Southwest Consortium on Plant Genetics and Water Resources

Southwest Consortium on Plant Genetics and Water Resources
Call For Preproposals for FY 2011 Funding
Due by Friday, AUGUST 6, 2010
The Southwest Consortium on Plant Genetics and Water Resources (SWC) announces a Call for
Preproposals for FY’11 ‘mini-grant’ awards. These awards are intended to bring together multidisciplinary
scientific teams from the five participating institutions to develop innovative advances in plant
biotechnology, plant physiology, and related disciplines to bear on agriculture in arid and semi-arid regions.
The mini-grants are designed to provide research funds for projects which meet the Consortium's
Research Objectives (listed on page 2). This program has been very successful in providing support for
investigators to establish baseline data that can be used in proposals to other funding agencies, so that this
research support can be leveraged. The Consortium will provide up to a maximum of $50,000 per year for
two years to selected projects. Applicants are asked to submit an electronic copy of their preproposal in
accordance with the Submission Guidelines on page 2 of this Call, by FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 2010 to:
Patti K. Havstad, Coordinator
Southwest Consortium on Plant Genetics
Skeen Hall, Rm. 141 (MSC 3BE)
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8003
Phone: 575-646-7215
(send electronic submissions to this email address)
A principal investigator (PI) may submit more than one preproposal, but there is a high likelihood
that only one will be accepted for full proposal consideration and/or funding, if the Selection
Committee finds it a priority.
PIs entering their second year of funding by the SWC may submit a preproposal for a new project
(not a continuation of their old project) if they want to be considered for future funding.
For those projects judged to be most competitive in meeting the objectives of the Consortium, an
invitation will be issued in Sept 2010 to submit a full proposal to be due in January or February
2011. Guidelines and instructions for full proposals will be provided at this time.
A representative of each accepted preproposal will be invited to present their Southwest Consortium submitted
project, or related research, at the Annual Southwest Consortium on Plant Genetics and Water Resources
Symposium, which is typically scheduled for late summer/early fall. The Southwest Consortium Symposiums
are designed to provide an opportunity to interact with a small group of select scientists and students from the
five participating institutions. The Symposium will feature an invited guest speaker, and will include scientific
talks on projects in their second year of funding, the preproposal talks, and a poster session. More information
on the 2010 SWC Symposium will be available at a later date.
New Mexico State University
Texas Tech University
University of Arizona
Los Alamos National Laboratory
University of California, Riverside
1. Principal Investigators (PIs) must be a tenure track faculty member or a full time scientist at one of
the five participating institutions. The SWC Steering Committee will determine eligibility of PIs
2. Multidisciplinary Research Teams Collaborating PIs may be from the same institution, but each
must bring a different expertise or discipline to the proposed research project. Multidisciplinary
teams are a key point of selection. Collaboration between PIs from different institutions is
3. Salaries for post-docs, graduate students and/or technicians on the project are allowed. Salary for PIs is
not allowed. Indirect costs and nonexpendable equipment costs are not allowed.
Proposals must reflect an interdisciplinary approach, be concerned with innovative research and be directed
toward southwestern United States agriculture.
To accomplish these Goals, research should address at least one of the following three Objectives:
Determine and evaluate plant genetic, developmental, biochemical, or physiological
RESPONSES that affect the growth and yield of crop species under arid and semi-arid
environmental stresses.
Determine the IMPACT OF THESE STRESSES on susceptibility of plants to pests and
pathogens, as well as on the activities of symbionts and beneficial organisms.
Determine and evaluate GENETIC MODIFICATIONS of crop plants that improve agronomic
value through better adaptability to arid/semi-arid land agriculture conditions including the
efficient use of water resources.
Use 12 point font and 1 inch margins top/bottom and sides
1. Cover Page with the project title and a list of PIs, with a designated Lead PI listed first. The list should
include professional titles, departmental affiliations, phone, fax, and e-mail addresses. The lead PI will
serve as the Coordinator and Contact person for the team.
2. Table of Contents (one page)
3. Project Description (2-3 pages).Please include lead PI name as a header on the right side of each page.
A. Introduction describing the subject to be studied
B. Significance of the research in terms of SWC Research Goals and Objectives.
C. PI Responsibilities written to clearly identify and delineate each PI contribution
D. Research Goals of the project for years 1 & 2.
4. References (try to limit to 1-2 pages)
5. Budget Plan (one page or less) general description of your anticipated budget breakdown in
terms of personnel, supplies, contract work, travel*. Capital items, such as nonexpendable equipment,
are not allowed.
7. Preliminary Data (1-2 pages, optional) may be added separately at the end of the pre-proposal
8. Curriculum Vitae (limit to 1-2 pages each) for each PI on the project.
* Preproposals selected for 2011 full proposal consideration will receive one (1) Consortium- paid trip (within
established limits) to the 2010 Symposium to present their proposed research. The proposed budget for the full
proposal should be designed to include travel costs for attendance at the next (2012) annual SWC Symposium.
New Mexico State University
Texas Tech University
University of Arizona
Los Alamos National Laboratory
University of California, Riverside