Course: MAC 307 Photo Editing (2 credits. Required) Course Duration: Lecturer:

Course: MAC 307 Photo Editing (2 credits. Required)
Course Duration: Two Hours per week for 15 weeks (30 hours) as taught in the 2011/2012
Lecturer: Adisa R. M.
M.Sc Mass Communication (Lagos)
B.Sc Mass Communication (Kano)
PGDE (NTI Kaduna)
Advanced Digital Appreciation Program-Tertiary (ADAPT) Training
Member: NIPR, ACCE
Department of Mass Communication
Faculty of Communication and Information Sciences
University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
Location: First Floor, Room 3, Educational Technology Building,
University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
Consultation Hours: 10.00 am -12 noon (Tuesdays and Thursdays)
Course Content
A study of technical and aesthetic qualities of photographs and how these factors affect editorial
decisions concerning the use of pictures in publications. Practical work in layout and design and
other duties of a newspaper or magazine editor
Course description
The course is designed to give students a general knowledge of good photo editing, technical and
aesthetic qualities of photographs.
Course Justification
Newspapers and magazines cannot do without picture because it tells story on its own, and its
authenticate news story. In view of this, every student and journalist must master the skill of
making picture fit for publication.
Course Objectives
On completion of this course, the students should:
1. Know the technical and qualities of photojournalism;
2. Understand the factors that determine editorial decision on photograph;
3. Master the layout and design of picture;
4. Be equipped with skill of judging picture for publication;
5. Understand how computer photo editing is carried out;
6. Have adequate knowledge of captioning photograph.
Course Requirements
Participants in the course are required to:
1. A minimum of 75% attendance qualifies students for writing the end of semester
examination in this course;
2. All written assignments and feature stories must be word processed;
3. Deadline must be strictly observed. Late assignments will attract penalties;
4. Each student is expected to have a yahoo e-mail account, join and participate in the
course’s online discussion group.
Methods of Grading
Performance in the course will be graded using the guidelines in the table below.
Percentage Score of Total Marks
Participation in online discussion group
Final Examination
Course Delivery Strategies
The main method of course delivery is face-to-face lectures, discussions, small group exercises
and joining and participating in online group discussion.
Lecture Contents
Week 1: Concept of Photography
The objectives of the week are to describe the course, explain the forms of photography as well
as its importance.
First Hour
Forms of photography
Second Hour
Types of photography
Essence of Photography for mass media
Study Questions
1. What is photography?
2. Picture can be classified into three forms, explain.
3. List the types of photography.
4. Describe the various type of photography.
5. What is the essence of photography for newspaper and magazine?
Reading List
1. Ojomo4 O.W. (2008). Introductory Photography and Photojournalism. Lagos: Lash
Kwality Printers, pp. 62-74. ISBN: 978-978-087-338-7.
2. Osho4 S. A. (2008). Graphic Arts and Designs in Mass Communication. Abeokuta: Essoh Consult Publications, pp. 213-216. ISBN: 978-978-48540-2-6.
Week 2: Photo Desk
Photographs this day are as important as news stories. Readers take delight in reading pictures to
confirm and to better understand a message. Therefore, the roles of the personnel behind
journalistic photographs that are published in newspapers and magazines will be discussed.
First Hour
Photo editor
Duties of photo editor
Second Hour
In house camera men
Responsibilities of in house camera men
Study Questions
1. Who is a photo editor
2. Describe the relationship between photo editor and other desk officers in a print
3. Explain the duties of photo editor.
4. What are the responsibilities of an in house camera person?
5. A normal weeding photographer cannot be called photojournalist, why?
Reading List
Adisa4 R. M. (2005). Fundamentals of Newspaper and Magazine Editing and Production.
Osogbo: Positive Impact Publications, pp 90-92. ISBN: 978-32581-4-3.
Okoye4 I. (2000). Newspaper Editing and Production in the Computer Age. Lagos: Mbeyi and
Associates (Nig.) Ltd. p. 150. ISBN: 978-34984-6-0.
Weeks 3-4: Composition of Effective Photographs
The objectives of the weeks 3 and 4 lectures are to expose students to how best to compose
effective photographs. In doing it, we shall look at the basic elements of composition and then
discuss how to apply them to journalistic activities. These weeks, students will be engaged in
field assignments and practical.
First Hour in week 3
Limits of camera and its components.
Identification of center of interest.
Second Hour week 3
Varying of positions in picture composition
Filling of the frame
Field work
First Hour in week 4
Applying the rule of thirds
Creation of movement
Second Hour week 4
Capturing movement
How to photograph movement
Field work
Study Questions:
1. Describe the best ways to improve photo composition.
2. How can you understand the limit of your camera focal length and the lens?
3. Why is it important to fill the frame of a photograph?
4. Describe movement in photography and justify why it requires special efforts.
5. Learning from the mistakes in the field works you did, try out on your own, at home or in
the hostel, composition of ten different photographs.
6. How can a photographer identify the centre of interest?
7. What is rule of thirds in photography?
8. Describe how to photograph movement.
Reading List
1. Ojomo4 O.W. (2008). Introductory Photography and Photojournalism. Lagos: Lash
Kwality Printers, pp. 62-71. ISBN: 978-978-087-338-7.
Week 5: Principles of Judging picture for Newspaper and Magazine.
The main objectives of this week lecture are to explain the mechanism of judging picture by the
photo editor before decision can be taken whether to publish the picture or not.
First Hour
Judging picture as copy
Possibility and quality of reproduction
Second Hour
Judging picture for content
Study Questions:
1. What are the criteria for judging picture as copy?
2. The closer the relationship of picture to story the more likely the picture will be run,
3. What is the level of involvement of camera man in picture selection?
4. How do we judge picture for content?
Reading List
1. Ogunwale4 T. (2000). Modern Sub-Editing. Ibadan: Penmen’s Press Services, pp. 68-69.
ISBN: 978-30905-0-X.
2. Adisa4 R. M. (2005). Fundamentals of Newspaper and Magazine Editing and
Production. Osogbo: Positive Impact Publications, pp 96-97. ISBN: 978-32581-4-3.
Week 6: Mechanics of photo editing
Students will be acquainted with the practical knowledge and skills require to shape and size
picture that will be published.
First Hour
Cropping of picture
Sizing and scaling of picture
Second Hour
Amortizing of photo
Retouching of edited photo
Study Questions:
1. What are the principles of picture cropping?
2. Discuss the challenges of cropping in modern time.
3. Describe the problems usually encounter by sub editor when trying to size a picture.
4. What is amortizing?
5. Describe the process of amortizing and retouching of edited photos.
Reading List
1. Ogunwale4 T. (2000). Modern Sub-Editing. Ibadan: Penmen’s Press Services, pp. 70-75.
ISBN: 978-30905-0-X.
2. Okoye4 I. (2000). Newspaper Editing and Production in the Computer Age. Lagos:
Mbeyi and Associates (Nig.) Ltd. pp. 151- 154. ISBN: 978-34984-6-0.
3. Adisa4 R. M. (2005). Fundamentals of Newspaper and Magazine Editing and
Production. Osogbo: Positive Impact Poblications, pp 97-98. ISBN: 978-32581-4-3.
Weeks 7-8: Computer Photo Editing
Students will be acquainted with the modern method of editing photo for newspaper and
magazine which takes care of old method of cropping and sizing photo that was discussed in
week 6.
First Hour
Identification of editing software
Application of editing software
Second Hour
Principles of editing photo with computer
First Hour
Editing with laptops in the class
Second Hour
Editing of students field works (photographs)
Study Questions:
1. Explain the process of editing photo with computer.
2. Compare and contrast old method of editing photo with computer editing.
3. List soft and hardware required for modern editing of photo.
4. What are the principles of editing photo with computer?
Reading List
1. Okoye4 I. (2000). Newspaper Editing and Production in the Computer Age. Lagos:
Mbeyi and Associates (Nig.) Ltd. p. 155. ISBN: 978-34984-6-0.
2. Adisa4 R. M. (2005). Fundamentals of Newspaper and Magazine Editing and
Production. Osogbo: Positive Impact Publications, p. 99. ISBN: 978-32581-4-3.
Week 9: Digital Darkroom
This week, students will be engaged in the printing of pictures in the digital darkroom. How
several feats normally not possible in the conventional brick and wall darkroom can be
accomplished will be discussed and practicalised.
First Hour
Required items for a digital darkroom
Second Hour
Digital camera
Printing digital pictures
Study Questions:
1. List the required items for set up of a digital darkroom.
2. Describe how digital camera works.
3. Explain the process of transferring pictures onto computer.
4. Compare analogue darkroom with digital darkroom.
Reading List
1. Ojomo4 O.W. (2008). Introductory Photography and Photojournalism. Lagos: Lash
Kwality Printers, pp. 113-116. ISBN: 978-978-087-338-7.
Week 10: Identifying People in Pictures
The main objectives of this week are to enable students understand the process of preparing text
that goes with pictures to tell a story which a thousand words cannot tell.
First Hour
Identification by position
Identification by attire
Analyses of published newspaper pictures
Second Hour
Identification by action
Identification by age and sex
Analyses of published newspaper pictures
Study Questions
1. List the methods of identifying people in picture.
2. Describe how identification by action is written?
3. Select a picture from the departmental album and caption the picture by position.
4. How important is identification of picture to newspaper?
Reading List
1. Adisa4 R. M. (2005). Fundamentals of Newspaper and Magazine Editing and
Production. Osogbo: Positive Impact Publications, pp. 101-102. ISBN: 978-32581-4-3.
2. Okoye4 I. (2000). Newspaper Editing and Production in the Computer Age. Lagos:
Mbeyi and Associates (Nig.) Ltd. p. 161. ISBN: 978-34984-6-0.
Week 11: Captions and Cutline
Students will be acquainted with the procedure of writing the explanatory text that goes with
pictures and other illustrations in newspaper and magazine.
First Hour
Meaning of caption
Importance of captions for photo journalism
Basic rules for caption writing
Second Hour
Writing captions and cutlines.
Exercise on captions writing.
Study Questions:
1. What is caption?
2. Select five pictures from the departmental album and write suitable captions for each of
the pictures.
3. What are the rules that must be followed when writing caption for a picture?
4. Describe the process of captions writing.
5. How important is caption to photojournalism?
Reading List
1. Osho4 S. A. (2008). Graphic Arts and Designs in Mass Communication. Abeokuta: Essoh Consult Publications, p. 233. ISBN: 978-978-48540-2-6.
2. Adisa4 R. M. (2005). Fundamentals of Newspaper and Magazine Editing and
Production. Osogbo: Positive Impact Publications, pp. 101-102. ISBN: 978-32581-4-3.
3. Okoye4 I. (2000). Newspaper Editing and Production in the Computer Age. Lagos:
Mbeyi and Associates (Nig.) Ltd. p. 161. ISBN: 978-34984-6-0.
4. Ojomo4 O. W. (2008). Introductory Photography and Photojournalism. Lagos: Lash
Kwality Printers, pp. 100-102. ISBN: 978-978-087-338-7.
5. Ogunwale4 T. (2000). Modern Sub-Editing. Ibadan: Penmen’s Press Services, pp. 68-69.
ISBN: 978-30905-0-X.
Weeks 12-13: Photojournalism and the Law
The objectives of the weeks 12 and 13 are to explain the legal landmines which every student,
professional photographer, photo editor and road side photographer must understand before
snapping and disseminating pictures.
First Hour week 12
Contempt of court
Use of camera in court
Second Hour week 12
Defenses in libel case
First Hour week 13
Taking pictures in public places
Copyright of pictures
Second Hour week 13
Invasion of privacy pictures
Right of photojournalist
Study Questions:
1. Describe the law that protects photojournalist and his works from infringement by other
2. How can a photojournalist violate the libel law?
3. List public places in Nigeria where taking photograph is forbidden.
4. What is copyright?
5. How does copyright law affect photojournalist?
Reading List
1. Ojomo4 O. W. (2008) Introductory Photography and Photojournalism. Lagos: Lash
Kwality Printers, pp. 119-127. ISBN: 978-978-087-338-7.
2. Adisa, 4 R. M. (2003) News writing and Reporting: A Step-by-Step Approach. Osogbo:
Voice Publication, pp. 118-122. ISBN: 978-31581-4-3.
Week 14: Ethics of Photojournalism
The main objectives of this week are to enable students understand the right and wrong in his
responsibility to himself, the society, the profession, and the subjects.
First Hour
Ethical responsibility of photojournalist to himself
Ethical responsibility of photojournalist to his profession
Second Hour
Ethical responsibility of photojournalist to the society
Ethical responsibility of photojournalist to his subjects
Study Questions:
1. Discuss the ethical challenges of photojournalist to his subjects.
2. How can a photojournalist be unethical to himself?
3. What are the responsibilities of photojournalist to the society?
4. Compare the legal challenges with that of ethics.
Reading List
1. Ojomo 4 O. W. (2008) Introductory Photography and Photojournalism. Lagos: Lash
Kwality Printers, pp. 128-132. ISBN: 978-978-087-338-7.
2. Adisa, 4 R. M. (2003) News writing and Reporting: A Step-by-Step Approach. Osogbo:
Voice Publication, pp. 125-129. ISBN: 978-31581-4-3.
Week 15: Revision
The last week of the semester will provide the students the opportunity to seek for clarification
and explanation on all we have discussed from week 1 to week 14.
Revision Questions:
1. What is the essence of photography for newspaper and magazine?
2. Describe the relationship between photo editor and other desk officers in a print
3. Describe the best ways to improve photo composition.
4. How can you understand the limit of your camera focal length and the lens?
5. Why is it important to fill the frame of a photograph?
5. What are the criteria for judging picture as copy?
6. The closer the relationship of picture to story the more likely the picture will be run,
6. What is the level of involvement of camera man in picture selection?
7. What are the principles of picture cropping?
8. Discuss the challenges of cropping in modern time.
9. Describe the problems usually encounter by sub editor when trying to size a picture.
10. How does copyright law affect photojournalist?
Reading List
1. Osho4 S. A. (2008). Graphic Arts and Designs in Mass Communication. Abeokuta: Essoh Consult Publications. ISBN: 978-978-48540-2-6.
2. Adisa4 R. M. (2005). Fundamentals of Newspaper and Magazine Editing and
Production. Osogbo: Positive Impact Publications. ISBN: 978-32581-4-3.
3. Okoye4 I. (2000). Newspaper Editing and Production in the Computer Age. Lagos:
Mbeyi and Associates (Nig.) Ltd... ISBN: 978-34984-6-0.
4. Ojomo 4O. W. (2008). Lagos: Lash Kwality Printers. ISBN: 978-978-087-338-7.
5. Ogunwale 4 T. (2000). Modern Sub-Editing. Ibadan: Penmen’s Press Services,. ISBN:
6. Adisa, 4 R. M. (2003). News writing and Reporting: A Step-by-Step Approach. Osogbo:
Voice Publication,. ISBN: 978-31581-4-3.