Food $ense and EFNEP Training

Food $ense and EFNEP Training
Evaluation of a novel, low cost, low burden,
scalable technology for evaluating EFNEP and
SNAP-Ed effectiveness
Regional Nutrition Education Center of
Excellence-West Sub-Award
October 28, 2015
Roll Call
Kroger Stores
• Box Elder
– Smith’s; Brigham City
• Cache
– Smith’s; Logan
– Smith’s Marketplace; Logan
• Carbon
– Smith’s; Price
• Duchesne
• Davis
– Smith’s; Bountiful, Farmington,
Layton, Sunset, Syracuse
– Smith’s Marketplace; Bountiful
• Emery
• Garfield
• Iron
– Smith’s; Cedar City
• Juab
• Kane
• Salt Lake
– Smith’s; multiple
– Smith’s Marketplace; multiple
• Summit
– Smith’s; Park City
• Tooele
• Uintah
– Smith’s; Vernal
• Utah
– Smith’s; Orum, Payson, Pleasant
Grove, Provo, Saratoga Springs
– Smith’s Marketplace; Lehi
• Wasatch
– Smith’s; Heber City
• Washington
• Weber
– Smith’s; North Ogden, Ogden,
Data Collection Process
At the end of a series, invite all nutrition education class members to participate
using the recruitment script
Give interested people the eligibility questionnaire, help anyone who needs help
to read or fill out the questionnaire
Check to see who is eligible
Give eligible people the informed consent document, ask them to read it or offer
to go over it with them
Answer any questions they may have
Participants who want to participate will sign two copies of the consent form.
You give them one copy and you keep one copy.
Give the participant the survey to fill out, help anyone who needs help to read or
fill out the questionnaire
Take the ID number stickers and place them on the eligibility questionnaire and
the NEA data form.
Fill out the NEA data form.
Check the survey to make sure all questions have been answered.
Store eligibility questionnaires, surveys, and informed consents in the lock-box.
Give participants $5 gift card as compensation for their time.
Thank them for participating!
1. Invitation to Participate
• At the end of a series
• Invite all nutrition education class members
that have finished the series (at least 3
classes) to participate using the recruitment
1. Invitation to Participate
Recruitment Script
• “We are doing a research study to learn more about how
participation in classes like this one may change shopping behavior.
• You can earn a $5 gift card in compensation for your time.
• If you are interested to learn more I can answer your questions or I
have an informed consent form that has all of the details if you
would rather read about it.
• Your decision to participate or not participate will not change your
ability to participate in this class or future classes, it will not effect
any benefits you would otherwise receive, or how I feel about you.
• It is completely voluntary and you should only do it if you want to.
• You will not hurt my feelings if you decide not to participate.”
2. Eligibility Questionnaire
• Give interested people the eligibility
• help anyone who needs help to read or fill out
the questionnaire
RNECE-W: Evaluation of a novel, low cost, low burden, scalable technology for
evaluating EFNEP and SNAP-Ed
PI: Carrie Durward, PhD
Screening Questionnaire
1. Do you ever shop for groceries at Smith’s? Check one answer.
___ Yes
2. Eligibility
___ No
2. If yes, how much of your household’s grocery shopping is done at Smith’s?
Circle one number.
3. When you shop at Smith’s, do you usually scan a Fresh Values rewards card
(Smith’s card) at checkout or give a phone number? Check one answer.
___ Yes, I scan a Smith’s card at checkout or give a phone number.
___ No, I don’t scan a card or give a phone number.
4. Have you ever attended Food $ense or EFNEP classes before the current class
series? Check one answer.
___ Yes, I have attended EFNEP or Food $ense classes before this series
___ No, I this is my first time attending EFNEP or Food $ense classes
5. May we keep this form to track why people were or were not eligible? Check
one answer.
___ Yes
___ No
For your educator only. ID number for eligible participants who consent:
• Give interested
people the
• help anyone who
needs help to read
or fill out the
RNECE-W: Evaluation of a novel, low cost, low burden, scalable technology for
evaluating EFNEP and SNAP-Ed
PI: Carrie Durward, PhD
Screening Questionnaire
1. Do you ever shop for groceries at Smith’s? Check one answer.
___ Yes
___ No
2. If yes, how much of your household’s grocery shopping is done at Smith’s?
Circle one number.
3. When you shop at Smith’s, do you usually scan a Fresh Values rewards card
(Smith’s card) at checkout or give a phone number? Check one answer.
___ Yes, I scan a Smith’s card at checkout or give a phone number.
___ No, I don’t scan a card or give a phone number.
4. Have you ever attended Food $ense or EFNEP classes before the current class
series? Check one answer.
___ Yes, I have attended EFNEP or Food $ense classes before this series
___ No, I this is my first time attending EFNEP or Food $ense classes
5. May we keep this form to track why people were or were not eligible? Check
one answer.
___ Yes
___ No
For your educator only. ID number for eligible participants who consent:
4. See who is
• Eligible answers:
1. yes
2. 5, 6, or 7
3. yes
4. no (make sure
they know it isn’t
that class, but the
class series)
• If they don’t answer
all four of these
questions in this
way, they are not
4. Informed Consent A
• Give each eligible person a copy of the
informed consent
• Tell them they can read it or you can go over it
with them
• Either give them time to read it, or go over
each section
• Answer any questions they have
Page 1 of 2
IRB Approval Date: 09/16/2015
IRB Approval Expires: 09/15/2016
Protocol #6890
IRB Password Protected per IRB Director
Department of Nutrition, Dietetics,
& Food Science
8700 Old Main Hill
Logan UT 84322-8700
Telephone: (435) 797-5843
Page 2 of 2
IRB Approval Date: 09/16/2015
IRB Approval Expires: 09/15/2016
Protocol #6890
IRB Password Protected per IRB Director
Department of Nutrition, Dietetics,
& Food Science
8700 Old Main Hill
Logan UT 84322-8700
Telephone: (435) 797-5843
Evaluation of a novel, low cost, low burden, scalable technology for evaluating EFNEP
and SNAP-Ed effectiveness
Evaluation of a novel, low cost, low burden, scalable technology for evaluating EFNEP
and SNAP-Ed effectiveness
Introduction/ Purpose The purpose of this research study is to study how USDA education classes
change grocery shopping habits. You are currently enrolled in one of those classes (called EFNEP Food
$ense, or SNAP-Ed). We are doing this study because the USDA wants to find ways to improve its
education classes. The lead researcher for this study is a professor at Utah State University, Dr. Carrie
Durward. There will be approximately 130 total participants in this research.
Funding This research study is funded by the US Department of Agriculture.
Procedures If you agree to be in this research study, you will be asked to complete a survey that asks
questions about your shopping habits, food security experiences, and consumption of fruits and
vegetables. The survey also will ask for your Smith’s Fresh Value rewards card or the telephone number
that you use when you check out at Smith’s grocery store. By providing this number to us and signing this
document, you are allowing Smith’s share with us the data they collect about what groceries you buy. We
will give Smith’s your shopper loyalty card number, telephone number, and address so they can locate
your shopping data. They will return a summary of your grocery purchases, not including any
prescriptions that you buy at the pharmacy. First, they will give us a summary of your grocery purchases
prior to this class. That could cover 6 to 18 months of shopping. Next, they will give us a summary of
your purchases after this class, for about a year. By filling out this survey and signing this document, you
are also giving the education program (Food $ense or EFNEP) permission to share data with us including
the dates of your participation in the program and demographic data (gender, age, race, ethnicity) that you
share as part of the program evaluation process.
Risks The only risk of being in this study is that someone outside our team will see your shopping
history or some of the other data provided as a part of this study. However, the data that we collect today
will be stored in a locked file box until your educator is able to mail it to Utah State University. The paper
data will be stored in a locked office, entered in an excel spreadsheet on a secure computer in a locked
office and shredded after the study is over. The spreadsheet will be shared with the University of Utah
researchers using a secure BOX folder on the computer. The data will be stored at the University of Utah
on a secure computer in a locked office.
Payment/Compensation You will receive a $5 gift card for your participation in this study. Utah State
University is required to report payments of greater than $600 for study participation to the federal
government, so if you participate in additional studies which reach this amount, those payments may be
reported accordingly.
Benefits There may not be any direct benefit to you from these procedures. The researchers, however,
may learn more about the impact of the EFNEP and SNAP-Ed programs on grocery shopping habits.
Explanation & offer to answer questions Dr. Durward or a member of her research staff has explained
this research study to you and answered your questions. If you have other questions or research-related
problems, you may reach Carrie Durward at 435.797.5843 or
v7 2/3/2010
Voluntary nature of participation and right to withdraw without consequence Participation in
research is entirely voluntary. You may refuse to participate or withdraw at any time without consequence
or loss of benefits. Joining the study will not affect your SNAP or education benefits in any way.
Deciding not to join the study will not affect your SNAP or education benefits in any way.
Confidentiality Research records will be kept confidential, consistent with federal and state regulations.
Only the investigators and their staff will have access to the data. The data that we collect today will be
stored in a locked file box until your educator is able to mail it to Utah State University. The paper data
will be stored in a locked office, entered in an excel spreadsheet on a secure computer by study staff and
shredded after the study is over. The spreadsheet will be shared with the University of Utah researchers
using a secure BOX folder on the computer. The data will be stored at the University of Utah on a secure
computer in a locked office.
IRB Approval Statement The Institutional Review Board for the protection of human participants at
Utah State University has approved this research study. If you have any questions or concerns about your
rights or a research-related injury and would like to contact someone other than the research team, you
may contact the IRB Director at (435) 797-0567 or to obtain information or to offer input.
Investigator Statement “I certify that the research study has been explained to the individual, by me or
my research staff, and that the individual understands the nature and purpose, the possible risks and
benefits associated with taking part in this research study. Any questions that have been raised have been
Signature of Researcher(s)
Carrie Durward, PhD RD
Principal Investigator
John Hurdle, PhD RD
Signature of Participant By signing below, I agree to participate.
Printed Name
v7 2/3/2010
6. Informed Consent B
• Participants who want to participate will sign
two copies of the consent form.
• You give them one copy and you keep one
7. Survey
• Give the participant the survey to fill out
• Help anyone who needs help to read or fill out
the questionnaire
RNECE-W: Evaluation of a novel, low cost, low burden, scalable technology for evaluating EFNEP and
PI: Carrie Durward, PhD, RD
RNECE-W: Evaluation of a novel, low cost, low burden, scalable technology for evaluating EFNEP and
PI: Carrie Durward, PhD, RD
Participant ID __________________
4. How many men age 18 or older live in your household? ____
Study Survey
1. Where have you bought groceries in the past month?
____ Smith’s
____ Walmart
____ Fresh Market
____ Target
____ Harmon’s
____ Costco
____ Dan’s
____ Sam’s Club
____ Trader Joe’s
____ Some other store
____ Whole Foods
2. For this study, we need to know your shopping card number and your address (so that
Smith’s can find your shopping data for the study). Please enter below the card number
(from the card or your key chain) that you use. We may ask to copy or photograph the card
to insure the accuracy of the number.
5. How many women age 18 or older live in your household? ____
6. How many children live in your household? (count babies and children under 18 years of
age) ____
7. Do you self-identify as Hispanic or Latino? ___ Yes ___ No
Here are several statements that people have made about their food situation. Please tell us
how the statement applies to your household.
8. Over the past month, the food that I/we bought just didn’t last, and I/we didn’t have money
to get more.
____ Often true
____ Sometimes true
____ Never true
9. Over the past month, I/we couldn’t afford to eat balanced meals.
____ Often true
____ Sometimes true
____ Never true
Please enter your mailing address here (We will not share this number with anyone but
Smith’s, who already has it, and we will not send you any mail):
10. Over the past month, did you or other adults in your household ever cut the size of your
meals or skip meals because there wasn’t enough money for food? ____ yes ____ no
If yes, how often did this happen?
3. Some Smith’s shoppers use their phone number instead of a card when checking out. If you
or others in your household sometimes or always use a phone number, please provide that
phone number here. (We will not share this number with anyone but Smith’s, who already
has it, and we will not call this number.)
____ almost every day
____ some days but not every day
____ only one or two days
11. In the last month, did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there wasn’t
enough money for food? ____ yes ____ no
12. In the last month, were you ever hungry but didn’t eat because there wasn’t enough money
for food? ____ yes ____ no
RNECE-W: Evaluation of a novel, low cost, low burden, scalable technology for evaluating EFNEP and
PI: Carrie Durward, PhD, RD
RNECE-W: Evaluation of a novel, low cost, low burden, scalable technology for evaluating EFNEP and
PI: Carrie Durward, PhD, RD
These next questions are about the fruit and vegetables you ate or drank during the past
month. Please think about all forms of fruits and vegetables including cooked or raw, fresh,
frozen, or canned. Please think about all meals, snacks, and food consumed at home and away
from home.
____ 1-3 times/month
13. During the past month, how often did you drink 100% PURE fruit juices? Do not include
fruit-flavored drinks with added sugar or fruit juice you made at home and added sugar to. Only
include 100% juice.
____ 5-6 times/week
____ 1-2 times/week
____ 3-4 times/week
____ 1 time/day
____ 2 times/day
____ never
____ 3 times/day or more
____ 1-3 times/month
16. During the past month, how often did you eat dark green vegetables, for example broccoli
or dark leafy greens including romaine, chard, collard greens, or spinach?
____ 1-2 times/week
____ 3-4 times/week
____ never
____ 5-6 times/week
____ 1-3 times/month
____ 1 time/day
____ 1-2 times/week
____ 2 times/day
____ 3-4 times/week
____ 3 times/day or more
____ 5-6 times/week
____ 1 time/day
14. During the past month, not counting juice, how often did you eat fruit? Count fresh, frozen,
or canned fruit.
____ 2 times/day
____ 3 times/day or more
____ never
17. During the past month, how often did you eat orange-colored vegetables such as sweet
potatoes, pumpkin, winter squash, or carrots?
____ 1-3 times/month
____ 1-2 times/week
____ never
____ 3-4 times/week
____ 1-3 times/month
____ 5-6 times/week
____ 1-2 times/week
____ 1 time/day
____ 3-4 times/week
____ 2 times/day
____ 5-6 times/week
____ 3 times/day or more
____ 1 time/day
15. During the past month, how often did you eat cooked or canned beans, such as refried,
baked, black, garbanzo beans, beans in soup, soybeans, edamame, tofu, or lentils? Do NOT
include long green beans.
____ 2 times/day
____ 3 times/day or more
____ never
RNECE-W: Evaluation of a novel, low cost, low burden, scalable technology for evaluating EFNEP and
PI: Carrie Durward, PhD, RD
18. Not counting foods you have just mentioned, how often did you eat OTHER vegetables in
the past month? Examples of other vegetables include tomatoes, tomato juice or V-8, corn,
eggplant, peas, lettuce, cabbage, and white potatoes that are not fried such as baked or
mashed potatoes.
____ never
____ 1-3 times/month
____ 1-2 times/week
____ 3-4 times/week
____ 5-6 times/week
____ 1 time/day
____ 2 times/day
____ 3 times/day or more
19. Do you receive any forms of food assistance? Check all that apply.
____ Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, also called food stamps)
____ Women, Infants, Children (WIC)
____ Food bank or Bishop’s Storehouse
____ Assistance from family or friends
____ Soup kitchen, Meals on Wheels, or community meals center
____ I prefer not to answer
Thank you for participating in our study!
7. ID Stickers
• This is very important!
• The surveys will come with an ID number
sticker on it, and two other ID stickers (with
the same number) paper clipped to it.
• You will put one of the stickers on the
eligibility questionnaire and one on the NEA
data form.
RNECE-W: Evaluation of a novel, low cost, low burden, scalable technology for evaluating EFNEP and
PI: Carrie Durward, PhD, RD
RNECE-W: Evaluation of a novel, low cost, low burden, scalable technology for
evaluating EFNEP and SNAP-Ed
PI: Carrie Durward, PhD
Participant ID __________________
Eligibility Questionnaire
1. Do you ever shop for groceries at Smith’s? Check one answer.
Study Survey
1. Where have you bought groceries in the past month?
___ Yes
____ Smith’s
____ Walmart
____ Fresh Market
____ Target
____ Harmon’s
____ Costco
____ Dan’s
____ Sam’s Club
____ Trader Joe’s
____ Some other store
___ No
ID Sticker will already be here
2. If yes, how much of your household’s grocery shopping is done at Smith’s?
Circle one number.
____ Whole Foods
2. For this study, we need to know your shopping card number and your address (so that
Smith’s can find your shopping data for the study). Please enter below the card number
(from the card or your key chain) that you use. We may ask to copy or photograph the card
to insure the accuracy of the number.
3. When you shop at Smith’s, do you usually scan a Fresh Values rewards card
at checkout or give a phone number? Check one answer.
___ Yes, I scan a card at checkout or give a phone number.
___ No, I don’t scan a card or give a phone number.
Please enter your mailing address here (We will not share this number with anyone but
Smith’s, who already has it, and we will not send you any mail):
You put ID stickers here and here
ONLY for people who consent and fill out the survey
3. Some Smith’s shoppers use their phone number instead of a card when checking out. If you
or others in your household sometimes or always use a phone number, please provide that
phone number here. (We will not share this number with anyone but Smith’s, who already
has it, and we will not call this number.)
For your educator only. ID number for eligible participants who consent:
9. Picture of Loyalty Card
• If you have a phone,
tablet, or camera that
you can use
• And the participant
has their loyalty card
or keychain
• Please take a picture
or scan it
• Email to
• Include the
participant ID number
in your email!
We don’t need a picture of this side
This is the side we need.
10. Fill out the NEA data form
11. Check Survey
• Make sure all of the questions have been
• Make sure questions have been answered
correctly (only one answer where indicated,
12. Store Data
• Store eligibility questionnaires, surveys, and
informed consent documents in the lock-box
• Who needs a lock box?
13. Compensation
• Give participants $5 gift card as compensation
for their time.
• We will do dollar store or drug store gift cards.
• Please email me to let me know which dollar
stores and/or drug stores in your county
would be good options:
Data Storage and Processing
A. Store eligibility questionnaires, surveys, and informed
consents in the lock-box.
B. Keep eligibility questionnaires from participants who
consented to participate or check yes on question #5 on
the eligibility questionnaire (I assume this will be most of
C. Shred eligibility questionnaires for people who checked
“no” on question #5 on
D. Mail eligibility questionnaires, informed consents, and
surveys to:
Carrie Durward
8700 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-8700
Data Storage and Processing
A. Store eligibility questionnaires, surveys, and
informed consents in the lock-box.
Please email to let me know how many
lock boxes your county needs
B. Keep eligibility
questionnaires from
participants who
consented to participate
or check yes on
question #5 on the
eligibility questionnaire
(I assume this will be
most of them)
RNECE-W: Evaluation of a novel, low cost, low burden, scalable technology for
evaluating EFNEP and SNAP-Ed
PI: Carrie Durward, PhD
Screening Questionnaire
1. Do you ever shop for groceries at Smith’s? Check one answer.
___ Yes
___ No
2. If yes, how much of your household’s grocery shopping is done at Smith’s?
Circle one number.
3. When you shop at Smith’s, do you usually scan a Fresh Values rewards card
(Smith’s card) at checkout or give a phone number? Check one answer.
___ Yes, I scan a Smith’s card at checkout or give a phone number.
___ No, I don’t scan a card or give a phone number.
4. Have you ever attended Food $ense or EFNEP classes before the current class
series? Check one answer.
___ Yes, I have attended EFNEP or Food $ense classes before this series
___ No, I this is my first time attending EFNEP or Food $ense classes
B. Shred eligibility
questionnaires for
people who checked
“no” on question #5 on
5. May we keep this form to track why people were or were not eligible? Check
one answer.
___ Yes
___ No
For your educator only. ID number for eligible participants who consent:
Data Storage and Processing
D. Mail eligibility questionnaires, informed
consents, and surveys to:
Carrie Durward
8700 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-8700
Please do not mail me your regular EFNEP or Food
$ense paperwork. Nothing changes with your
regular paperwork.
Thank you for your efforts!
• We will be giving away four $50 gift cards to
NEAs who recruit participants
• 2 will be for the 1st and 2nd most people
recruited (taking into account county size)
• 2 will be randomly drawn from anyone who
has recruited at least 5 participants
Please Email Me ASAP
• Human Resource Subject Signature Page
• How many lock boxes your county needs
• Which dollar stores and/or drug stores in your
county would be good options: