Sacramento City College Unit Plan Completed Spring 2003 Department Name: Sociology Department Spokesperson: Tonie Hilligoss Division Dean: Kari Forbes-Boyte Elements of the Unit Plan: Place an X in the boxes of included elements Accomplishments X Three Year Plan X Action Plan X Budget Request X Budget Narrative X Key Performance Indicators X Sociology # 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 3a 3b 4a 4b Action Item Department / Accomplishments 2002 - 2003 Linkage to other Plans Year-end status and accomplishments Goal 1: Update Women’s Studies Program Review course offerings campuswide and survey students Program Review- Not completed. to determine the direction of their interest 2000 Revise program as currently described in college catalog Completed, but description needs review Consult with faculty teaching Women’s Studies courses at Completed – some interest from CRC and other Los Rios colleges to generate interest in a FLC; none from ARC districtwide program Submit new and revised curricula to Curriculum All submitted proposals have been approved Committee Continue building relationships with other disciplines On-going Continue curriculum development On-going as needed Goal 2: Complete Development of the Community Studies Program Complete development of the Direct Services component Program Review- On-going. It is complete at this point in time, 2000 but will be revised as the need arises. Develop core Community Development component Completed Develop International Community Development Under discussion component Implement Continuing Education component Completed/On-going Explore additional options for all components On-going Submit all new courses to the Curriculum Committee Completed/On-going Goal 3: Define New Relationship Between the Service Learning Program and the Sociology Department Identify ways that the Service Learning and Sociology Well underway programs can complement one another Act on those findings to help both programs excel In progress Goal 4: Expand Delivery Options for Existing Classes Create a Soc. 1B telecourse Postponed pending the availability of affordable videos that can be broadcast Modify Soc. 19 to hybrid format (online and classroom) Completed Sociology # 4c 4d 5a 5b 5c 5d 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 6g 7a Action Item Department / Accomplishments 2002 - 2003 Linkage to other Plans Year-end status and accomplishments Integrate Service Learning components into as many In progress classes as possible Integrate Learning Communities offerings into the regular Being done on a periodic basis schedule Goal 5: Expand Use of Classroom Technology Identify appropriate classroom technology options for Ongoing Sociology classes Arrange for training for interested faculty Ongoing Identify facilities changes that will need to be made and Completed/On-going how they will be funded Identify hardware and software needs and how they will be Completed/On-going funded Goal 6: Expand and Market the Department Publicize course offerings in a variety of ways, including Community Studies brochure completed; brochures Sociology Dept. brochure in progress Promote Sociology students, staff, activities, Ongoing accomplishments, etc. through college, district and community media Update the web page (using a Work Experience student as Updated once by a CIS student; needs a webmaster) additional work Create display to generate interest in Sociology and Not done schedule it into the Rodda North display case Develop Popular Culture course Not done Develop Futurity course Not done Consult with Psychology Dept. regarding a Social Science Preliminary discussions held – comparable Research and Methodology class classes at CSUS and UCD are upper-division Goal 7: Articulate All Classes with CSUS and UCD Work with college Articulation Officer to ensure that all Completed/On-going classes are fully articulated Sociology # 7b 7c 8a Action Item Department / Accomplishments 2002 - 2003 Linkage to other Plans Year-end status and accomplishments Identify lower-division classes at CSUS and UCD that are Completed not offered at SCC Offer all lower-division classes that are offered by CSUS Partially completed and UCD Goal 8: Identify Ways to Better Integrate Adjunct Faculty Hold monthly meetings and disseminate minutes Except for Flex meetings, department meetings electronically have only included full-time faculty this year Create a password protected section of the web page to On hold provide information to FT and adjunct faculty Promote the sharing of FT offices with adjunct faculty Ongoing 8c Ensure that all adjunct faculty have voicemail and e-mail Ongoing 8d Create a listserve of all FT and adjunct faculty Partially completed 8e Develop a survey for suggestions of meetings or Not done 8f workshops useful to adjunct faculty Develop a departmental mission statement that Not done 8g incorporates the role of adjunct faculty in the department Goal 9: Integrate Multicultural Components into All Sociology Classes Consult with the Coordinator of the Cultural Awareness Ongoing 9a Center (CAC) to identify resources Identify other multicultural resources that can be integrated Ongoing 9b into the Sociology curriculum Other Accomplishments: 8b 3 – Year Plan Sociology Department Long Range Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Strengthen emphases within the dept., i.e. build up enrollment and infrastructure Expand course offerings Hire new faculty Integrate Social Responsibility Initiative into the college community Expand speakers series Increase marketing, including a video series Develop a division computer lab 2004 – 2005 2005 – 2006 2006 2007 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Sociology Department / Action Plan 2003 – 2004 # 1a 1b 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 4a 4b 4c 4d Goal 1: Strengthen the Women’s Studies Program Linkage to Action Item Year-end status and accomplishments other Plans Review course offerings campuswide and survey students Program Reviewto determine the direction of their interest 2000 Update catalog description Goal 2: Continue Development of the Community Studies Program Offer core Community Development component Develop International Community Development component Expand Continuing Education component Goal 3: Integrate the Social Responsibility/Better World Initiative into the Sociology Department and the College Pursue development of the Social Responsibility/Better World Initiative as an extension of the Service Learning Program (KPIs: events and attendance; products; actions taken; training workshops with evaluations; web site hits) Pursue development of the Social Responsibility/Better World Initiative as a collegewide initiative Goal 4: Expand Delivery Options for Existing Classes Develop a Soc. 1B telecourse Develop a Soc. 1B online course Develop a Soc. 3 online course Offer the Soc. 1A Honors course Sociology Department / Action Plan 2003 – 2004 # 5a 5b 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 7a 7b 7c Action Item Linkage to other Plans Year-end status and accomplishments Goal 5: Expand Use of Classroom Technology Identify appropriate simulation software, including SIMS and freeware Support the development of a division computer lab Goal 6: Expand and Market the Department Update the web page Expand the Get Up and Do Something Club Develop a Popular Culture course Develop a Futurity course Develop retention strategies, such as a video series for students focused on sociological issues Goal 7: Increase Retention Identify strategies Implement strategies Assess strategies by class and program Sociology Department Budget Request - 2003 - 2004 Line # Description 1 2 3 Laptop Mounted projection equipment; big screen T.V.; LCD projector 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Totals: Remodel Space Faculty Hires Staff Hires Student Hires Temp Hires N/A ASA teaching materials; simulation software 4 Operating New Instruction Marketing Budget Computers Equipment Furniture Program Supplies Materials Increase Start-up Shelves; whiteboards Materials for Community Studies Program Brochures At least one dedicated classroom; additional office space $500 $2,500 $9,000 $800 $500 $1,400 N/A Clerk for continuing ed. program 1 student-26 hours per week N/A Budget Narrative 2003 - 2004 Sociology Department Line # 1 Description 2 N/A a) Teaching materials b) Simulation software 3 Laptop 4 a) Projection equipment b) Big screen T.V. c) LCD projector a) Shelves b) Whiteboards 5 6 Continuing ed. supplies Total Amount $100 $400 $2,500 $4,000 $2,000 $3,000 Priority Rank Justification Pedagogy materials from ASA Aids for teaching sociological concepts PowerPoint presentations and integration of the Internet into classroom activities Promotes the use of instructional technology Would enable all students to clearly view the screen in large classrooms Would permit PowerPoint presentations in classrooms not equipped with the necessary technology $100 $700 $500 Certificates, receipts, etc. $1,400 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Brochures To market programs for expansion purposes and to promote continuing education program KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 2002/2003 GOAL Update the Women’s Studies Program Continue development of the Community Studies Program Expand delivery options Expand use of classroom technology Expand and market the department * Enrollment figures were taken from the 4th week census. INDICATORS There were four Women’s Studies classes offered during Fall 2002 and Spring 2003 with a total enrollment of 101 students*. Two others were scheduled but were cancelled for low enrollment. There were 4 Community Studies courses offered with a total enrollment of 247 students. There were two Continuing Education workshops offered with a total of 20 paid participants. Three telecourses (Soc. 1A and Soc. 5) were offered in Spring 2003, with a total of 123 enrolled students. Three online classes (Soc. 1A, Soc. 5 and Soc. 48) were offered during the same period, with a total enrollment of 177. Service Learning options were offered in Soc. 1A and Soc. 35. Three faculty members use computer-based technology in their classrooms. Computer-based technology is used in a total of 10 separate classes. The Get Up and Do Something Club was developed as an extension of a service learning project in a Soc. 2 c lass. Numerous articles related to the Sociology Dept. were published in college and community publications.