Sacramento City College Unit Plans Spring 2005 Department Name: Computer Information Science Department Spokesperson: Sandra Feder Division Dean: Shirley Short x Accomplishments x Three-Year Plan x Action Plan x Budget Request x Budget Narrative x Key Performance Indicators Computer Information Science Department / Accomplishments 2004 – 2005 Linkage to Year-End Status and Accomplishments Other Plans Goal 1: The CIS dept will offer degrees, certificates, and courses that prepare students for successful employment, transfer to 4 year institutions, and personal development. All instructional programs will provide students with experience using current hardware, software, programming languages and other computer technologies. The CIS department has prepared for each semester by having teams of faculty in each area decide how many sections and what delivery method for each course being offered. Then the team Develop a department curriculum leaders meet with the department chair and division dean to planning policy including the coordinate our schedule at SCC. Finally, the department chairs and efficient use of facilities and division deans from ARC, CRC, FLC and SCC meet to ensure that resources (hardware and software) PT1; PT2 we create schedules where classes with low enrollment rotate from 1a and coordination with American campus to campus and that we do not offer the same course at the River College, Cosumnes River same time as a sister campus. This method has allowed us to create College, Folsom Lake College, a schedule where a larger percentage of courses fill and run. At this transfer institutions, and industry. point in time, the CIS department has not focused on efficient use of facilities because the number of students taking our courses has declined. Our focus has been attracting students to our classes. A new security degree and certificate was developed and approved in the normal curriculum process. The networking area has a new wireless networking course that will be offered for the first time in Develop additional courses in summer 2005. There is another new networking projects course database management, networking that has been approved. A degree in network design and one in and programming, particularly as network administration have been sent to the State Chancellor's PT1; PT2 they relate to web Office. The Web publishing instructors upgraded the courses from 1b publishing/programming, HTML to XHTML in the middle of the school year. In addition, a electronic commerce, and security. new topics course has been added to prepare students who know HTML to be able to use XHTML with cascading style sheets. The Web programming degree has been sent to the State Chancellor's Office for approval. The database area will have course and degree changes that will be put through curriculum in Fall 2005. # Action Plan Computer Information Science Department / Accomplishments 2004 – 2005 # 1c 1d 1e 1f 1g 1h Action Plan Linkage to Other Plans Develop assessment tools for course challenges, placement tests, and student learning outcomes. PT1; PT2 Continue to improve tutoring for Computer Information Science students. PT1; PT2 Continue to develop and implement a process for more efficiently utilizing Instructional Assistants for Computer Information Science faculty. Continue to include general business practices in the Computer Information Science curriculum degrees and certificates. Assist the district to develop a plan to implement electronic career portfolios for students of Los Rios. Continue to plan to upgrade servers, switches, routers and hubs in the Business Building in connection with campus IT staff. PT1; PT3 PT1; PT2 Year-End Status and Accomplishments Individual instructors have continued to develop their own challenge tests for beginning courses. Intermediate courses usually require a project and are not able to be challenged. A placement test has not yet been developed. Student learning outcomes have been developed for CISA 305 and CISA 340. The department has developed a tutoring evaluation form and it is distributed to CIS students each semester to provide feedback regarding the quality of tutoring they receive in the open lab. Tutors are trained to assist without writing code for students who come into the lab for help. The department has been able to move Instructional Assistants into classrooms where they are needed, rather than having most of them in the open lab. Student tutors have been used in the open lab. Some certificates and degrees that did not have Business Communications listed have been modified to include this course as an option for the writing course. In addition, curriculum has been modified for many application courses to include Business Tech 100 or Business Tech 300 (keyboarding) as a prerequisite or an advisory course. PT1; PT2 Progress has been made, and the E-portfolio class will be taught for the first time in Fall 2005. PT1; PT2 The campus IT department upgraded 2 servers, and the Business Division purchased a third this year. Computer Information Science Department / Accomplishments 2004 – 2005 Linkage to Year-End Status and Accomplishments Other Plans Goal 2: Computer Information Science faculty will maintain currency in technology related to their areas of specialization and in effective instructional philosophies and methods that enhance retention and success in all classes. Conduct in-services for Computer PT5 CIS department faculty held in-services for SCC faculty in other areas Information Science faculty to learn to prepare them to use the new course management software and to about institutional processes that teach on-line courses using Blackboard. The SCC Budget Committee 2a effect the department (e.g. budget, had an allocation of $38,000 to distribute to units requesting budget curriculum). augmentations. The normal process was changed for this year and next year, and each area received $1065. PT1; PT2; The funds to do this will be limited to $300 per faculty per year. In the Formally assess training needs and PT4; PT5 area of computer science, with the types of new subject areas we need prioritize training goals. to prepare to teach, this amount will not cover any courses. We need 2b to send our faculty to training that costs $2000-$3000 per course. Budget constraints may keep us from doing this in the next two years. PT2; PT5 The department has worked hard to develop better communication Continue to improve communication within the department and from the department to the rest of the among faculty (full-time and partcommunity. Faculty meetings were held twice each month to facilitate time), in reference to available this process. Faculty from CIS worked with counseling to develop 2c resources on campus. "pathways" that students can follow to complete a degree or certificate. That process is complete for the upcoming school year and the handouts are being given to students to plan their courses at SCC. Improve the use of Microsoft PT5 Outlook to facilitate communication Some faculty put their schedules into Outlook and some don't so this is 2d and scheduling within the Computer only partly helpful. Information Science Department. Research, develop and implement a PT4; PT5 No new adjuncts were hired. The six adjunct faculties who taught for process for mentoring adjuncts when the CIS department this year have all had many semesters of enrollment necessitates the use of experience teaching at SCC. In the Web area, the faculty who teach 2e adjuncts. Web classes are mentoring the adjunct faculty because of all the changes involved in the curriculum. # Action Plan Computer Information Science Department / Accomplishments 2004 – 2005 # 2f 2g Action Plan Participate on screening and interview committees for adjunct faculty as needed to teach at outreach centers and on campus during day, evening, and weekend. Research, develop, and present proposals to increase 9-months designation of current instructional microcomputer technician to 12months. 2h Continue to propose alternative scheduling strategies to include a reduced number of preps and time for professional development. 2i In response to offers made by business and industry representatives, establish relationships with industry to develop new courses and to prepare faculty to teach them, including more short-term and special courses as needed when the district has growth money Linkage to Other Plans PT4 Year-End Status and Accomplishments No adjuncts have been hired. PT5 PT2; PT4; PT5 The district continues to investigate potential changes to the calendar. In the meantime, our enrollment problems will keep us from having the funds to be able to change this designation from 9 months to 12 months. When our department course loads improve, we will look at this issue again. It is a challenge to schedule classes in labs when the students want to come to campus (mostly morning and evening) and give each faculty member a decent schedule with hours that work and only 3 preps. The department chair, area team leaders and division dean have worked hard to eliminate so many preps for faculty. Having on-line and hybrid classes both complicates and simplifies the scheduling process. CIS faculty, in general, have fewer preps than they used to have. PT2; PT4; PT5 It has been difficult to establish relationships with business partners who are eliminating jobs and cutting back their own businesses. So, we continue to seek new partners from industries where there is growth. Computer Information Science Department / Accomplishments 2004 – 2005 # Action Plan Strengthen district-wide cooperation of CIS departments when scheduling CIS courses in order to facilitate student enrollment at all LRCCD campuses. Linkage to Other Plans PT1; PT2 Year-End Status and Accomplishments The new scheduling process includes a CIS meeting with division deans and department chairs from ARC, CRC, FLC and SCC to discuss the schedule and cooperate to share courses that are 2j traditionally under enrolled. Each college helps others to fill classes with at least a minimum number of students to be profitable to offer the course. Goal 3: The Computer Information Science Department will effectively utilize the facilities available to the Business Division, and will develop a strategic plan for the systematic upgrade of necessary technology on a regular basis. Computer Information Science faculty will research and implement innovative strategies to provide instruction for advanced and specialized computer skills for an increasing number of students. Prepare and present budget PT1; PT3; The CIS department prepared and presented budget proposals to both proposals to adequately fund PT4 the IT Committee and the Budget Committee. Unfortunately, very instructional programs, hardware / limited funds were available to allocate to campus units in 2005-2006. software / network upgrades, Without VTEA funds we would not be able to operate our current renewal of site licenses, professional programs. development training, instructional and laboratory supplies, and tutorial At SCC we teach the students who are often the most economically assistance. disadvantaged of the Los Rios District. We should be providing them with the best equipment that the district can provide. Instead, we give them the worst that the district has to offer. At CRC, the CIS Department (with less than 50% of the number of 3a students we serve in the CIS department) was allocated $125,000 to spend on needed hardware / software / training. At ARC the CSIT (with 20% more students served in Computer Science/ Information Technology than SCC has) traditionally gets $150,000 in a bad year to $250,000 in a good year to spend on needed hardware / software / training. The SCC Business Division (the dept of CIS is about half of the business division) got approximately $100,000 to spend for all the departments in the division. We could barely afford to purchase a lab full of computers for next year. Those computers will be arriving with no monitors because we could not afford to purchase them. Computer Information Science Department / Accomplishments 2004 – 2005 # Action Plan Linkage to Other Plans Year-End Status and Accomplishments We should all be ashamed of what has continued to happen at SCC year after year. There were no real funds for professional development training and barely enough funds for software upgrades and site licenses. This means that faculty who should be learning new things to stay on top of the latest technology in computer science are either finding their own time and money to remain current, or are falling behind the learning curve. This is not a healthy situation for the department, and each year that this continues our faculties get farther and farther behind. 3a Faculty and staff computers will not be replaced with VTEA dollars. Those funds are being spent on computers for students. That means we now have 9 faculty and 2 staff members with computers that are 5 to 6 years old. Some faculty members can not run the software that they are teaching on their office computers. To be able to offer new programs requires that our faculty and staff be able to run those programs and prepare. The campus IT committee is spending their few precious dollars on upgrading those campus computers that are so out of date that they are a security problem for the entire campus. They can't afford to spend dollars to keep the high technology departments (who should be on the leading edge of technology) outfitted with the computers that allow them to keep current. The way the campus is currently funding computers, the high tech faculty users will never have their computers replaced until the building is remodeled (in 2013) or they become so obsolete that they are totally useless to the department. Computer Information Science Department / Accomplishments 2004 – 2005 # Action Plan Linkage to Other Plans Year-End Status and Accomplishments Many chairs and desks in the CIS department appear to be left from when SCC was a high school. Adults find it very hard to fit into them. Some computer lab chairs were dropping students onto the floor and had to be replaced. As a result, we must spend precious budget dollars to purchase chairs for our students. In addition, we are competing against the private technology schools for students. The advantages at those private schools are that they have the very latest in equipment; their instructors can keep current with their own personal training and they have a student placement service. The district needs to implement a placement service for all high tech areas. 3a Private technical schools charge high fees that enable them to afford the type of equipment and software all our students deserve. The SCC CIS department feels that it is time for the district to charge lab fees, tech fees or some kind of fees to help pay for the equipment that is needed to provide a quality program. In addition, the district should provide the funding for faculty to remain current in their field. 3b 3c In 2013, Implement facilities proposals to remodel existing classroom and laboratory space to accommodate increased dedicated computerized classrooms / laboratories Research new, emerging technologies that impact the department, and develop a strategic plan for integrating new technologies into instructional programs. PT3; PT4; PT5 PT1; PT2 This will occur in 2013 even if it is needed before then. It is hard to consider emerging technologies when we barely have the budget to teach what we are teaching now. Our faculty do amazing work with almost no resources. One faculty member will be teaching a networking wireless class this summer using the wireless network equipment purchased by another faculty member for their own home use. Computer Information Science Department / Accomplishments 2004 – 2005 # Action Item Improve facilities and instructor skill levels in order to offer better quality distance education classes, utilizing online and ITV technologies. Linkage to Other Plans PT3; PT4 Year-End Status and Accomplishments We now have made all but three small classrooms multimedia. We upgraded one computer lab with new PCs and flat panel monitors with funds from the prior budget year. We had planned to upgrade 11 faculty / staff computers but can't use VTEA dollars to do so and have no other funds available to make this happen. More and more of our faculty are teaching a larger percentage of their courses on-line 3d or hybrid. It takes a lot more time to prepare for and manage an on-line course, so we are spending more and more time on our computers making this happen. It is a big problem to let a third year go by and not upgrade these computers again. The campus and our own faculty teach some of the sessions to help others learn how to create an on-line course. Goal 4: The Computer Information Science faculty will continue to participate in campus-wide and district-wide activities such as committees, workgroups, and evaluation panels, and in professional organizations and community-based programs that maintain contact with industry professionals and potential students. Participate in district-wide advisory committee PT1; PT2; The Los Rios District conducted 2 Convergence meetings with industry professionals, employers, PT5 conferences this academic year that were attended by and educational partners to increase knowledge faculty from SCC. The first Convergence focused on needed for validation of curricular offerings. information technology linked to healthcare and the second was the small business connection to the economy and schools in the area. In addition, we had 4a a district wide on-line advisory committee meeting that was not very well attended. Our faculty in networking, security, Web publishing and Web programming keep in contact with industry partners to stay connected with what is happening in the field. Computer Information Science Department / Accomplishments 2004 – 2005 # Action Item Survey employers in private and public agencies concerning requisite skill levels for employees. Linkage to Other Plans PT1; PT2 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f Plan and conduct articulation meetings on programs and offerings with industry partners, transfer institutions, personnel agencies, and employers. PT1; PT5 Continue regular contact with articulation office, high schools, 4-year colleges, and other educational programs to coordinate curricular offerings. PT1; PT2 Continue active participation on campus committees and projects, and in educational, professional and community organizations to assist achieving instructional goals and objectives. PT2; PT4; PT5 Implement recommendations that may result from the Accreditation process. PT5 Year-End Status and Accomplishments Our on-line advisory committee meeting asked employers about skill levels and required certifications. Local employers have been surveyed regarding the word processing software that is their standard. In addition, the entire district-wide computer science team is looking for ways to make the International Computer Driver's License part of the Community College program for all students in Los Rios. Our faculty met with faculty from CSU Sacramento, CSU Chico, and as part of the IMPAC articulation process to determine how to articulate courses from SCC to other 4 year Universities. We worked with the campus articulation officer to connect SCC programs to the schools that most of our students attend when they transfer. Faculty attended IMPAC meetings with CIS and CS for Northern California. We sent faculty to open house at CSU Chico where they heard about changes to their programs. We continue to be active in this area and to work with our articulation officer at SCC. Faculty in CIS are on the following committees: Information Technology (tri-chair), Budget, Honors and Awards, Matriculation, Safety, Academic Senate, Curriculum (including the sub committee on Distance Education), Ed Technology District Wide Committee, Focus Groups on Distance Ed, IMPAC, WOW, BITREC, ACM/IEEE, and Mensa. Student learning outcomes are in the process of being defined for our courses. CISA 305 and CISA 340 have been completed. Computer Information Science Department / Accomplishments 2004 – 2005 Other Accomplishments: All faculty Participated in CIS department review of curriculum as part of Program Review Wrote or revised curriculum Revised curriculum to make courses ready for Distance Education Prepared to teach 54 online courses, 31 Hybrid courses and 97 face to face. Campus Committees Academic Senate o Focus group on Final Exam Policy and Schedule Curriculum o Distance Education subcommittee o Attended North-Far North workshop on Student Learning Outcomes o SOCRATES training team Education Initiative o Student Central focus group Title III Grant Proposal Team member Stephanie Low Developed and conducted workshops for UC Davis Staff Development & Professional Services Writing for the Web, February 2005 Dreamweaver MX: Cascading Style Sheets, February-June 2005 HTML: Cascading Style Sheets, February-March 2005 Mary Quackenbus and Amy Zannakis created the C++ Programming Guide for CISP 301 Faculty Attended the following events/ conferences Convergence II, Convergence IV WomenTech Preparing Women for High Skill, High Wage Careers Conference NFNRC meeting in Spring 2005 – Sacramento California Special Populations Presentation in Spring 2005 Academic Senate Curriculum Institute JSPAC conference in Feb 2005 CCCAOE Conference in Spring 2005 Computer Information Science Department / Accomplishments 2004 – 2005 Other Accomplishments (Continued) IMPAC conference in San Francisco Open House Day at CSU Chico ISSA Security Assurance Conference CISCO Certified Instructor Academy Update Working Connections Security Conference/Workshop CISCO Academy Instructor Security Workshop Student Learning Outcome Workshop (September 2004) Student Learning Outcome Advisory Committee (September 2004 to present) Student Learning Outcomes Workup, CISA 306 and CISA 340 (September 2004 to present) CIS Open House (October 2004) Distance Education Forum (November 2004) TaskStream Workshop (November 2004) Curriculum Institute (January 2005) Blackboard Workshop Fall 2004 Los Rios Curriculum Institute, Spring 2005 Review teams for many full-time faculty members and part time faculty Career Path Volunteer, Spring 2005 Open House Volunteer, Spring 2005 Honors Club Health Fair, Spring 2005 Transfer Night, Spring 2005 Leonardo da Vinci School (classroom parent volunteer) 2004/05 St. Anthony Parish (asst. teacher religious education) 2004/05 Mensa Sacramento Webmaster Accreditation Visit to Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, Los Angeles (February 2005) Applications/Core Curriculum Review, CIS Program Review (March-April 2005) Lauri Smedley completed a certificate program in Online Teaching through the UCLA Extension and is working on a College Counseling certificate program through the UCLA Extension. The department chair went to two high school career days (Rosemont HS and Hiram Johnson West HS) to recruit students into computer science careers. Three-Year Plan Computer Information Science Department # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Long Range Plan Identify Sufficient Funding for CIS Program needs - including hardware, software, training, furniture- i.e.: grants Replace 11 faculty /staff computers and 16 monitors Replace 5 faculty computers and monitors each year after this year Replace 80 computers and monitors Replace 80 computers and monitors Replace 80 computers and monitors Purchase needed software upgrades Replace 1 server each year Fund Oracle License, CISCO Academy fee, MS Alliance Fee Fund training course(s) for instructors as requested Fund workshop(s) or conferences for instructors as requested Identify industry partners who will take faculty as externs and provide internships for our graduating students Identify grants and funds to pay for the International Computer Drivers License as a graduation requirement for all graduates in the Los Rios District Replace old chairs and desks as needed in all classrooms in the Business Division area Build a state of the art network / repair lab to share with CIS and Electronic Technology Build a state of the art multimedia lab at SCC for CIS, Graphic Communication, Photography, Music, etc Help students be successful in our courses so that more graduate with our degrees and certificates or transfer into Computer Science programs in 4 year universities. Develop a comprehensive marketing plan in conjunction with Los Rios District to recruit students from underrepresented groups into CIS. 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 start continue continue X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X start X X start on-going X X X X plan funds build plan funds build start ongoing X start X X Three-Year Plan Computer Information Science Department # 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Long Range Plan Identify funding source to pay minimum wages to students (who are on welfare) to be in a study hall 8 hours a week. Encourage all students to attend the study hall. Pay student & faculty tutors to be there to assist in the study hall.(grant money) Replace CRTs with flat panel monitors in all labs (B219, B151, B204, B205) Work with the campus to replace old computers in outreach centers (Downtown, West Sac, Davis) as needed to accommodate the current software that the department uses on the main campus. Identify funding sources to purchase equipment for teaching emerging technologies in security and networking Replace 15 routers each year Purchase 10 switches each year Replace Servers every 4-5 years and server hard drives every 2-3 years (or sooner if needed). Give release time to faculty to search for possible grant money and write grants to help fund the full CIS program. Find community or industry mentors for CIS majors Complete Program review on time Find CIS Dept Chair and make plans to have the work of the department shared by all those who are members of the department. Work with LRCCD to develop a placement and tracking system for our graduating students. Bring the ICDL (International Computer Drivers' License) to SCC CIS Dept and make it part of at least 2 degrees each year. 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 start ongoing X X X X X X X start X X X X X X X X X X X start X X start X X X X X start ongoing X start X X X Computer Information Science Department / Action Plan 2005 – 2006 Linkage to Year-end Status and Accomplishments Other Plans Goal 1: The CIS dept will offer degrees, certificates, and courses that prepare students for successful employment, transfer to 4 year institutions, and personal development. All instructional programs will provide students with experience using current hardware, software, programming languages and other computer technologies. Continue to plan changes in curriculum and schedules in coordination with American River College, Cosumnes River College, Folsom 1a Lake College, transfer institutions, and industry. Modify Database certificates, Security Certificates and Web Certificates and all their 1b degrees to be more in tune with needs of industry. Identify possible funding sources for CIS program needs - including hardware, software, 1c training, furniture- i.e.: grants. Write grants. Develop assessment tools for course challenges, placement tests, ICDL 1d (International Computer Drivers License), and student learning outcomes. Continue to plan to upgrade servers, switches, routers and hubs in the Business Building in 1e connection with campus IT staff. Continue to search for funds to upgrade faculty / staff computers and classroom / lab computers 1f for CIS Dept. Bring all CIS courses up to date during 1g program review. Work with ARC, CRC and FLC to bring the ICDL (International Computer Drivers License) 1h to Los Rios including funding and industry interest # Action Item Computer Information Science Department / Action Plan 2005 – 2006 Linkage to Year-end Status and Accomplishments Other Plans Goal 2: Computer Information Science faculty will search for funding to enable them to maintain currency in technology related to their areas of specialization and in effective instructional philosophies and methods that enhance retention and success in all classes. Formally assess training needs and prioritize 2a training goals. Identify potential costs of those training courses 2b including release time for faculty. Find grants or other income sources to pay for 2c those training needs. Provide release time to interested faculty to work with district grant writers to prepare grant 2d paperwork. Continue to propose alternative scheduling strategies to include a reduced number of preps 2e and time for professional development. Work to establish relationships with industry to develop new courses and to prepare faculty to teach them, including more short-term and 2f special courses as needed when the district has growth money Faculty will focus on strategies for student success including mentoring, tutoring, study 2g halls, and other methods. Assist all faculty in CIS Dept to improve their 2h teaching skills and student success. Work with the LRCCD to implement a student placement service that includes portfolios and a 2i tracking system to determine where our students go when they leave SCC or Los Rios. # Action Item Computer Information Science Department / Action Plan 2005 – 2006 Linkage to Year-End Status and Accomplishments Other Plans Goal 3: The Computer Information Science Department will develop a strategic plan for the systematic upgrade of necessary technology on a regular basis. Computer Information Science faculty will research and implement innovative strategies to provide instruction for advanced and specialized computer skills for an increasing number of students: Prepare and present budget proposals to adequately fund instructional programs, hardware / software / network upgrades, 3a renewal of site licenses, professional development training, instructional and laboratory supplies, and tutorial assistance. Search for grant money and provide release time to interested department members to assist 3b the district grant writer to prepare grant paperwork. Before 2013, work with facilities management to remodel existing classroom and laboratory 3c space to accommodate increased dedicated computerized classrooms / laboratories Goal 4: The Computer Information Science faculty will continue to participate in campus-wide and district-wide activities such as committees, workgroups, and evaluation panels, and in professional organizations and communitybased programs that maintain contact with industry professionals and potential students. Participate in district-wide advisory committee meetings with industry professionals, employers, and educational partners to increase 4a knowledge needed for validation of curricular offerings. Plan and conduct articulation meetings on programs, ICDL and offerings with industry 4b partners, transfer institutions, personnel agencies, and employers. # Action Item # 4c 4d 4e 4f 4g 4h Action Item Continue regular contact with articulation office, high schools, 4-year colleges, and other educational programs to coordinate curricular offerings. Continue active participation on campus committees and projects, and in educational, professional and community organizations to assist achieving instructional goals and objectives. Continue to implement student learning outcomes Complete Program Review Market CIS programs to students from feeder schools and to the community. Develop a plan to share the work of the department with all faculty in the department. This will include more participation by many department members and will (fairly) even the workload for everyone in the department. Linkage to Other Plans Year-End Status and Accomplishments Rank Budget 2006-2007 Qty Description 1 1 CISCO Academy Fee 2 1 Oracle Licenses Macromedia Dreamweaver 44 (B109-32 + B151-10 + 2 instr) 3 MS Alliance software 4 1 renewal 5 6 7 8 9 10 50 Adobe Upgrade Maintenance Contract 11 Faculty Computers Software upgrades/purchase 32 Monitors(B219) computers & 48 Monitors(B151) 16 17 inch Faculty Monitors 11 12 13 14 15 12 12 32 32 32 16 32 Staff Dev - conference / workshop Staff Dev - training courses serial drive caddies removable hard drives Replace 1 lab of chairs parallel to serial drive adaptors Total Grand Total Unit Cost $2,500.00 $500.00 Operating Budget Increase Instruction Supplies $2,500.00 $500.00 $99.83 $4,392.54 $500.00 $500.00 $67.90 $1,000.00 $3,000.00 $254.00 $3,395.20 $3,000.00 $8,128.00 $48,000.00 $4,064.00 $4,200.00 $36,000.00 $1,120.00 $2,720.00 $3,200.00 $50.00 $43,200.00 $134,319.74 Furniture $11,000.00 $1,000.00 $254.00 $350.00 $3,000.00 $35.00 $85.00 $100.00 Computers / Servers/ drives $1,600.00 $11,287.74 $76,632.00 $3,200.00 Budget Narrative 2006-2007 Computer Information Science Department Line # 1 Description CISCO Academy Fee Total Amount $2,500.00 2 1 2 Oracle Licenses 3 Priority Rank $500.00 3 Macromedia Dreamweaver (B109-32 + B151-10 + 2 instructors) $4,392.54 4 4 MS Alliance software renewal plus $870.00 5 5 Adobe Upgrade Maintenance Contract $3,395.20 6 6 Faculty Computers $11,000.00 Justification There is a required annual fee to CISCO to be part of their academy and teach CISCO courses. This is the annual fee to license Oracle on our site. Oracle is taught in database classes and also used as a tool in other classes. Dreamweaver software is the industry standard tool to create Web pages. Currently, SCC CIS does not own Dreamweaver and can not teach students how to create Web pages with it as the tool. As a result, we do not teach students using a tool, even though the other campuses in LosRios teach using a tool. This will license 44 copies to use (32 in the classroom, 2 instructor, 10 - B151 lab) This software license will allow us to distribute copies of Windows XP upgrade, MS Visual Studio, Visio and other MS software to students in our courses who need the software for that course. These copies will be created on CD to be checked out to students (in the library) in selected courses. Our students could save hundreds of dollars. The Adobe Creative Suite license expires in June 2005. In order to receive free upgrades, we must renew our license. Without this renewal, we will have to pay much more to keep current copies of the Adobe Software that we use when we teach Web classes. Nine faculty and 2 staff in CIS have computers older than 5 years old. They all have expired warranties and need to be replaced to allow these faculty to remain current. Budget Narrative 2006-2007 Computer Information Science Department Line # Description Total Amount 7 Priority Rank 7 Software upgrades/purchase $3,000.00 8 8 Monitors(B219) $8,128.00 9 9 Computers & Monitors(B151) $48,000.00 10 10 17 inch Faculty Monitors $4,064.00 11 11 Staff Development Conference/Workshop $4,200.00 Justification Each year we purchase some new software or upgrades to existing software. These funds will allow us to purchase a limited amount of software for the year. The computer CRT monitors in B219 are old, out of warranties and use too much power. New flat panel monitors will save the campus money on power and are not likely to fail in the next 3 years. The department needs to upgrade a certain number of computers each year to be able to install and run new software as it becomes available. These computers in the B151 lab are the oldest and slowest computers in the department. The computer CRT monitors in B151 are old, out of warranties and use too much power. New flat panel monitors will save the campus money on power and are not likely to fail in the next 3 years. The computer CRT monitors on faculty desks are old, out of warranties and use too much power. New flat panel monitors will save the campus money on power and are not likely to fail in the next 3 years. 17 - 19 inch monitors will allow instructors who teach Web page design to see the entire page as the student designed it to be viewed. The field of Computer Science is one of the fastest changing fields anywhere. In order to keep up with the latest technology, we must send our faculty to conferences and workshops to hear what is going on in industry. Then, we can be proactive in preparing to teach new courses or new changes to existing courses. Budget Narrative 2006-2007 Computer Information Science Department Line # Description Total Amount 12 Priority Rank 12 Staff Development - Training Courses $36,000.00 13 13 Serial Drive Caddies $1,120.00 14 14 Removable Hard Drives $2,720.00 15 15 Replace 1 lab of chairs $3,200.00 Justification The field of Computer Science is one of the fastest changing fields anywhere. In order to keep up with the latest technology, we must send our faculty to training to remain current. We plan to fund training for each faculty member who requests training. The most recent purchase of computers gives us a lab full of new machines that are typical of the new Intel machines. These new PCs will have only serial capabilities on the mother boards. Since our existing removable hard drives and drive caddies are compatible only with parallel interfaces, we must either purchase new drive caddies and drives or adaptors to convert from serial to parallel. The most recent purchase of computers gives us a lab full of new machines that are typical of the new Intel machines. These new PCs will have only serial capabilities on the mother boards. Since our existing removable hard drives and drive caddies are compatible only with parallel interfaces, we must either purchase new drive caddies and drives or adaptors to convert from serial to parallel. Many of our classrooms have chairs that appear to be left from the days when SCC was a high school. When adults attempt to sit in them, they don't fit. Those chairs need to be replaced on a rotating basis until all of them have been replaced. In addition, lab chairs need to be replaced as they wear out. Budget Narrative 2006-2007 Computer Information Science Department Line # Description Total Amount 16 parallel to serial drive adaptors $1,600.00 Priority Rank Justification 16 The most recent purchase of computers gives us a lab full of new machines that are typical of the new Intel machines. These new PCs will have only serial capabilities on the mother boards. Since our existing removable hard drives and drive caddies are compatible only with parallel interfaces, we must either purchase new drive caddies and drives or adaptors to convert from serial to parallel. If item 13 is funded, this money will not be needed. Key Performance Indicators for Computer Information Science Department Goal 1: The CIS dept will offer degrees, certificates, and courses that prepare students for successful employment, transfer to 4 year institutions, and personal development. All instructional programs will provide students with experience using current hardware, software, programming languages and other computer technologies. The CIS department currently offers degrees in the following areas: Computer Information Science Transfer Degree and Certificates, three Database Certificates, Word Processing Technician Certificate, Information Processing Certificate, Information Processing Specialist Certificate, Information Processing Degree, Management Information Science Certificate and Degree, Microcomputer Technician Degree and Certificate, Information Systems Security Certificate and Degree, Network Administration Certificate, Network Design Certificate, Advanced CISCO Networking Certificate, PC Support Certificate, Programming Certificate, Software Applications Certificate, and Web Publishing Certificate. New certificates or degrees will be offered in Web Programming, Network Design and Network Administration for the first time this year. The CIS Department purchased 32 new computers to replace the oldest computers in the department. A student survey and student tracking system will be implemented in the upcoming year. Many more courses will be offered as hybrid or distance education courses because our students have indicated that they like this format. We will continue to offer face-to-face courses for those students who need the oral lectures and hands-on learning techniques to be successful. Goal 2: Computer Information Science faculty will maintain currency in technology related to their areas of specialization and in effective instructional philosophies and methods that enhance retention and success in all classes. The CIS department will continue to search for funding for faculty to take classes and attend seminars related to their areas of instruction or to new areas for potential courses and upgrades to existing courses. CIS faculty will continue to request release time to take courses (as needed). Key Performance Indicators for Computer Information Science Department Goal 3: The Computer Information Science Department will develop a strategic plan for the systematic upgrade of necessary technology on a regular basis. Computer Information Science faculty will research and implement innovative strategies to provide instruction for advanced and specialized computer skills for an increasing number of students: The CIS department will continue to support the use of the Business Division computer lab to provide drop-in tutoring for at least 100 hours per week. The open lab will have more and more software available to students with tutors who know how to use that software. New software to be added this semester includes the entire Adobe Creative Suite with Adobe Photoshop CS, Adobe Illustrator CS, Adobe Acrobat CS, and new accounting software. We will research and apply for available grant money to provide additional technology that the department feels should be offered. The CIS department has placed a high priority on the purchase of 44 copies of Macromedia Dreamweaver to be installed in the open lab and one classroom lab Goal 4: The Computer Information Science faculty will continue to participate in campus-wide and district-wide activities such as committees, workgroups, and evaluation panels, and in professional organizations and community-based programs that maintain contact with industry professionals and potential students. CIS Faculty will continue to: Serve as members of many campus committees including Information Technology, Budget and Curriculum. Serve on the district wide Educational Technology Committee and the distance education visioning team. Meet with the CIS colleagues from the entire Los Rios District at least twice a year with more frequent meetings of areas groups. Hold meetings with our business and industry partners to hear their needs and then to incorporate them into courses that will lead students to prepare for local employment. Attend statewide meetings and open houses at local universities to discuss articulation with 4-year universities. Participate in High School career days to encourage more students to come to SCC and to become students in the CIS department.