in touch with one of the key contacts listed below. Key Contacts Researcher: [name and contact details of lead SALT/SALT team email] Research supervisor: [name and contact details of staff member supporting the SALT team. Please include full contact details, i.e. job title, address, telephone, email] Questions or concerns? If you have any questions or concerns about this research project, please contact the research supervisor named above.