RAE 2008. Nigel Mathers was ... Services Research Panel (UoA7) with the following result 4* 20%,... PUBLICATIONS

RAE 2008. Nigel Mathers was returned as part of a composite submission to the Health
Services Research Panel (UoA7) with the following result 4* 20%, 3* 35%, 2* 35%, 1* 10%.
Original Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
Tomasz Tomasik, Jacek Jozwiak, Adam Windak, Katarzyna Rygiel, Miroslaw Mastej, W.
Henry Smithson, Nigel Mathers, Maciej Tomaszewski, Bernhard M. Kaess, Andrzej
Tykarski, Ewa Konduracka, Wladyslaw Grzeszczak, Witold Lukas. Prevention of coronary
heart disease in primary medical care in Poland: results from the LIPIDOGRAM study.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation [In Press]
Mathers N and Harnden A. Delivery of high quality child health care in General Practice.
BJGP [IN Press]
Huang YC and Mathers N. A comparative study of traditional postpartum practices and rituals
in the UK and Taiwan. Diversity in Health and Care. [IN Press]
Huang YC and Mathers N. Is Problem-Based Learning Effective for a Taiwan Registered
Nurse/Batchelor Programme? [In Press]
Lin CJ, Hsu CH, Li TC, Mathers N and Huang YC. Measuring professional competency of
public health nurses: development of a scale and psychometric evaluation. Journal of Clinical
Nursing, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2009.03149.
Mathers N and Mitchell C. Are the gates to be thrown open? Editorial. BJGP 2010;
60(574):217-318. Doi:10.3399/bjgp09X454115.
Oliver P, Keen J, Rowse G, Ewins E, Griffiths L and Mathers N. The effect of time spent in
treatment and dropout status on rates of convictions, cautions and imprisonment over 5 years
in a primary care-led methadone maintenance service. Addiction, 2010; 105:732-739. doi:
Mathers N, Perrin N and Watt G (2009) Towards consensus for best practice: the use of
patient records for research in general practice. Wellcome Trust. Full report can be accessed
at www.wellcome.ac.uk/GPRecords
Mathers N. (2009) Research in general practice: Come on in, the water is lovely. Editorial.
Prescriber 20(22); 66-7.
Mathers N, Perrin N and Watt G. (2009) Editorial: Using patient records from general
practice for research. Informatics for Primary Care, 17:137-9.
Mathers N, Howe A and Field S. (2009) Clinical research by GPs in their own practice.
BJGP (2008); 59(561):296-297. doi: 10.3399/bjgp09X420464.
Mathers N, Perrin N and Watt G (2008) Towards consensus for best practice: the use of
patient records foR research in general practice. British Journal of General Practice. Nov
2008 p814-815. DOI:10.3399/bjgp08X342750. DOI: 10.3399/bjgp08X342769
Huang YC and Mathers NJ. (2008). Postnatal depression and the experience of South Asian
marriage migrant women in Taiwan: Survey and semi-structured interview study.
International Journal of Nursing Studies, 45:924-931. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2007.02.006
Horspool MJ, Seivewright N, Armitage CJ and Mathers N. (2008). Post-treatment outcomes
of buprenorphine detoxification in community settings: A systematic review. European
Addiction Research, 14: 179-185. DOI: 0.1159/000141641.
Barclay C, Procter KL, Glendenning R, Marsh P, Freeman J, Mathers N. (2008) Can type-2
diabetes be prevented in UK general practice? A lifestyle change feasibility study [ISAIAH].
British Journal of General Practice, 58 (550): 541-547. DOI: 10.3399/bjgp08X319701.
Owen JM, Higginbottom GMA, Mathers N, Marsh P and Kirkham M. Reflections on
ethnicity, policy and teenage pregnancy in England (2008). Social Policy and Society 7(3):
Croot E.J, Grant G, Cooper C.L, Mathers N. Perceptions of the causes of
childhood disability amongst Pakistani families living in the UK. Health and
Social Care in the Community. 2008 Dec;(16)6:606-13.
Higginbottom GMA, Serrant-Green L, Mathers NJ, Marsh P, Kirkham M, Owen JM. (2008)
‘I didn’t do it cos I wanted a baby’. Sexual decision making, roles and choices in relation to
early parenthood amongst black and minority ethnic young parents in England. Diversity in
Health and Social Care, 5(2): 89-99.
Bower P, Wilson S and Mathers N. (2007). How often do UK primary care trials face
recruitment delays? Family Practice 24: 601-603. DOI: 10.1093/fampra/cmm051.
Cooke J, Mathers N, Mitchell C.(2007) Reciprocity and paying attention to process: an
important issue for the UK Clinical Research network in primary care? Primary Care
Research and Development. 00: 1-5
Smith T, Botelho R, & Mathers NJ. (2007) Making healthier choices easier: An evaluation
of a motivational practice workshop. Education for Primary Care, 18 (1):76-83.
Mathers NJ, & Huang YC (2007), Evaluating public health research in different countries.
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health. Editorial 53(3): 197-204
Mathers NJ & Dobbs F (2007). Use of data from patient records for research – a model for
best practice? Editorial, Malta Medical Journal 19(01): 9-11.
Huang YC and Mathers NJ. (2007) An investigation of Postnatal depression and the
experience of South Asian marriage migrant women in Taiwan using the Edinburgh Postnatal
Depression Scale and semi-structured interviews. International Journal of Nursing Studies (In
PRESS - available online April 2007)
Mathers NJ, Maso G, Heyrman J, Solas Gaspar O. (2006) LOTUS: An Evaluation of a
European CPD Programme. Education for Primary Care, 18 (3): 328-337.
Dixon S, Morgan K, Mathers N, Thompson J, Tomeny M. (2006) Impact of cognitive
behavior therapy on health related quality of life among adult hypnotic users with chronic
Insomnia. Behavioral Sleep Medicine 4(2):71-84.
Higginbottom G, Owen JM, Mathers N, Marsh P, Kirkham M. (2006) The experience of
early parenthood amongst young people of minority ethnic origin in England: young parents,
grandmothers and service providers’ views. Social Science & Medicine 63(4): 858-870.
Radley SC, Jones GL, Tanguy E, Stevens VG, Nelson C, Mathers NJ. (2006) Computer
interviewing in urogynaecology: concept, development and psychometric testing of an
electronic pelvic floor assessment questionnaire (e-PAQ) in primary and secondary care.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 113(2) 231-238.
Huang YC and Mathers NJ (2006). A comparison of sexual satisfaction and postnatal
depression in the UK and Taiwan. International Nursing Review 53:197-204.
Higginbottom G, and Mathers NJ. (2006) The use of herbal remedies in self care and the
promotion of general well-being by individuals of African-Caribbean origin with
hypertension. Diversity in Health and Social Care. 3 (2): 99-110.
Higginbottom G, Owen JM, Mathers N, Marsh P, Kirkham M. (2006) Early parenthood
among young people of ethnic minority origin in England. British Journal of Midwifery, 14
(3): 142-146.
Gabbay M, Mathers NJ, Green F, Exley D, Atkins T, Gallagher M and Brayford D. (2005).
PCRTA: serendipitous carrot masquerading as stick? British Journal of General Practice
55(511): 156-157.
Mitchell C, Walker J & Mathers NJ. (2005). Cost and effectiveness of pre- and postoperative home physiotherapy for total knee replacement: randomised controlled trial.
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 11(3): 283-292. [Structured abstract for the NHS
Economic Evaluation Database, June 2006. Doc 305597.]
Maso G and Mathers NJ. (2004). How can we analyse the role of family medicine using the
principles of evidence-based medicine? European Journal of General Practice. 10(4): 134135.
Walker J. & Mathers N. (2004). Working together: a qualitative study of effective group
formation amongst GPs during a cost-driven prescribing initiative. Family Practice,
Foers J, Mathers N, Glendenning R and Keen J. (2004). Stimulant use: an investigation into
population characteristics and service provision. Family Practice 21(4):370—371.
Fairbrother P, Mathers NJ. (2004) Combining Cultures: Lecturer Practitioners in Six
Professions. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 13: 539-546.
Morgan K, Dixon S, Mathers N, Thompson J, Tomeny M. (2004) Psychological treatment
for insomnia in the regulation of long-term hypnotic drug use. Health Technology
Assessment 8(8).
Heyes T, Long S and Mathers NJ. (2004) Preconception Care: practice and beliefs of
primary care workers. Family Practice 21(1): 22-27.
Jiwa M, Walters S and Mathers NJ. (2004) Referral letters to colorectal surgeons: the
impact of peer-mediated feedback. British Journal of General Practice 54(499): 123-126.
Chan SC, Lee TW and Mathers NJ. (2004) Innovative community–based teaching. Medical
Education 38: 545-576.
Morgan K, Thompson J, Dixon S, Tomeny M & Mathers N. (2004) Predicting longer-term
outcomes following psychological treatment for hypnotic-dependent chronic insomnia.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research 54: 21-29.
Mathers NJ, Marshall, M, & Carter Y, (2003) Editorial: New Century, New Challenges,
Family Practice, 20 (4): 360-361.
Keen J, Oliver P, Rowse G and Mathers NJ. (2003) Does Methadone maintenance treatment
based on the new national guidelines work in a primary care setting? British Journal of
General Practice 53: 461-467.
Morgan K, Dixon S, Mathers NJ, Thompson J and Tomeney M. (2003) Psychological
treatment for insomnia in the management of long-term hypnotic drug use in general practice:
a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. British Journal of General Practice 53: 923-928.
Keen J, Oliver P, Mathers NJ. (2002) Methadone maintenance treatment can be provided in
a primary care setting without increasing methadone-related mortality: the Sheffield
experience 1997-2000. British Journal of General Practice 52: 387-389.
Keen J. Oliver P, Mathers NJ. (2002) Deaths from drugs of abuse in Sheffield 1997-1999:
what are the implications for GPs prescribing to heroin addicts. Family Practice 19: 93-94.
Walker J and Mathers N. (2002) The impact of a general practice group intervention on
prescribing costs and patterns. British Journal of General Practice 52:181-186.
Jiwa M, Mathers NJ, Campbell MJ. (2002) The effect of GP telephone triage on numbers
seeking same day appointments. British Journal of General Practice 52: 390-391.
Akehurst RL, Brazier JE, Mathers N, O’Keefe C, Kaltenthaler E, Morgan A, Platts M &
Walters SJ. (2002) Health-related quality of life and cost impact of irritable Bowel Syndrome
in a UK primary care setting. Pharmacoeconomics 20 (7): 455-462.
Mathers NJ. (2002) Formazione: alla recerca dell’armonizzazione. M.D. Medicinae Doctor
9(34): 4-9 D Passoni Editore.
Field N, Mathers NJ and Lane P. (2002) Innovative training posts: The North Trent
Experience. Education for General Practice 313: 362-369.
Huang YC & Mathers NJ. (2001)
Postnatal depression – biological or cultural? A
comparative study of postnatal women in the UK and Taiwan. Journal of Advanced Nursing
33: (3) 279-287.
Joesbury H, Mathers NJ & Lane P. (2001) Supporting GPs whose performance gives cause
for concern: the North Trent experience. Family Practice, 18 (2): 123-130
Jiwa M, Newton P, Mitchell C, Mathers NJ, Platts M. (2001) “New nursing home residents
who have recently been discharged from hospital: survey of GPs’ and home managers’ need
for information”. Journal of Clinical Governance 9:55-58.
Oliver P, Keen J, Rowse G and Mathers NJ. (2001) “Death from drugs of abuse in
Sheffield, 1998: the role of prescribed medication.” British Journal of General Practice 51:
Keen J, Oliver P, Rowse G and Mathers NJ. (2001) Residential rehabilitation for drug users:
a review of 13 months’ intake to a therapeutic community. Family Practice 18: 545-548.
Jiwa, M. & Mathers, N.J. (2000) ‘Auditing the use of ACE inhibitors in hypertension.
Reflecting the cost of clinical governance?’ Journal of Clinical Governance 8: (1) 27-30.
Keen, J., Rowse, G., Mathers, N.J., Campbell, M.J., Seivewright, N. (2000) ‘Can methadone
maintenance for heroin-dependant patients retained in general practice reduce criminal
conviction rates and time spent in prison?’ British Journal of General Practice 50: (450) 4849.
Keen J., Oliver, P., Rowse, G., Mathers, N. (2000) ‘Keeping families of heroin addicts
together: results of 13 months’ intake for community detoxification and rehabilitation at a
family centre for drug users’ Family Practice 17:(6) 484 – 489.
Hannay DR, & Mathers NJ. (2000) General practice management culture and market
ideology - culture clash or bedfellows? British Journal of General Practice 50: 518-9.
Mathers NJ. (2000) ‘La pratica della medicina generale nel 2005. Il punto di vista del regno
unito’ Proceedings of the 6th National Congress of the Italian Academy of Family Physicians.
M.D. Medicinae Doctor pp21-25. D Passoni Editore.
Mathers NJ Challis MC, Howe A, Field NJ. (1999) ‘Portfolios in continuing medical
education – effective and efficient?’ Medical Education 33: 521-530.
Challis MC, Mathers NJ, Howe AC, & Field NJ. (1997) Portfolio-based learning: continuing
medical education for general practitioners. Medical Education 31: 22-26.
Mathers NJ & Rowland S. (1997) General Practice: a postmodern speciality. British Journal
of General Practice 47:177-179.
Fox NJ, & Mathers NJ. (1997) Empowering your research: statistical power in general
practice research. Family Practice 14: 324-329.
Start RD, Saul CA, Cotton DWK, Mathers NJ & Underwood JCE. (1995) Public perception
of histopathology. J Clinical Pathology 48: 398-401.
Mathers NJ, Jones N and Hannay DR. (1995) ”Heartsink” patients: a study of their general
practitioners. British Journal of General Practice 45: 293-6.
Mathers NJ and Gask L. (1995) Surviving the `heartsink’ experience. Family Practice 12:
Start RD, Saul CA, Cotton DWK, Mathers NJ and Underwood JCE. (1995) The public’s
perception of necropsy. J Clin Path 48: 497-500.
Herd B, Herd A and Mathers NJ. (1995) The Wizard and the Gatekeeper: of castles and
contracts. Brit Med J 310: 1042-4.
Mathers NJ, Bramley M, Draper K, Snead S & Tobert A. (1994) Assessement of training in
psychosexual medicine. BMJ 308: 969-972.
Mathers NJ, Shipton GS & Shapiro D. (1993) The impact of short term counselling on
General Health Questionnaire Scores. British J Guide and Counselling Vol 21; 3: 310-318.
Mathers NJ & Usherwood T. (1992) The Gatekeeper and the Wizard revisited. BMJ 304:
Mathers NJ. (1991)
Medicine: 3-4.
An unconscious seduction (case report).
J of Inst Psychosexual
Mathers NJ & Hodgkin P. (1989) The Gatekeeper and the Wizard: a fairy tale. BMJ 298:
Pohlandt F and Mathers NJ. (1989) Bone mineral content of appropriate and light for
gestational age preterm and term unborn infants. Acta Paed Scand 78: 835-9.
Mathers NJ and Pohlandt F. (1987) Diagnostic audit of C-reactive protein in neonatal
infection. Eur J Paed 146(2): 147-51.
Mathers NJ and Pohlandt F. (1986). Diagnosticher Wert der CRP-Bestimmung fur die
Fruherkennung bakterieller Infektionen beim Neugeborenen.
In `Padiatrische
Intensivemedizin VII’ Band 56: Herausgegeben von Leonard Hohenauer. Verlag: Georg
Thieme. Stuttgart.
Bennett MJ, Mathers NJ, Hemming FW, Sweije-Hofman I and Hosking GP. (1985) Urinary
sediment dolichol excretion in patients with Batten disease and other neurodegenerative and
storage disorders. Paediatric Research 19: 213-216.
Duncan SB, Levin RJ, Mathers NJ, and Parsons RJ. (1980) Measurement of electrical
potential and ionic difference between maternal and amniotic compartments in human labour.
In `Foetal and Neonatal Physiological Measurements’. Ed: Rolfe. Pitman Medical.
Barley SL and Mathers NJ. (1980) The metabolic consequences of partial gastrectomy what surveillance is necessary? J Royal Coll GP (Lond) 30: 365. Reprinted: Royal College
GP Handbook (1983).
Barley SL, & Mathers NJ. (1980) An audit of the care of post-gastrectomy patients. J of
RCGP 30: 365-370.
Duncan SB, Levin RJ, Mathers NJ, and Parsons RJ. (1977) Measurement of PD between
maternal tissue and amniotic cavity in normal labour - a possible method of assessing foetal
welfare? Brit J Obstet Gynae 84: 556.
Duncan SB, Levin RJ, Mathers NJ, and Parsons RJ. (1976) The measurement of transuterine potential difference in the human female during labour’. J Physiol (Lond) 259 (1): 2526.
Periera Gray D, Mathers NJ. (2009) Classic Papers in General Practice. Radcliffe Medical
Press. ISBN:1-84619-155-6
Mathers N. (2006). “Greater than the sum of its parts”: the new Academic Advisory Board.
The New Generalist 4(2): 66-67.
Mathers NJ and Pereira Gray D. (2005). ‘Cutting the Cake – allocation of R&D Funding’.
BJGP, 827-828.
Mathers NJ. (2005). Developing managers. The facts of the matter. www.ihm.org.uk
accessed May/June 2005.
Mathers N. (2005). The RCGP Pain Management Survey 2004. The New Generalist.
Mathers N, Perrin N and Watt G (2009) Towards consensus for best practice: the use of
patient records for research in general practice. Wellcome Trust. Full report can be accessed
at www.wellcome.ac.uk/GPRecords
Guthrie E, Howe A, Mathers NJ, Dowrick C, Gask L, Bass C, and Sharpe M. (2008) The
management of patients with physical and psychological problems in primary care: A
practical guide. Joint report Royal College of General Practitioners and the Royal College of
Psychiatrists. College report CR152.
A psychological autopsy study of non-deliberate fatal opiate-related overdose. (2007) Philip
Oliver, Michelle Horspool, Goergina Rowse, Mark Parry, Jenny Keen and Nigel Mathers.
Research briefing to NHS National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse. April 2007, no
An exploration of the teenage parenting experiences of young people of Bangladeshi,
Pakistani, African Caribbean and dual ethnic origin in England. (2006) Gina Higginbottom,
Nigel Mathers, Peter Marsh, Mavis Kirkham, Jenny Owen. Research briefing to the
Department of Health Teenage Pregnancy Research Programme.
Developing the evidence base for social work and socials care practice. (2005) Peter Marsh,
Mike Fisher, Nigel Mathers, Sheila Fish. SCIE Report. Policy Press Bristol. ISBN 1904812-30-9. www.scie.org.uk
An Exploration of the Teenage Parenting Experiences of Young People of Bangladeshi,
Pakistani, African Caribbean and Dual Ethnic origin in England. (2005). Gina Higginbottom,
Nigel Mathers, Peter Marsh, Mavis Kirkham, Jenny Owen. Report to Department of Health.
ISBN 1-902411-41-2;
Training to be an academic family physician. Nigel Mathers. In Clinical Academic Medicine
– The Way forward. (2004) A report from the Forum on Academic Medicine. With The
Academy of Medical Sciences. ISBN 1-86016-230-4.
Preconception Care in the NHS: A survey of primary health care professionals and a
randomised controlled trial of pre-conception care (2004) Tom Heyes (Darton Health
Centre), Sarah Long Nigel Mathers, University of Sheffield
Practical Clinical Governance: A model to support GPs whose performance gives cause for
concern (1999) Helen Joesbury and Nigel Mathers, University of Sheffield.
Measures to assist GPs whose performance gives cause for concern for Department of Health
(1997) Guy Rotherham, David Martin, Helen Joesbury, Nigel Mathers, ScHARR, University
of Sheffield.
The Sheffield IBS Study - a randomised controlled trial of group counselling in primary care
for Trent Regional Health Authority (1997) Nigel Mathers, Nick Read, John Brazier, Gerry
Kent, University of Sheffield.
Department of Health Guidelines for Ethical Review of Qualitative Research Proposals.
Department of Health Executive (1996). Nigel Mathers, Martyn Evans (University of
Confidential Enquiry into deaths from suicide in Sheffield in 1993. Sheffield Community
Health Trust (1996). Nigel Mathers, Kay Dickinson, Peggy Newton, Phil Seager.
New Horizons: A distance learning package for research methods. (GM601/2). University of
Sheffield (1996). Nick Fox, Nigel Mathers, Amanda Hunn.
Mathers NJ, (Editor in Chief), Maso G, & Bisconcin M. (2006) European Textbook of
Family Medicine. Passoni Editore. Milan. ISBN: 88-86750-15-3.
Mathers NJ, Williams M and Hancock B. (2000) Statistical analysis in Primary care.
Radcliffe Medical Press Ltd. Oxon. ISBN: 1-85775-3879.
Mathers NJ and Keen J. (2006) Tobacco, Alcohol and Substance Misuse. European
Textbook of Family Medicine. pp 427-442. Passoni Editore, Milan. ISBN: 88-86750-15-3.
Mathers NJ (2006) The Biopsychosocial Model of Care in Family Medicine European
Textbook of Family Medicine. P26-31. Passoni Editore, Milan. ISBN: 88-86750-15-3.
Campbell MJ & Mathers NJ (2006) Research in Family Medicine in Europe. European
Textbook of Family Medicine. Pp583-594. Passoni Editore, Milan. ISBN: 88-86750-15-
Campbell MJ & Mathers NJ. (2006) Family medicine and data analysis. European
Textbook of Family Medicine. pp595-606. Passoni Editore, Milan. ISBN: 88-86750-153.
Mathers, N.J. & Huang, Y.C. (2004) Evaluating quantitative research (Book Chapter) in
‘Research into Practice’ eds; Crookes, P.A, and Davies, S. Elsevier Science, Edinburgh.
Chapter 8: 95-111. ISBN: 0-7020-268-7.
Mathers, N.J. & Huang, Y.C. (2004) Evaluating qualitative research (Book Chapter) in
‘Research into Practice’ eds; Crookes, P.A, and Davies, S. Elsevier Science, Edinburgh,
Chapter 7: 85-93. ISBN: 0-7020-268-7.
Fox, N., Hunn, A., Mathers, N. (2000) Sampling (Book Chapter) in ‘Statistical Analysis in
Primary Care’ eds; Mathers, N., Williams, M., & Hancock, B. Radcliffe Medical Press Ltd,
Oxon: Chapter 2: 23-53. ISBN: 1-85775-3879.
Mathers, N., Fox, N., Hunn, A. (2000) Surveys and questionnaires (Book Chapter) in
‘Research Approaches in Primary Care’ eds; Wilson, A., Williams, M., & Hancock, B.
Radcliffe Medical Press Ltd, Oxon: Chapter 4: 77-111. ISBN: 1-85775-3929.
Mathers, N., Fox, N., Hunn, A. (2000) Using interviews in a research project (Book Chapter)
in ‘Research Approaches in Primary Care’ eds; Wilson, A., Williams, M., & Hancock, B.
Radcliffe Medical Press Ltd, Oxon: Chapter 5: 113-134. ISBN: 1-85775-3929.
Mathers, N., Howe, A., Hunn, A., (2000) Ethical considerations in research (Book Chapter)
in ‘Developing Research in Primary Care’ eds; Saks, M., Williams, M., & Hancock, B.
Radcliffe Medical Press Ltd, Oxon: Chapter 3: 51-69. ISBN: 1-85775-3976.
Mathers, N.J. & Huang, Y.C. (1998) Evaluating methods for collecting data in published
research (Book Chapter) in ‘Research into Practice’ eds; Crookes, P.A, and Davies, S.
London: Harcourt Brace, Chapter 6: 139-161. ISBN: 0-7020-2068-0.
Mathers, N.J. & Huang, Y.C. (1998) Evaluating methods for analysing data in published
research (Book Chapter) in ‘Research into Practice’ eds; Crookes, P.A, and Davies, S.
London: Harcourt Brace, Chapter 7: 162-180. ISBN: 0-7020-2068-0.
Mathers NJ and Pohlandt F.(1986) Diagnosticher Wert der CRP-Bestimmung fur die
Fruherkennung bakterieller Infektionen bein neugeborenen.
In ‘Padiatrische
Intensivemedizin VII’ Band 56: Herausgegeben von Leanard Hohenauer. Verlag: Georg
Thieme. Stuttgart.
Duncan SB, Leevin RJ, Mathers NJ, Parsons RJ. (1980) Measurement of electrical potential
and ionic difference between maternal and amniotic compartments in human labour. In ‘Fetal
and Neonatal Physiological Measurements’ Ed: Rolfe. Pitman Medical.