CPD modules: Application process Step 1 Complete the online application form http://www.ncl.ac.uk/postgraduate/apply/form/ In the Programme of Study box please search for “standalone” and select “6025P standalone modules (Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences – part time)”. In the Studentship field please state the code CATFS. In the first line of your personal statement you must include the module code, this can be found on the website http://www.ncl.ac.uk/ecls/postgrad/modules/sltcpd/ Ensure you include a reference from your manager indicating that you have approval in principle to conduct assignments related directly to your workplace context. Step 2 Your application will be sent to Admissions. Step 3 Admissions will send your online application to the selector(s) to review Step 4 The selector(s) will decide if you are eligible for the module and for the bursary, if applicable. Step 5 A letter/email will be sent out to you to advise you of the decision the selector(s) has made. If successful you will be advised that you have been accepted for CPD within ECLS. If unsuccessful a letter/email will be sent to you to notify you of the decision. Step 6 If you wish the University to invoice your sponsor /employer so that we can register you before we receive payment then: You will need to provide a letter from your sponsor/employer confirming they are willing to pay the fee & quoting the address to which the university can send an invoice. Please include a purchase order number if possible. The letter must be signed & on headed paper and must quote the Programme code (CPD Framework: Standalone modules HASS 6025P) and the specific module code SPE 83XX. Send the letter to the Programme Secretary. In this instance, please let the Programme Secretary know as soon as possible to avoid delays with the registration process OR Step 7 If you will be paying the course fee, please complete the online process: http://onlinepayments.ncl.ac.uk You should quote your student number prefixing it with ‘s’. You will then register for the module. You will then need to submit (preferably electronically) a photo so that we can issue you with your student ID card (smartcard). Please send the photo to the Programme Secretary (address given below) CPD modules: Application process Step 8 You will then be able to access the library facilities and Blackboard. Step 9 You will attend the module. You will be able to collect your handbook and smartcard on your first day of attendance Programme Leader Programme Secretary Dr Cristina McKean Ruth Daglish Speech & Language Sciences School of Education, Communication & Language Sciences Newcastle University Queen Victoria Road Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 7RU Tel: 0191 222 6528 Email: cristina.mckean@ncl.ac.uk Speech & Language Sciences School of Education, Communication & Language Sciences Newcastle University Queen Victoria Road Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 7RU Tel: 0191 222 7385 Email: ruth.daglish@ncl.ac.uk