Green River College WELDING TECHNOLOGY Syllabus Sections: A, B, C, U and V Course Objectives, Student Expectations, and Requirements Green River College Welding Technology Syllabus Welding Technology Syllabus Sections: A, B, C, U and V Credit Hours – Variable (1 – 13) Instructors: Scott Schreiber Office hour: 1 – 2 p.m. daily Office phone: ext. 4421 Shop phone: ext. 4420 Office location: B609 E-mail: Jack Danielson Office hour: 4 - 5 p.m. daily Office phone: ext. 4257 Shop phone: ext. 4420 Office location: B606 E-mail: Casper Fox Office hour: 12 - 1 p.m. daily Office phone: ext. 4422 Shop phone: ext. 4420 Office location: B608 E-mail: Note: Do not enter instructor’s office without instructor present. Course Description The Welding Technology program prepares students as trade welders in the SMAW, GMAW, FCAW, and the GTAW welding processes. With the proper selection of classes, students can receive an AAS degree as a welding technician. Students will learn basic arc welding of lowcarbon steel in the flat, horizontal, vertical and over-head position, electrode identification, and proper procedure associated with the shielded metal arc welding. Oxy-Acetylene welding will prepare students for the many processes available in the welding field; both manual and automatic flame cutting will be integrated into this course along with basic shop equipment operation. Text and Workbooks Available for purchase from the Green River College, Paper Tree Bookstore Textbooks used and required for program: ARC Welding: Write-In Text (P), Walker..........................ISBN:9781605251899 Optional Textbooks: FLUX Cored ARC Welding Handbook (P), Minnick .......ISBN:9781605250779 Gas Metal ARC Welding Handbook, Minnick ................ ISBN:9781590708668 Gas Tungsten ARC Welding Handbook, Minnick........... ISBN:9781605257938 Note: U/LINC™ – coming in January 2016 Tools Tools are an integral part of performing in the welding industry and generally a condition of employment as well. In order to enhance your training and employment readiness, the welding student will possess the required tool list (please see the complete list located in this syllabus). While by no means a list of all the tools needed in the welding industry, the required tools will 07/17/16 2 Green River College Welding Technology Syllabus provide you with a basic set that will help you get a good start in the business. The tools can be purchased in one large set, or quarter by quarter. Several opportunities exist for receiving discounts on your tools (please see your instructor). It is extremely important and beneficial to you that your tools be in the shop and available for your use every day. Possession and care of the required tools for the quarter will comprise 10% of your grade. Your instructor may check your tools sometime near the end of the quarter. In addition to the required tools there are numerous other tools that will help you to be prepared for employment. You are strongly encouraged to obtain these tools as well. Again, please see your instructor for any concerns and questions about tools. Welding Equipment Requirements 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Electronic or Flip Front Welding Helmet Clear Plastic Cover Lenses Pair Leather Welding Gloves (heavy duty & light duty) Slag Hammer Wire Brush Pair Burn Goggles #5 Lens Striker Tip Cleaner Safety Glasses Leather Jacket Leather Chaps or Carhartts Welders Cap 12’ Measuring Tape Welpers or Pliers Ball Peen Hammer 16oz. Tool Box (Recommend model #STST18613, Stanley) 12” Adjustable Square 4.5” Grinder #1 Victor Welding Tip Clam Shell (Part #0387-0031) Victor Tip End (Part # 0311-0474) $37.39-$350.00 $1.75 10.53 7.61 4.75 8.42 2.96 2.85 8.80 53.35 33.74 6.87 10.99 34.49 11.89 36.97 20.93 85.00 41.87 16.85 Welding Supplies for GMAW and FCAW 4 2 .035 Contact Tip GMAW Part #7489 Nozzle for GMAW Part #4392 $1.34 ea 10.26 ea 4 2 1/16th Contact Tip FCAW Part #7491 Nozzle for FCAW Part #4391 1.34 ea 10.26 ea Welding Supplies for GTAW 1 Part # PRS-AK4 (Praxair part # only) This kit includes 3 different size tungstens, collets, collet bodies, cups and one back cap 20.00 All welding equipment requirements noted above will be advantageous upon graduation in the pursuit of employment in this field of work. *Prices subject to change. *Note: There may be a need for more than two pairs of gloves and an extra #1 Victor welding tip during the first quarter. Contact tips and nozzles can also vary on quantity based on time spent in each process. 07/17/16 3 Green River College Welding Technology Syllabus A toolbox is recommended to keep your tools orderly and secure. Any suitable toolbox that can be locked is adequate. Instructional Method Methods of instruction include classroom lecture and discussion, group projects, labs, etc. Goals and Objectives WABO (Washington Association of Building Officials) is the primary goal of a welding student. WABO is a welder’s certification from Washington State recognizing you, the individual, as competent to weld in which ever welding process (SMAW, FCAW, GMAW and GTAW) you have passed. Welding classes are a variable credit course (1-13 credits per quarter); required competencies will be completed. Each competency will be checked by your instructor and will be graded according to the Green River College decimal grading system. If competencies are not finished, credit and grades will reflect percentage completed. It is your responsibility to track and document your completed competencies. Your instructors will sign-off on your competencies when he/she believes you have completed them to industry standards. Student will make up late work or incomplete assignments through arrangements with the instructor in an appropriate time frame. Grading Criteria All students will be evaluated at the completion of each college quarter in four categories and several sub-categories. (See the sample grading form on page 7). Grades are calculated on a point earned basis and converted to grade points averages on a corresponding scale established by the college. (Refer to GRC catalog) Please read the following grading criteria, and contact your instructor if you have any questions. Attendance Generally in the Welding trade as in most other occupations, if you are not at work producing, you’re not earning money. Likewise if you are not in class you are absent and not learning. You must realize that it is extremely important that you be present and participating in order for you to get the most out of your education in this trade. Due to the design of our program and the nature of welding, important problems and subsequent lectures will often come up with little or no warning. It is vital to your success in the program that you are present at these times since they may not happen again. Therefore attendance will comprise fifty percent of your grade. Students that are carrying twelve to thirteen credits (Full-time) will be limited to three unexcused absences. Three unexcused absences will result in a grade reduction of 1.0 Any time missed will be made up by the end of the quarter with instructor permission. Variable credit student’s attendance will depend on how many credits they have registered for. Example: 6 Credits / 1 ½ days 3 Credits / 1 day 07/17/16 4 Green River College Welding Technology Syllabus We understand that things come up that dictate you be absent. It may be possible to make up some missed time. It is your responsibility to contact your instructor as to the possibility of makeup. He/She will consider it on a case-by-case basis. Participation and Competency The criterion for participation and competency reflects the skills and habits you will need to become a successful employee and craftsman. Participation and competency makes up the final 25% of your grade and will be evaluated in five separate subjects: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Perseverance and problem solving Working and getting along well with others Participation in shop clean-up and treating tools and equipment with respect Producing quality work efficiently Taking responsibility for your education by being prepared for, and actively participating in class Participation and Competency are subjective, and will be compared to the expectations of the industry and your instructor. All of the above criteria are assigned points for a total possible of 100 and are equated to the grade point scale in the school catalog. It is possible to earn 100 points simply by participating in class every day, practicing the procedures in this booklet, completing the required assignments and tests on time and possessing the required tools. If you have any questions regarding grades or what’s expected of you, please don’t hesitate to contact your instructor. Student Projects GRC Welding Students may be allowed to work on their projects for cost of materials and parts, with instructor’s permission only, as long as the project meets the instructor’s criteria. Preparation for Class REQUIRED SAFETY AND PERSONAL GEAR FOR ALL CLASSES 1. Appropriate safety equipment (safety glasses, gloves, hearing protection, etc.) 2. Leather high-top work shoes 3. Pen or pencil and paper 4. Binder or notebook (for tests and handouts) Work Place Ethics It is the policy of the Green River College Trades Division that proper work place ethics will be an integral part of your training. Work place ethics are defined as, but not limited to the following: 1. Attendance 2. Punctuality 3. Preparation for class, i.e. a. Texts and other supplies (pencils, paper, etc.) b. Proper attire and appearance (such as) (1) Safety glasses (2) Work shoes (leather hightops) (3) Appropriate work clothing (coveralls) (4) Hair and jewelry kept out of harm’s way 07/17/16 5 Green River College Welding Technology Syllabus 4. 5. 6. 7. Respect for school property and the property of others. Respect and tolerance for peers. Respect for cultural and ethnic diversity. Respect for and adherence to all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. *CAUTION* As per work-industry requirements, lifting is a constant requirement and such is the requirement of this class. One must be able to lift up to 50 pounds. This may not be a daily norm but a reoccurring possibility throughout this course. It is the policy of GRC and this program that absolutely no sexual harassment or racial discrimination of any kind will be tolerated. Class Conduct To help prepare you for success in the Welding field, we at Green River College will try to operate the Welding program as much like a real life shop as possible. The same conduct and expectations an employer would have of you will be observed here. Your cooperation is required and will prove to be to your benefit. This course syllabus should help guide you in your everyday conduct and participation in class, please discuss with your instructor any questions or concerns you may have. Should you need further assistance, or need to talk to someone besides your instructor; your next step would be the Trades Division Chair. Beyond him or her you would contact the Vocational Dean, and finally the Vice President of Instruction. There are also various departments and groups on campus dedicated to helping students with almost any problem. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOUR INSTRUCTOR PLEASE MAKE EVERY ATTEMPT TO WORK IT OUT WITH HIM OR HER. ! SAFETY FIRST ! 1. Wear and use appropriate safety gear when needed! (Safety glasses, hearing protection, jeans, etc.) 2. Do not use tools and equipment until you have been instructed in the correct usage. 3. Keep your work area clean and organized. 4. Be aware of others when using tools and equipment. 5. No smoking or vaping on campus anywhere. 6. Report all chemical spills immediately and take responsibility for their cleanup 7. Be aware of heat sources (welders, torches, etc.) 8. Inform your instructor immediately of any accidents or potential safety problems. 9. Do not work alone in the shop or in absence of an instructor. 10. To get outside help if needed; dial “9-911” or “0” for the school operator, and don’t hang up. 11. No ear bud’s (radios are at the discretion of your instructor) 12. ABSOLUTELY NO SHORTS!!! SAFETY IN THE SHOP AFFECTS EVERYONE, AND WILL BE CONSIDERED A PRIORITY IN ALL THAT WE DO! CHECK WITH, AND ASK YOUR INSTRUCTOR ABOUT ANY SAFETY ISSUES! 07/17/16 6 Green River College Welding Technology Syllabus It is imperative that you carry medical insurance to cover you in the case of an accident. If you do not already have insurance, it is very affordable through the school. Please check at the cashier’s window for more information. Shop Clean-Up KEEP YOUR WORK AREA CLEAN! All Green River Welding Students will participate in daily shop clean up. This is imperative to maintaining safety and order for all involved. Additionally one of the last days of every quarter will be dedicated to a major shop clean up. All students are expected to participate. Please do not hesitate to seek assistance. Your instructor will be happy to help you get the assistance you need. Welding Grading Procedures Welding Grading Procedures Grading Area - % of Grade Calculation Information Points Attendance – 50% Of the ___ hours available this quarter, you have been present ___ hours, or ___% of the time. Multiply percentage by .50 equals ___ points. Tests, Papers & Tools – 15% Completion of all tests and organization of paperwork equals 15% of your grade. Multiply percentage of tests completed by .15 equal points. Tools – 10% Possession and care of all required tools for this quarter equals 10 points. Participation & Competency – 25% Strives for efficiency, quality and craftsmanship. The criterion for participation and competency reflects the skills and habits we hope you are learning that will enable you to become a desirable employee. (5 points possible per sentence) Demonstrates perseverance, leadership, and problem solving. Gets along with, and works well with others. Participates in shop clean up and treats equipment with respect. Participates in class discussion, asks questions, and shows responsibility for his or her education. Total Material Usage: 07/17/16 7 Total Green River College Welding Technology Syllabus Utilize the material! This means steel plate and electrodes. Practice material will not be handed out until an instructor has seen the previous completed project. Anyone knowingly wasting material will be subject to a reduction of their final grade. One inch plate will be used for testing only. Practice plates also need to be inspected by the instructor before new material is issued. If material is lost you will be responsible for replacing it at your own expense. WABO Testing: WABO testing will be coordinated with your instructor and the weld examiner. WABO guidelines will apply for retesting. Campus-Wide Outcomes In addition to the course outlines regarding this program, GRC has identified other campus-wide outcomes that are vital to the success of our graduates. The four outcomes are: Critical Thinking Responsibility Written Communication Quantitative Reasoning AMERICAN DISABILITY ACT If you need course adaptations or special accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information, or need special accommodations in case of a building evacuation, please contact us immediately so that we may help you. WAC 132J-125-200 PLAGIARISM / CHEATING (1) Any student, who for the purpose of fulfilling any assignment or task required by the faculty as part of the student’s program of instruction, shall commit plagiarism or otherwise knowingly tender any work product that the student falsely represents to the faculty as the student’s work product, in whole or in part, shall be subject to discipline. (2) Any student who knowingly aids or abets the accomplishment of cheating, as defined in subsection (1) of this section, shall be subject to discipline. Welding Technology Degree Description Welding Technology is a two-year Associate in Applied Science degree (AAS), designed to educate students in the welding field as an engineering aide, sales engineer and structural steel detailer or trade welder. Graduates of this program will have acquired many of the skills necessary to enter into the welding trade as well as other aspects of the industry, such as inspection, shop planning, supervision or one of the many related fields. The welding industry is becoming increasingly more technical and our graduates will have been trained with that in mind due to the help of competencies set forth by Green River College and the Washington Association of Building Officials. This is an open entry program, and providing space is available, students may enter at the beginning of any quarter with instructor’s permission. Upon request, certificates of completion will be awarded by the Welding Department. 07/17/16 8 Green River College Welding Technology Syllabus Associate Applied Science Degree 105 Credits Dept./No. Course Title Credits Weld 141 Basic Arc Welding & Flame Weld 142 Intermediate Arc Welding Weld 143 Adv Arc Welding I E 189 Basic Metallurgy Weld 107 Basic Blueprint Weld 194 Special Welding Project: GMAW-Gas Metal Arc Welding Weld 195 Special Welding Project 2: FCAW-Flux Core Arc Welding Weld 196 Special Welding Project 3: GTAW-Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Note: Student must possess a valid first aid card or similar Washington State L&I Training Card upon graduation 13 13 13 4 3 13 13 13 Related Instruction Requirements Dept./No. Course Title Credits # Reading Eligible for Read 104 5 # CMST 110 Fundamentals of Oral Communication 5 # English 109 Practical College Writing 5 # Human Any course that satisfies general education requirement 3 Relations listed on pg. 37 # Acomp 100T Computation for the Trades or eligible for Math 102 or higher 5 # Satisfies general education requirements. For scheduling or transferability reasons, other courses from the current list of general education requirements may be substituted. Successful graduates of the Welding Technology degree program will have learned and practiced all four of the campus-wide outcomes. Every required class associated with this degree will address one or more of these outcomes. Please refer to the syllabi for each class for the outcomes addressed in that course and how they are measured. Points Earned 99-100 97-98 95-96 93-94 91-92 90 89 88 87 86 Grade 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 Points Earned 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 Grade 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 Points Earned 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 and below* Grade 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.0 Please check college schedule for last day to withdraw and not have classes posted to your permanent transcript. If you stop coming to class without officially withdrawing, your grade will be posted at a 0.0 (F). 07/17/16 9 Green River College Welding Technology Syllabus TIPS FOR SUCCESS 1. Ask a question when you have one. 2. Feel free to share a design or idea. 3. Don’t try to develop an extreme problem just to prove your instructor doesn’t have all the answers (he doesn’t). 4. Request an example or clarification if a point is not clear. 5. Search for ways in which you can apply a general principal or common sense to your work. 6. Don’t close your mind by saying, “this is all fine in theory, but”. 7. Share some of your own experiences. 8. Think of ways you can pass on your ideas to others. 9. Remember that your instructor’s goal is to help you learn and become a successful technician. 10. Have FUN! 07/17/16 10 Green River College Welding Technology Syllabus GRC WELDING TECHNOLOGY STUDENT STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING 1. I have read and understand all of the information contained in the GRC Welding Syllabus. 2. My welding instructor has satisfactorily answered all of my questions concerning the information in this guidebook. 3. I understand that the policies of the Welding Technology Program and the contents of this syllabus are subject to change. 4. My instructor has clearly explained his expectations of me and I understand them. 5. I will abide by the policies contained in this syllabus as well as the general policies of Green River College concerning student behavior as stated in the current school catalog. 6. I understand that if I do not follow the guidelines presented in this syllabus as they pertain to safety and appropriate student conduct, I can be dropped from this program. 07/17/16 _____________________________ Student Signature ___________ Date _____________________________ Print Name ___________ Date 11 Green River College Welding Technology Syllabus Release of Student Information Note: To maintain security of student academic records, this release form is only valid for use in the division designated below or with the faculty/staff member identified below. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) GRC student educational records are maintained according to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). As provided by FERPA, whenever a student is attending an institution of postsecondary education (regardless of age or dependent status) the permission or consent required of and the rights accorded to the parents shall thereafter only be required of and accorded to the student. Release of Information– Students must sign a release in order to have their educational records released to third parties or to authorize third parties to conduct registration activities/transactions on behalf of the student. Information may be released to a third party without student’s consent if 1) information is requested officially by means of a subpoena, court order or legal report or 2) information is designated “directory information”. Additionally, Congress requires student information to be released to military recruiters if officially requested. Ref: 20 U.S.C. 1232g, TITLE 20 - - Education, Chapter 31, Part 4, Section 1232g, subsection (7), (d) I, Student ID#:__ __ __ - __ __ - __ __ __ __, (Student’s full legal name) Give permission to __________________________________________to discuss or release (Instructors name or division) my educational records to period of: (Please check one) ________, for the (Name of third party, such as parent’s name, agency name, etc.) Indefinitely, or until rescinded by me in writing. Start Date: Other (Be specific): End Date: _______________________________ Note: NO TELEPHONE RELEASE. Third party MUST present photo ID in-person prior to the release of any student information. I further understand that I may rescind my permission at any time and must do so only in writing. Student’s Signature: __________________________ Office Use Only: Received By: ____________________________ 07/17/16 12 Date: Date Received: _____________ Green River College Welding Technology Syllabus EMERGENCY INFORMATION Name: ___________________________________ Supervisor: _____________________ Address: ________________________________ City: __________________________ State: __________________ Apartment #:__________ Zip:___________ Res. Phone: (_____)___________ Message? Yes No Contact Person: 1________________________ Phone: (_____) _________________ Contact Person: 2_________________________ Phone: (_____)_________________ IF YOU ARE OR WILL BE TAKING MEDICATION DURNING SHOP HOURS, OR ARE UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF A DOCTOR PLEASE COMPLETE: Name of medication(s):__ ______________________________________ Doctor’s Name: ___________________________ Phone : (_____)_________________ Address: ________________________________ State: ________ City: __________________________ Zip:____________ Fax: (_____)____________________ Please explain the nature of the medication: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ COMMENTS:____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 07/17/16 13