Road Map for Personal Tutors: Level 2 Term Academic

Road Map for Personal Tutors: Level 2
HEAR & Careers
Exam results – were they what you were
Use the HEAR’s summary of first-year
How did money go last year,
are you going to be ok this
What have you already achieved? What do you still
Why do you think so well/why do you
want to do while you're at Sheffield?
think you found X more difficult? Was
Visit Things Not Going Right?
there anything you could have done
Are there any activities or schemes that might help
( /
that would have helped you to improve
you to gain experience or skills for a career that
chat to someone in SSiD if
you're interested in, or to achieve any other future
have worries.
goals that you have? Signpost to Experience Sheffield
What feedback have you received so far
website for overview of activities available
How’s it going where
(on assessed and non-assessed work)?
you’re living?
How might you use this? Are there any
To find out which ones are ‘HEARable’, go to:
modules that you’re taking this year
that build on what you learnt last year?
Are you doing any activities that are not
‘HEARable’, but represent useful experience/skills?
If so, have you thought about how you might
document these, so that they can also be useful to
How do you think you are at managing
support applications etc.?
workload and deadlines? [may wish to
N.B. Employers are being made aware of the
follow up with a question about
limitations of Section 6.1, so will not expect the HEAR
whether there is anything else
to contain an exhaustive list of extra-curricular
impacting on a student’s time or
The Student Jobshop can help you to find part-time
If you suspect a student might have a
learning disability, encourage them to
explore assessment options with the
There is a Part-Time Work and Volunteering Fair in
Disability and Dyslexia Support Service.
Week 2. See:
Module choices
Look over results in HEAR - the second
Have you visited the Careers Service yet?
year counts towards your degree award,
so it’s a good idea to identify
strengths/weaknesses from grades and
Application closing dates for internships and
subjective experience.
placements are early. If you are interested in any of
these activities, start exploring your options now -
Have you got part-time employment?
why not visit the Careers Service?
How will that (or any other time
commitments) impact on your studies?
Could you use any term-time jobs / work experience
towards achieving the Careers Service Skills for Work
Academic students might be interested
Certificate (this will also go in your HEAR)?
in applying to participate in SURE
(Sheffield Undergraduate Research
Experience) (deadlines for different
If you haven’t got any work experience yet, did you
schemes vary - see
know that the Careers Service has a number of
schemes available, e.g. Taste of Work? Also On
CampUS placements (these are advertised when
Have you thought about being a course
rep? (you can get HEAR recognition for
‘It's Your Career...’ Fairs Programme in November
Are you considering doing the Sheffield Graduate
N.B. This does not replace the HEAR, but is an
example of a high level achievement that can go into
Section 6.1.
If you are interested in degree with employment
experience, have you started applying yet?
Term 2
HEAR & Careers
Exam results - warm
If you haven’t engaged with HEAR and
Do people at home know about your exam
congratulations/unambiguous and
the Careers Service, you really do need to
results (if good, have you celebrated with
constructive advice if a student is
think about doing this - it won’t be too
people at home?)?
finding something more difficult
long until nearly finished; and you are
investing so much into university in terms
Do you feel you are managing to balance
What feedback have you received so
of time and money, you might as well make
your academic commitments with keeping
far (on assessed and non-assessed
the most of everything available!
some time back for yourself and looking
work)? How might you use this?
after yourself during exams? Are there any
Signpost to Experience Sheffield website
significant impacts on your time other than
for overview of activities available
your studies?
Have you heard of SALT (Student
To find out which ones are ‘HEARable’,
How are things going more generally? Are
Ambassadors for Learning and
go to:
things still going ok where you’re living?
Teaching)? Would this interest you?
Recruitment opens in March, and
‘It's Your Career...’ Industry Days in
you can get HEAR recognition for
February & March (Careers Service has
this activity
more information), and a Careers Fair in
March (
Have a look into summer opportunities and
Students who have found a society that
really suits them might consider joining the
committee (AGMs around Easter). This will
be recognised in the HEAR.
Term 3
HEAR & Careers
Planning for following year - module
What are you up to over the summer?
How are things set up for the summer/next
choices, year abroad for languages
Does this tie in at all with any future goals?
If module choice available:
Application closing dates for internships
For students staying in Sheffield, there is a
Do you have any idea about which
and placements are early. If you are
‘Staying in Sheffield Summer Vacation
modules you might like to take next
interested in any of these activities, start
exploring your options now - why not visit
the Careers Service?
What other modules might flag up
experience/skills that would be
fees may rise for next year - check on
useful for you to demonstrate via
Could you use any summer work
your HEAR?
experience towards achieving the Careers
Service Skills for Work Certificate?
If interested in postgraduate study:
Do you think completing a
dissertation would be a good aim for
next year?
Are you International? Be aware that tuition
university website.