Document 16109093

University of Ballarat
Staff Consultative Committee
Notes of the Meeting
Held on Tuesday 30 October 2007 at 1.30pm
in C003 Video Conferencing Room, Mt. Helen
Professor Wayne Robinson (Chair), Denise Bevan, Raymond Farnsworth,
Jason Giri, Robyn Irish, Suzanne McLaren, David McLean,
Greg Meredith, Jeremy Smith, Sonia Turner.
Alan Brady, Keli McRae (invited guests)
Celina Everton – Minute taker.
Debbie Lord.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes carried.
Actions Arising from Previous Minutes
Reclassification – HEW Information
Greg circulated statistics of University of Ballarat reclassification records for
applications and outcomes. He was unable to locate reliable national comparison
statistics on a general staff reclassification profile across Australian Universities. Chair
thanked Greg for figures produced for the University of Ballarat.
In lead up to next round of bargaining consider working party to re-examine process of
reclassification. Role of Consultative Committee to canvas items in relation to items
pertaining to UCA.
Discussion on forming two working parties to discuss terms of reference and time
frame. Put on agenda for next meeting. Need to sort out in some detail before we
come back to this committee. Extra ordinary meeting to be called (early to mid
December). Regular meeting in February.
Other Business
Presentation by Alan Brady and Keli McRae on the Student Information
Management System Project for Higher Education.
Alan Brady and Keli MacRae attended the meeting to outline development of the
Student Information Management System (SIMS) project for Higher Education which
will replace the University’s existing Higher Education Student Administration System
(UBSAS) with Oracle’s PeopleSoft Campus Solutions (PSCS).
Alan noted that the new system will present many opportunities to review and improve
the University’s current business processes and enable web-based self service. This
could mean some substantial and significant changes for academic and administrative
staff in how they use the new system and what their work practices will be. Not the
least of these improvements will be to change the focus of data entry by staff to a
model of self service by students.
Alan indicated that it was felt appropriate for the Staff Consultative Committee to be
informed of, and have the opportunity to comment on, any recommendations for major
change which may occur as a result of the SIMS project. The Project Office will
undertake to report back to the Staff Consultative Committee to help it take a pro-active
response to staff issues and concerns.
In response to questions from the Committee members, Keli outlined the approach
being made to training, including the training needs and skills analysis. It was agreed
that the Project Office will provide more information about the training strategies and
proposed training program to the next meeting of the Staff Consultative Committee.
Results of Climate Survey
VC presentations outlined programs to improve staff ratios and more effective
communication with staff, firm and effective action taken. Make most effective change
over next 18-21 months. University will carry out another climate survey in mid 2009.
Time Release for Observers on Academic Promotions Committees
Difficulty in getting people to act as observers for Academic Promotions Committees.
Semester clash with teaching commitments. Suggestion for funded time release for
three days per year. Query raised as to whether anything in UCA says anything about
this. Promotions Committee invite member of staff via Staff Consultative Committee to
see due process carried out.
Send note to Executive Officer Promotions Committee requesting Co-Chair of
Consultative Committee is notified as early as possible of dates.
Future Role and Standing of the Committee
To ensure proper implementation of UCA. Agenda item discussed briefly. Couple of
views taken note of. Take off agenda.
All staff emails
Denise Bevan raised issue of her area not receiving emails, e.g. climate survey. Staff
don’t have online access and are frustrated at being left out. Hard copies of emails are
sent to kitchen and residences.
Need to remind all Directors, Heads of Schools and Managers that it is their
responsibility to make sure all staff who do not have access to emails have access to a
paper copy on the notice board.
Next Meeting mid to late February, suggested 13/14/15 February in C003
video conference room.
Extra Ordinary Meeting to be called early to mid December to work out terms of
reference for proposed working parties with Deb Lord and Wayne Robinson.
Chair thanked everyone for their contribution.