Sacramento City College Unit Plan Completed Spring 2002 Department Name: Physical Therapist Assistant Department Spokesperson: Elizabeth Chape Division Dean: Mary Turner Elements of the Unit Plan: Place an X in the boxes of included elements X Accomplishments X Three Year Plan X Action Plan X Budget Request X Budget Narrative XX Key Performance Indicators Accomplishments From Physical Therapist Assistant Department 2001-2002 Action Plan # Linkage to Other Plans Action Item Year-end status and accomplishments ACADEMIC EDUCATION COMPONENT Goal 1: Enhance academic component of the physical therapist assistant program through curricular evaluation and revision. Submit changes for AH 51 Communication Changes wereSsubmitted and approved. 1a course to curriculum committee Fall 2001. Collaborate with other AH departments on SP-B Tutoring effectiveness for the past year was monitored via noting 1b mechanism for evaluating effectiveness of changes in student midterm to final grades. tutoring. Complete program review. SP-A Program review was completed in Spring 2002. 1c 1d 1e 1f 1g 1h 1i Complete biennial report for CAPTE. SP-A Biennial report for CAPTE was completed and submitted in Winter 2002. Not completed yet - carry over to 2002-2003. Develop policy and procedure manual for PTA program. Accred.S P-G Develop adjunct faculty orientation manual. SP-C Review all PTA course outlines in order to assess clarity of information regarding how grades are assigned. Accred. SP-D Assess and review process by which faculty determine that students are competent and safe prior to clinical assignment Explore marketing options for recruitment of students. Accred. SP-A An orientation manual for adjunct faculty specific to the PTA program was developed and implemented in 2001-2002. All course outlines have been reviewed and revised with respect to explanation of grading system. Revised course outlines were submitted to CAPTE and judged to be in compliance with this accreditation criterion. The process was reviewed, and an explanation submitted to CAPTE. The program was judged to be in compliance with this criterion. SP-I Ongoing - needs to be carried over to 2002-2003. # 1j 2a 2b 2c 2d Action Item Linkage to Other Plans Year-end status and accomplishments Request 2nd full time faculty member for PTA Accred. Faculty position was submitted and approved. program as per new CAPTE accreditation SP-C requirement effective January 1, 2002. Goal 2: Enhance academic component of physical therapist assistant program through use of technology. Develop faculty skills in using Blackboard. SP-F In progress. Program coordinator will be attending a workshop in June 2002. Not completed yet - needs to be carried over to 2002-2003. Update program flyer for more attractive presentation. Update web site information. SP-I SP-I Web site information has been updated regularly. The web site design could use improvement. Determine process for initiating an on-line discussion group. SP-A Not completed yet. Program coordinator will be attending a workshop on Blackboard in June 2002. Goal 3: Assure that students have access to ample up-to-date equipment and supplies, comparable to that utilized in the clinical setting. Submit budget request for new electrical SP-H Budget request was submitted. 3a stimulation, traction, and exercise equipment Goal 4: Enhance academic component of the physical therapist assistant program through outcome assessment. 4a Monitor key indicators of student success in regard to students entering under new enrollment criteria: applicant pools, licensing examination scores, employment, degrees granted. SP-B This data has been gathered, and reported in the Program Review process. # Linkage to Other Plans Action Item Revise graduate and employer survey forms. SP-I Year-end status and accomplishments Graduate and employer survey forms were revised. 4b Clinical Education Component Goal 1: Enhance clinical education component of physical therapist assistant program through clear communication and information exchange with clinical facilities. 1a 1b 1c Revise clinical education handbook to include: process for assignment of clinical affiliations, selection of clinical instructors, process for assignment of final grades. Develop proposal for revision of contract with clinical facilities: contract needs clarity as to responsibilities of both agencies, for example the assessment of students in the clinical setting and process of patient selection. Improve presentation of materials provided to clinical facilities such as handbooks, information on disc, student evaluation forms Accred. SP-G Not completed yet - carry over to 2002-2003. Accred. SP-G The contract agreement has been rewritten and use of the new contract has been implemented. SP-I Not completed yet - carry over to 2002-2003. 1d Offer annual education and training opportunities for clinical instructors. Determine funding sources for such activities. Accred. SP-C In progress - carry over to 2002-2003. 3 – Year Plan Physical Therapist Assistant Department Long Range Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Assess and revise language in curricular materials for consistency with new accreditation criteria and the Physical Therapy Guide to Practice. Offer PTA 50 as a distance education option. Enhance use of instructional technology to include development of video segments on DVD. Assess effectiveness of licensing exam preparation strategies that have been added – e.g. access to practice exams in the Mohr Hall computer lab. Put program application form online. Assess student ratings for the courses that include communication and ethics to determine effectiveness of changes. Explore options for increasing contact of PTA students with practicing PTAs. Consider alternative models of program delivery such as off-site options, modular format, block schedule, hybrid courses, and collaboration with other community colleges. Review and update clinical education contracts, information forms, and curriculum vitae of clinical instructors. Consider the need for novel approaches to clinical education, such as faculty practice, alternative models, or paid clinical instructors. Obtain upgraded exercise equipment such as an isokinetic unit. Replace and repair worn lab furniture, as well as equipment. Consider facilities improvement needs for physical therapy laboratory. Monitor key indicators of student success in relation to enrollment criteria as well as tutoring, applicant pools, course completion rates, licensing examination scores, employment, degrees granted. 2003 – 2004 2004 – 2005 X X 2005 2006 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Physical Therapist Assistant Department / Action Plan 2002 – 2003 Goal 1: Academic Education Component - Enhance academic component through program and curricular evaluation and revision. Linkage to # Action Item Year-end status and accomplishments other Plans DTL 1a Submit courses to curriculum committee with revisions 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 1g such as prerequisite validation, text updates, addition of online resources. Request to increase unit value of PTA 54 in accord with faculty and student survey responses. Update program flyer. Enhance program web site: improve photographs, possibly add job postings. Develop policy and procedure manual for PTA program. Continue exploration of marketing options for student recruitment. Continue qualitative and quantitative assessment of student success in relation to appropriateness of enrollment criteria and other factors. DTL DAG DAG DTL DAG; DED DSS Goal 2: Academic Education Component - Enhance teaching and learning via faculty support, and use of technology. Orient new faculty member, or continue faculty search. DTL 2a DTL 2b Submit accreditation progress report regarding faculty 2c hiring process. Add use of Blackboard site to AH 52, PTA 50, and possibly PTA 55. IT # 3a 3b 3c Goal 3: Academic Education Component - Assure that students have access to current supplies and equipment, comparable to that used in the clinical setting. Linkage to Action Item Year-end status and accomplishments other Plans Submit budget request for equipment upgrade and replacment. Submit request for repair of worn lab furniture. Consider facilities improvement needs for physical therapy laboratory. DTL DTL DTL Goal 4: Clinical Education Component - Enhance clinical education component of physical therapist assistant program and utilize clinical education outcome data for program improvement DTL 4a Conduct a needs assessment for designing targeted 4b 4c 4d 4e workshops for clinical instructors, and conduct at least one such workshop in 02/03. Improve presentation of materials provided to clinical facilities such as handbooks, information on disc, student evaluation forms. Conduct qualitative and quantitative assessment of student performance in the clinical setting. Compile comments and ratings from clinical instructors on the Clinical Performance Instrument. Identify trends in student performance and/or instructional needs as evidenced by content analysis of student evaluations by clinical instructors. DTL DSS DSS DSS Physical Therapist Assistant Line # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Description Operating New Instruction Marketing Budget Computers Equipment Furniture Program Supplies Materials Increase Start-up Supplies Travel to Clinical Sites Replace and upgrade electrical modalities Department – Budget Request 2003-2004 Temp Hires $2500. $800. $2500. New exercise equipment Lab furniture cleaning and repair Marketing and recruitment, including travel Upgrade presentation of materials for clinical sites such as handbooks 8 Tutoring 9 Computer for new faculty Totals: Student Hires 6,000. $1000. $2000. $1000. $2500. ? $800. $2500. ? $8,500. $1000. $3000. $2000. Budget Narrative 2003 - 2004 Physical Therapist Assistant Line # Description 1 Supplies 2 Travel to Clinical Sites Replace and upgrade electrical modalities 3 4 7 New exercise equipment Lab furniture cleaning and repair Marketing and recruitment, including travel Upgrade presentation of materials for clinical sites such as handbooks 8 Tutoring 9 Computer for new faculty 5 6 Total Amount Priority Rank Department Justification The department has ongoing instructional supply needs. These range from specific classroom-related instructional materials to small budget laboratory items such as linens. The department utilizes a variety of perishable items in the course of instruction such as electrodes, gels, lotions, and dressing materials. Travel funds are necessary to support department goals in relation to monitoring performance while students are assigned to clinical sites throughout the greater Sacramento and Northern California area. Obsolete and broken equipment items need to be replaced. One broken ultrasound machine was discarded this year and will need to be replaced. An isokinetic unit, which had been donated to the program nine years ago, was discarded due to obsolescence and will need to be replaced. A number of chairs in the PTA laboratory are badly stained. Vinyl covered treatment tables have tears. $2500. 1 $800. 1 $2500. 8 $6000. 9 $1000. 5 $2000. 4 $1000. 7 Student recruitment is a current priority. Improved presentation of materials provided to clinical sites enhances communication, and also serves as a marketing tool in representing the program professionally. $2500. 6 Over the past few years, tutoring has contributed positively to student success. ? 3 The new faculty member will need computer support, and office space. Key Performance Indictors for Physical Therapist Assistant 92% 91% 90% Completion Rates 89% 88% 87% 86% Fall 98 Fall 99 Fall 00 Department 0 Spring 02 Spring 01 Spring 00 Spring 99 25 20 15 10 Number of Graduates 5 40 35 30 25 Applicant Pool 20 15 10 5 0 Fall 00 Fall 01 Fall 02 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Exam Pass Rate - 1st attempt 1999 2000 2001 90% 89% 88% 87% 86% 85% 84% 83% 82% 81% Approx. Employment Rate 2000 2001