Study Skills Student Support Services Daytona State College Know Yourself Know When You Study Best Are you a morning or night person? When are you most productive, awake, alert? Do you let everyone know when it is your time to study so that you will not be disturbed. Have you formed a habit of studying the same time each day? Know Yourself cont.. Know Where You Study Best. – Consider these distractions • • • • • • • T.V. Talking Windows Music People Walking by Telephone Family and Friends Quiet Please Choose a place to study that is free of distractions. This may be the library, the Academic Support Center, your own bedroom. Be sure the environment you are studying in is comfortable. Avoid studying in bed…you may just fall asleep. Ready…Set…Study!! Gather All Materials Needed. – – – – – – Reference books Writing Tools Tests Class Notes Folders, Notebooks Assignment(s) Set Your Mind to Study. Intend to have focused, effective study time. Set realistic goals Strive for quality as well as quantity. Ready…Set…Study Map out a time line For long-range assignments set short range goals. Short-range “chunks” of work are easier to focus on and handle. Divide time between subjects. Study the hardest subjects first while your mind is fresh. Leave routine and less difficult tasks for last. Ready…Set…Study Review familiar material first. – – – – – Titles/subtitles Boldface type Vocabulary Words Review questions Class notes/handouts Apply It! Apply knowledge of how you learn to warm up and study. – Write things • • • • Vocabulary words Lists Definitions Diagrams/Charts – Make a tape of things to memorize – Write important information on 3 x 5 index cards to review at anytime Break Time! Take a Break! Take a 5-10 minute break for every 45 minutes of study. Take a short break between topics. – Do something physical – Get something to eat – Walk Study Tips Break It Down! Break Down To Study for a Test Chapter One Sunday Night Chapter Two Monday Night Review all 4 Chapters Thursday Night TEST! Friday Chapter Three Tuesday Night Chapter Four Wednesday Night I Can Not Remember It All! It is less tiring to “spread out” study periods rather than to “cram.” Too many ideas at one time are confusing. The human brain can successfully process 6-7 ideas during one time period and maintain good retention of the information if enough repetition is used. Good grades most often are lost due to lack of organization rather than a lack of information. Repetition, Repetition, Repetition Repetition is the key. The more you review your book, notes, handouts, etc. the more likely the information will be retained. You must review often so the information can be moved from shortterm to long-term memory. This is when true learning takes place. Quiz Questions (Please answer the quiz questions and give a copy of the answers to a SSS staff member) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. What should you know about yourself before you start to study? Where do you study best? What are common distractions when studying? How can you avoid them? What materials should you have before you start to study? What should you study first; difficult or less difficult material? What material should you review first? What is the benefit of index cards and other study aids? Should you take breaks when studying? If so, how long and when should you take a break? Why can cramming for a test lead to failure? Why is repetition important?