Annual OHS Plan 2016 [Insert the School/Directorate/Centre here] Plan prepared by: Date: Note: all requirements in this template are based on FedUni’s health and safety policies, procedures and guidelines Section 1. GENERAL A. ELEMENT B. DESCRIPTION 1.1. Use the University’s professional development planning process for this. 1.2. 1.3. Has your School/Directorate/Centre put in place processes to ensure that staff possess or acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for the successful implementation of this Plan? YES. Describe in NO. Complete columns B and C column B Has your School/Directorate/Centre appointed a Safety Officer to coordinate the implementation of this plan? YES. Provide NO. Complete columns B and C name in column B Has your School/Directorate/Centre put in place a Health and Safety Implementation Team (HSIT) to implement this Plan? 1.4. YES. Describe in NO. Complete columns B and C column B Does the Dean/Director actively support the relevant HSIT(s) in their efforts, including through the allocation of appropriate resources? 1.5. YES. Describe in NO. Complete columns B and C column B Has your School/Directorate/Centre implemented methods to measure health and safety performance, and to set and achieve targets? YES. Describe in column B Authorised by: Document Owner: NO. Complete columns B and C A Safety Officer may be appointed to assist the Dean/Director in the day-to-day management of health and safety matters within the School/Directorate See the section on “Health and Safety Teams” in the Health and Safety Policy Examples of OHS performance indicators include: • X% reduction in number of injuries to staff, students, contractors • X% increase in proportion of activities subjected to HIRAC reviews as part of their planning (see Section 3 below for more info) • Increased participation from staff in conducting HIRAC reviews Warning – Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the University website. University Health and Safety Policy Committee Current Version: Manager – Risk, Health and Safety Review Date: CRICOS Provider No. 00103DInsert file name here C. TIMING 28/01/2016 31/12/2016 Page 1 of 9 Annual OHS Plan 2016 [Insert the School/Directorate/Centre here] Section 2. EMPLOYEE REPRESENTATION & CONSULTATION A. ELEMENT B. DESCRIPTION 2.1. Ensure that the Designated Work Groups shown on the University record are still current and adequately cover all the staff in your School/Directorate/Centre 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. Are all the staff within your School/Directorate/Centre and across all campuses covered by a Designated Workgroup? YES. Describe in NO. Complete columns B and C column B Are the names of Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) from within your School/Directorate/Centre shown in the official record still current? YES. Describe in NO. Complete columns B and C column B Are the contact details of HSRs displayed prominently (e.g. on notice-boards) within all the workplaces you control? YES. Describe in NO. Complete columns B & C column B Do you make appropriate time allocations in the workload of selected members of staff and HSRs for attendance at safety meetings and relevant training sessions? YES. Describe in column B 2.5. 2.6. YES. Describe in NO. Complete columns B and C column B Does your School/Directorate/Centre induct new staff (including sessional staff) using the OHS Induction Checklist? Authorised by: Document Owner: List name of HSR for each Designated Work Group. Indicate location of display(s) The OHS Act requires that appropriate time allocations be made for HSRs to attend relevant training, meetings, etc. Consider this requirement in any work planning activity you conduct with your HSR(s). NO. Complete columns B & C Does your School/Directorate/Centre hold regular meetings of Health and Safety Implementation Team(s) (HSIT) to coordinate OHS activities and consult with staff before implementing workplace changes? YES. Describe in column B Most HSITs meet once or twice per quarter. See the Schedule of Health and Safety Management Activities for guidance. Typically, these meetings include a representative of management (e.g. Dean, Director or Safety Officer), the Health and Safety Representative and a selection of staff members. NO. Complete columns B and C Warning – Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the University website. University Health and Safety Policy Committee Current Version: Manager – Risk, Health and Safety Review Date: CRICOS Provider No. 00103DInsert file name here C. TIMING 28/01/2016 31/12/2016 Page 2 of 9 Annual OHS Plan 2016 [Insert the School/Directorate/Centre here] Section 3. HAZARDS MANAGEMENT (Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control – HIRAC) A. ELEMENT B. DESCRIPTION 3.1. Any new activity, plant or substance may introduce hazards. A thorough review of these possible hazards, with appropriate control measures, should form part of the process prior to purchasing or prior to the start of a new activity. 3.2. 3.3. Has your School/Directorate/Centre implemented systems to ensure that HIRAC reviews are conducted for all new activities or new items of plant and substances before purchasing? YES. Describe in NO. Complete columns B and C column B Develop in consultation with staff a schedule of HIRAC reviews for existing activities. (See also remaining questions in this section and last page of this template.) Include the schedule with this plan. The HIRACs scheduled should include hazards/issues identified within the School/Directorate/Centre where control measures are required to reduce the potential for injury. Workplace inspections can be included in the schedule of HIRAC reviews, as they achieve a similar aim, the only difference being that they focus on physical locations whereas HIRAC reviews focus on activities. Prescribed OHS activities such as electrical tagging, evacuation drills, checking of first aid kits, preparation of LEIs and reports are not considered to be HIRAC reviews, but can be included in the schedule for the sake of simplicity. There is no set number of HIRAC reviews to be conducted per year. Schools/Directorates/Centres are expected to identify the required number in consultation with their DVC/COO on the basis of legal requirements, risk assessments, etc. Does the HIRAC schedule include the names of staff members responsible for the reviews and their timing? YES. 3.4. 3.5. C. TIMING NO. Complete columns B and C Have you implemented systems to ensure that Quarterly Summary Health and Safety Reports are sent to your DVC/COO and the Risk, Health and Safety department every quarter? YES. Describe in NO. Complete columns B and C column B Does the HIRAC schedule include the identification, assessment and control of hazardous manual handling tasks, in accordance with regulatory requirements? YES. Describe in column B Authorised by: Document Owner: A very simple summary report is required under FedUni policy. Refer to the template. Regulations require the assessment and control of all manual handling tasks that cause injury concerns and all new manual handling tasks. Refer to the template. NO. Complete columns B and C Warning – Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the University website. University Health and Safety Policy Committee Current Version: Manager – Risk, Health and Safety Review Date: CRICOS Provider No. 00103DInsert file name here 28/01/2016 31/12/2016 Page 3 of 9 Annual OHS Plan 2016 [Insert the School/Directorate/Centre here] A. ELEMENT B. DESCRIPTION 3.6. If you are not sure if noise exposure is hazardous, contact Risk, Health and Safety for advice. See Noise Exposure Guidelines. Does the HIRAC schedule include the identification, assessment and control of hazardous noise exposure, in accordance with regulatory requirements? Not Applicable 3.7. YES. NO. Complete Describe columns B & C Do you ensure that staff newly appointed to positions requiring hearing protection (earmuffs/earplugs) receive audiometric testing within three months of starting? C. TIMING Not Applicable 3.8. YES. NO. Complete Describe columns B & C Has your School/Directorate/Centre developed a register of hazardous substances and dangerous goods, in accordance with regulatory requirements? Audiometric testing is required where hearing protectors are needed so workers noise exposure does not exceed the standard. Contact Risk, Health and Safety for advice. Refer to the template. Not Applicable 3.9. YES. NO. Complete Describe columns B & C Do staff/students have ready access to up-to-date Safety Data Sheets for all substances used? Hazardous substances and dangerous goods are defined as such in the relevant Safety Data Sheet. Not Applicable YES. NO. Complete Describe columns B & C 3.10. Does the HIRAC schedule include the identification, assessment and control of risks arising from hazardous substances and dangerous goods, in accordance with regulatory requirements? Safety Data Sheets must be less than 5 years old and are obtained by: requesting them from the manufacturer/supplier; from manufacturers’ websites; or from the ChemWatch database Not Applicable YES. NO. Complete Describe columns B & C 3.11. Has your School/Directorate/Centre developed systems to ensure that changes in stock levels of dangerous goods are communicated to the Risk, Health and Safety department? Not Applicable Authorised by: Document Owner: YES. Describe NO. Complete columns B & C Warning – Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the University website. University Health and Safety Policy Committee Current Version: Manager – Risk, Health and Safety Review Date: CRICOS Provider No. 00103DInsert file name here 28/01/2016 31/12/2016 Page 4 of 9 Annual OHS Plan 2016 [Insert the School/Directorate/Centre here] A. ELEMENT B. DESCRIPTION C. TIMING 3.12. Does the HIRAC schedule include a review of possible exposures to dusts, fumes, vapours or gases (including the airborne byproducts of processes or experiments – e.g. welding, combustion, etc.)? Not Applicable YES. NO. Complete Describe columns B & C 3.13. Have you developed a register of items of plant, in accordance with regulatory requirements? Not Applicable YES. NO. Complete Describe columns B & C 3.14. Does the HIRAC schedule include the identification, assessment and control of risks arising from items of plant, in accordance with regulatory requirements? YES. NO. Complete Describe columns B & C 3.15. Have you developed a register of portable electrical equipment for inspection and testing)? Items of plant are defined in the HIRAC Procedure. Schools/Directorates/Centres are required to keep a listing of the items of plant under their control together with a schedule and record of inspection/maintenance. New items of plant require a HIRAC prior to purchase. Refer to 3.1 above. Not Applicable YES. Describe in NO. Complete columns B and C column B 3.16. Have you elected to have a staff member trained in the inspection and testing methods for portable electrical equipment, or made arrangements for contracting out the service? YES. Describe in NO. Complete columns B and C column B 3.17. Have you reviewed local procedures for student excursions to ensure compliance with the Student Excursions Procedure? Not Applicable Authorised by: Document Owner: YES. Describe Refer to template Electrical Studies at SMB conduct the relevant course training. Contracted test and tag is arranged through Facilities Services. Refer to the procedure NO. Complete columns B & C Warning – Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the University website. University Health and Safety Policy Committee Current Version: Manager – Risk, Health and Safety Review Date: CRICOS Provider No. 00103DInsert file name here 28/01/2016 31/12/2016 Page 5 of 9 Annual OHS Plan 2016 [Insert the School/Directorate/Centre here] 3.18. Have you reviewed local processes for after-hours work or study to ensure compliance with the University Procedure? Refer to the procedure Not Applicable YES. NO. Complete Describe columns B & C 3.19. Have you identified other items of legislation governing relevant aspects of your School/Directorate/Centre’s operations (radiation safety, food safety, etc.) and implemented compliance measures? Not Applicable YES. NO. Complete Describe columns B & C 3.20. Have you evaluated the risks and identified the precautions required for the presence of children in its activities or premises? YES. NO. Complete Describe columns B & C 3.21. Have you evaluated risks associated with work-related driving in accordance with the University’s Driving Guideline? Refer to template Not Applicable YES. NO. Complete Describe columns B & C 3.22. Does your School/Directorate/Centre have a process in place to induct contractors? Refer to Guideline Not Applicable Not Applicable YES. NO. Complete Describe columns B & C 3.23. Have you implemented the provisions of the Work at Height Procedure? YES. NO. Complete Describe columns B & C 3.24. Have you implemented provisions for Bullying Prevention? All trade contractors are inducted by Facilities Services. Other contractors such as technicians and consultants should complete the Visitor Induction See Procedure Not Applicable Not Applicable Authorised by: Document Owner: YES. Describe See the HIRAC Form for the Prevention of Workplace Bullying NO. Complete columns B & C Warning – Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the University website. University Health and Safety Policy Committee Current Version: Manager – Risk, Health and Safety Review Date: CRICOS Provider No. 00103DInsert file name here 28/01/2016 31/12/2016 Page 6 of 9 Annual OHS Plan 2016 [Insert the School/Directorate/Centre here] Section 4. INCIDENT & EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT A. ELEMENT B. DESCRIPTION 4.1. Refer to the Procedure Has your School/Directorate/Centre determined the Area Classifications of all areas and activities, in accordance with FedUni’s First Aid Services Procedure? 4.2. YES. Describe in NO. Complete columns B and C column B Do the numbers of University First Aiders and first aid kits currently in your School/Directorate/Centre meet the requirements of the procedure, including for excursions and other "unusual" circumstances? 4.3. YES. Describe in NO. Complete columns B and C column B Is your School/Directorate/Centre aware of the system implemented within FedUni for the replenishment of FA kits, and do you ensure that kits are checked regularly (e.g. monthly)? 4.4. YES. Describe in NO. Complete columns B and C column B Has your School/Directorate/Centre implemented systems to ensure that First Aid Report forms are completed and included in the quarterly report to the DVC? 4.5. YES. Describe in NO. Complete columns B and C column B Are the names of Area Wardens/Deputies shown in the official list for your School/Directorate/Centre still current? YES Authorised by: Document Owner: C. TIMING Refer to the list NO. Complete columns B and C Warning – Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the University website. University Health and Safety Policy Committee Current Version: Manager – Risk, Health and Safety Review Date: CRICOS Provider No. 00103DInsert file name here 28/01/2016 31/12/2016 Page 7 of 9 Annual OHS Plan 2016 [Insert the School/Directorate/Centre here] 4.6. 4.7. 4.8. Has your School/Directorate/Centre developed and implemented Local Emergency Instructions (LEIs), including means of initiating evacuations, dealing with people with disabilities, chemical emergencies, etc.? Note: Make sure to replace your LEIs if they still show the Ballarat Uni logo, even if the details within it are still current. YES. Describe in NO. Complete columns B & C column B Are LEIs displayed next to Emergency Floor Plans (EFPs) and are both up to date? YES. Describe in NO. Complete columns B & C column B Have LEIs been developed for remote area field trips, overseas assignments/travel etc.? Not Applicable 4.9. YES. NO. Complete Attach columns B & C Have systems been implemented within the School/Directorate/Centre to ensure that all staff members (including new ones and casuals) are trained in the LEIs applicable to their area or activities? YES. Describe in column B Authorised by: Document Owner: NO. Complete columns B and C Warning – Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the University website. University Health and Safety Policy Committee Current Version: Manager – Risk, Health and Safety Review Date: CRICOS Provider No. 00103DInsert file name here 28/01/2016 31/12/2016 Page 8 of 9 Annual OHS Plan 2016 [Insert the School/Directorate/Centre here] Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control (HIRAC) Schedule MONTH ACTIVITY, TASK, PROJECT, ITEM OF PLANT, LOCATION, ETC FOR REVIEW PERSON/S RESPONSIBLE January February March April May June July August September October November December Authorised by: Document Owner: Warning – Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the University website. University Health and Safety Policy Committee Current Version: Manager – Risk, Health and Safety Review Date: CRICOS Provider No. 00103DInsert file name here 28/01/2016 31/12/2016 Page 9 of 9