International Relations Office. 2015 Sheffield International Mobility Scheme A. Applicant information Title: Surname: First name: Department or School: Position: Applicant’s address: Telephone number: Email: Host university: Host Department/School: Host academic: Host’s address: Telephone number: Email: B. Project summary (200 words maximum) C. Justification for funding requested (please add full costings for your proposal) D. Statement on value to the University/Faculty Internationalisation Strategy, impact and sustainability (two pages of A4 maximum) International Relations Office. This statement should outline: how the proposal links to strategy at Department, Faculty and/or University level the likely impact and outputs of the proposed collaboration longer term sustainability of the partnership broader engagement, i.e. links with other stakeholders Reviewers will be asked to assess the quality of the proposal with respect to these four criteria. Deadline for proposals Please email to the International Relations Office at no later than 5pm on 27 March 2015.