Water management, among other things deals with a very important
component - Hydrological and Meteorological data which define the conditions for
available water resources to national or regional demands. The matching of the
balance of water resources and needs, as well as the planning and implementation
of appropriate measures to provide the necessary water supply for the basin have
become question of high priority.
This report explains the methods and processes used in Hydrometeorological
data collection of different data types. The analysis shows the difficulties
encountered during the collection of these hydrometeorological data and the
reasons why some hydrometeorological data weren’t available.
A relevant improvement of hydrological methods is needed to understand that
this topic is of considerable interest to hydrological services.
Taking all this into account, it is generally recognized that hydrometeorological
data and well planned hydrological networks are prerequisites for efficient and
sound water resources planning.