Meeting Report University Consultative Committee (TAFE)

Meeting Report
University Consultative Committee (TAFE)
Meeting No:
Date and Time:
20 July 2010 at 9:30am
Business Development Meeting Room (A016), SMB
Andrew Cleary (Chair)
Greg Furness
Julie-Anne Noble
Carl Trotta
In attendance:
Shelley Nash
The Chair welcomed all members to the meeting.
Deborah Walker, Erich Sinkis (AEU).
Accepted as circulated.
AEU Representative – sessional teacher
Carl reported that the VTA had advised that casual/sessional teachers were engaged to
perform teaching duties by the hour, and therefore the scheduled duties relates to the time
they are timetabled and required for teaching or non-teaching duties. We would not be
“requiring” sessional/casual teachers to perform union duties as part of these duties. The
MBA also does not outline any time allowances for union duties for casual teachers.
Greg noted that the individual was an elected union representative and that his
employment status has since changed.
This item to be carried over to the next meeting for the AEU to provide further information.
Course Complexity Hours Formula
Carl advised that he had submitted a paper to the PVC(S&P) outlining how the formula
was meant to work. The paper also outlined how it was to be implemented as per the
appendices. Carl noted that the PVC(S&P) was currently consulting with his Schools
about contestable funding and its impact on this matter.
Discussion took place regarding how the current formula relies on areas knowing their
funding in advance, and how it would be affected in the new “demand-driven” system.
Andrew suggested that future UCC discussions involve greater consideration of the
change from the former “grant allocation” model to the new “revenue-driven” funding
model in relation to the course complexity formula.
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CRICOS Provider Number 00103D
Date: 22/07/10
Subject: Meeting Report: 20 July 2010, UCC4/10
The PVC(S&P) is to be invited to attend the next UCC (TAFE) meeting to discuss his
current review.
Julie-Anne would try and obtain information on what other TAFEs were doing.
Work Plan – audit and results
Carl reported that of the 197 expected Work Plans, 187 had been completed.
equalled a 94.93% completion rate.
Of the 10 outstanding Work Plans:
5 are from Horsham. 2 of these staff are on long service leave, and 3 others are
currently developing strategies to reduce work loads.
4 are related to commercial contracts, which are still being negotiated. Technically
these have been completed, but they have not been signed off.
1 is a new teacher and the Work Plan is still being negotiated.
Prisons attendance patterns
Carl reported that after lengthy consultations (which included several visits to the prison)
attendance patterns have been agreed, letters have been done, and copies are on
personal files. This matter is considered to now be resolved.
Recognition of course co-ordination on teachers’ Work Plans and position descriptions
Julie-Anne noted that she was still working on providing the “live” examples, and this item
would be carried over to the next agenda.
Practicum in Dip Vet Practice
Discussion took place on issues arising since the ATQF has denied 50 hours of practicum
being RPL’d, stating the hours must be supervised. This has caused difficulty where the
University has employment contracts stating qualifications must be obtained within 12
months of starting employment.
A new process may need to be developed at UB, more specifically for Heads of
Department where they are management roles, but because of being in SE positions
require a Dip Vet or equivalent.
It was noted that VU have a process which “deems” “in-house” equivalency to a Dip Vet,
but which is not necessarily recognised outside of VU.
In the meantime, the current periods may need to be extended from 12 months to 18 or 24
months to enable compliance.
Carl and Julie-Anne to try and obtain a copy of VU’s process.
Western Campuses – Professional Development (PD)
Julie-Anne reported on a staff member being denied attendance at a State Conference.
Andrew noted an e-mail sent by the PVC(S&P), which didn’t cancel all business travel, it
noted a new form (which was required to be completed prior to booking any interstate or
overnight travel) to ensure that interstate and overnight travel was monitored more closely
than previously had been the case.
Julie-Anne to try and obtain more information.
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CRICOS Provider Number 00103D
Date: 22/07/10
Subject: Meeting Report: 20 July 2010, UCC4/10
School of Manufacturing (SoM)
Julie-Anne reported that there was still some unrest in the area. A meeting date was still
to be set so that all program co-ordinators, staff and union representatives could be
present and clarify any unresolved issues.
Discussion then took place on the way performance issues were raised with a SoM staff
member. Julie-Anne and Greg would speak to the staff member to go through the
Managing Unsatisfactory Performance process, explain what stage 1 is, and provide
support and guidance. Carl would speak to the manager about how the process was
Julie-Anne also raised an issue about bullying in a SoM department. Carl noted that he is
involved in resolving this matter.
RPL issues for staff
Julie-Anne raised concerns about staff who submitted RPL evidence in Feb/Mar 2009, but
have yet to receive any feedback. She noted that there had been 3 co-ordinators in 2010.
Carl and Julie-Anne to follow-up with a Horsham Program Coordinator, to find out what
she knows about the current status.
This issue would be carried over to the next agenda for discussion with the PVC(S&P).
VR Developments
Greg tabled an e-mail received by a staff member “out-of-hours”, detailing the Workforce
Initiatives, which the staff member found inappropriate.
Andrew reported that as the VRs are a voluntary process, HOS/Directors were instructed
to communicate to all staff in a general fashion, ie. through regular staff meetings, to
ensure awareness of the available initiatives. The e-mail was noted.
11:10am - meeting closed.
Next meeting:
Thursday, 2 September 2010 at 3:30pm
Business Development Meeting Room, SMB Campus
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CRICOS Provider Number 00103D