American Dream Essay Exemplar

American Dream Essay Exemplar
The American Dream... whether it be freedom, riches, freedom
of religion, family, war free environment, or a good job, everyone has
a reason to live in America. Now all of these dreams don’t just come
with living in America, you have to work for what you want. You have
to make sure we have good leaders. So, vote and vote for what you
are looking for in a leader. You have to pay taxes and bills. You’ll
have to get a good education and keep your record clean. Another
thing you are going to need to do is be a good citizen to your state
and our country. Follow all the laws and don’t do anything you’ll
regret later on in life. Following these guidelines, you’ll most definitely
be able to reach you goal in life. Because everyone’s American
Dream can come true. Freedom of religion, speech, and customs,
better government, a safe place away from war, better jobs and
economy. All of these goals are included with living in America. You
don’t have to worry about being forced into a certain religion, or war,
or human rights. The government and our Founding Fathers had set
up the perfect solution to these problems by creating the First Ten
Amendments. But people already living America might not have the
same Dream/goal. This is because we have been growing up with
these privileges our whole life, and might take some of them for
granted. Some goals that people in America might have are, a house,
a good job, a family, riches. These goals are also achievable. All of
the Dreams include money. And in order to get money you are going
to need some form of education. If you wish to get more money than
the average person, you’re going to need to go to college to qualify
for a better, higher paying job. You also need a good record. If you
have something bad on your record (like theft, irresponsibility, or
being fired for a silly reason) the employer might consider hiring
someone with a better record than you, willing to work for less
money. No matter what your American Dream is, it can be
achievable. But you must put effort into succeeding.
My American Dream is a nice house, and a good paying job to
support my family. This goal is most definitely (like all other Dreams)
achievable. This is my American Dream because this is what I plan
on doing in my future. This is the goal that I need to reach in order to
have (what I think is) a happy life. Like I said before, everyone has to
work to get what they want in life. So, to reach my American Dream I
plan on becoming a veterinarian or an animal trainer. I plan on getting
one of these jobs because I love to work with all kinds of animals. Of
American Dream Essay Exemplar
course to fulfill my Dream I will need to go to college to learn more
specifically about things I will need to do for that job, and how. Once I
go to college and learn all that I need to do, I will have a good job to
support my future family and my house. Some challenges that I might
meet along the way are taxes, a budget, bills, and the difficulty of the
job. To avoid these obstacles I will need to make sure I keep money
off to the side for taxes and bills. To do this I will need to create a
budget for myself. For example, after awhile I will know how much
money I spend each month on bills. So, I will take my pay for a month
and subtract the amount I pay on bills. Afterwards I will have the total
amount of money I have available to spend. Doing this is keeping a
budget. Keeping a budget is important because without one, you
might spend too much money,. Leaving you without money for bills. If
you don’t have enough money for bills you might get your
possessions taken away or you might have to file for bankruptcy. To
overcome these challenges I am willing to work extra to get more
money or stop buying things that I don’t need (like video games,
electronics, expensive designer clothes, and movie tickets.) I am
willing to do this because money is one of the most important things
to have to support your family, and I will need to spend it wisely.
Everyone should be able to fulfil their American Dream because
the government (most of the time) tries their hardest to make more
jobs, lower taxes, make new/better laws, protect the people, stay
away from war, and many other things that help the people of
America be whatever they want to be. But some events before might
have prevented the people living in America to from reaching their
American Dream. One example is 1923-1939, The Great Depression.
A lot of people back then didn’t have a lot of money because of a
Stock Market crash. A lot of banks closed during the Great
Depression because of a low supply of money. But not only did the
banks close, but they closed with all of the citizens’ money in it(the
money was gone), leaving a lot of people with only the money hidden
in their house. This action left tons of many people throughout the
U.S with little money left. Because Since America didn’t have a lot of
money at the time, jobs paid less, everything cost more, and the
taxes where a lot higher. This made life even harder. It was basically
impossible to have anything without making it your self or saving up
for weeks. At the time the people weren’t able to live the American
Dream because the people were living in poverty. Eventually there
American Dream Essay Exemplar
were more job opportunities and the government lowered the prices.
This gave the people a chance to earn more money. They worked
very hard to find another job. And once they got a job, something else
would need to be done. So, another opportunity would open up,. and
another, and another, and another. After a long while, there were lots
tons of jobs and opportunities to get money.
The American Dream… it’s different to you, to me, to people all
over the world. In some cases people might have the same idea for
the “perfect life” but no matter what that person’s goal is, it is their
plan to be successful in the future. Sometimes people have different
goals because of where they live. Like Africa, some Africans might
want a better water supply. Or Iraq, the people of Iraq might want a
country that stays away from the path of war. But if you live in
America you already have all of those advantages compared to 3rd
world countries. So for most people in America, they want to be rich,
or famous, or successful in some way including money. We the
people of America have the advantage of not worrying about
problems like developing countries. But everyone should have an
American Dream because it is something to look forward to in life,
something to try to accomplish instead of just floating through life with
no plan. It is something that you should want for your future,
something that you know is going to be tough to accomplish. But you
try any way. It is important to have an American Dream mostly
because it is something to look forward to. What is your American
Reasons this essay is exemplary:
All the questions in the prewriting are answered.
Clearly defines the American Dream
It is personal and shows evidence of critical thinking.
It is written in the student’s voice.
It contains multiple instances of reasoning above grade level.
A great deal of effort was put into the essay.
There is a minimum amount of spelling/grammar issues.