University of Ballarat University Consultative Committee (TAFE) Meeting Report

UCC 3/09
University of Ballarat
University Consultative Committee
Meeting Report
Meeting held on Wednesday, 25 March 2009 at 9:30 am in the Brewery Meeting Room,
Brewery Building, SMB Campus and attended by:
Andrew Cleary (Chair), Manager, Workplace Relations
Carl Trotta, Manager, Human Resources
Jo Fogarty, Program Co-ordinator, Senior School Certificates,
Erich Sinkis, AEU Victorian Branch
Wes Walker, Deputy Director, Human Resources (Apology)
Craig Hurley, School of Human Services (Apology)
Minutes of Previous Minutes
The tabled Minutes of the 25 February 2009 were noted together with the agreement to add the
Nominal Hours
A request was made to view how nominal hours are allocated by Skills Victoria to UB
TAFE as per the Skills Victoria/UB ‘service agreement’. Need to determine if it allows for
the “sharing of nominal hours” and how hours are to be delivered and establish how this
is allocated to meet the ‘Specific Time Allocations’ clause in both the MECA and the new
ACTION: Carl to request/discuss with Greg Jacobs and/or Terry Lloyd.
UCC Minutes
UCC Minutes to be converted into a ‘report type’ format and placed on the UB website
no later than 7 days after the meeting date.
ACTION: Carl to follow up
Specific Time Allocations
Documents Tabled:
1. 2008 Schools Training Plan Budget
2. 2009 Schools Training Plan Budget
It was highlighted that the 2009 Schools Training Plan Budget does not show the detailed
breakdown of funding allocations. It was expressed that these details are required to assist in
completing workplans and to ensure transparency in relation to conditions in the ‘Specific Time
Allocation’ clause of both the MECA and new MBA being met. eg. Are Head of Dept and
Program Co-ord “co-ordination hours” included in the 2009 Training Plan or do those hours
come from another funding source? Does it include the ‘extra pool of hours’ that is required to
be allocated? A response will be provided by the management representatives at the next
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Superannuation and the MBA
Information on the process of how TAFE teachers can salary sacrifice their superannuation
contributions will be made available on the Human Resources website.
Horsham Campus
Concerns were raised as to the process of implementing changes to the PD’s/work
arrangements of staff who are performing work for two or more Schools at the Western
Campuses. It was suggested that where changes to work arrangements are envisaged in these
circumstances, the relevant Heads of Schools and/or Departments should first negotiate the
changes with each other and the Head, Western Campuses prior to discussions and
negotiations with the staff members. This would avoid staff becoming anxious about any
reductions to their time fraction or portions of their work being unnecessarily re-assigned to
It was recommended that the Head, Western Campuses develop and monitor a list of staff who
have time fractions with two or more Schools at the Western Campuses. Management
representatives will follow up.
Vehicle breakdown Procedures
It was agreed that the new Vehicle Breakdown Procedure be attached to this meeting Report on
the UB website. It was further reported that the staff member who tabled a letter of complaint
on this issue has received verbal acknowledgement and a follow up acknowledgement letter will
be sent to her. It was further requested by the AEU representatives to confirm that the issue of
how the staff member was treated had been addressed. Management representatives will
follow this up.
Program Co-ordinator Contracts
It was raised that Letters of Offer for Program Co-ordinator positions do not accurately reflect
their working arrangements. It was suggested that Letters of Offer should state where a
Program Co-ordinator has a teaching load, that they are entitled to pro-rata teaching provisions
of the Award and time allowances/attendance time as per the MECA.
representatives to follow up.
Conversion to Continuing Employment
Issue was raised that an application for conversion to a continuing contract was recently
rejected and that the matter be re-addressed and further investigated by Human Resources.
Management representatives to follow up.
With the broader implementation of new teaching methodologies such as e-Learning and the
greater demand for RPL, a range of scenarios/issues were raised as to how these items are
recorded on workplans. It was suggested that a special workshop be organised for the
Consultative Committee to develop some recommendations for a consistent UB approach to
this matter.
It was further suggested that Gillian Robertson (AEU) be invited to the workshop to provide
some suggestions and assistance with the development of recommendations. Both AEU and
management representatives will follow up on this matter.
Next meeting
29 April 2009 - 2:30pm
Brewery Meeting Room, Brewery Building, SMB Campus
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