“What is Word of Mouth Advertising and How can it be Stimulated?”

“What is Word of Mouth
Advertising and How can it
be Stimulated?”
By: Manpreet Brar &
Nicole Chacalias
Word of mouth communication
Positive word of mouth
Factors encouraging word of mouth
Negative word of mouth
Word of mouth strategies
Word of Mouth
The passing of information by verbal
means on an informal person to
person basis.
The transmission of product
information by individuals to
Positive Word of Mouth
Encourages the consumer to adopt a
certain product.
Provides a means for people to cut
through the clutter of the thousands of
messages received a day.
Factors Encouraging Word
of Mouth
Avidly being engaged with a product.
Product knowledge.
Concern for others.
Negative Word of Mouth
Detrimental to products.
Reduce the credibility of a company.
Rumor's can be harmful to a busines.
Word of Mouth Strategies
Virtual Communities
Guerrilla Marketing
– Example
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=im2WLSJ0
Viral Marketing