Sacramento City College Unit Plans Completed Spring 2005 Department Name: Cooperative Work Experience & Internship Program Department Spokesperson: Wendy Slobodnik Division Dean: Walt Sherwood Place an X in the boxes of included elements: X Accomplishments X Three-Year Plan X Action Plan X Budget Request X Budget Narrative X Key Performance Indicators Cooperative Work Experience & Internship Prog. Department/Accomplishments 2004 – 2005 # 1a 2a 3a Linkage to Other Year-End Status and Accomplishments Plans Goal 1: : Build one new learning community Karen DeLira, WEXP SPA, served as a faculty intern Establish academic in Jim Hinerman’s HCD 310 (College Success) class. Brainstorm with current WEXP SPA and alliances with Through her promotional efforts, she successfully counselors which classes would be suitably other departments; linked our WEXP classes to the HCD 310 class. The linked with WEXP assist students result: a few students signed up for the online WEXP retention classes and investigated internships. Goal 2: : Implement student, faculty, and employer testimonials on district wide WEXP website To date, I have requested such testimonials, but to no Establish links avail. So, student testimonials are currently housed among the WEXP in our WEXP Manila website at Internship Program In and various addition, student profiles of success are showcased in Establish meeting with Sally Wong, current academic our glass cases in Rodda North and the Business programmer, to achieve this goal. departments, as Building; and Career Services, the WEXP Internship well as community Program, and Job Services are currently discussing alliances in the doing a quarterly newsletter, to be distributed on workplace. campus, that will showcase successful interns and job placements. Goal 3: Promote the Work Experience classes in the business communities Within the last six months, both the current SPA and Coordinator have done at least two employer Establish links presentations/site visits a month. In each case, the Identify two employers a month to do between WEXP classes have been promoted as a viable way presentations to regarding the online WEXP community for current employees of these organizations to build classes. workplace and their soft skills. The result: Employees representing SCC programs. some of these organizations have signed up for the WEXP online classes. Action Plan Cooperative Work Experience & Internship Prog. Department/Accomplishments 2004 – 2005 Linkage to Other Year-End Status and Accomplishments Plans Goal 4: Continue to build internships in underrepresented areas Establish close link between WEXP Internship Program and To date, the Coordinator and SPA have developed 25 various SCC new internships in Telecommunications/Installers; 10 departments. Also new internships for the Nursing majors; and 15 new Identify which majors are underrepresented; permit students to internships in CIS. In each instance, the dean and/or meet with department chair to discern if that 4a validate their the instructors of these areas were consulted department wants internships. academic choices regarding potential leads; or the dean/instructors were via internships involved in employer presentations to build said (work based internships. learning). See Goal 2 in 2005 Program Review Goal 5: Continue to participate in the district wide placement database The Coordinator continued to attend meetings regarding the roll out/publicity of the Job Connections database. Currently both the Continue to attend meetings on the roll-out Coordinator and the SPA continue to market the Job 5a and maintenance of this database Connections database to individual students as well as to classes (“Don’t Cancel That Class” and the “Roadshow.”) Other Accomplishments: Better internship placement rates—less attrition in classes Extended appointment/walk-in hours, to service and be available for students. Increased internship development for targeted areas---better employer follow-up Designed new assessment tool for evaluating and tracking internships Consistently full classes for all WEXP instructors. More development of “Summer specific” Internships # Action Plan Greater internship representation in Career Fair Better tracking, follow-up, and clean-up of Internship database Three-Year Plan Cooperative Work Exp. & Internship Prog. Department # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Long Range Plan Build learning communities with other faculty that would utilize internships as part of their students’ last semester curriculum requirements. Continue to promote the Work Experience classes in the business communities as a way of re-introducing working professionals into the academic setting Continue to build internships in underrepresented areas Continue to promote testimonials of students, faculty and employers Continue to create innovative advertising tactics to recruit students into the Work Experience classes (See Goal 2b in 2005 Program Review) Continue to increase internship placement rates Continue to expand the audience of WEXP students to include working professionals in need of academic credit for their workplace hours. (Goal 1 in 2005 Program Review) 2006-2007 2007-2008 20082009 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Cooperative Work Exp. & Internship Prog. Department / Action Plan 2005 – 2006 # 1a 1b 2a Linkage to Other Year-end Status and Accomplishments Plans Goal 1: Promote the Internship Assessment form to all WEXP instructors Establishing a stronger link to other departments offering internships; Email the AJ, ECE, Sociology, Library Tech, establishing and Journalism, and Real Estate instructors of consistency in the all WEXP 298, 497 and 498 classes quality of internships offered. KPI: Student Learning Outcomes Improving the quality of internships offered through various Based on the Internship Assessment form, departments at SCC. begin making more site visits to determine the KPI: eligibility of organizations currently offering Industry/employment internships through Los Rios. measures (See Goal 2 in the 1005 Program Review) Goal 2: Establish a Flex Day district annual update for all Coordinators and WEXP instructors Through meetings, emails, establish an agenda of changes and implementations to KPI: Training and share with our WEXP instructors district development activity wide. Such a meeting would be a tri-chair event. Action Item Cooperative Work Exp. & Internship Prog. Department / Action Plan 2005 – 2006 # 3a 4a 4b 5a Linkage to Other Year-end Status and Accomplishments Plans Goal 3: Partner with Career Services and Job Services to create a newsletter that advertises new economic trends and student/employer testimonials Establish an initial meeting with the heads of KPI: Unit Career Services, Job Services, their publication which supervisors, and the WEXP Internship would revive the Coordinator and SPA to map out the layout One-Stop Center and timeline of such a newsletter. concept. Goal 4: Build one new learning community with another faculty KPI: Program Start researching possible courses with which development: to link the WEXP class. establishing another learning community KPI: Program Research another class that would offer development: internships as pat of their students’ last establishing another semester curriculum requirements. learning community Goal 5: Continue to promote the WEXP classes in the workplace/business community KPI: Community Dovetail employer presentations for partnerships with internships with marketing the WEXP classes various businesses Action Item Cooperative Work Exp. & Internship Prog. Department / Action Plan 2005 – 2006 # 6a 6b 7a Linkage to Other Year-end Status and Accomplishments Plans Goal 6: Continue to build internships in underrepresented areas KPI: Establish new alliances with community partners; establish new Cold Calls internships for students. (See Goal 2a in 2005 Program Review) KPI: Community partnershipping via Attend appropriate networking groups and internships career conferences (See Goal 2b in 2005 Program Review) Goal 7: Add a report to the district wide Internship database that identifies students’ ages, ethnicities, and genders Linked to statistical pool shared by the WEXP Internship Contact Programmer that can create such a Programs at ARC and report and commission her to do so. CRC. KPI: Program level measures. (See Goal 3a in 2005 Program Review) Action Item Cooperative Work Exp. & Internship Program Department Budget Request 2005 - 2006 Line # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Totals Description Marketing Materials Career Conference Student Assistant Supplies, Office Copying of Title Vs, other Work Experience documents Computer Operating Budget Increase 250 300 Instruction Supplies Computers Equipment Furniture New Program Start-up Marketing Materials Remodel Space Faculty Hires Staff Hires Student Hires 250 3000 500 1500 550 500 1500 250 3000 Temp Hires Budget Narrative 2005-2006 Cooperative Work Exp. & Internship Program Department Line # Description Total Amount 1 Marketing Materials 250 2 Career Conference 300 3 Student Assistant 3000 4 Supplies 200 5 Computer 1500 Priority Rank Justification The program cannot grow without additional advertising materials to recruit new employers and students. The materials, which are reproduced through Graphic Impressions, are used in Employers’ Packets mailed out to new internship sites, student recruitment in internships and Work Experience classes, as well as at employer presentations. Each year a series of career conferences are held in California. The $300 would cover the registration fee only. Currently the WEXP Internship Program has extensive data entry for student intakes, employer internships—intakes and updates, completed WEXP Title Vs submitted by WEXP instructors. In addition, assembly of employer packets, running copies, making calls to employers for updates on their internships (active or inactive) and to students (who are applying for internships) to discern what their status is (placed or still searching for internships) is overwhelming. A student assistant could aid us in keeping up with the voluminous amount of data that we must continually process. Office supplies are a necessary factor in any program; in addition, documents must be reproduced for the Work Experience classes. Such reproduction involves all Work Experience classes, which number hundreds of students each semester. One year ago, the C drive on my computer crashed. Fortunately, I had saved most of my data to a shared drive; however, that data that was not in the shared drive could not be retrieved. The technician, Robert Cohen, who worked on my computer, stated that my current computer needs to be replaced. Hence, the request. Key Performance Indictors for Cooperative Work Exp. & Internship Program Department Student Applications for Internships: 2004-2005 Semester Summer 2004 Fall 2004 Spring 2005 Total Number 71 137 133 341 Internships by Division Division Business Behavioral/Social Science Humanities/Fine Arts Language/Literature Library Technology Math/Statistics/Engineering PE/Health/Athletics Science/Allied Health Technology Total Number 431 215 127 75 4 46 15 53 110 1076 WORK EXPERIENCE CLASSES: STUDENT GENDER Male Fall 2002 Fall 2003 Fall 2004 Female 62 59 79 Undeclared 137 124 144 2 1 2 WORK EXPERIENCE CLASSES: ETHNICITIES REPRESENTED Fall 2002 African American Asian Decline to State Hispanic Native American White Other Filipino Pacific Islander Fall 2003 41 24 6 34 2 80 8 3 4 Fall 2004 37 26 6 32 8 63 5 6 1 51 32 13 39 6 67 7 7 3 WORK EXPERIENCE CLASSES: AGE GROUPS Fall 2002 18-20 21-24 25-29 30-39 40+ Fall 2003 57 55 36 37 19 Fall 2004 52 60 26 30 16 44 67 39 40 35