Ibitoye, A. B. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol 4, No.1, 2007 Hamouda, A.M.S. Umar, R.S.R. SIMULATION OF MOTORCYCLIST’S IMPACT COLLISION ON ROADSIDE OBJECTS (GUARDRAIL) *A.B. Ibitoye1, A.M.S. Hamouda2, R.S. R. Umar1 Road Safety Research Centre, Universiti Putra Malaysia 2 Department of Mechanical and Industrial System Engineering, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar *1 Abstract In most motorcycling countries in Asia and Africa, where motorcycle are widely used, complex safety problems arise as the roads and infrastructures have not been developed at the same pace as motorcycle ownership and traffic. Probability of the motorcyclists getting injured on collision with roadside objects, such as guardrail, is higher compare to other motor vehicles’ drivers. A standard Hybrid III dummy (50 th percentile male) was used to mimic a worst crash impact a motorcyclist could sustain during collision with roadside objects. Crash test scenarios were simulated and some typical qualitative results on injury criteria and acceleration due to head, thorax, and femur are presented. These results were compared to human tolerance levels as prescribed in ISO 13232. Injury risks due to impact with guardrail on curves were found to be more severe than impact with guardrail along the straight portion of road or links. Also, head injuries were found to be more severe than those to the legs or arms. Speed was found to have greater influence on the injury risks to head, neck, chest and femur. A greater reduction of severe injuries was found when the impact speed changes from 60km/h to 32km/h. Keywords Simulation, motorcyclists, roadside, collision, guardrail 1. Introduction A review of relevant literature revealed a significant safety risk to fallen motorcyclists. Some studies carried out in USA, Canada, Germany and Australia as published in Domhan (1987); Hell and Lobb (1993); Ouellet (1982); Quincey et al (1988) and Transport Canada (1980) raised significant 105 Ibitoye, A. B. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol 4, No.1, 2007 Hamouda, A.M.S. Umar, R.S.R. issues on motorcyclists’ impacts with crash barrier. Duncan et al. (2000) raised a concern on the installation of guardrail that it can expose riders to increased risk of injuries due to W-beam guardrail features, especially the exposed edge of support posts. Impacts with guardrail posts are especially harmful to motorcyclists as they cause injuries that are five times more severe than an average motorcycle accident (Pieribattesti et al, 1999). Ouellet (1982) observed that every rider that struck guardrail suffered at least multiple extremity fractures. Most motorcycle collisions with crash barriers occur at shallow angles with the rider typically sliding into the barrier at a bend (Quincy et at, 1988). Most motorcycle accidents occur at relatively low speeds, although fatal and serious injuries are more likely to be suffered at higher speeds. Pang et al., (2000) found that the most common causes of crashes are speeding, not paying attention and loss of control, run-off the road because of excessive speed, fatigue or inattention. Majority of motorcycle collisions take place at fairly low speeds, between 30 and 60 kilometers per hour (EEVC, 1993). Mannering et al, (1995) found that almost all (93%) of the serious and fatal head injuries occur at speeds of up to 64km/h. Skull fractures may occur at speeds of 30 km/h or more, but brain injuries may happen at much lower speeds, from 11 km/h upwards. Approximately 75% of motorcycle accidents occur at impact speeds of up to 48km/h and 96% at up to 64 km/h (Mannering et al, 1995). However, the greater severity of injuries presented by barriers and posts is due to the fact that they often present rigid surfaces that are perpendicular to the motion of the rider. Domhan (1987) reported that severe injuries are sustained by two out of three motorcyclists who collide with guardrail with most dangerous features of guardrail systems being the guardrail posts. The chances of injury sustenance upon hitting a fixed object are related to the impact area and the rigidity of the object (Gibson & Benetatos, 2000). Thus, impacts with small rigid objects are more likely to cause injury because the small impact area increases the stress upon the impact portion of the motorcyclists (Domhan, 1987). Since motorcyclists lack protection of an endorsed vehicle, they are likely to sustain serious injury or even get killed if their motorcycles crash with rigid object on road. The most likely areas of the body to be injured for motorcyclists in collisions are in order, the legs, heads, and thorax (Hell and Lob, 1993). 106 Ibitoye, A. B. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol 4, No.1, 2007 Hamouda, A.M.S. Umar, R.S.R. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of impact speed and impact angle on the injury risks to motorcyclists as exist in the real world traffic accidents. But due to lack of data on such accidents, the impact scenario of this collision was simulated using computer simulation package. Outcome of the study may serve as a basis for designing a more forgiving guardrail for safer motorcycling. The next section of this paper discusses the material and methods of achieving this objective and discusses the implications of the obtained result as compared to human tolerance levels. 2. Simulation Models This study was based mainly on a computer simulation developed to investigate effect of motorcycle impact collision with roadside guardrail on the motorcyclist. Simulation process involved modelling of four systems including road as inertia reference space as well as crash interaction of these systems. The other three systems are the motorcycle, dummy and guardrail models, which are also described in the following sections. 2.1 Reference Space A plane surface road was used as the reference space on which the coordinates of other three systems were connected. The coordinate of the road surface was defined with three points. The first two points represent the vertices on one edge of the rectangle and the third point is on the opposite edge of rectangle. MADYMO program calculates the remaining vertices on the opposite edge to complete the rectangular shape. The origin and orientation of this reference space was selected with the positive Z-axis vertically upward, positive X-axis chosen along the direction of travel and the positive Y-axis is then chosen to the right. The motion of all other systems was defined relative to this coordinate system. 2.2 Motorcycle Model A KRISS SG motorcycle type of size 110cc produced by Modenas Malaysia Bhd was chosen as a design motorcycle because it is most commonly used motorcycle in Malaysia. This motorcycle was modelled as a multi-body system with four rigid bodies interconnected by kinematics joints. In multi-body dynamic methods, body fixed coordinate frames are generally adopted to position each one of the system components and to allow for the specification of the kinematics constraints that represent the 107 Ibitoye, A. B. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol 4, No.1, 2007 Hamouda, A.M.S. Umar, R.S.R. restrictions on the relative motion between the bodies (Ambrosio et al, 1996). For modelling the motorcycle, the body local coordinate system was chosen based on the assumption that motorcycle bodies move symmetrically about the longitudinal axis. This implies that the centre axis of each body is parallel to the centreline of the road, which is the reference space for the system. The motorcycle was then modelled to move with a steady speed on a straight line prior to impact. Data corresponding to each specific body was then defined with respect to this body local coordinate system. As the study is primarily concerned with predicting motorcyclists’ injuries due to impacts rather than motorcycle crashworthiness, the assumption is valid as asymmetrical movement of motorcycle may result in its instability during impact with guardrail at a predefined impact point. Therefore, this system of bodies was then defined by the bodies, surface, kinematics joints and initial conditions as described briefly in the following subsections. 2.2.1 Bodies Each of the four motorcycle bodies were defined by the mass, inertia matrix and the location of the centre of gravity. The geometry and mass of the real motorcycle (Fig. 1) were measured in the laboratory and the values obtained were compared to the manufacturer’s specifications. The wet weight of motorcycle (110 kg) was considered in this study and this includes an increase of 14kg added to the specified dry in order to compensate for the topped up fuel and other fluids as exists in real life situation. 900 150 1050 415 550 545 1245 1950 Dimensions in mm Fig.1. Schematic drawing of motorcycle model. 108 Ibitoye, A. B. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol 4, No.1, 2007 Hamouda, A.M.S. Umar, R.S.R. The inertia matrix and location of the centre of gravity were defined in accordance to MADYMO Reference Manual (MADYMO, 2004). The inertia matrix of each rigid body of motorcycle was determined using the conventional equations for regular shaped bodies as contain in Ferdinand and Johnston (1995). Since the local coordinate system for each body was chosen at the location of its joint corresponding to the centre line of the reference space (road), the location of centre of gravity of each body was then expressed in the local coordinate system of the body. This implies that the local coordinates of body corresponding to the joint coordinates of bodies were used to calculate the motion of the body coordinate systems relative to the reference space coordinate system. In this study, a joint coordinate system was defined parallel to the local coordinate system of the body to which it is attached. The free joint between the reference space and the frame body allows the motorcycle to translate parallel to the road. The revolute joint between the front fork and the frame has axis of the joint coordinate system parallel to the rotation axis by default. The axes of the joint coordinate systems of the front and rear wheel revolute joints are made parallel to the y-axes of the corresponding body coordinate systems so that they coincide with the wheel rotation axes. 2.2.2 Surfaces As available within the software codes, body surfaces consisting of rectangular planes, ellipsoids and elliptical cylinders are always attached to any body of the system to represent its shape. The surface of the modelled motorcycle was then represented with ten regular shapes consisting of two ellipsoids for main frame, one ellipsoid for upper part of front fork and two ellipsoids and cylinders for the two wheels as shown in Figure 1. Other ellipsoids were used to represent handle bar, foot rest and leg cover. In this study, ellipsoids of the main frame were attached to the rectangular plane of the reference space (road) while the ellipsoids of front fork, the rear and front wheel were attached to the main frame. The orientation of the cylinder coordinate system for tyres was specified in accordance to the codes so that the motion of the tyre relative to the road was described with respect to the road coordinate system. The MF-MC Tyre model available in MADYMO codes for motorcycle tyres was used to model the wheels. This tyre model was based on the physical background of the tire, road, and the tire-to-road contact for accurate description of the steady-state behaviour of the tyre. The tyre was represented with a cylindrical disk connected to a 109 Ibitoye, A. B. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol 4, No.1, 2007 Hamouda, A.M.S. Umar, R.S.R. modelled rigid body called wheel. The centre of this disk coincides with the wheel centre. 2.3 Crash Dummy Model The dummy used in this simulation model was a non-helmeted standard 50th percentile adult male Hybrid III MADYMO dummy to represent the rider and to mimic the trajectory, acceleration and impact deformation experience by a human during crash impact. MADYMO has been shown to be a very competent tool for the prediction of human response and the calculation of occupant injury criteria (Troutbeck et al., 2001). The description of the used Hybrid III 50 percentile dummy is summarized in Table 1. Table 1 Description of Hybrid III Dummy Basis dummy Hybrid III 50 percentile Overall height Male Mass 1720 mm Bodies 54.9kg Joints 30 Ellipsoids 29 28 However, the dummy segments were positioned in such a way that replicates the posture of a real life rider. These segments include; the dummy’s shoulder, Hips, Knees, and Ankles. In addition, the same initial velocities and initial position body acceleration defined for motorcycle were also defined for the dummy. Thus, the dummy was able to mimic the trajectory, acceleration and impact deformation experience by a human during crash impact. 2.4 Guardrail Model The existing w-beam guardrail system was composed of w-shaped, 12gauge, galvanized steel rail attached to posts embedded into the soil at space interval of 2m and 4m. The description of this guardrail type shown in Table 2 was based on the longitudinal barrier design guidelines produced by Malaysia Ministry of Public Works (JKR). The guardrail manufacturers in Malaysia also based their production on this specification. 110 Ibitoye, A. B. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol 4, No.1, 2007 Hamouda, A.M.S. Umar, R.S.R. Table 2. Description of existing guardrail model. Standard Beam Posts and Block-outs Parameters Overall Length Effective Length Beam Thickness Effective Depth Values 4318 mm 4000 mm 2.67 mm 312 mm 1830 x 178 x 76 Post dimensions (710mm above ground) Block-out dimensions 360 x 178 x 76 (6mm thick ) Post spacing 2000 mm and 4000 mm (Source: JKR, Arahan Teknik, 1993) Since the study’s main aim is to assess the rider’s injury risks rather than assessment of roadside barriers, MADYMO software was used only to characterize the dynamic response of guardrail structure while the stress concentration effect was ignored. Finite element method was used to reduce guardrail structure to discrete numerical model. Out of many elements that are available in MADYMO; trusses, beams, membranes, shells and solids, four-node shell element was used to model guardrail surface. This element was chosen because of its suitability for the analysis of dynamic behaviour of guardrail structure which results in dynamic response of motorcyclist as investigated in this study. Four-node shell element is a two-dimensional quardrilateral element that connects four nodes and carries in-plane loads as well as bending loads. This element is based on bi-linear displacement and rotation interpolation. In order to prevent element distortion, aspect ratio checks were carried out on the element shape. Any distortion in element could result in element with either zero or negative stiffness terms that could cause fatal error in element subroutine or global solution routine. In addition, an effective hourglass control algorithm available in MADYMO was used to suppress the hourglass modes. These hourglass modes could occur due to lack of enough deformation parameters in relation to the nodal degree of freedom because of reduced integration. In MADYMO Lagrange integration method is used to describe nodes and elements, which are fixed to the material and thus move through space with 111 Ibitoye, A. B. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol 4, No.1, 2007 Hamouda, A.M.S. Umar, R.S.R. the material. Material property for steel was then defined for the existing guardrail while properties of composite materials considered for alternative designs were also defined. The finite element mesh of 4.318m length wbeam guardrail structure modelled in this study is as shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 2. Finite element mesh for W-beam guardrail (4.318m length) 3. Crash Simulation Crash simulation was carried out to identify problems that may impact safety of motorcyclists as reported in literatures. This simulation made use of crash scenario similar to real life motorcycle collision with guardrail. That is, a motorcycle model with a dummy in an upright position colliding with 4m post spacing w-beam guardrail oriented at 45o to the travel direction. The complete simulated model is as shown in Fig. 3. DUMMY W-BEAM GUARDRAIL ROAD MOTORCYCLE Fig. 3. Complete simulation model 112 Ibitoye, A. B. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol 4, No.1, 2007 Hamouda, A.M.S. Umar, R.S.R. The impact speeds of 32km/h, 48km/h and 60m/h were assumed as impact forces from motorcycle wheel on the guardrail nodes. This impact forces were converted into point loads acting at the nodal points to cause dynamic displacement of guardrail and subsequent ejection of motorcyclist. The contact point on the guardrail mesh by the motorcycle wheel is thus illustrated in Fig. 4. End Support 1 End Support 2 45o Point load Fig. 4. Motorcycle wheel impact force on guardrail nodes 4. Simulation Results The simulation results were evaluated based on rider’s kinematics for the assessment of potential injury risk in order to establish critical injury risks. Therefore, only the trajectories of rider were used to illustrate effect of kinematics on the potential injury risks to rider while the kinematics of motorcycle is hidden. Fig. 5 illustrates effect of rider’s kinematics due to motorcycle collision at various speeds on guardrail which was oriented at angles 45 degree to the travel direction. The effect of these impacts with the guardrail mid span was tested for both 2m and 4m post spacing. In the entire crash scenario rider was observed sliding and tumbling over the top of the guardrail. The first contact of rider’s body was with the guardrail surface. This contact was with the lower extremities which caused forward acceleration of rider due to loading from the pelvis through motorcycle seat and guardrail surface. These interactions alter the trajectories of the rider. The first contact resulted in a turning moment about the centre of gravity of the rider causing the upper body to arc downward. The next contact point was the ground as 113 Ibitoye, A. B. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol 4, No.1, 2007 Hamouda, A.M.S. Umar, R.S.R. the rider finally landed on ground. The rider landed on the ground with direct blows on the head or face at various angles to the horizontal due to decelerating speed 0s 0.2 s 0.3 s 0.4 s Landing Speed 32 k/h 48 k/h 60 k/h Fig. 5. Comparing rider’s kinematics at 45 degree for 4m spacing From the Figure, the rider can be observed to suffer lower extremity contact with guardrail surface showing the effect of speed on rider’s movement. Also, in each scenario, the dynamics of the rider’s fall to the ground were different. The orientation of head increases with speed, while the trajectory time for the head to have ground impact decreases with speed. This implies 114 Ibitoye, A. B. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol 4, No.1, 2007 Hamouda, A.M.S. Umar, R.S.R. that the possibility of the rider landing on ground with other part of the body (hand or leg) during higher impact speed is evidenced. Since the rider is ejected head forward and has head contact with ground, the most severe injuries that were generated are related to the head. Head injuries appears to be the most life threatening form of injury for motorcyclists and are predominantly caused by direct impact of head to the ground. The impact force on the head is commonly described with HIC and head acceleration to express the human tolerance. HIC rates the severity of head contact and its reduction is associated with reduction of brain shear stress (Ruan and Prasad, 1995). The potential injuries risks to the head, neck, chest and lower extremities were evaluated in this study with the associated tolerance levels. Head Injury Criterion (HIC) of 1000 and head acceleration of 80g as the threshold for brain trauma. The injury criteria for the neck were based on tension, compression, shear and bending moment. The tensile and shear load limit is with the value of 1100 N (duration > 45 ms); the compression limit of 5700 N while bending limit of 190 Nm in flexion and 57 Nm in extension were used. Chest injuries are evaluated according to the criterion of 60 g while femur force criterion of 10 KN was used to evaluate leg injuries. The summary of all these injury risk values are presented in Tables 3. Table 3: Potential injury risks at impact angle 45o Injury Parameters Biom. Limit HIC Head (a3ms) 3 MS (Chest) FNIC_tension FNIC_shear FNIC_bendng FFCL FFCR 1000 80 g 60 g 1.1KN 1.1KN 57Nm 10 KN 10 KN 32 km/h 2m 4m span span Impact Speed 48 km/h 60 km/h 2m 4m 2m 4m span span span span 2899 310 16 3.5 0.6 37 1.6 3.3 3102 332 27 5.8 0.5 37 8.6 4.1 2848 248 14 2.9 1.2 53 1.2 0.4 NC = No head contact with ground 115 2963 317 24 4.8 0.3 26 4.9 1.7 25-NC 14-NC 10 0.6 0.3 26 13.6 2.9 11-NC 12-NC 9 0.5 0.1 19 4.2 3.3 Ibitoye, A. B. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol 4, No.1, 2007 Hamouda, A.M.S. Umar, R.S.R. Table 3 shows increase in the values of HIC, head acceleration and tension in the neck as speed increases. This indicates that the downward impact on the head has effect on the neck. This impact can either flexes or extends the neck to fracture or dislocate the vertebrae and damage the spinal cord (Viano and King, 1996). Thus, the measured injury values exceeded the corresponding biomechanical limits of HIC=1000, head acceleration = 80g and neck tension force =1.1KN. The neck tension force also increases with speed except at 60 km/h due to no head contact of rider on ground. Other injury risks values to the chest, neck bending and shear are lower than their tolerance values. The measured risk values for femur are also less than biomechanical except for the left femur at speed 60 km/h (13.6KN) at 2m post spacing that are higher than the limit of 10KN. This indicates the severity of leg interaction with 2m span guardrail at higher speeds. 5. Discussion Injuries to head such as HIC and head acceleration were found to be higher than tolerance level for all impact condition where head impact with ground. This result implies that the rider may suffer skull fractures and brain injuries in agreement to FEMA (2005) report that skull fracture may occur at speed of 30km/h or more. It also confirms the finding of Hell and Lobb (1993) that injury risks to the head are more severe than that of other part of the body. This result also agrees with the findings of Tabiei, and Wu, (2000) that contact of the head and neck with the hard road surface generally results in fatalities or catastrophic injuries. Most of these injuries occur as the rider slides and tumbles along the top of guardrail before landing on the ground with head. This result agrees with the report of Ouellet (1982) that motorcyclist remaining upright during impact tend to slide and tumble along top of the posts supporting safety barrier. Apart from injuries to head and neck, other part of rider’s body such as lower extremity also has contact with the guardrail surface as the rider slides sideway during collision before ejection but they are not as severe as head injury risks. Ouellet (1982) in a study noted that although this type of body contact is frequent, it is not as severe as head contact with the road surface. The greater severity presented by the guardrail is as a result of their rigid surfaces which are perpendicular to the motion of the rider (Ouellet, 1982). The reason for these hazards has been attributed to include non consideration of motorcyclists in the crash testing standard (EEVC, 1993). 116 Ibitoye, A. B. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol 4, No.1, 2007 Hamouda, A.M.S. Umar, R.S.R. Thus, the future evaluation of guardrail performance needs to consider motorcycle impact for such guardrail to be used in protecting motorcyclists. 6. Conclusion and Recommendation This study has been able to investigate the effect of impact speed and angles on crash injury due to motorcycle impact with guardrail using computer simulation. Thus, this paper has been able to highlight that: Kinematics of rider is similar during the initial stage with the dummy having leg contact with the guardrail surface and projecting with head forward. However, the dynamics of rider towards the landing depend on the impact speeds and angles. Generally, for all impact conditions considered in the crash simulation, the rider fall to ground with head except for impact speed of 60km/h. This indicates that head injury risks is most critical to motorcyclists and that high vaulting of rider at higher impact speed can cause rider to land on any part of body rather than the head. The study has been able to establish the fact that the severity of impact increases with speed. This implies that guardrail orientation at angle 45o with impact speed of 48km/hr at 2m and 4m post spacing appears to be the worst impact condition. The injury tolerance level was found to be critical to the head than any other part of the body. Therefore, the tolerance level values of HIC =1000 and Head acceleration=80g can also be considered as threshold for future assessing of potential injury risks to rider. Therefore, the need to improve certain features of existing guardrail that impact motorcyclist’s safety is therefore recommended. 7. Acknowledgment The authors are indebted to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment for funding this work through an IRPA Grant. We would like to express our deep appreciation to members of Road Safety Research Centre, Universiti Putra Malaysia who have contributed in various ways to the success of this study. 117 Ibitoye, A. B. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol 4, No.1, 2007 Hamouda, A.M.S. Umar, R.S.R. 8. References Ambrosio, J.A.C and Pereira, M.S. 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