BIC Eryri presentation on: Creativity and Innovation in NPD Dafydd Glyn Davies Chief Executive Creativity and Innovation in NPD BIC Eryri 20 Feb 2003 Aim to Cover BIC Eryri: 5 minute tour Business development realities/challenges NPD vs Offer Development Key BIC Eryri approaches Creativity and Innovation in action Creativity and Innovation in NPD BIC Eryri 20 Feb 2003 BIC Eryri North Wales based innovation services business NPD, marketing, creativity, MR, IP exploitation, technology venturing and project management Across all sectors: food, environmental, healthcare, ICT, electronics, marine, construction Currently undertaking £25M+ projects increasingly international in scope 13 F/T staff + 10 assocs for more info Creativity and Innovation in NPD BIC Eryri 20 Feb 2003 Realities and Challenges Global Competition Firefighting vs strategy Short life cycles/pace Lack of capital vs IRR Tekkies and technologies Staff and skills Today vs tomorrow Trade restructuring (Bloody) Regulations Customer expectations ICT/new media IP and other animals Creativity and Innovation in NPD BIC Eryri 20 Feb 2003 NPD vs Offer Development NPD = New Product Development design, prototyping, alpha/beta testing, launch Offer Development = “the full monty” commercial proposition consumer (and trade) positioning brand and packaging product and service package consumer and trade promotions At BIC Eryri NPD = Offer Development Creativity and Innovation in NPD BIC Eryri 20 Feb 2003 Approaches to NPD Iterative process focused upon delivery of COMMERCIAL PROPOSITION and POSITIONING MUST be driven from top, delivered from bottom Typical elements: current market and target customer dynamics 2-5 yrs ahead: via mapping, projective work assessment of client strategies, resources obsession with marketing rather than tech. clear product/tech specs, part of offer dev. interactive feedback: product/offer concepts total project management Creativity and Innovation in NPD BIC Eryri 20 Feb 2003 Creativity Stimulus Material Left Side Right Side Research, Logical, Analytical Thinking Create / Intuitive Thinking screen & evaluate sensible ideas generate loads of wacky, way out ideas Promising Ideas > Offer Development Creativity and Innovation in NPD BIC Eryri 20 Feb 2003 Concept Development Expressions of ideas for products, offer, businesses ....feedstock of NPD A “black art” for MR, for comms and pre-selling Benefits: bring ideas to life, people react, process of crystallisation Extensively utilised from start to finish to check on fundamentals to specific of marketing mix BIC Eryri: businesses, ventures, products, technologies, brands, positionings, promotions .....alongside in-depth MR Creativity and Innovation in NPD BIC Eryri 20 Feb 2003 Halen Mon Creativity and Innovation in NPD BIC Eryri 20 Feb 2003 Aber Instruments Creativity and Innovation in NPD BIC Eryri 20 Feb 2003 CAWS – Welsh Cheese Producers Creativity and Innovation in NPD BIC Eryri 20 Feb 2003 Diolch / Thank you Creativity and Innovation in NPD BIC Eryri 20 Feb 2003