Programme Specification A statement of the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin a taught programme of study leading to an award from The University of Sheffield 1 Programme Title Cultural Materials 2 Programme Code AAPT153 3 JACS Code V400 4 Level of Study Postgraduate 5a Final Qualification MA 5b QAA FHEQ Level Not applicable 6a Intermediate Qualification(s) Not applicable 6b QAA FHEQ Level Not applicable 7 Teaching Institution (if not Sheffield) Not applicable 8 Faculty Arts & Humanities 9 Department Archaeology 10 Other Departments providing credit bearing modules for the programme None 11 Mode(s) of Attendance Full-time or Part-time 12 Duration of the Programme 12 Months or 24 Months 13 Accrediting Professional or Statutory Body Not applicable 14 Date of production/revision June 2015 15. Background to the programme and subject area The Department of Archaeology has delivered a portfolio of successful masters’ courses over the last two decades. These have grown from 1 to 3 FT (PT) MSc/MAs and it was felt timely to a) rationalise these courses to 2 b) reflect the close relationship and integration among approaches and programmes by developing a shared identity and thus stronger brand for marketing purposes. The new course will therefore be known as the MA in Cultural Materials with streams offered in Material Culture Studies Experimental Archaeology and Material and Technological Analysis. Archaeology is the study of the past through material culture – the objects, monuments, landscapes, texts etc. that human beings have created in the course of the last five million years. The study of Archaeology provides students with a unique insight into humanity’s place in history and in nature, with an appreciation of human creativity, and with an awareness of the diversity and difference of human populations in the past. In this way a degree in Archaeology contributes to the formation of the knowledgeable and tolerant citizen of the 21st century. In addition, it constitutes one of the principal bases on which the burgeoning ‘heritage industry’ is constructed, and so contributes to the economic well-being not only of its graduates but also of the country as a whole. The Department of Archaeology at the University of Sheffield is an acknowledged centre of excellence for teaching and archaeological research. The strong international reputation of our staff, and their involvement in a wide range of research projects, provide us with the ability to cover the full extent of the investigation of cultural materials. Our staff bridge the divide between the sciences and humanities, making Sheffield one of the few departments with the ability to integrate the two approaches in research-led teaching and learning. The study of Cultural Materials has a well-established role within archaeology and is used across the multitude of archaeological traditions to establish critical data about the past. Despite the popularity of such approaches, especially in the heritage industry, cultural materials research remains underdeveloped. The aim of this MA in Cultural Materials is to provide a structured learning experience where students can explore the practical skills and develop a critical knowledge to undertake diverse aspects of material Culture Studies. Students will be well prepared to employ their skills in further research programmes or use them in diverse contexts within the heritage industry. 219520096 – ver16-17 1 The course builds on the strengths and diversities of staff expertise in this area and delivers a course which places solid emphasis on acquiring the latest theoretical and practical approaches to cultural materials and combines this with training in a materials specialisation and period-based or thematic options. Our Masters programmes are designed primarily for students who wish to pursue advanced independent research at doctoral level or who wish to take up employment in the ‘heritage industry’. However, in the course of the programme students acquire Information Technology and general research and presentational skills that can be applied in a broad range of employment contexts (including teaching, management, University administration, and IT). 16. Programme aims Masters programmes offered by the Department of Archaeology have the following general aims which are consistent with the Department’s general aims and with the Mission Statement of the University of Sheffield: to offer students a programme of study that is qualitatively different from BA-level study by maximising opportunities for independent study and reflective practice; to enable students to increase their knowledge and understanding of the major aspects of a specialism within the fields of Cultural Materials and to undertake independent analyses of relevant issues in this area; to enable students to acquire key transferable skills that are applicable both within and outside the discipline; to enable students to evaluate whether or not they possess the ability, motivation and interest to pursue a research degree. The MA in Cultural Materials has the following specific aim: to provide specialist research training in Cultural Materials and a platform of knowledge relating to other aspects of archaeological practice and related areas which enables students to place their specialism within a broader contexts as to identify the value and role of materials research in modern archaeological projects. 17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding: Candidates for PG Cert will have developed: Knowledge and understanding - upon successful completion of the programme: K1 Knowledge of the key issues surrounding Material Culture Studies, the use of experimental and analytical approaches. K2 Critical understanding of the most important current issues and controversies within Cultural Materials Research. K3 A conceptual understanding that enables students to evaluate critically existing programmes of Cultural Materials research. Candidates for PG Dip will have developed the above and: K4 An understanding of the subject which enables students to participate in collaborative study campaigns relevant to Cultural Materials research. K5 The ability to identify an area where Cultural Materials research can play an important role in furthering archaeological understandings. Candidates for MA will have developed the above and: K6 An advanced knowledge of the key issues surrounding the use of Cultural Materials research. K7 A sophisticated understanding of the subject which enables students to undertake independent study campaigns relevant to Cultural Materials research. K8 The ability to identify areas where Cultural Materials research can play an important role and to develop and engage in independent archaeological research. 219520096 – ver16-17 2 Skills and other attributes: In addition, students achieving a PG Cert will have: S1 transferable lifetime skills in written and oral communication and in collaborative working. S2 the ability to develop research programmes to produce data with the aim of examining and resolving problems using cultural materials and experimental techniques. S3 the ability to respond constructively to debate and criticism. S4 skills in effective time management. S5 the practical skills associated with handling experimental and archaeological materials. S6 familiarity with a variety of IT skills, encompassing a range of bibliographical, statistical and other computer programmes and their application, as well as electronic sources for research. Students achieving a PG Dip will have the above and: S7 the skill and competence to formulate a research design, to generate and analyse relevant data, and to interpret the results. S8 transferable lifetime skills in both independent and collaborative working. S9 the organisation skills associated with public engagement Students achieving a MA will have the above and: S10 the skills needed to begin doctoral research or to take up professional positions in their chosen field. 18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: For Masters, Diploma, and Cert students Lectures provide in-depth the development and current standing of Cultural Materials from a theoretical perspective and understanding technological and experimental methods. Laboratory and/or field classes require students to work alone and in groups. Laboratory-based training in the handling of archaeological material and design of analytical and experimental protocols for the study of assemblages emphasises transferable principles and practices. They introduce relevant tools and equipment, analytical and preparation techniques and computer systems. The practical teaching concentrates on the specialist skills of handling, identifying and engaging with materials, and the recording and imparting of scientific information to others through independent and team work. For Masters and Diploma students Laboratory and/or field classes provide students with the skills and confidence necessary to carry out the independent research linked to the extended projects and/or dissertations and to become able practitioners. For Masters, Diploma, and Cert students Seminars are student or staff-led and they reinforce and supplement information imparted through lectures and practical classes. They are used throughout the programme to encourage the oral expression and exchange of views, to cultivate the ability to respond constructively to the presentation of alternative views and to assess critically research methodologies. They also provide a forum for students to work co-operatively in the evaluation of the research issues raised by the teaching. Seminar learning thus contributes to students’ attainment of archaeological knowledge and understanding and to the acquisition of key skills. Written assignments encourage students to develop their ability to critically evaluate materials and how they are linked to model building in archaeology. Written assignments also emphasise the need to present coherent and independent arguments and to support their arguments with appropriate evidence. As both the form and the length of written assignments vary - from essays, through extended project reports to the dissertation - students develop a range of learning and time-management strategies in response to them. For Masters and Diploma students Written assignments allow for the defining and researching of an appropriate topic and formulating independent questions, this is essential to the acquisition of archaeological knowledge and understanding. 219520096 – ver16-17 3 For Masters students Through the dissertation masters students demonstrate their ability to engage in independent and extended archaeological research and to construct and sustain an argument on the basis of the data collected, presenting the findings in an extended (15,000 words maximum) piece of writing. Dissertation work, under one-to-one supervision, allows specialist knowledge to be further extended up to the level required to begin a PhD or specialist employment and provides an opportunity to use and refine research methodologies defined in lectures, seminars and practical and field classes to address specific problems through material culture, experimental and analytical methods.. Teaching and learning methods will rely on a blend of lectures supported in 50% of modules by practical sessions. Students will be expected to enhance their learning by critiquing relevant literature and by becoming familiar with the major theoretical and methodological discussions on the subject. Relevant field trips and practical sessions form an important aspect of the course. Seminars will provide the opportunity for students to develop and demonstrate their skills in interpreting and discussing the relevance of data , analytical methods and experimental design TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Learning outcome K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 Lectures x x x x x x Seminars x x x x x x x x K7 x K8 S1 S2 S3 S4 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 x S10 x Tutorials Problem Solving/Examp le Classes x Laboratory Sessions Field Work Independent Study (including preparation for assessments) x x x x x x Other Formal Contact (please give details below) 219520096 – ver16-17 4 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: All written assignments are judged against the Department’s marking criteria for work at Masters level and are expected to be well presented and written (S1), using the advice given in the Department’s Postgraduate handbook. For Masters, Diploma, and Cert students Project reports are used to allow students to show their ability to collect, analyse and present archaeological data. This allows for the evaluation of learning outcomes K1-K5 and S1-S6. All the practical modules are assessed through extended project reports that require structured reporting and significant analysis of original datasets. Essays allow students to demonstrate familiarity with the relevant theoretical issues and their ability to handle theoretical and methodological material as well as their critical and analytical capacity. This allows for the evaluation of learning outcomes K1-9 (where appropriate) and S1 -9. Essays are used as the main form of assessment in non-practice based modules. For Masters students The dissertation (15,000 words maximum) makes it possible to demonstrate achievement of learning outcomes K6-8 and S7-10. 19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: The research interests of departmental staff and the research strategy of the Department of Archaeology; The Mission Statement of the University of Sheffield, as presented in its Corporate Plan; The Learning and Teaching Strategy of the University of Sheffield; The Mas Masters level qualification descriptor contained in the QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications in England Wales and Northern Ireland – January 2001. 20. Programme structure and regulations The structure of the programme strikes a balance between core units and optional approved units. Core units are designed to cover key skills and knowledge relevant to materials research in archaeology. There are three streams built into the course, firstly students can select from a restricted range of specific material-based options coupled with method and theory options. This allows students to become specialised in Cultural Materials while developing expertise in specific approaches (Technological Analysis , Material Culture Studies or Experimemtnal Archaeology). The programme is designed to allow students to develop theoretical knowledge in lectures and seminars and to balance this with extensive opportunities for practical skills in the laboratory and field. All modules carry a weighting of 15 credits with the exception of the dissertation which carries 60 credits. Intermediate awards are available at PG Cert level and PG Dip, the relevant credits are set out in the table below. Programme regulations are appended to this form. Level Credits Postgraduate Certificate 60 credits, at least 40 credits (67%) at level M Postgraduate Diploma 120 credits, at least 90 credits (75%) at level M Postgraduate Masters 180 credits, at least 150 credits (80%) at level M 219520096 – ver16-17 5 Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available on-line at 21. Student development over the course of study For Masters, Diploma, and Cert students the modules taught in the Semesters 1 and 2 ensure a steady process of deepening and broadening engagement with the field of cultural materials while allowing an appreciation of the diversity of approaches utilised within it. Throughout the programme skills are developed so that, by the end of semester 2, students will have built up expertise in the full range of specialisms offered. For PG Cert students a limited range of units can be taken whilst for PG Dip students a full range of core and optional units will need to be taken. For Masters students, the programme is structured so as to lead up logically to the writing of the dissertation, the major indicator of successful achievement of learning outcomes. The teaching in semesters 1 and 2 provides the student with an opportunity to select an specific approach that can be developed in depth during the dissertation through application to a specific archaeological problem. The dissertation is written over the summer after taught modules have been completed and fully assessed. 22. Criteria for admission to the programme Applicants would normally be expected to have at least a good 2:1 degree, or the equivalent, in a relevant discipline (not necessarily archaeology), though graduates with a 2:2 degree are sometimes considered especially if they have acquired relevant experience since graduating. Applicants from the UK would normally be required to attend an interview. Non-native speakers of English should demonstrate adequate English through one of the University approved tests of EFL or, at the discretion of the Department, by equivalent proof (2-1 or equivalent university marks from a previous period of study in an English-speaking university; interview and sample of written work). NB: The above statement should be deleted and replaced with either full details of the admissions criteria or a URL for where the relevant information can be found on the department’s web site. 23. Additional information For further information students are directed to the Departmental web pages at: These provide full details about the content of the Masters degree programme, information about the research interests of individual members of staff, as well as advice about how to apply and funding opportunities. This specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at The University of Sheffield can be accessed via our Student Services web site at 219520096 – ver16-17 6