PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL ASPECTS OF WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT IN IMEKO, SOUTHWESTERN, NIGERIA. IGE, O.O; BALE, R. B AND *OLASEHINDE, P. I DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF ILORIN, P.M.B 1515, ILORIN, KWARA STATE, NIGERIA. Email: *DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY, FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, P.M.B 65, MINNA, NIGER STATE. ABSTRACT Imeko is a border town to Republic of Benin. The people of the town source their water mainly from relatively deep handdug wells, few borehole and streams. There is no public water supply (tap) while rain water is seasonal. This study is on the hydrochemical evaluation of the water samples obtained from the available various sources. A total of twenty - two water (22) samples (2 spring water, 2 borehole water and 18 handdug wells) were subjected to various physical and chemical analyses required for water quality evaluation. The PH range from 6.9 – 7.6; Electrical conductivity range from 23.6 – 198.7µs/cm while color is generally clear. The hydrochemical characteristics of the area, using the stiff pattern plots reveal that the cationic concentrations is in the order of Mg> Ca> (Na + K) for the wells and boreholes and surface water sources while the anionic concentration is in the order of HCO3>SO4>CL. Statistical and graphical approaches of interpretation indicated two different, the Mg – Ca - K + Na - HCO3 and the Ca - K + Na – S04., types of water present in the study area. The Mg-HCO3 type shows the predominant marine source of pollution while the Ca-SO4 type water are from industrial sources. The aquifer is mainly limestone but few locations are of Basement Complex rocks. 1 INTRODUCTION The sources of water for any specific purpose are not as important as the suitability of the water for that desired purpose. With increasing human population, industrialization, urbanization and the consequent increase in demand for water for both domestic and industrial uses, the attendant increase in the implication of polluted water on man and the environment have been severally studied (Hagerty and Pavoni, 1973; Coates, 1981; Christensen, 1989; Cook, 1991; Denison and Sibergeld, 1991; Langer, 1995; Asiwaju-Bello and Akande, 2000; Montgomery, 2000; Onipede and Bolaji, 2004; Seo, 2004 and Kurian et al; 2005). Therefore, there is a need for thorough assessment of the quality of water available for human consumption, agricultural and industrial purposes. The area of study, which is Imeko town, lies between longitude 20 44’ 22” and 20 53’ 03”E and latitudes 70 22’ 08” and 70 30’ 05” N(Fig. 1). The town lacks adequate supply of water as there was no pipe borne water supply system; surface water is available only in the wet season. Hence the people result to rain water, surface and groundwater for domestic and agricultural uses (Fig. 2). This condition makes living in the town of Imeko a very difficult one during the dry season. This is the basis for assessing the three water sources in terms of 2 physical and chemical quality seeing that routine boiling, cooling and filtering are sufficient to take care of biological impurities. The climate of the study area is tropical and the natural vegetation consists of rain forests. The drainage is generally dendritic and the topography is hummocky and undulating. The annual rainfall is about 1300mm and its distribution is double-peaked within the hydrologic year. The first peak occurs in the June-July while the second peak occurs in September – October. The two wet seasons are normally separated by a drier August break, while the dry season is defined by little or no rainfall between November and April. GEOLOGY OF THE STUDY AREA The geology of the study area is that of the Precambrian Basement Complex and the Cretaceous –recent sedimentary rocks of southwestern Nigeria (Jones and Hockey, 1964; Kogbe, 1975; Rahaman, 1975). The Basement Complex rocks around the study area comprise of the migmatitic and granitic gneisses, slightly migmatised to unmigmatised paraschists and metal igneous dolerite dykes (Idowu and Ajayi, 1998). These rocks are characterized by structural features such as foliation, lineations, folds and joints. The sedimentary rocks are part of the layered rock sequence consistituting the Dahomey basin, which extends from the western flank of the Niger Delta to the Volta river basin in 3 Ghana (Fig. 1). In the study area, the sedimentary rocks comprise of the Abeokuta Formation. The Formation is essentially a succession of sands, clays, shales and gravels (Idowu and Ajayi, 1998). The succession dips generally southwards and increase in thickness from east to west (Jones and Hockey, 1964). The boreholes and wells sampled for this study were located in the gneisses and Cretaceous – recent sedimentary rocks. METHODOLOGY The whole area under study was divided into four (4) segments namely; the GEH, OKO, GEM and IGI (fig.3) and a minimum of four samples were taken per segment. A total of twenty-two (22) water sample within and around Imeko town were collected for analysis. The water sample comprise of eighteen (18) handdugwells, two (2) boreholes and two (2) spring sources. No tap water was analyzed. Prior to the collection of water samples, the prevailing environmental condition of the town was studied. This was followed by the measurement of the 4 following physical parameters- Temperature, PH, and the electrical conductivity. After these measurements, collection of water samples ensued using both glass and plastic bottles, for anions and cations determination respectively. Two (2) drops of concentrated nitric acid were added to each sample to prevent formation of complexes (Schroll, 1976). The field measurements and observations was followed by laboratory assessment for the determination of concentration of Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, SO42-, Cl-, CO32-, and HCO3-. Heavy elements were not analyzed because their sources of generation such as industries and mines are not within the study area. All analyses were carried out at the UNICEF laboratory using Gallenkamp Flame Analyser- model FGA-330, UV-visible spectrometer-model Cam. Spec. M301 and titrimetrical methods for the determination of all ions. Field observations and laboratory results of water samples analyzed have been compared with recommendations of World Health Organization (WHO). 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Physical characteristics The temperature of water samples ranges between 240C and 290C. Thus, representing the average daily temperature of Imeko town which is (27.40C). These values relatively keep ionization and dissolution at low level. The range of measured PH is from 6.9 – 7.6. The mean value is 7.3 which show that the water is neutral to slightly alkaline. The lowest value was measured at OKO B (Borehole) while the highest value was measured at GEH A. The electrical conductivity (EC) is a summarizing parameter reflecting the total dissolved solids (TDS). The measured electrical conductivities of analysed water samples range between 43.4µs/cm to 98.7µs/cm with a mean value of 61.3µs/cm. The highest value of EC was measured at GEH C while the lowest value was measured at GEH A. Color varies from 5-45 Hazen Units indicating generally clear water. Table 1represents the physical characteristics and other properties measured on the field. Chemical characteristics The total cations and anions in water are generally regarded as “Total mineralization” (Sim and Tischendorf, 1990). In this study, major cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+) and anions (Cl-, CO32-, SO2-4 and HCO3-) have been analyzed using statistical and graphical methods (Piper, 1944) 6 The results of chemical analyses show that the calcium ion has concentration values ranging between 1.5mg/l and 36.5mg/l. The measured concentration for the Mg2+ ion ranges between 1.4mg/l and 33.2mg/l. Whereas, the combined concentrations of Na+ and K+ range between 1.2mg/l and 10.40mg/l. The results of chloride (Cl-) ion concentration determined ranges between 3.0mg/l and 8.5mg/l, with highest value at IGI C and least value at GEH B for all samples. The concentration of SO42- decreases from 12.1mg/l at GEM B to 3.20mg/l at OKO A while 5.9mg/l and 9.0mg/l were measured at OKOB and IGI A for the two boreholes respectively. The bicarbonate is often formed from the dissolution of carbon dioxide gas or dissolution of carbonates underground. Bicarbonate (HC0-3) ion concentration values obtained show its dominance over other anions with range of value between 8.0mg/l and 24mg/l. In majority of the samples, the concentrations of nitrate (N0-3) ion range between4.4mg/l and 35.2mg/l. The concentrations of the chemical parameters are presented in Table 2. A summary of the predominant Cations and Anions has been made (Table 3) after drawing the Piper trilinear diagram (Fig. 3). The twenty water samples show a predominant Mg(HCO3) water. 7 DISCUSSIONS PIPER’S TRILINEAR DIAGRAM: The diagram is used to show the percentage composition of eigth (8) major ions. The piper’s trilinear diagram for all water samples is presented in Figure 2. The result show magnesium and calcuim (mg2+>ca2+) ions as dominant of the cations and bicarbonate (HCO3-) as the dominant of the anions. The abundance of Mg2+ indicates fresh to weathered Basement source while the concentration of bicarbonate measured is attributed to probably the dissolution of carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbonate rocks. The generally low concentration of ions makes the water samples good and safe for drinking (Elueze, 2004). The presence of SO4-2 and Cl -1 indicate possibility of industrial pollution in future although the concentration for now is not alarming. There is therefore the need to make periodic check on the water quality because water chemistry is a time dependent dynamic system (Olasehinde et al; 1998) at least once per year or twice in a year to show the two seasons are represented. The following are summarized:1) Normal earth alkaline water type predominate at Imeko(Southwest Nigeria). The Mg2+/HC03- water type is more dominant than Mg2+/SO4-2 type. Samples number 6, 11, 12 and 13 are Mg(HCO3)type waters while samples 14, 15 and 17 are sulphatic water type respectively. Samples 2,3,4,7,9 and 18 are mixed type waters 8 2) Three samples (5, 10 and 20) are earth alkaline water type with high alkaline proportions. 3) Samples 19 and 21 are purely alkaline water type containing Na+ +k+ and Cl- +S042- respectively. This reflects that there are two water sources: - limestone and weathered basement complex rocks. CONCLUSION The results of physical characteristics and concentration of eight chemical parameters analyzed are well compared with the World Health Organization (WHO) standard for drinking water (Table 4). The range and the mean values indicated that there were no high concentrations of chemical components. The graphical interpretations also show that the water within the town of Imeko is Mg2+ + Ca2+ > HC03- water type. The sampled wells and boreholes are generally deep (Table 1). This may have encouraged natural purification of sampled water and preventing anthropogenic influence. Therefore, the chemical components of water are essentially products of weathered regolith and its interactions with the fresh Basement Complex rocks. Generally, water from Sedimentary and Basement Complex areas are typically Mg- HCO3 type with relatively low total dissolved solid. 9 REFERENCES Asiwaju-Bello, Y. A. and Akande, O. O. (2004). Urban groundwater pollution: Case study of a Disposal sites in Lagos metropolis. Journal of Water Resources. 12, ISSN 0795-6495, 22-26. Christensen. T. H (1989). Environmental aspect of sanitary landfill. In: Christensen et al (eds). Sanitary Landfill: Processes, Technology and environmental impact. Academic Press Ltd, London, 19-25. Coates. D. R. (1981): Environmental geology. J. wiley, New York. 234p. Cook. R. J. (1991): Municipal Solid Waste Incineration ash management: A state Perspective. In: Hattemmer-Frey, H. A. and Travis. C. (eds). 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NIS 345, 7P WHO (1996).Guideline for drinking water quality.World Health Organization, 1, Recommendations, Geneva, 130p. 11 Table 1: Physical characteristics of analyzed water samples COLOR SAMPLE WATER Hazen OC LOCATION SOURCE unit SWL(m) PH SPR A SW 25.0 26.0 7.0 SPR B SW 18.0 27.5 7.2 GEH A DW 7.0 46.9 28.5 7.5 GEH B DW 10.0 45.5 28.5 7.4 GEH C DW 8.0 47.1 27.5 7.9 GEH D DW 6.0 42.9 27.0 7.4 GEH E DW 32.0 47.2 26.5 7.6 OKO A DW 27.0 45.0 27.0 7.3 OKO B BH 6.5 66.1 27.0 6.9 OKO C DW 23.0 43.4 27.5 7.1 OKO D DW 19.0 40.1 28.0 7.4 OKO E DW 26.5 45.8 29.0 7.6 GEM A DW 22.0 42.9 28.5 7.5 GEM B DW 24.5 48.3 27.0 7.5 GEM C DW 7.5 43.3 27.5 7.4 GEM D DW 10.0 44.2 27.5 7.8 GEM E DW 15.0 44.8 27.5 7.7 IGI A BH 9.0 69.6 26.0 7.0 IGI B DW 21.5 43.7 27.5 7.4 IGI C DW 17.5 45.3 28.0 7.5 IGI D DW 25.5 50.4 29.0 7.5 IGI E DW 24.0 48.7 28.5 7.6 12 EC(µs/cm) 43.2 23.1 43.4 50.5 198.9 49.8 50.1 48.7 91.5 72.3 64.3 55.7 55.0 58.2 40.8 67.9 102.5 87.5 63.8 80.9 79.5 134.5 TDS(mg/l) 28.1 15.3 29.2 18.9 129.2 32.2 32.6 31.7 59.5 46.8 41.2 36.2 35.8 37.9 27.3 43.2 72.4 34.4 40.1 31.9 30.6 99.5 Table 2: Results of chemical analyses of water samples Parameters SPR SPR GEH GEH GEH GEH GEH Mg/l A B A B C D E COLOR 104 33 33.0 33.5 33 33 34 BICARBONATE 9.2 12 7.3 13 10 17 8 CARBONATE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CHLORIDE 4.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 6.0 3 3.2 MANGANESE 0.1 0.04 0.07 0.11 0.13 0.10 0.11 IRON 0.31 0.04 0.10 0.3 0.2 0.25 0.14 SULPHATE 10.2 6.0 8.0 5.0 7.2 1.7 0.4 NITRATE 17.6 16.1 2.3 8.8 4.4 19.0 8.0 CALCIUM HARDNESS 4.8 5.6 32 10 6.5 8.4 7.0 MAGNESSIUM 1.5 2.0 11.7 4.4 2.3 18 20.0 CALCIUM 1.9 2.2 12.8 4.0 2.6 4.2 8.0 TOTAL HARDNESS 2.0 14 80 28 16 24 17 POTASSIUM 1.6 1.4 1.9 2.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 SODIUM 1.4 1.7 0 0 3.5 0 0 Results of chemical analyses of water samples contd. Parameters GEM GEM GEM GEM GEM IGI Mg/l A B C D E A COLOR 33.5 34 34 34 34 33.5 BICARBONATE 17.1 11.5 8 11 10 15 CARBONATE 0 0 0 0 0 0 CHLORIDE 7.0 3.5 2.5 6.1 3.5 2.5 MANGANESE 0.1 0.3 0.21 0.35 0.3 0.4 IRON 0.28 0.35 031 0.3 3 0.25 SULPHATE 10.0 12 10 10.5 10 9 NITRATE 13.0 22 15.7 15 15 17.6 CALCIUM HARDNESS 5.2 6.9 91.2 10.3 25 10 MAGNESSIUM 1.9 2.4 33 17 22 2.4 CALCIUM 2.1 2.7 36.5 10 11 4.5 TOTAL HARDNESS 13 17 228 15 84 20 POTASSIUM 1.6 1.2 2.3 2,4 3.2 1.8 SODIUM 8.8 0 0 0 0 0 13 OKO A 34 6.5 0 3.5 0.05 0.12 3.2 8.8 OKO B 33 14 0 2.5 0.03 0.18 5.3 13.2 OKO C 33 12 0 6.0 0.2 0.2 4.8 35.2 OKO D 35 17 0 3.0 0.04 0.21 5.0 11 OKO E 35 25 0 4.0 0.07 .35 5.0 15.0 30 11.6 12 8.0 2.9 3.2 6.6 2.3 2.64 10.2 16 6.2 8.4 11 4 78 1.7 0 20 1.75 0 16 2.8 0 52 1.47 1.0 30 1.5 0 IGI D 33 14.5 0 6 0.4 0.25 10 10 IGI E 33 20 0 7.0 0.4 030 8.8 15 IGI B 33.5 13 0 3 0.3 0.1 9 4.4 IGI C 34 24 0 8.5 0.42 0.2 12.0 13.2 3.9 1.4 1.5 15 7.8 6.99 4.5 7.7 3.5 15 8 2.5 10 1.4 6.12 48 2.6 0 20 3 0 8 14 6.12 Table 3: Summary of water chemistry for Imeko SAMPLE NO DOMINANT CATION DOMINANT ANION 1 none none 2 None(slight Mg2+) HCO3- 3 Mg2+ HCO-3 + SO-24 4 Mg2+ HCO-3 > SO-24 5 None None-Slight SO-24 6 Mg2+ HCO3- 7 Mg2+ HCO3- 8 Mg2+ None 9 Mg2+ HCO3- 10 None(slight Mg2+) HCO3- 11 Mg2+ HCO3- 12 Mg2+ HCO3- 13 Na+ +K+ None 14 Mg2+ None-Slight-SO-24 15 Mg2+ SO-24 16 Mg2+ SO-24 17 Mg2+ SO-24 18 None HCO3- 19 Na+ +K+ SO-24 SO-24 20 21 Na+ +K+ SO-24 22 Mg2+ None 14 Table 4: Summary of the physio-chemical parameters of water samples and Recommendations for water quality. WHO STANDARD ACCEPTABLE PARAMETERS RANGE MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE MEAN LEVEL TEMPARATURE(oC) 26-29 27.4 - - PH 6.9-7.8 7.4 6.5 8.5 EC (µs/cm) 23.1-198 61.3 TDS (Mg/)l 15.3-129 41.4 500 1000 BICARBONATE (Mg/) CARBONATE (Mg/) 8.0-25.0 13.44 500 1000 - - - 120 CHLORIDE (Mg/) 2.0-8.5 4.22 - 250 MANGANESE (Mg/) 0.03-0.4 0.19 - 0.5 IRON (Mg/) 0.04-0.3 0.35 0.3 1.0 SULPHATE (Mg/) 0.4-12.0 7.41 200 400 NITRATE (Mg/) 2.3-35.2 13.65 0.3 10 MAGNESSIUM (Mg/) CALCIUM (Mg/) 1.4-18.0 9.20 - - 1.9-91.2 6.63 75 200 POTASSIUM (Mg/) 1.2-3.2 2.53 - - SODIUM (Mg/) 0-6.12 1.30 - 200 1480 15 60 80 0 0 10 12 14 0 16 0 120 NIGERIA 0 10 0 8 60 ATLANTIC OCEAN 0 100M 0 4 0 7 30 RE PUBLIC OF B ENIN 0 7 00 IMEKO Ayetoro Odeda ABEOKUTA Ijebu-Igbo Alluvia Deposit Costal Plains Sand Ilaro Formation Ewekoro Formation Abeokuta Formation Older Granite Charnokitic Intrusive Metasediment Migmatitic - Gneiss Complex Geological Boundary Inffered Geological Boundary Surveyed International Bondary Ijebu-Ode Falt Animal Location of Imeko 0 Abigi 0 0 LEGEND State Boundary 6 20 2 30 BASEMENT ROCK SEDIMENTARY ROCK REPUBLI C O F PEN IN 40 0 3 00 20km 0 30 30 4 00 ATLANTIC OCEAN Fig1: Location and Geological map of the study area (Modified from Jones & Hockey 1964) 16 FIG. 2: A popular source of water supply in Imeko 17 0 400m 0 Ko n go R o ad ** ** ** ** GEH B GEH D gb S CC et GEM C C uta Demarcation Line GEH Sampled Point ad Ro Spring Minor Road Round About GEM B OKO A Hospital Primary School OKO B Baba Yanki Road ye R oad Sawmill Denda Abida Street OK O E GEH E Mount of Salvation Road Market i Abi O Ro m o A a d la b I ya A a b ag t re k eo Ab Co ng oR oa d GEM A OKO- Oke Ola 2 53’ 03” IGI - Igbo Ifa 7 30’ GEH- General Hospital GEM D d a N GEM - Gelete Market Ro Str eet A SPRA Od am uin i E EH G A l h . O l o r u n O y in R o a d EH G l GEM E Igbo Ifa Street Ra sh Str eed A ee des t i na H ta pi s o GENERAL HOSPITAL ROAD O St sof a ree t 2 44’22” OKO C Motor Park OKO D Street IGI A IGI C IGI D Si na Ad od ib o Stre et Araromi Street Omo Jasu Street o fa Id o ad R B aba A law o St reet 1GI B IGI E Local Govt. Secretariat Road Oloruntele Road Em Ro i lan a d du Main Road Custom Boundary 7 22’ 08” Fig3: Sketch of Imeko Township Showing the sampling points 18 Fig.2: Plotplots of theofchemical Nigeria. Nigeria Fig.The 4: The chemicalconstituents constituentsfor forImeko, Imeko,SW, Southwestern 19