FY 17 CAPITAL PURCHASE REQUEST PROCESS AND TIMELINE DUE BY 04/28/16 The FY17 Budget identified $600,000 in funding for department-specific capital purchases. Complete this form to submit a funding request. As part of the FY17 Budget, we have increased the threshold for capitalization from $1,500 to $3,000. The Long Range Planning & Budget Committee (LRP&BC) will convene a sub-committee to review the submissions and provide recommendations to the full Committee, which will review the submissions and forward a funding recommendations to the Cabinet. Submission, Review, and Approval Process Complete the form to submit a capital request. Submit the form to your Dean/Provost or Director/Vice President for review and signature. Submit the signed form and any supporting documentation to the Business Office. The Business Office will work with Facilities, Security, and OIT to obtain/confirm cost estimates for installation, infrastructure, and re-circulate forms for second approvals, as necessary. The Capital Review Working Group of the LRP&BC will provide the Committee with a complete list of all submissions and those recommended for approval using the established rubric (see below). The LRP&BC will review and recommend capital purchases to the Cabinet for approval and notify the requesting department of approval or provide feedback regarding any capital purchases that were not funded. Please Note: Incomplete or late submissions will not be reviewed. Two (2) external cost estimates are recommended to support the capital request. If your request is approved and it contains a purchase of goods and services of $25,000 or greater Anne Bezon in Purchasing (x 8049 or abezon@sjfc.edu) will need three (3) quotes to initiate the purchase. While their signature is not required prior to submission, Facilities, Security, and OIT are happy to help you with obtaining cost estimates, identifying established college standards, identifying preferred vendors, etc. Once submitted, the Business Office will circulate the submissions to Facilities, Security, and OIT for formal review and signature. The Department, Dean and Vice President may be asked to re-affirm their support for the capital purchase based on the review of Facilities, Security, and OIT. Capital Purchase A purchase is considered “a capital purchase” if 1) the item has a useful life of 3 years or greater, and 2) a cost of $3,000 or greater. FY17 Budget—Capital Purchase Request Form FY17 Instructions FY 17 CAPITAL PURCHASE REQUEST PROCESS AND TIMELINE DUE BY 04/28/16 The College maintains consistency with comparable higher education institutions and refers to guidelines of the National Association of College and University Business Offices (NACUBO) when necessary. The final decision regarding the determination of the appropriate useful life and capitalization will be made by the Business Office in conjunction with the College’s Independent Auditors. Categories of capital purchases include: Capital Repairs, Renovations, and Maintenance These are repairs, renovations, and maintenance that extend the useful life or improve the value of an asset. Technology Purchases SJFC defines “technology” broadly and includes any college-owned equipment that connects to the college’s wired or wireless network or for which OIT will be expected to provide technical support. Examples of some common technology are: Cabling and network infrastructure Office telephones All desktop/laptop computers and local/networked printers Tablet mobile devices (iPads, etc.) purchased in quantity Software Televisions Classroom and conference room technology, including but not limited to projectors, smart boards, document cameras, etc. Please note: The purchase of computers for students as a part of their course curriculum must be facilitated by OIT and will be budgeted by the respective department and charged to account 71212—Tuition Included Expense. Contact the OIT Help Desk (x8016) for price quotes on proposed technology purchases. This will ensure that the College’s educational pricing is considered, the item is consistent with the established technology standards, and the item is supportable by OIT. Non-technology Purchases SJFC defines non-technology purchases as furniture, fixtures, and equipment (i.e., a new vehicle or laboratory equipment). FY17 Budget—Capital Purchase Request Form FY17 Instructions FY 17 CAPITAL PURCHASE REQUEST PROCESS AND TIMELINE DUE BY 04/28/16 Submission Deadline The submission deadline is 4:00 pm Thursday April 28, 2016. Your submission should be delivered to the Business Office or submitted electronically to Linda M. Steinkirchner (lsteinkirchner@sjfc.edu). Please submit only those pages from this packet with the “Submission” footer. Please use this checklist to ensure that your submission is complete. _____ Signature of requesting department (required) _____ Signature of School Dean (required) _____ Signature of Provost or Vice President (required) _____ 3rd party cost estimates attached (required) _____ Additional supporting information (optional) The review of requests will be informed by the College’s Strategic Plan (https://forms.sjfc.edu/strategicplan), which serves as a guideline for making investment decisions regarding the allocation of resources and the established rubric (below). Please reference specific goals, strategies, and tactics in your funding request. Rationale/Environment Academic Learning Safety/Security Student Living Cost Savings & Efficiencies FY17 Budget—Capital Purchase Request Form High High High High Prioritization Mid Mid Mid Mid Low Low Low Low FY17 Instructions FY 17 CAPITAL PURCHASE REQUEST PROCESS AND TIMELINE DUE BY 04/28/16 NOTE: YOU MUST SUBMIT A FORM FOR EACH CAPITAL REQUEST Please provide a short name for the purchase and a contact person, to whom all e-mail regarding this submission will be directed. Name of Purchase: Contact Person: Requesting Department(s): Please provide a description of the purchase (300 words or less), including a justification or rationale: Explain how and which of the strategic plan goals, strategies and tactics the purchase addresses specifically: Please assess the purchase request based on the rubric, identifying the applicable Rationale/Environment and the prioritization. Provide any supporting information. If approved on June 1 2016, please provide an estimated purchase date and date purchase will become operational: FY17 Budget—Capital Purchase Request Form Submission Page 1 FY 17 CAPITAL PURCHASE REQUEST PROCESS AND TIMELINE DUE BY 04/28/16 Impact of the accomplished purchase: Estimated cost per attached cost estimate: Life expectancy of the equipment (in years): Funding source for replacement of the equipment at the end of its life expectancy: Secure the appropriate signatures prior to submission. Department Review Date Vice President/Provost Review Date FY17 Budget—Capital Purchase Request Form Dean Review Date Submission Page 2