Programme Specification

Programme Specification
A statement of the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin a
taught programme of study leading to an award from
The University of Sheffield
Programme Title
Postgraduate Diploma / MA Magazine Journalism
Programme Code
Level of Study
Final Qualification
Postgraduate Diploma
Master of Arts
Position in the QAA Framework for
Higher Education Qualifications
Intermediate Qualification(s)
Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate
Position in the QAA Framework for
Higher Education Qualifications
Teaching Institution (if not Sheffield)
Not applicable
Social Sciences
Journalism Studies
Other Department(s) involved in
teaching the programme
Mode(s) of Attendance
Full time
Duration of the Programme
1 year
Accrediting Professional or
Statutory Body
Periodical Publishers Association
Date of production
August 2013
15. Background to the programme and subject area
The magazine industry is growing rapidly. Over the last ten years the number of consumer magazines has
increased by fifty percent, while the number of business-to-business magazines has more than doubled. The course
will provide high quality, in depth teaching, offering students a unique opportunity to explore the practice of and
academic reflection on magazine journalism. Students will gain the underpinning knowledge they need to work
effectively as magazine journalists, how to write lively and absorbing copy, how to shape a publication. They will
study the nature of the industry, its regulation, its codes and conventions and understand the importance of the
reader. Students will also develop a critical understanding of the world around them through the study of law, ethics
and politics and how they affect journalists’ work. The course is taught by experienced magazine journalists and
journalism academics in an environment which simulates as closely as possible the pressures and practices of the
industry. Students will undertake a placement as part of the course and will have the opportunity to work on all
aspects of magazine production. The Department of Journalism Studies has a research rating of 4, the highest of
any department in the country dedicated solely to journalism.
For more information visit
16. Programme aims
The programme is situated in a learning environment shaped by research and professional practice. It aims to:
Equip students with the skills, knowledge and understanding to enable them to work successfully as a
magazine journalist.
Enable students to reflect critically on media issues and practice.
Provide an understanding of the role of the journalist in society.
Foster high ethical and professional standards.
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17. Programme learning outcomes
For the award of Postgraduate Certificate, students will have acquired the following:
Knowledge and understanding:
Of media law.
Of ethics and codes of practice.
Of the role of the journalist in society.
Of the research skills necessary to produce an independent piece of journalism.
Of the magazine production process.
Of the relationship between magazine and reader.
Of the shape of the magazine industry.
Skills and other attributes:
Core magazine journalism skills including researching, developing ideas, organising, structuring and evaluating
information and interviewing.
Writing for magazines in a variety of styles.
Critical engagement with academic and non-academic material.
Organising and planning for magazine production, including time management and working both individually
and as a member of a team.
The ability to meet deadlines.
In addition to the above, for the award of Postgraduate Diploma, students will have acquired the following:
Knowledge and understanding:
Of government, political institutions, lobby groups and public services, their structure and organisation.
Of the principles of magazine design.
Of the critical appraisal of contemporary media issues.
Skills and other attributes:
Magazine production skills including design and layout using appropriate software.
Editorial considerations including the writing of captions, heads and sells in a variety of styles and for differing
audiences and markets.
Initiating, developing and executing distinctive and creative work.
Self criticism.
In addition to the above, for the award of MA students will have acquired the following:
Knowledge and understanding:
Appreciation of the opportunities and constraints presented by the magazine production process both editorial
and technical.
Commissioning work from external sources.
Devising, researching and independently executing a major magazine project.
Self reflection and critical analysis of their own work and that of others.
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Skills and other attributes:
The ability to solve problems that arise during a complex production process.
The ability to synthesise existing material from a variety of sources and develop original material into a
distinctive publication.
The ability to communicate effectively with a clearly defined audience.
The ability to target a clearly defined market.
18. Teaching, learning and assessment
Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods:
Postgraduate Certificate
Lectures and seminars will develop K1 to K7 and these will be put into practice through a programme of workshops
that will develop S1 to S5. Some lectures and workshops will be led by senior industry figures. Workshops will
encourage the development of both group work and individual work. Both will be backed up by tutor directed and
self directed private study, and the provision of detailed handouts and website addresses.
Postgraduate Diploma
Lectures, seminars and private study will develop K1 to K3 while the programme of workshops will continue to
develop S1 to S3. Students will continue to work both individually and collectively on progressively more complex
projects. The teaching programme will be supported by visits from industry professionals.
All the learning outcomes will be achieved through a combination of individual tutor supervision and self directed
Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes are provided through the following
assessment methods:
Postgraduate Certificate
A combination of formal examinations and essays will be used to test K1 to K7 and to a limited extent S1 to S5. S1
to S5 and K4 will also be tested by a practical portfolio of basic magazine journalism.
Postgraduate Diploma
K1 and K3 are tested by formal examination and essay. K2 and S1 to S3 are tested by project work involving group
and individual input. S4 is tested by essay.
K1, K4 and to some extent S4 are tested by essay while the remainder are tested through a portfolio of practical
19. Reference points
The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference:
Subject Benchmark Statements
Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (2008)
University Strategic Plan
Learning and Teaching Strategy (2011-16)
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Department Teaching and Learning Strategy
Accreditation criteria of the Periodical Publishers Association
Senior industry figures
20. Programme structure and regulations
The programme has been designed to enable students to develop detailed knowledge about the magazine industry
and hone their skills in writing, magazine design and understanding of the audience. Core modules in semester one
introduce students to magazine practice and the shape of the industry, along with a module in media law and
another covering newsgathering. During the second semester students work on a group magazine design and
creation project and develop their feature writing abilities. They will also study ethics and regulation, public
administration and can choose from one of a number of options. At this point students can choose to exit with the
award of postgraduate diploma or continue to the Masters award, which student devise, execute and analyse and
independent project
Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and
descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available on-line at
21. Student development over the course of study
Students are supported in the development of their skills and knowledge through carefully staged tasks that promote
independent learning and equip them for the Masters stage. The process of magazine development also fosters the
development of transferable skills such as team working, creativity and initiative and the study of such subjects as
law, ethics, regulation and public administration underpins their understanding of the environment in which
journalism functions. Students will also develop research skills which are applied to both practical work and to
reflection and analysis. The final Masters project will bring together skills and knowledge that they have developed
over the course.
22. Criteria for admission to the programme
Applicants will normally be expected to hold an upper second class undergraduate degree or its equivalent. They
will be expected to demonstrate an aptitude and commitment to journalism and better than average general
knowledge. Applicants whose first language is not English will be required to provide an IELTS score of at least 7.5
with a minimum of 7 in each category.
Detailed information regarding admission is available at the department’s website:
23. Additional information
Students will be expected to undertake a work placement in a magazine during the course.
This specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be
considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In
addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at The University of Sheffield can be
accessed via our Student Services web site at
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