Using Unfair means What is it? How can you avoid it?

Using Unfair means
What is it?
How can you avoid it?
Reports, Assignments, Other
• Why do we ask you do these?
– To help you learn
– To help you assimilate all the things you have
– To help you learn to apply your knowledge
– To give us (the markers) evidence that you have
In any assessment, when you use ideas from
another source, you need to reference these
Referencing Styles
The citation
• In the body of the report:
•Several numerical algorithms have subsequently been proposed to
unwrap the phase spectrum for a given signal (Tribolet, 1976;
McGowan and Kuc, 1982; Moura and Bageroer, 1988).
• In the list of references at the end:
•McGowan, R., and Kuc, R. 1982. A direct relation between a signal time
series and its unwrapped phase: theory, example and program. IEEE Trans.
Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, ASSP-30, 719-726.
•Moura, J.M.F. and Baggeroer, A.B. 1988. Phase unwrapping of signals
propagated under the Arctic ice crust: a statistical approach. IEEE Trans.
Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, ASSP-36, 617-630.
•Tribolet, J.M., 1977. A new phase unwrapping algorithm. IEEE Trans.
Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, ASSP-26, 170-177.
The reference
Referencing Styles
The citation
• In the body of the report:
Several numerical algorithms have subsequently been proposed to
unwrap the phase spectrum for a given signal [1-3].
In the list of references at the end:
[1] Tribolet, J.M. A new phase unwrapping algorithm. IEEE Trans.
Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, 1977, ASSP-26, 170-177, ASSP-26,
[2] McGowan, R., and Kuc, R. A direct relation between a signal time
series and its unwrapped phase: theory, example and program. IEEE
Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, 1982, ASSP-30, 719-726.
[3] Moura, J. M. F. and Baggeroer, A.B. Phase unwrapping of signals
propagated under the Arctic ice crust: a statistical approach. IEEE Trans.
Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, 1988, ASSP-36, 617-630.
The reference
Referencing from the Web:
Website Reference, Harvard Style:
Author, Year. Title [online]. [Date accessed].
Available from World Wide Web : <url of site>
Website Reference, Numeric Style:
[n] Author. Title [online]. Year [Date accessed].
Available from World Wide Web : <url of site>
The citation will have the same format as for a
non-web source.
Why is referencing important?
• It shows the source of material that is not your own.
• It shows that your material has been assembled after
consideration of other published works.
• It allows the reader to study a subject in more detail
by reading your referenced sources.
• Correctly referenced work avoids the use of unfair
More help with referencing
• Library - Information Skills MOLE course
• Williams, K. And Carroll, J., 2009. Referencing &
Understanding Plagiarism. Pocket Study Skills. Palgrave
• Fisher, D. and Hanstock, I., 1998. Citing References. The
Nottingham Trent University.
• ACSE Academic Skills MOLE course
Avoiding plagiarism and collusion
(the two main forms of unfair means)
• What is plagiarism? What is collusion?
• Why do you have to avoid it?
• How do you avoid it?
Plagiarism is a form of theft:
What is plagiarism?
• Is the using of ideas or work of another person
and submitting them as your own.
• Submitting work which includes even a small
amount of material written by others, unless
this material has been correctly referenced.
• Submitting work containing paraphrases of
others’ work, unless this material has been
correctly referenced.
What is collusion?
• It is where two or more people work together to
produce a piece of work, all of part of which is then
submitted as their own individual work.
• This include passing on work in any format to
another student.
• Consenting to another student copying material from
you, or making your material available for other
students to use or copy. This is also known as aiding
or abetting other students to use unfair means.
How can you avoid plagiarism and collusion?
• Keep a list of sources (e.g. in a log book) and read widely,
assimilating ideas and gaining an understanding of the subject
• Write up your own understanding and interpretation of the
subject. Cite the source of background material.
• If a source expresses an idea particularly well, it may be OK to
include a quote from that source and reference it – unless you
have been told differently by the lecturer
• Do not use material obtained from essay writing web sites
• Do not work with other students on individual projects.
• Take steps to safeguard your work from unauthorised access.
• If you are doing a group project, make sure you follow the
lecturer’s guidelines for whether the material submitted for
assessment should be produced as a group or individually.
Why avoid plagiarism and collusion?
• Learning is about acquiring, assimilating, and using
• If you hand in work that is not your own, then you
have not acquired, assimilated and used knowledge.
• Using unfair means undermines the standards of the
University’s awards and disadvantages those
students who have attempted to complete
assessments honestly and fairly.
Penalties for plagiarism and collusion
• A student who hands in plagiarised work may get
a mark of zero for that work.
• This may result in failing a module, or even failing
a degree programme.
• A student who hands in plagiarised work may be
referred to the University’s Discipline Committee.
An example
• Suppose you had to write an essay on “The
Application of Microcontrollers in
• You start looking for information on this topic
Let’s suppose you find:
• You like the ideas expressed in the 5th paragraph:
If you put this
in your essay,
would it be
Another factor supporting the increase in electronic vehicle in the
automobile is the networking of new and existing systems. There are many
benefits of networks in the automobile and from a control systems
standpoint; it is advantageous as systems can share data in real-time, thus
making more intelligent systems possible. For example, an Integrated
Chassis Control system layer may be implemented by coordinating the
data generated by the braking, steering and suspension systems. Another
benefit of these networks is that 'second guessing' becomes easier.
Second-guessing is the practice of using data from one system to check
the plausibility of the results of an independent system. This data could be
used as a back-up under certain conditions. For example, the wheel speed
and vehicle directional information used in a Stability Management system
could be used to supplement the Navigation system, especially in the
event that GPS is lost.
How about this: is it plagiarism?
"Another factor supporting the increase in electronic vehicle in the
automobile is the networking of new and existing systems. There are many
benefits of networks in the automobile and from a control systems
standpoint; it is advantageous as systems can share data in real-time, thus
making more intelligent systems possible. For example, an Integrated
Chassis Control system layer may be implemented by coordinating the
data generated by the braking, steering and suspension systems. Another
benefit of these networks is that 'second guessing' becomes easier.
Second-guessing is the practice of using data from one system to check
the plausibility of the results of an independent system. This data could be
used as a back-up under certain conditions. For example, the wheel speed
and vehicle directional information used in a Stability Management system
could be used to supplement the Navigation system, especially in the
event that GPS is lost. "
Why?! – I put it
in quotes!
How about this?
"Another factor supporting the increase in electronic vehicle in the
automobile is the networking of new and existing systems. There are many
benefits of networks in the automobile and from a control systems
standpoint; it is advantageous as systems can share data in real-time, thus
making more intelligent systems possible. For example, an Integrated
Chassis Control system layer may be implemented by coordinating the data
generated by the braking, steering and suspension systems. Another benefit
of these networks is that 'second guessing' becomes easier. Second-guessing
is the practice of using data from one system to check the plausibility of the
results of an independent system. This data could be used as a back-up
under certain conditions. For example, the wheel speed and vehicle
directional information used in a Stability Management system could be
used to supplement the Navigation system, especially in the event that GPS
is lost. " (Bannatyne, 2004)
Why?! – I put it
Bannatyne, R, 2004. Microcontrollers for the Automobile [online].
in Micro
quotes and
Control Journal 2004. Available at
cited and [Accessed
21 it!
November 2008]
How about this?
Another factor supporting the increase in microcontrollers in the
automobile is the networking of new and existing systems. There are many
benefits of networks in the automobile and from a control systems
standpoint; it is advantageous as systems can share data in real-time across
a distributed system. For example, an Integrated Chassis Control system
layer may be implemented by managing the data generated by the braking,
steering and suspension systems. Another benefit of these distributed
networks is that 'second guessing' becomes easier. Second-guessing is the
practice of using data from one system to check the reliability of the results
of an independent system. This data could be used as a back-up under
certain conditions. For example, the wheel speed and vehicle directional
information used in a Stability Management system could be used by the
Navigation system, especially in the event that GPS is lost. (Bannatyne,
Why?! – I’ve changed a
few words (those in
bold) and I’ve cited
and referenced
Bannatyne, R, 2004. Microcontrollers for the Automobile [online].
Micro it!
Control Journal 2004. Available at [Accessed 21
November 2008]
How about this?
The fact that an electronic system in an automobile can be
networked and data shared in real time has contributed to
increased use of microcontrollers in automobiles. This
networking and coordination of real time data makes it
possible for one component of the system to support the
reliability of other components, thus improving overall system
Why?! – I’ve
written the
idea in my own
How about this?
The fact that an electronic system in an automobile can be networked and
data shared in real time has contributed to increased use of
microcontrollers in automobiles. This networking and coordination of
real time data makes it possible for one component of the system to
support the reliability of other components, thus improving overall
system performance. (Bannatyne, 2004)
Bannatyne, R, 2004. Microcontrollers for the Automobile [online]. Micro
Control Journal 2004. Available at [Accessed 21
November 2008]
This one is OK – it’s in
my own words, and the
idea is correctly cited
and referenced.
Things students have done in the
(anonymised examples)
Example 1
• Text from a student
The system provides
continuous control over the
RPM of each landing wheel
through air intake ducts
with servo motor driven
inlet vanes gating incoming
air to the wheel-mounted
• This is a direct quote from
• The quote was not enclosed in
quotation marks, and it was not
cited. The source was listed as a
reference, however.
• This is plagiarism.
Example 2
• Text from a student submission:
An autopilot is an example of a control
system. Control systems apply an
action based on a measurement and
almost always have an impact on
the value they are measuring.
…and later on in the same submission…
This loop, shown above in the block
diagram, works continuously, many
times a second, much more quickly
and smoothly than a human pilot
could. Two- and three-axis
autopilots obey the same principles,
employing multiple processors that
control multiple surfaces. Some
airplanes even have autothrust
computers to control engine thrust.
Autopilot and autothrust systems
can work together to perform very
complex maneuvers
These are direct quotes from
The quotes were not enclosed in
quotation marks, and were not
cited. The source was listed as a
reference, however.
• This is plagiarism.
Example 3
• Text from a student
A fusion algorithm is used to
calculate the helicopter's
attitude. The main rotor
rpm is detected
magnetically at the rotor
axle and the distance to the
ground by an ultrasonic
sensor. Each of these
sensors is directly
connected to the
• This is a direct quote from
• The quote was not enclosed in
quotation marks, and it was not
cited. The source was listed as a
reference, however.
• This is plagiarism.
Example 4
• Text from a student submission:
Powerful and intelligently chosen
electronics embedded in the
microcontrollers can via
input/output devices ( switches,
push buttons, sensors, LCD
displays, relays…) control various
processes and devices such as:
industrial automatics, electric
current, temperature, engine
performance etc.
... Following immediately in same
Basically, any product or device that
interacts with its user has a
microcontroller buried inside.
The first sentence is a direct quote
The second sentence is a direct
quote from
The quotes were not enclosed in
quotation marks, they were not
cited, and sources were not listed
in the reference list.
• This is plagiarism.
• When you are researching a topic, don’t just
copy/paste sentences from several different sources
and then combine these and submit this as your
own work. Instead, read several different sources,
take notes, and keep track of what the sources
were. Then, put all the sources away and write
your own understanding of what you have read.
Sometimes you might want to note similarities and
differences between authors. Having written up
your understanding, in your own words, cite the
ideas and include the sources in a reference list.
• Turnitin is a plagiarism checking tool endorsed
by the Joint Information Systems Committee
(JISC), an organisation that supports higher
education in the UK
• Typically lecturers will create a Turnitin
dropbox on MOLE.
• Link to Example Turnitin report
• A inquiring approach to finding information
can stop you from plagiarising
• When you find information, you then must
synthesise it and come to your own
understanding of it.
• When you report what you’ve found, you
must do this in your own words.