CAREER EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION MEETING AGENDA October 16, 2012 @ 2:30 pm Business Hall (150) Room 305 I. Call to Order: II. Roll Call (Pass around sign in sheet) III. Moment of Silence / recognize guests / each member introduces themselves; IV. Officer & Committee Reports: V. VI. a. Secretary – Marge; last month’s minutes b. Treasure – Diane; Financial Report c. Vice President – Trisha; Membership, d. President – Valerie; Cabinet, Board, Diversity Council, Planning Council e. Standing Committees - Old Business a. By-Law review b. Holiday Get-Together; survey c. Benefits Fair (Oct 26th) New Business a. Chili Cookoff; set a date, recruit volunteers, chili and maybe some other soup/pasta to offer on the side b. AFC (Association of Florida Colleges); offering a table to fundraise (sale/raffle) at their Holiday Bazaar on Nov 15th, volunteers interested/needed c. Coupon Book Sale (see memo) d. Purchase of a Foundation Brick; Echo Plaza, $75.00 VII. Adjournment: a. Next meeting Tuesday, November 20, 2012; Business Hall (B 150/305) CAREER EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION MEETING AGENDA October 16, 2012 @ 2:30 pm Business Hall (150) Room 305 Board Meeting September 20th - Hosted by Palm Coast campus President’s Update - Grants award Student Development, Tom LaBasso Student Enrollment up slightly from projections Facilities Planning – Board approved the Architectural Services and Construction Management at Risk Services for Flagler/Palm Coast Building 3 Project Reviewing contractor recommendations Academic Affairs, Dr. Mike Vitale Six of 27 New Teachers of Year for 2011-12 were DSC students Monthly Status Reports – Foundation Update, Kay Burniston President’s Cabinet; October 4th MEMO: Coupon Book Hi Val: Can we put this on the agenda for next month? They were bought out by a friend of theirs, so they have added on a new incentive, they will give us a Rest. Gift Card worth 10% of the number of books we sell, example if we sell 50 books a $5.00 gift card etc. If we sold a lot of books the gift card could be a prize for the EOS person(s). There will not be an East and West book just one. My suggestion would be to ask each of our members to buy or sell at least one book, we make 10.00 per book and can return whatever we don’t sell. MargeFrye, Sr. Staff Assistant Assessment Services Daytona State College 386-506-3556