1 This list of readings is in no way meant to... should be used by the student as a guide. ...

This list of readings is in no way meant to be comprehensive. It is a good starting point and
should be used by the student as a guide. You are encouraged to go off of the list and read
materials appropriate to the topics discussed in your classes. Students will be tested in four
substantive areas: Criminological Theory; Research Methods; Law & Social Control; and either
Correctional Treatment/Administration or Policing.
Criminological Theory
Akers, R.L. (2000) Criminological Theories (Roxbury).
Akers, Ronald L. & Sellers, C. (2003). Criminological theories: Introduction and evaluation
(4th ed.). Los Angeles: Roxbury.
Bohm, R. M. (2001) A Premier on Crime and Delinquency Theory (Wadsworth).
Brown, S.E., Esbensen, F. & Geis, G. (2001) Criminology: Explaining Crime and Its Context
(Anderson Publishing).
Cullen, F. & Agnew (2003). Criminological theory: Past to present (2nd or 3rd ed.). Los
Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing.
Curran, D.J. & Renzetti, C.M. (2001) Theories of Crime (Allyn and Bacon).
Kramer, Ronald C. (1982) The Debate over the Definition of Crime: Paradigms, Value
Judgments, and Criminological Work, in Frederick Elliston and Norman E. Bowie (ed)
Ethics, Public Policy, and Criminal Justice (Oelgeschlager, Gunn, and Hain, Cambridge,
Paternoster, R. & Bachman, R. (2000) Explaining Criminals and Crime: Essays in Contemporary
Criminological Theory (Roxbury).
Renzetti, C.M., Curran, D.M. & Carr, P.J. (2003) Theories of Crime: A Reader (Allyn and
Traub, S.H. & Little, C.B. (1999) Theories of Deviance (F. E. Peacock Publishers)
A. E. Liska & S. F. Messner (1999) Perspectives on Crime and Deviance (Prentice-Hall).
Steven. E. Barkan (2001) Criminology: A Sociological Understanding (Prentice-Hall).
Matthew B. Robinson (2004) Why Crime? An Integrated Systems Theory of Antisocial Behavior
Imogene L. Moyer (2001) Criminological Theories (Sage Publications).
William J. Chambliss (1988) Exploring Criminology (Macmillan Publishing).
Stephen J. Pfohl (1985) Images of Deviance and Social Control (McGraw-Hill).
R. L. Akers & C. Ellers (2003) Criminological Theories: Introduction, Evaluation, and
Application (Roxbury).
M. J. Lynch, R. Michalowski, & W. B. Groves (2000) The New Primer in Radical Criminology:
Critical Perspectives on Crime, Power, and Identity (Criminal Justice Press).
James W. Coleman (2002) The Criminal Elite (Worth Publishers).
Neal Shover & John P. Wright (2001) Crimes of Privilege: Readings in White-Collar Crimes
(Oxford University Press).
David M. Horton (2000) Pioneering Perspectives in Criminology (Copperhouse Publishing).
Jeffrey Reiman (2004) The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison (Allyn and Bacon).
Samuel Walker (2001) Sense and Nonsense About Crime and Drugs (Wadsworth).
Diana Fishbein (2001) Behavioral Perspectives in Criminology (Wadsworth).
Henry N. Pontell (1999) Social Deviance: Readings in Theory & Research ( Prentice Hall).
Conklin, John. (2003). Why crime rates fell. New York: Allyn & Bacon.
Currie, Elliott. (1998). Crime and punishment in America. New York: Metropolitan Books.
LaFree, G. (2000). Nature of crime: Continuity and change. Washington, DC: National Institute
of Justice. Retrieve from
Anderson, E. (1999) Code of the Street: Decency, Violence, and the Moral Life of the Inner City.
New York: W.W. Norton. ISBN: 0-393-04023-2
Mike Huckabee (1998). Kids who kill: Confronting our culture of violence. Broadman &
Holman Publishers. ISBN-10: 080541794X
Jonathan Kozol (1995/1996). Amazing Grace: The Live of Children and the conscience of a
Nation. Crown Publishers/Harper Perennial. ISBN-10: 0060976977
John H. Laub & Robert J. Sampson (2003). Shared beginnings, divergent lives: Delinquent
boys to age 70. Harvard University Press. ISBN-10: 0674019938
Steven F. Messner & Richard Rosenfeld (2007). Crime and the American dream, 4th ed.
Thomson/Wadsworth. ISBN-10: 0534619584
William Julius Wilson (1997). When work disappears: The world of the new urban poor.
Vintage Books. ISBN-10: 0679724176
Massey, Douglas S., and Denton, Nancy A. 1993. American Apartheid: Segregation and the
Making of the Underclass. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. ISBN:0-67401821-4
Loewen, James W. Sundown Towns: A Hidden Dimension of American Racism. New York: A
Touchstone Book. ISBN: 0-7432-9448-3
Lane, Roger. 1979. Violent Death in the City: Suicide, Accident, and Murder in the NineteenthCentury Philadelphia. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press. ISBN: 0-8142-5021-1
Reiman, Jeffrey. 2004. The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison. Allyn and Bacon. ISBN:002-399252-2
Shover, Neal. 1996. Great Pretenders: Pursuits and Careers of Persistent Thieves. Boulder, CO:
Westview. ISBN: 0-8133-2811-x
Burns, B.J., Howell, J.C., Wiig, J.K., Augimeri, L.K., Welsh, B.C., Loeber, R., & Petechuk, D.
(2003). Child Delinquency Bulletin Series. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of
Justice. NCJ 193410
DeJong, C. (1997). Survival analysis and specific deterrence: integrating theoretical and
empirical models of recidivism. Criminology, 35(4), 561-575.
Farrington, D. (2007). Advancing knowledge about desistance. Journal of Contemporary
Criminal Justice, 23(1), 125-134.
Hawkins, J. D., Herrenkohl, T. I., Farrington, D. P., Brewer, D., Catalano, R.F., Harachi, T.W.,
& Cother, L. (2000). Predictors of youth violence. Washington, DC. Office of Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention. NCJ 179065
Jaffe, S., Blesky, J., Harrington, H.L., Caspi, A., & Moffitt, T.E. (2006). When parents have a
history of conduct disorder: How is the caregiving environment affected? Journal of
Abnormal Psychology, 115(2), 309-319
Kazemian, L. (2007). Desistance from crime: Theoretical, empirical, methodological, and
policy considerations. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 23(1), 5-27.
Koenen, K.C., Caspi, Av., Moffitt, T.E., Rijsdijk, F. & Taylor, A. (2006). Genetic influences on
the overlap between low IQ and antisocial behavior in young children. Journal of
Abnormal Psychology, 115(4), 787-797.
Loeber, R., Farrington, D.P. & Petechuk (2003). Child delinquency: Early intervention and
Prevention. Child Delinquency Bulletin Series. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of
Justice. NCJ 186162
Piquero, A., Moffitt, T.E., & Wright, B.E. (2007). Self-control and criminal career dimensions.
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 23(1), 72-89.
Pogarsky, G., Piquero, A.R., & Paternoster, R. (2004). Modeling change in perceptions about
sanction threats: The neglected linkage in deterrence theory. Journal of Quantitative
Criminology, 20(4), 343-369.
Pratt, T. C. & Cullen, F.T. (2005). Assessing macro-level predictors and theories of crime: A
meta-analysis. In M. Tonry (Ed), Crime and Justice: A Review of Research (pp. 373450). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Rafter, N. (2004). Earnest A. Hooton and the biological tradition in American criminology.
Criminology, 42(3), 735-771.
Snyder, H.N., Espiritu, R.C., Huizinga, D., Loeber, R., & Petechuck, D. (2003). Prevalence and
development of child delinquency. Child Delinquency Bulletin Series. Washington, DC:
U.S. Department of Justice. NCJ 193411
Unnever, J. D., Cullen, F. T. & Fisher, B. S. (2007). “A liberal is someone who has not been
mugged”: Criminal victimization and political beliefs. Justice Quarterly, 24(2), 309334.
Wasserman, G.A., Keenan, K., Tremblay, R.E., Cole, J.D., Herrenkohl, T.I., Loeber, R., &
Petechuk, D. (2003). Risk and protective factors of child delinquency. Child
Delinquency Bulletin Series. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice. NCJ 193409
Research Methods
Hagan, Frank E. (2006). Research methods in criminal justice and criminology, 7th edition.
Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon/Pearson Publishing. ISBN:0-205-44739-2
Maxfield, M.G. & Babbie, E. (2005). Research methods for criminal justice and criminology, 4th
edition. Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth. ISBN: 0-534-61560-0
Any research methods text.
Law & Social Control
Law in America: A Short History (Modern Library Chronicles) (Paperback)
by Lawrence M. Friedman 224 pages, Modern Library; Reprint edition (October 12, 2004)
ISBN-10: 0812972856 ISBN-13: 978-0812972856
The Law and Society Reader: Readings on the Social Study of Law (Paperback)
by Lawrence Meir Friedman (Editor), Stewart MacAulay (Editor), John A. Stookey (Editor) 912
pages, W. W. Norton & Company; 1st Ed edition (September 1995)
ISBN-10: 0393967131 ISBN-13: 978-0393967135
The Social Context of Law (2nd Edition) (Paperback) by Sheryl J. Grana, Jane C.
Ollenburger, Mark Nicholas, 224 pages, Prentice Hall; 2 edition (September 28, 2001), ISBN10: 0130413747 ISBN-13: 978-0130413741
Understanding Criminal Law (Paperback) by Joshua Dressler , LexisNexis; 4th edition
(March 2006) ISBN-10: 082057001X ISBN-13: 978-0820570013
LexisNexis Criminal Law Outline - http://www.lexisnexis.com/lawschool/study/outlines/
Principles of Criminal Law (Concise Hornbook Series) (Paperback) 737 pages, Publisher:
West Group Publishing; Concise edition (June 2003) ÿ ISBN-10: 0314146504 ÿ ISBN-13:
Law Enforcement
Trojanowicz, Robert et al. (2002). Community Policing: A Contemporary Prospective. Third
edition. Cincinnati: Anderson Publishing Co.
Dunham, Roger U. and Geoffrey P. Albert. (2001). Critical Issues In Policing. Fourth edition.
Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press.
Bayley, D. H. 1994. Police For the Future. New York: Oxford University Press.
Bittner, E. 1967a. "The Policeman on Skid-Row: A Study in Peacekeeping.” American
Sociological Review 32: 699-715.
----------. 1967b. "Police Discretion in Emergency Apprehension of Mentally Ill Persons." Social
Problems 14: 278-292.
------------.1978. "The Functions of the Police in Modern Society." Pp. 32-50 in Policing: A View
from the Street. Edited by J. Van Maanen and P. K. Manning. Santa Monica, CA:
Goodyear Publishing.
Black, D. 1980. The Manners and Customs of the Police. New York: Academic Press.
Cummings, E., Cummings, I., and L. Edell. 1965. “The Policeman as Philosopher, Guide, and
Friend.” Social Problems 12(3): 276-286.
Herbert, S. 1996a. Policing Space: Territoriality and the LAPD. Minneapolis: University of
Minnesota Press.
Goldstein, H. 1990. Problem-Oriented Policing. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing.
Klinger, D. 1994. "Demeanor or Crime? Why 'Hostile' Citizens are More Likely to be Arrested."
Criminology 32(3): 475-493.
Meares, T. L., and Kahan, D. M. 1999. Urgent Times: Policing and Rights in Inner-City
Communities. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.
Muir, W. K. 1977. Police: Street Corner Politicians. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Niederhoffer, A. 1967. Behind the Shield: The Police in Urban Society. Garden City, NY:
Anchor Books.
Reiss, A. 1971. The Police and the Public. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Rubinstein, J. 1973. City Police. New York: Doubleday.
Sacks, H. 1978. “Notes on Police Assessment of Moral Character” pp. 187-202 in Policing: A
View From the Street. Edited by J. Van Maanen and P. K. Manning. Santa Monica, CA:
Goodyear Publishing.
Sherman, L. W. 1980. "Causes of Police Behavior: The Current State of Quantitative Research."
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 17: 69-100.
Sherman, L., and Berk, R. 1984. “The Specific Deterrent Effects of Arrest for Domestic
Assault.” American Sociological Review 49: 261-272.
Van Maanen, J. 1978a. “The Asshole.” Pp. 221-238 in Policing: A View From the Street. Edited
by J. V. Maanen and P. K. Manning. Santa Monica, CA: Goodyear Publishing.
Websdale, Neil. 2001. Policing the Poor. Boston: Northeastern University Press.
Westley, W. 1953. "Violence and the Police." American Journal of Sociology 49(1): 34-41.
Correctional Treatment
Andrews, D.A, Bonta, J. (2006). The Psychology of Criminal Conduct. 4 edition Cincinnati:
Brook, D., Spitz, H. (2002). The Group Therapy of Substance Abuse. New York: Haworth
Corey, G. (2008). Theory and Practice of Group Counseling. 7 edition Belmont:
Gorman, K, Gregory, M., Hayles, M., Parton, N. (Ed.) (2006). Constructive Work with
Offenders. London: Jessica Kingsley Press.
Maruna, S., Immarigeon, R (Ed) (2004). After Crime and Punishment: Pathways to Offender
Reintegration. Portland: Willian Publishing
McMurran, Mary (Ed.) (2002). Motivating Offenders to Change: A Guide to Enhancing
Engagement in Therapy. Chicester: John Wiley & Sons LTD.
Van Voorhis, P. Braswell, M., Lester, D. (Ed.) (2008). Correctional Counseling and
Rehabilitation 6 edition. Cincinnati: Nexus-Lexus.
Yalom, I., Leszcz, M. (2005). The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy 5 edition
New York: Basic Books