Meeting Report University Consultative Committee (TAFE) Meeting No: UCC3/10 Date and Time: 13 May 2010 at 1:30pm Venue: Barry Room, SMB Present: Deborah Walker (Chair) Andrew Cleary Greg Furness Julie-Anne Noble Erich Sinkis (AEU) Carl Trotta Wes Walker In attendance: Notes: 1. Shelley Nash WELCOME The Chair welcomed all members to the meeting, and thanked them for their flexibility in re-scheduling. 2. APOLOGIES Nil. 3. REPORT FROM PREVIOUS MEETING Accepted as circulated. 4. ACTIONS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS REPORT 4.1 Christmas/New Year Close down period – 3 days ex-gratia Management representatives had discussed the matter with Heads of Schools and PVC(S&P). Feedback received regarding the 3 days was somewhat inconsistent. However it was decided that these days would be ex-gratia, not non-attendance time. Management would communicate this to Heads. 4.2 AEU Representative – sessional teacher Discussion took place on whether, and what, allowance is payable for a Casual or Sessional teacher undertaking Union Representative responsibilities. Wes noted that VTA advice had been received that allowances were only available for full- or part-time staff members, with such allowances not being applicable to sessional staff. Carl noted that casual and sessional teachers were employed only to teach. There is no allowance for “other scheduled duties”. The AEU advised that they would seek further advice. Page 1 of 3 CRICOS Provider Number 00103D Date: 17/05/10 4.3 Subject: Meeting Report: 13 May 2010, UCC3/10 Course Complexity Hours Formula Carl reported that he has prepared a paper based on feedback from Heads. A meeting will now be held with the PVC (S&P) to discuss a way forward. 4.4 Work Plan – monitoring/audit Erich requested some numbers regarding the level of Work Plan compliance from Schools. He suggested a pro-forma e-mail be sent to Heads of Schools to find out how many staff were in their area, how many Work Plans had been done, and how many were still pending (and why). Deborah and Carl would develop a process. 4.5 Prisons attendance patterns Carl noted that he has drafted letters for the staff concerned regarding new arrangements. There were some queries regarding commencement times which will need to be confirmed with the Head, Western Campuses (who is currently on leave). Once confirmed, the letters will be sent. 5. GENERAL BUSINESS 5.1 Recognition of course co-ordination on teachers’ Work Plans and position descriptions Discussion took place on instances where teachers were being asked to undertake program co-ordinator duties, yet they were not being properly recognised. Greg noted examples of staff members doing 18-25 hours of co-ordination per week, but who were only receiving 2 hours in their Work Plans. Julie-Anne noted that some teachers who were teaching 3 units from a course of 15 units, were given co-ordination duties for the whole program. Julie-Anne and Greg will try to obtain 4 “live” examples of where this is happening for the Committee to examine. Once examined, any resultant recommendations would be forwarded to the relevant Heads of Schools. 6. OTHER BUSINESS 6.1 Workforce Initiatives Erich noted that the consultation process was well set out and comprehensive, and the timelines appeared appropriate. He appreciated the Vice-Chancellor’s explanation regarding UB’s finances and spending, which would assist the unions in providing information to members. Erich also wanted to acknowledge that the AEU was positive about the industrial climate. He understood the issues facing UB and looks forward to working on a co-operative basis throughout the process. He noted the AEU would be speaking to its members about the proposal to close down for an additional few days at Christmas/New Year. He thought it sounded good, and was a reasonable proposition for members to consider. Page 2 of 3 CRICOS Provider Number 00103D Date: 17/05/10 Subject: Meeting Report: 13 May 2010, UCC3/10 Feedback on the website was also positive, in particular the video of the Vice-Chancellor’s message. Julie-Anne noted the unions appreciated being involved in development of the information documents. It has enabled them to understand what is being proposed, and therefore being able to answer queries more quickly. She also suggested keeping Workforce initiatives as a standing item for the time being. 2:25pm - meeting closed. Next meeting: 20 July 2010 at 9:30am Business Development Meeting Room, SMB Campus Page 3 of 3 CRICOS Provider Number 00103D